0 - Global Finding Aids
1 - Incarceration Documents
2 - Registration of Foreigners and German Persecutees by Public Institutions, Social Securities and Companies (1939 - 1947)
2.1 - Implementation of Allied Forces’ Orders on Listing all Foreigners and German Persecutees, and Related Documents
2.2 - Documents on the Registration of Foreigners and the Employment of Forced Laborers, 1939 - 1945
2.2.0 - Forced Labor
2.2.1 - "Generalbauinspektor für die Reichshauptstadt" (GBI)
2.2.2 - Various Public Administrations and Companies (Documents related to individuals) - War Time Card File (Registration cards, employees’ record books, individual correspondence)
Nicht zuordnete Elemente der Kriegszeitkartei
Registration cards of the town of Hersfeld
Registration cards about foreign persons who stayed in the rural district of Arnstadt
Registration cards about foreign persons in the rural district of Unna
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Neulautern
Personnel files of the town of Welzheim
Wage cards of the firm Dr. Gaspary & Co., Markranstädt
Certificates of the community of Dirgenheim
Certificates of the community of Kirchheim am Ries
Certificates of the community of Baldern
Certificates of the community of Trochtelfingen
Certificates of the community of Kerkingen
Registration cards as well as reports of arrivals and departures of the town of Bopfingen
Personnel cards of the Sächsische Zellwolle AG, Plauen
Member and benefit cards of the firm Schichau GmbH, Wesermünde
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Röttingen
Registration cards of the town of Lindau/Bodensee
Registration cards of the town of Knittelfeld
Personnel cards of the Adam Opel AG, Rüsselsheim
Registration cards of the town of Baden-Baden
Registration cards of the town of Landau in der Pfalz
Personnel cards of the Reichswerke AG für Erzbergbau und Eisenhütten "Hermann Göring", Salzgitter
Registration cards of the town of Pinneberg
Index cards of the firm Siemens, Berlin
Wage cards of the Saarbergwerke AG, Saarbrücken
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Witzenhausen
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Melsungen
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Eschwege
Member and benefit cards of the sickness fund of the firm Fröhlich & Wolf, Witzenhausen
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Erbach
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Rotenburg an der Fulda
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Hersfeld
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Duderstadt
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Kassel
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Bad Gandersheim
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Goslar
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Member and benefit cards of the sickness funds of the firms Leitz und Hensoldt, Wetzlar
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Göttingen
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Münden (Hann. Münden)
Wage cards of a firm not indicated
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Wetzlar
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Fulda
Member and benefit cards
of the sickness fund of the
AG Weser, Bremen
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Osterode/Harz
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Limburg
Registration cards of the community of Bayerisch Gmain
Registration cards of the town of Stralsund
Wage cards of the Junkers-Flugzeug- und Motorenwerke AG in Kassel
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Eichenberg
Personnel records of the wooden good factories "Saxonia", Lindner & Reymann, Deutschneudorf
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse
Bad Schwalbach
Registration cards of the community of Brunsbüttel
Registration cards of the community of Mühlenstraßen
Registration cards of the community of Ohlen
Registration cards of the community of Osterbelmhusen
Registration cards of the community of Ostermoor
Registration cards of the community of Westerbelmhusen
Registration records of the town of Weilburg
Personnel cards of the Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks-Aktien-
Gesellschaft, Zeche Nordstern
Personnel cards of the Bergbau-Aktiengesellschaft Ewald-König
Ludwig, Herten in Westfalen
Personnel cards of the Friedrich Krupp AG, Bergwerke Essen, Zeche Emscher-Lippe
Personnel records of the Deutsche Erdöl-Aktiengesellschaft, Zeche Graf Bismarck
Personnel cards of the Gebrüder Stumm GmbH, Zeche Minister Achenbach
Personnel records of the Bergwerksgesellschaft Hibernia AG, Bergwerksdirektion Gladbeck, Zeche Möller
Personnel files of the Bayerische Stickstoff-Werke AG, Werk Piesteritz
Personnel files of the works of the Stadt Halle AG, Halle
Wage cards of the firm E. Richard Dietzsch, Geyer
Personnel files of the Deutsche Reichsbahn, Reichsbahnausbesserungswerk Chemnitz
Wage cards of the Oberlausitzer Baumwollweberei, Zittau
Personnel records of the C. Müller, Gummiwarenfabrik AG, Berlin-Weißensee
Wage cards of the Färberei Römer AG, Löbau
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Oldenburg
Personnel cards of the Klöckner-Bergbau AG Castrop-Rauxel, Zeche Victor Ickern
Personnel cards of the Nähmaschinenwerk Singer, Wittenberge
Personnel cards of the Burger Knäcke GmbH, Burg
Personnel cards of the trade union of the Steinkohlenbergwerk, Zeche Friedrich der Große, Herne
Wage cards of the firm Kurt v. Gruber, Teltow
Personnel cards of the Bergbau AG Lothringen, Abteilung Blankenburg
Wage cards of the Hallesche Salzwerke & Chemische Fabrik Kalbe AG, Calbe/Saale
Wage cards of the Deutsche Maizena Werke AG, Barby/Elbe
Wage cards of various mines of the Ilse Bergbau AG
Personnel cards of the Friedrich Krupp AG, Bergwerke Essen, Schachtanlage Sälzer-Amalie
Personnel cards of the Essener Steinkohlenbergwerke AG, Zeche Katharina und Königin Elisabeth
Wage cards of the Zuckerraffinerie Halle
Wage cards of the Wintershall AG, Kaliwerk Bleicherode
Wage cards of the Wintershall AG, Kaliwerk Roßleben
Personnel cards and accidents' reports of the Wintershall AG, Zweigniederlassung "Glück auf", Sondershausen
Wage cards of the firm Ellinger & Geissler, Dorfhain
Personnel cards of the Essener Steinkohlenbergwerke AG, Zeche ver. Dahlhauser Tiefbau, Bochum-Dahlhausen
Personnel records of the Bergwerksgesellschaft Hibernia AG, Bergwerksdirektion Gladbeck, Zentralkokerei Scholven
Personnel cards of the Preussische Bergwerks- und Hütten-Aktiengesellschaft, Kaliwerk Staßfurt
Personnel cards of the Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks-Aktien-Gesellschaft, Zeche Graf Moltke
Certificates, vacation permit slips and wage records of the Deutsche Reichsbahn, Reichsbahnausbesserungswerk Dresden
Personnel cards of the Hermann-Göring-Werke, Zeche Sachsen
Index cards about foreigners who were employed in the rural district of Neustadt/Westpreußen
Registration cards of the town of Gotenhafen
Personnel cards of the Hansa Bergbau AG, Dortmund, Zeche Westhausen
Personnel cards of the Essener Steinkohlenbergwerke AG, Zeche Dorstfeld
Personnel cards of the Essener Steinkohlenbergwerke AG, Zeche Oespel
Personnel card of the Harpener Bergbau AG, Zeche Siebenplaneten
Personnel records of the Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks-Aktien-Gesellschaft, Gruppe Dortmund, Zeche Minister Stein/Fürst Hardenberg
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Braunschweig
Personnel card of the Kali Südharz AG, Kaliwerk Sollstedt
Personnel records of the Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks-Aktien-Gesellschaft, Gruppe Dortmund, Zeche Zollern
Personnel records of the Hansa Bergbau AG Gruppe Dortmund, Zeche Adolf von Hansemann
Personnel records of the Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks-Aktien-Gesellschaft, Gruppe Dortmund, Zechen Holland, Alma und Rheinelbe
Personnel cards of the Essener Steinkohlenbergwerke, Zeche Mathias Stinnes
Employees' cards of the Kali Südharz AG, Kaliwerk Volkenroda
Personnel records of the Bergwerksgesellschaft Hibernia AG, Bergwerksdirektion Gladbeck, Zeche Shamrock
Personnel records of the Bergwerksgesellschaft Hibernia AG, Bergwerksdirektion Gladbeck, Zeche Rheinbaben
Wage cards of the firm Gebrüder C. & F. Schlothauer, Ruhla
Wage cards of the firm Alfred Schwarz, Eisenach
Personnel cards of the Dortmunder Hoesch AG, Zeche Emil mit den Zechen Emil-Fritz, Emil Emscher, Anna und Neuessen
Personnel files of the Allgemeine Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft, Fabriken Hennigsdorf
Personnel file of the Borsig-Lokomotiv-Werke GmbH, Hennigsdorf
Wage cards of the Uhrenwerke Ruhla GmbH, Ruhla
Personnel records of the trade union ver. Constantin der Große, Zeche Mont-Cenis
Personnel cards of the Friedrich Krupp AG, Bergwerke Essen, Zeche Hannibal
Personnel cards of the Deutsche Erdöl-Aktiengesellschaft, Zeche Königsgrube
Personnel records of the Friedrich Krupp AG, Bergwerke Essen, Zeche Hannover
Personnel cards of the Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks-Aktien-Gesellschaft, Zeche ver. Bonifacius
Personnel records of the Bergwerksgesellschaft Hibernia AG, Bergwerksdirektion Gladbeck, Zeche Zweckel
Personnel cards of the Friedrich Krupp AG, Bergwerke Essen, Zeche Helene
Personnel records of the Hibernia AG, Herne, Zeche Waltrop
Personnel cards of the Flugmotoren-Werke, Salzgitter
Personnel records of the Gebrüder Stumm GmbH, Zeche Wolfsbank Chr. Levin
Personnel cards of the Klöckner-Bergbau AG, Castrop-Rauxel, Zeche Königsborn
Personnel records of the Gebrüder Bühler GmbH, Mühlenbauanstalt & Maschinenfabrik, Freital
Personnel cards of the Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks-Aktien-Gesellschaft, Zeche Zollverein
Wage cards of the Glasfabrik AG, Brockwitz, works Coswig
Personnel cards of the Glasfabrik AG, Brockwitz, works Freital
Personnel cards of the Harpener Bergbau AG, Dortmund, Zeche Robert Müser
Personnel cards of the Harpener Bergbau AG, Dortmund, Zeche Scharnhorst
Personnel cards of the Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks-Aktien-Gesellschaft, Zeche Thyssen 2/5
Personnel cards of the Bergwerksgesellschaft Diergardt-Mevissen, Zeche Mevissen
Personnel cards of various works of the firm August Winkhaus
Personnel records of the Zechen Fröhliche Morgensonne, Centrum, Westende, Beeckerwerth und Thyssen 4/8
Personnel cards of the Steinkohlenbergwerke Rheinpreussen, Pattbergschächte, Zeche Homberg I/II
Personnel records of the Gutehoffnungshütte Oberhausen, Zechen Sterkrade, Osterfeld und Jacobi
Personnel records of the Bergwerksgesellschaft Hibernia AG, Bergwerksdirektion Gladbeck, Zeche Alstaden
Personnel records of the Rheinische Stahlwerke, Zeche Brassert
Reports of accidents of the Steine und Erden GmbH der Reichswerke "Hermann-Göring", Kalkwerk Winterberg, Bad Grund
Registration and deregistration with the company health insurance fund and correspondence about foreigners of the Hermann-Göring-Werke
Personnel cards of the Steine und Erden GmbH der Reichswerke "Hermann-Göring", Kalkwerk Winterberg, Bad Grund
Personnel cards of the Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks-Aktien-Gesellschaft, Zeche Pluto
Personnel cards of various mines of the Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks-Aktien-Gesellschaft, Gruppe Bochum
Personnel records of the Bergwerksgesellschaft Hibernia AG, Bergwerksdirektion Gladbeck, Zeche Wilhelmine Victoria
Personnel and medical cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Schleswig
Permanent payment slips of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Neumünster
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Flensburg
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Plön
Member and benefit cards of the sickness fund of the firm
Anthon & Söhne, Flensburg
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Herzogtum Lauenburg
Registration cards of the community of Kißlegg
Registration cards of the community of Freienhufen
Registration cards, residence reports and work books of the town of Wurzach
Index cards of the town of Ahlen
Registration cards of the community of Viernheim
Registration cards of the town of Köflach
Registration cards of the town of Mainz-Gustavsburg
Registration cards of the town of Aalen
Registration cards of the community of Schlüßlberg
Registration cards of the community of Weißkirchen
Registration cards of the community of Eberstallzell
Registration cards of the community of Urbach
Registration cards of the community of Wartberg ob der Aist
Registration cards of the town of Steyregg
Registration cards of Markt Sankt Paul
Registration cards of the community of Ettal
Index cards of the community of Großolbersdorf
Registration cards of the community of Welper
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Gifhorn
Registration cards of the community of Buchholz
Registration card of the community of Holthausen
Report of arrival and departure of the community of Winz
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Meldorf
Index cards of the town of Heidelberg
Wage accounts of the Käsewerk Sangerhausen GmbH, Sangerhausen
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Schalchen
Registration cards of Markt Schwarzau im Gebirge
Wage cards of the Temmler-Werke, Vereinigte Chemische Fabriken, Berlin
Personnel records of the Chemische Fabrik Grünau AG, Berlin-Grünau
Registration and permit cards of the town of Wolfhagen
Personnel cards of the Zeche Hirschberg, Großalmerode
Personnel cards of the firm Bender & Wirth, Kierspe
Personnel files and work books of the Wintershall AG, works Lützkendorf, Krumpa
Registration cards of the community of Großwaltersdorf
Wage cards of the Sächsische Quarzporphyr-Werke, works Lüptitz
Wage cards of the Sächsische Quarzporphyr-Werke, works Heyda
Wage cards of the Sächsische Quarzporphyr-Werke, works Trebsen
Correspondence of the Preußische Bergwerks- und Hütten-AG, saltworks Bad Dürrenberg
Personnel files of the Deutsche Reichsbahn, Bahnausbesserungswerk Bebra
Registration cards of the town of Mücheln
Member card of the internal health insurance fund of the firm Semperit, Wimpassing
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Bad Segeberg
Notifications of stay as well as reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Domersleben
Personnel cards (Followership Master Cards) of the Grube Theodor, Holzweissig
Personnel cards of the Grube Gustav Pistor, Roitzsch
Personnel cards of the Zschornewitzer Kleinbahn GmbH
Personnel cards of the Grube Leopold, Holzweissig
Personnel cards of the Elektrowerke Aktiengesellschaft Grube Golpa
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Ruhpolding
Registration cards of the town of Tittmoning
Registration cards of various communities in the rural district of Segeberg
Registration records of the town of Gernrode
Personnel cards of various mines in Sandersdorf
Registration records of the community of Oberstedten
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Pinneberg
Personnel records of the Deutsche Gruben AG, Grubenverwaltung Ammendorf
Notifications of stay and registration cards of the town of Butzbach
Personnel records of the Anhaltische Kohlenwerke AG, Grube Elise II in Mücheln
Personnel cards of the Deutsche Erdöl AG, Zweigniederlassung Borna, Grube Beuna
Personnel records of the Anhaltische Kohlenwerke AG, Grube Elisabeth in Mücheln
Personnel cards of the Braunkohlenwerke Salzdetfurth AG, works Pfännerhall, Braunsdorf
Work books, work cards as well as reports of arrivals and departures about foreigners who stayed in Tussenhausen
Certificate of the community of Gundelsdorf
Personnel records of the Gewerkschaft Gute Hoffnung, Braunkohlengrube und Brikettfabrik, Roßbach
Personnel cards of the Anhaltische Kohlenwerke AG, Grube Cecilie in Krumpa
Personnel records of the Gewerkschaft Leonhardt, Braunkohlengrube und Brikettfabrik, Neumark
Personnel records of the Gewerkschaft Michel-Vesta, Braunkohlengrube und Brikettfabrik, Großkayna
Registration sheets of the community of Unterhaching
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Walsrode
Registration cards of the community of Petersaurach
Personnel cards of various mines of the Mitteldeutsche Braunkohlenwerke AG
Registration cards of the community of Taufkirchen
Correspondence and work cards of the town of Quedlinburg
Registration cards of the community of Wilhermsdorf
Registration records of the community of Budenheim
Personnel cards of the Chemische Werke Albert, Wiesbaden-Amöneburg
Index cards of the Kalle & Co. AG, Wiesbaden-Biebrich
Registration cards of the community of Göhl
Personnel cards of various works of the A. Riebecksche Montanwerke AG
Registration cards of the community of Kandern
Registration cards of the community of Hennstedt
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Salzgitter
Registration records of the community of Olsbrücken
Registration records of the community of Untersulzbach
Registration cards of the community of Otterbach
Registration cards of the town of Frankenthal/Pfalz
Personnel cards of the Braunkohlenwerke Borna AG, Borna
Index cards of the firm A. Sievers & Co., Vienenburg
Personnel cards of the Braunkohlenwerk, works Kraft I, Thräna
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Peine
Personnel cards of various mines of the Deutsche Erdöl AG, Zweigniederlassung Borna
Registration cards of the community of Königsfeld im Schwarzwald
Index cards of the town of Reutlingen
Registration cards of the community of Hausham
Registration cards of Markt Kraiburg am Inn
Registration cards of the community of Gmund am Tegernsee
Registration cards of the community of Dürnbach
Personnel cards of the Wintershall AG, works Heringen II
Registration cards of the community of Fischbachau
Registration cards of the community of Valley
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Übersee
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Apfeldorf
Registration cards of the community of Haar
Grave cards about foreigners who were buried in the rural district of Nordhausen
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Söchtenau
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Schnaitsee
Correspondence about foreigners who passed away in the rural district of
Registration cards of the town of Volkmarsen
Registration records of the community of Lippelsdorf
Correspondence of the town of Oberweißbach
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Lüchow-Dannenberg
Report on a grave and registration records of the community of Külte
Registration sheets of Markt Perlesreut
Notifications of Landrat Rudolstadt to the community of Unterweißbach
Reports of arrivals and departures as well as personnel sheets about foreigners who were employed with various employers in the community of Wallendorf
Registration cards of the community of Tiefenort
Registration cards of the community of Heinebach
Registration cards of the community of Hohenbrunn
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Stolzenau
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Lüneburg
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Soltau
Registration cards of the town of Drebkau
Work books of various employment offices
Personnel records about foreigners who were employed in the town of Teltow
Correspondence of the community of Hornhausen
Personnel questionnaires about foreigners who were employed in the community of Kleinalsleben
Correspondence of the community of Hötensleben
Correspondence of the community of Hamersleben
Correspondence of the community of Völpke
Reports of arrivals and departures as well as correspondence of the community of Crottorf
Correspondence of the community of Sommersdorf
Registration cards about foreigners who were registered in the rural district of Oschersleben
Personnel cards of the Sächsische Textilmaschinenfabrik AG, previously Rich. Hartmann, Chemnitz
Wage cards of the firm Schmiedag AG, works Werdohl
Wage cards of the firm Schmiedag AG, works Hagen-Haspe
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Emden
Wage cards of the Bochumer Eisenhütte Heintzmann & Co., Bochum
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Wittlage
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Osnabrück-Land
Work card as well as notifications of stay of the community of Engolling
Index cards of the town of Auerbach in der Oberpfalz
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Teisnach
Notifications of stay of the community of Niederaichbach
Registration cards of the community of Kirchweidach
Personnel cards of the Burgsmüller & Söhne GmbH, Kreiensen
Medical and personnel cards of the Wintershall AG, Kaiserroda
Personnel cards of the Burbach-Kaliwerke AG, works Niedersachsen, Wathlingen
Reports of admission to and leave from the Knappschaftliche Geschäftsstelle der Burbach-Kaliwerke AG, works Niedersach...
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Oberaichbach
Registration cards of the community of Oberau
Reports of departures of the community of Rieblingen
Registration cards of the community of Harmuthsachsen
Registration records of the community of Prettelshofen
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Prettelshofen
Personnel cards and labour identity cards of the firm B. Sprengel & Co., Hannover
Medical papers of various hospitals in Hummelshain
Work cards of employment office Hersfeld
Wage cards of the Glasfabrik Oelze
Personnel records of the Telefunken Gesellschaft für drahtlose Telegraphie mbH, Neuhaus am Rennweg
Notification of the hospital in Kahla
Index cards of the hospital in Hummelshain
Notifications of the hospital in Hummelshain
Registration cards of the town of Krumbach/Schwaben
Medical papers of various hospitals in Hummelshain
Correspondence of the community of Bad Dürrheim
Registration cards of the community of Gammertingen
Discharge certification slips of the hospital in Hummelshain
Registration cards of the community of Pfarrkirchen near Bad Hall
Notifications of stay and communications of the town of Sangerhausen
Registration cards of the community of Poggersdorf
Reports of arrivals and departures of the town of Langensalza
Personnel cards of the firm AMAG Hilpert, Nürnberg, works Pegnitz
Reports of arrivals and departures as well as permit slips of the community of Roßla
Personnel records of various works of the Mansfeldsche Kupferschieferbergbau AG, Eisleben
Personnel records of the Städtische Bauhöfe, Wien
Wage cards of various mines of the Anhaltische Kohlenwerke AG
Work books and cards of employment office Jauer, branch Bolkenhain
Work books about foreigners who were employed with the Maschinenbau und Metalltuchfabrik AG, previously Gottl. Heerbrandt, Raguhn
Notifications of stay and correspondence of the community of Ufhoven
Personnel cards of the Ilse Bergbau AG, Grube Heye III
Registration cards of the community of Rot an der Rot
Personnel records of the community of Metten
Registration cards of the town of Isny
Photographs showing foreigners who were employed in the community of Finowfurt
Accidents' reports of the Ilse Bergbau AG, Grube Erika
Applications for admission to the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Wittenburg
Registration records of the town of Boizenburg
Personnel records of the Elektrowerke AG, Lautawerk, Lauta
Notifications of the Landrat of district Sangerhausen to the community of Sundhausen
Report on an accident of the Zuckerfabrik Gatersleben GmbH, Gatersleben
Correspondence of the community of Gatersleben
Registration records of the community of Kogel
Wage and personnel cards of the Glasfabrik H. Heye, Annahütte
Registration records of the town of Wittenburg
Registration cards of the town of Haßfurt
Registration records of various communities in the rural district of Hagenow
Registration records of the community of Groß Krams
Registration records of the community of Viez
Correspondence of the town of Suhl
Registration records of the community of Kuhstorf
Registration records of the community of Kützin
Work cards of employment office Schwerin
Registration records of the community of Crawinkel
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Rehestädt
Registration records of various communities in the rural district of Arnstadt
Personnel records of employment office Suhl
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Dorfbeuern
Registration records of the town of Stadtilm
Registration records of the community of Kraak
Receipt cards of the town of Suhl
Work cards about foreigners who were employed in Kraak
Registration cards of the community of Großhansdorf
Wage cards of the Neptunwerft Rostock GmbH, Rostock
Registration records of the community of Ichtershausen
Notification of the town of Gehren
Correspondence of the Landrat of the district of Arnstadt
Reports of arrivals and departures of the town of Plaue
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Gossel
Personnel cards pertaining to foreigners who were employed in the rural district of Arnstadt
Wage tax cards of the community of Ichtershausen
Registration records of the community of Hormersdorf
Personnel file of the town of Thalheim
Main registration sheet of the community of Jahnsdorf
Reports of arrivals and departures of the town of Thalheim
Travel permit of the Allgemeine Electricitäts-Gesellschaft, Technisch-Physikalische Werkstätten, Zweigstelle Jahnsdorf
Registration records of the community of Jahnsdorf
Registration records of the town of Oelsnitz im Erzgebirge
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Mitteldorf
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Oberdorf
Wage and receipt cards of the Netzschkauer Maschinenfabrik
Franz Stark & Söhne, Netzschkau
Wage cards of the Zellstoff-Fabrik Kübler & Niethammer, Gröditz
Notification of residence of the community of Unterbreizbach
Notifications of the employment office of the land in Erfurt
Personnel records of the Fahrzeugfabrik Paul Mittag Nachf., Wilsdruff
Registration records of the community of Merkers
Correspondence of the community of Merkers
Certifications of Landratsamt Eisenach
Correspondence of the community of Frauensee
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Stade
Personnel records of the Wintershall AG, Werk "Heiligenroda", Dorndorf
Wage cards of the Leipzig Leichtmetall-Werk, Rackwitz
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Bremervörde
Reports of arrivals and departures of the town of Haldensleben
Registration cards of the town of Pfungstadt
Personnel records about foreigners who were employed with various firms in Haldensleben
Registration records of the town of Penig
Receipt cards of the disability insurance of Steingutfabrik Colditz AG, Colditz
Personnel records of the AGO (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Otto)-Flugzeugwerke GmbH, Oschersleben
Certificates of the town of Haldensleben
Correspondence of the community of Beendorf
Correspondence of the town of Haldensleben
Notification of Landrat Haldensleben to the community of Ackendorf
Correspondence and certificates of the community of Bartensleben
Correspondence and various documents of the Merseburg Municipal Hospital
Personnel sheets about foreigners who were employed in the community of Zobbenitz
Personnel records of the Maschinenbau- und Metalltuchfabrik, previously Gottl. Heerbrandt, Raguhn
Correspondence of the town of Arneburg
Wage cards of the firm Willersinn, Ludwigshafen
Registration sheets of the community of Uengershausen
Registration cards of Kloster Oberzell, Zell
Registration records of the community of Albertshausen
Labour cards of employment office Stendal
Correspondence of the community of Reichenberg
Reports of arrivals and departures of Markt Fuchsstadt
Personnel records of the Elite-Diamantwerke AG, Siegmar-Schönau
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Momart
Registration cards of the town of Westerland
Correspondence of the community of König
Registration cards of the town of Melsungen
Registration records of the town of Arneburg
Holiday permits of the Arneburg Konservenfabrik Möllenbeck & Co., Arneburg
Wage cards of the firm Ernst Saupe, Limbach
Registration cards of the community of Philippsburg
Wage cards of the Seidenfabrik Crottendorf
Registration cards of the community of Kappelrodeck
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Zell
Registrations and deregistrations and transport passes of the community Neckarwestheim
Registration records of the community of Neckarwestheim
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Jesberg
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Friedrichsdorf
Registration records of the community of Rockenau
Notifications of residence and other individual documents from the town of Peitz
Registration records of the town of Waldsee
Personnel cards of the firm F. Bernhardt, Leisnig
Registration cards of the community of Kolbingen
Wage cards of the Spinnstoffwerke Glauchau AG, Glauchau
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Kreßbronn am Bodensee
Registration records of the community of Baiersbronn
Correspondence of the town of Drebkau
Notifications of stay of the town of Drebkau
Work cards of employment office Burgstädt
Registration cards of the community of Kreßbronn am Bodensee
Questionnaires of the community of Syhra
Correspondence of the town of Frohburg
Personnel records of the firm H. Schomburg & Söhne, Zweigniederlassung der Porzellanfabrik Kahla, Margarethenhütte
Registration cards of the community of Benndorf
Registration cards of the community of Breitenborn
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Oberwolfach
Company questionnaires of the community of Flößberg
Personnel cards of the community of Wüstenhain
Reports of arrivals and departures of the town of Nagold
Registration records of the community of Leuba
Index cards of the community of Gnandstein
Registration records of the town of Sobernheim
Questionnaires of the community of Greifenhain
Medical records of Kreiskrankenhaus Nagold
Correspondence of the community of Jahnshain
Registration cards of the community of Meckenheim
Registration cards and correspondence of the town of Deidesheim
Registration records of the town of Waldsee
Registration cards of the community of Ruppertsberg
Personnel and work cards of the GW-Zündholzfabriken GmbH, works Riesa
Personnel records of the Sachsenerz Bergwerksgesellschaft mbH, Ehrenfriedersdorf
Wage and personnel cards of the Sächsische Filztuchfabrik GmbH, Rodewisch
Wage cards of the Braunschweigische AG für Jute- und Flachs-Industrie, works Meißen
Registration cards of the town of Saalfeld
Correspondence of the Eisenwerksgesellschaft Maximilianshütte, Unterwellenborn
Correspondence of the community of Unterwellenborn-Röblitz
Labour cards of employment office Saalfeld
Personnel records of the Thüringische Staats-Schieferbrüche, Lehesten/Thüringer Wald
Personnel sheets of employment office Halle
Personnel records of the OMZ (Vereinigte Ost- und Mitteldeutsche Zement AG), Werk Unterwellenborn
Reports of admittance to and leave from the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Saalfeld
Registration cards of the community of Westerheim
Personnel records of the municipal hospital in Saalfeld
Registration cards of the town of Mengen
Personnel records of the municipal cemetery authority in Saalfeld
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Ertingen
Wage cards of the Energie- und Verkehrs-AG Westsachsen, Zwickau
Registration and personnel cards of the community of Bernhausen
Registration records of the town of Saalfeld
Registration records and correspondence of various communities in the rural district of Auerbach
Certification of the municipal hospital in Saalfeld
Registration records of the community of Rothenkirchen
Assignment cards of employment office Bernhausen
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Eschenbach
Correspondence of the community of Kleingeschwenda near Arnsgereuth
Personnel records of the Braunschweiger Hüttenwerk GmbH, Braunschweig
Wage cards of the Thüringische Schiefergruben GmbH, Unterloquitz
Registration cards of the community of Obergrenzebach
Registration cards of the community of Linsingen
Correspondence of the A. Riebecksche Montanwerke AG, works Concordia, Nachterstedt
Personnel cards of the Hermsdorf-Schomburg-Isolatoren-Gesellschaft, Hermsdorf
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Zimmersrode
Registration records of the community of Bärenwalde
Registration records of the community of Crossen an der Mulde
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Heuberg
Reports of arrivals and departures of the town of Kirchhain
Personnel records of the firm C.F. Leonhardt, Crossen an der Mulde
Personnel records of the Deutsche Solvay-Werke AG, Zweigniederlassung Braunkohlengrube Georg, Königsaue
Registration records of the town of Bad Tennstedt
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Belsenberg
Index cards of the community of Haussömmern
Registration records of the community of Morsbach
Reports of arrivals and departures about foreigners who were employed with the Gewerkschaft Wolf, Calbe/Saale
Registration records of the community of Großenbehringen
Registration records of the community of Nitzenhausen
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Cunersdorf
Registration records of the community of Metebach-Neufrankenroda
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Steinbach
Registration records of the community of Hartmannsdorf near Kirchberg
Registration records of the community of Friedrichsgrün
Registration records of the town of Blankenburg/Harz
Registration records of the community of Büttstedt
Registration cards of the town of Hessisch Lichtenau
Registration records of the community of Ebersbrunn
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Issing
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Mundraching
Reports of arrivals of the community of Culitzsch
Registration records of the community of Langenbach
Registration records of the community of Mosel
Individual records about foreigners who were registered respectively employed on the former territory of the "Reich"
Notification pertaining to a foreigner who was employed in Ortmannsdorf
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Kirchworbis
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Heudeber
Registration records of the community of Oberrothenbach
Wage cards of the firm Carl Werner, Reichenbach
Labour cards pertaining to foreigners who were employed in Oelsnitz im Erzgebirge
Wage cards of the Fahrzeugbau Schumann GmbH, Werdau
Correspondence of the community of Auerbach/Erzgebirge
Wage cards of the firm Max Kohl, Chemnitz
Registration cards of the community of Herrsching
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Issing
Wage cards of the Horch-Werke, Zwickau
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Mundraching
Report of departure of the community of Pflugdorf
Registration cards of the town of Enger
Registration records of various communities in the rural district of Rochlitz
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Naundorf near Roßwein
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Moosheim
Registration cards of the community of Stein
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Etzdorf
Confirmation of departure of the community of Röhrsdorf
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Niederelsdorf
Confirmation of departure of the community of Altzeschdorf
Wage cards of the Sidol-Werke Siegel & Co., Wittenberg
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Göhren
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Aitzendorf
Reports of arrivals of the community of Arnsdorf
Registration records of the community of Arnsdorf
Wage cards of the firm Bauch, Roßwein
Registration records of the town of Lunzenau
Index cards of the community of Pappendorf
Registration cards of the community of Lippersdorf
Registration records of the community of Pappendorf
Wage cards of the Berggießhübeler Werkzeugmaschinenfabrik, Berggießhübel
Wage and receipt cards of the Metallguß GmbH, Leipzig
Registration records of the community of Ottendorf
Certification of the Landrat of the district of Flöha
Correspondence of the community of Crossen
Registration records of the community of Eythra
Correspondence of the community of Göritzhain
Registration records of the community of Dittersdorf
Registration records of the community of Leukersdorf
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Ottendorf
Correspondence and personnel sheets of the community of Gornsdorf
Personnel records of the firm Heinrich Fickler, Hainsberg
Registration records of the community of Oberelsdorf
Wage cards of the firm F.H. Schmidt, Torgau
Reports of departures of the community of Ehrenberg
Report pertaining to an accident suffered by a foreigner who was employed in Kaltofen
Individual records pertaining to foreigners who were registered respectively employed on the former territory of the Reich
Registration records and correspondence of the town of Frankenberg/Sachsen
Index cards of employment office Döbeln
Personnel records of various works of the Siemens-Schuckertwerke AG
Registration records of the community of Oertelsdorf
Registration cards pertaining to foreigners who were registered in the rural district of Angermünde
Index cards of various employment offices
Personnel records of the Studiengesellschaft für Faserstoffe GmbH, Mühlanger
Main registration sheets of the community of Höckendorf near Waldheim
Notification addressed to the community of Erlebach
Wage and personnel cards of the firm WASAG (Westfälisch-Anhaltische Sprengstoff AG), Coswig
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Gersdorf
Personnel records of the firm Herdejürgen & Harmsen, Nordenham
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Kaltofen
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Riechberg
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Schlegel
Registration records of the community of Hülseburg
Personnel cards of various works of the Gummiwerke "Elbe" AG
Registration cards of the town of Dessau
Index cards of various communities in the rural district of Hagenow
Registration cards of various communities in the rural district of Schönberg
Registration cards of the community of Eggebek
Correspondence of the community of Ailingen
Wage cards of the Geraer Filztuchfabrik Lechla & Mehlhorn, Gera
Registration records of the town of Aken/Elbe
Wage cards of the Papierfabrik Porschendorf
Personnel cards of the firm H. Schomburg & Söhne, Zweigniederlassung der Porzellanfabrik Kahla, Margarethenhütte
Wage and receipt cards of the Landwirtschaftliche Zentralgenossenschaft GmbH, Dresden, Zweigstelle Liebertwolkwitz
Main registration sheets of various firms in the rural district of Schwarzenberg/Erzgebirge
Wage cards of the firm Helios Wirkmaschinenzubehör Zwingenberger & Co., Hohenstein-Ernstthal
Wage cards of the firm Dr. G.H. Schulze, Biere
Accidents' reports and wage cards of the firm F.H. Schmidt, Torgau
Wage cards of the Pappenfabrik Lodenau
Wage cards of the Pappenfabrik Ziegenrück
Wage cards of the paper factory Großenhain Primavesi & Co., Großenhain
Notifications of residence of various communities in the rural district of Schwarzenberg/Erzgebirge
Registration records of the community of Bermsgrün
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Roggendorf
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Rögnitz
Wage cards of the paper factory in Dreiwerden
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Klein Salitz
Reports of arrivals and departures of village and Hof Drieberg
Correspondence of the community of Beierfeld
Wage cards of the cotton mill in Zwickau
Wage cards of the "LEO-Konfektion" GmbH, Lößnitz
Wage cards of the firm C.H. Schmieder, Coswig
Wage cards and reports pertaining to accidents of the firm H.E. Seifert, Neuhausen/Erzgebirge
Correspondence of the community of Markersbach
Wage cards of the Zelta Ponel GmbH, Wilthen
Wage cards of Staatsgut Pommritz
Wage cards of the Schumann-Werke GmbH, Werdau
Registration records of the town of Elsterberg
Correspondence of the town of Auma
Correspondence of the town of Aue
Correspondence of various firms in Elsterberg
wage cards on foreigners who were employed in Greifswald
Wage cards of various works of the Vereinigte Glanzstoff-Fabriken AG
Personnel cards of the firm August Wellner Söhne, Aue
Certification slip pertaining to the release of a foreigner who was employed in Magdeborn
Registration records of the community of Liebertwolkwitz
Registration records of the community of Lützschena
Wage cards of the Siemens-Schuckertwerke AG, Schaltwerk II, Oppach
Registration records of the community of Hartmannsdorf
Notifications of residence of the community of Großdeuben
Wage cards of the firm Heymer, Pilz Söhne, Meuselwitz
Labour cards of employment office Leipzig
Index cards of the community of Kleindalzig
Wage cards of the firm E. Mühle & Söhne, Löbau
Correspondence of the town of Elsterberg
Wage card of Manometerwerk Oberlungwitz
Wage cards of a firm not indicated in Neugersdorf
Wage cards of the firm Curt Plütsch, Rositz
Wage cards of the Kupferring GmbH, Annaberg
Wage cards of the firm Otto Ullrich, Werdau
Notification of residence of the community of Frankenheim
Registration records of the community of Wiederitzsch
Registration records of the town of Zarrentin
Certifications of the firm Rudolph Herrmann, Mölkau
Registration records of the community of Holzhausen
Wage cards of the dairy in Siegmar-Schönau
Reports of departures of the community of Stralendorf
Registration records of the community of Güldengossa
Personnel cards of the Vereinigte Harzer Portlandzement- und Kalkindustrie AG, Wernigerode
Registration cards pertaining to foreigners who were registered in the rural district of Soest
Correspondence of the community of Greven
Correspondence of the community of Magdeborn
Registration cards pertaining to foreigners who were registered in the rural district of Süd Tondern
Registration records of the community of Miltitz
Index cards of the Kriegssachschädenamt in Taucha
Registration records of the community of Greven
Registration records of the community of Panitzsch
Identity card pertaining to a foreigner
Registration cards of the community of Hohenheida
Notifications of various firms in Eythra
Registration cards of the community of Cröbern
Wage cards of the Hermann Biederlack GmbH & Co., Greven
Receipt cards of the Mako Maschinen Co. GmbH, Rudisleben
Correspondence of the community of Seehausen
Registration records of the community of Eythra
Personnel sheets of employment office Erfurt pertaining to foreigners who were employed in Erfurt
Registration records of the community of Seehausen
Travel and holidays permits of the community of Podelwitz
Correspondence of the Eduard Lingel Schuhfabrik AG, Erfurt
Wage cards of the firm H.F. & Ph.F. Reemtsma, Werk Hannover
Personnel records of the town of Taucha
Report of an arrival of the town of Schwerin
Wage cards of the Telefunken Gesellschaft für drahtlose Telegraphie mbH, Erfurt
Labour cards of employment office Borna
Worker acceptance cards of Rheinmetall-Borsig AG, Sömmerda plant
Personnel cards of the C. & F. Schlothauer GmbH, Ruhla
Correspondence of the community of Erla
Labour cards of employment office Aue
Registration records of the community of Wenings
Wage cards of a firm not indicated in Hildburghausen
Index cards of the Gothaer Waggonfabrik AG, Gotha
Wage cards of the firm Fritz Braun, Tambach-Dietharz
Receipt cards of the firm HASAG (Hugo Schneider AG), Werk Oberweißbach
Index cards of the firm Borgward, Bremen
Wage cards of the firm H. Gast, Mühlhausen
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Meppen
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Elstertrebnitz
Wage cards of the firm Engelbert Laufer, Mühlhausen
Wage cards of a firm not indicated in Schlotheim
Main registration sheets of various communities in the rural district of Borna
Wage cards of the Rositz Zucker-Raffinerie, Rositz
Personnel cards of the Nordhäuser Tabakfabriken AG, Nordhausen
Personnel records of the metal goods factory Adolf Irmer, Neunkirchen/Siegen
Registration cards of the community of Grömitz
Personnel records of the vehicle factory Paul Mittag, Nachf., Wilsdruff
Notification of employment office Wismar
Correspondence of the town of Grevesmühlen
Personnel records of the "Kronprinz" AG für Metallindustrie, Solingen-Ohligs
Index cards of employment office Schwerin
Correspondence of the Mecklenburgische Forstamt Buchholz
Wage cards of the Gustloff-Werke, Suhl
Personnel records of the community of Greven
Wage cards and correspondence of the firm Otto Günther, Greiz
Registration cards of the community of Kalübbe
Wage cards of the firm Heinrich Wiegand, Philippsthal
Registration cards of the town of Kirchhain
Index cards pertaining to foreigners who were staying in various districts in Mecklenburg
Income tax cards of the company Matth. Wilh. Weber, Steinbach-Hallenberg
Registration records of the town of Helmbrechts
Registration cards of the community of Sparneck
Registration cards of the town of Berneck im Fichtelgebirge
Personnel records of the H.D. Eichelberg & Co. GmbH, Menden
Receipt and personnel cards of the IG Farbenindustrie AG, Werk Premnitz
Registration records of the community of Heinsheim
Reports of departures of the community of Pullenreuth
Registration cards of Markt Waldershof
Registration records pertaining to foreigners who were staying in the rural district of Jerichow I
Registration cards of the community of Neckarzimmern
Registration cards of the town of Rothenburg ob der Tauber
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Adorf
Notifications of residence of the community of Oberherwigsdorf
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Flechtdorf
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Stormbruch
Personnel files of the Deutsche Reichsbahn, Reichsbahnausbesserungswerk Berlin-Schöneweide
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Schweinsbühl
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Rhenegge
Individual records pertaining to foreigners who were staying in the rural district of Löbau
Registration cards of the town of Dillenburg
Wage cards of the Götz & Hergert GmbH, Gera-Zwötzen
Wage cards of the Kolbenringfabrik "Komet", Gebrüder Knoche, Gera
Reports pertaining to accidents of the firm Reum & Börner-Sachs, Barchfeld
Wage cards of the Norddeutsche Woll- und Kammgarn-Industrie AG, Mühlhausen/Thüringen
Notification of the community of Herwigsdorf
Correspondence of the community of Cunewalde
Notifications of residence of the community of Friedersdorf
Permit slips of the Schwaco-Möbelwerk, Herford
Labour card of employment office Korbach
Index cards of forest district Bernsfeld
Index cards of forest district Homberg/Ohm
Index cards of forest district Schadenbach
Personnel records of the Deutsche Reichsbahn, Bahnhof Thorn
Personnel records of the glassworks in Oelze
Wage cards of a firm not indicated in Themar
Reports pertaining to accidents of the Eisenwerk-Gesellschaft Maximilianshütte mbH, Grube Schmiedefeld
Registration records of the community of Obrigheim
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Sohland an der Spree
Wage cards of the Thüringische Maschinen- und Fahrrad-Fabrik, Walter & Co. GmbH, Mühlhausen/Thüringen
Registration cards of the community of Haar
Registration records of the community of Hoort
Registrations, deregistrations and notifications of changes of the municipality Rabenstein
Wage cards of a firm not indicated in Erfurt
Wage cards of the Gebrüder Demmer AG, Eisenach
Personnel records of the firm Karl Hoffmann & Sohn, Niedersachswerfen
Receipt cards of the Ernst Heinkel AG, Werk Oranienburg
Notifications and exemption certificate of the municipality Adelsberg
Reports pertaining to accidents of the Deutsche Maizena Werke AG, Werk Barby/Elbe
Notifications of the Deutsche Reichsbahn, Betriebsamt Chemnitz
Personnel records of the firm Rudolf Then, Chemnitz
Member cards of the sickness insurance of the Deutsche Reichsbahn, Reichsbahnausbesserungswerk Frankfurt am Main
Wage cards of a firm not indicated in Weißenfels
Registration records of the town of Boizenburg/Elbe
Registration records of the community of Kirch Jesar
Registration records of the community of Friedrichsthal
Wage cards of the firm Ernst Pretzsch, Weißenfels
Wage cards of the firm Oswald Wenzel, Weißenfels
Registration records of the community of Hülseburg
Registration cards pertaining to foreigners who were registered in the rural district of Niederbarnim
Personnel records of the Gruschwitz Textilwerke AG, Neusalz/Oder
Registration records of the community of Erfenschlag
Registration cards of the community of Gersheim
Registration records of the community of Glösa
Registration records of the town of Marienberg
Wage cards of a firm not indicated in Magdeburg
Wage cards of a firm not indicated in Tangermünde
Wage cards of the firm Albin Scholle, Zeitz
Wage cards of the sugar refinery in Halle
Registration cards of the town of Eschwege
Registration records of the community of Lauterbach
Index cards of the town of Stalowa Wola
Notifications of residence of the community of Lippersdorf
Reports on accidents of the "Baukastenfabrik" E. Reuter, Blumenau
Savings cards of the Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg AG, Werk Nürnberg
Wage cards of the Deutsche Rohrleitungsbau AG, Bitterfeld
Questionnaires of the community of Wünschendorf
Registration records of the community of Reifland
Medical files of the Gauheil- und Pflegeanstalt Konradstein
Registration cards of the community of Hertigswalde
Personnel records of various firms in Dresden
Personnel documents (receipt cards) of the Kabelwerk Wilhelminenhof AG, Berlin-Oberschöneweide
Registration records of the town of Bad Driburg
Receipt cards of the ADMOS (Allgemeines Deutsches Metallwerk) GmbH, Berlin-Oberschöneweide
Invalidity insurance receipt cards (Schleswig-Holstein; Hannover); employee insurance card (Berlin)
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Biedenkopf
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Melsungen
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Bad Homburg vor der Höhe
Wage cards of the hospital "Dritter Orden", Munich
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Altenritte
Registration records of the community of Kirchbauna
Registration cards of various communities in the rural district of Traunstein
Personnel records of Gut Silbitz
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Alkersleben
Registration records of the community of Rengershausen
Registration records of the town of Glatz
Personnel records of various firms in Großenritte
Reports of departures of the community of Edenstetten
Registration records of the community of Dornheim
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Dörnfeld an der Ilm
Registration records of the community of Dosdorf
Reports on accidents of various firms in the rural district of Kassel
Registration cards of the community of Guntershausen
Registration cards of various communities in the rural district of Laufen
Reports of arrivals of the community of Rockhausen
Index cards of the town of Herzberg
Index cards of employment office Grünberg/Silesia
Certifications of the community of Wildenau
Personnel records pertaining to foreigners who were employed in the community of Liebenthal
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Frankenhain
Registration records of the community of Holzolling
Labour card of employment office Hirschberg
Registration cards of the community of Kleinwallstadt
Personnel records of the Prinz von Preussen' sche Forstamt, Kamenz
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Holzhausen
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Handenberg
Wage cards of Gut Ziemer, Lüskow
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Gremsdorf
Index cards of the town of Gefrees
Registration cards of the town of Liegnitz
Reports of departures of the community of Angelroda
Report of departure of the community of Kleinhettstedt
Registration cards of various communities in the rural district of Sankt Goar
Registration cards of the town of Ellrich
Notifications of residence of the community of Koschmin
Registration records of the community of Marlishausen
Labour books pertaining to foreigners who were employed with the brickworks in Chemnitz-Altendorf
Passes and certifications of the Polizeidistriktskommissar in Kuschten
Registration records of the community of Reinsdorf
Reports of departures of the community of Kirchheim
Reports of arrivals and departures of various communities in the rural district of Arnstadt
Registration card of the community of Börnsen
Registration cards of the community of Hamwarde
Reports of arrivals and departures of various communities in the rural district of Feuchtwangen
Registration cards of Markt Arnfels
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Aichkirchen
Registration records of the community of Bärenklause including Kautzsch
Registration cards of the community of Pretzschendorf
Receipt cards pertaining to foreigners who were employed on the territory of the former Soviet occupation zone
Personal records on foreigners who have stayed in the Crossen/Oder district
Personal files on foreigners who were registered or employed on the former territory of the Reich
Individual records pertaining to foreigners who were staying on the former territory of the Reich
Reports on accidents of the community of Emmingen ab Egg
Reports of arrivals and departures of various communities in the rural district of Wetzlar
Main registration sheets pertaining to foreigners who were staying on the former territory of the Reich
Registration cards of the town of Wetter
Registration cards of the town of Bühl
Wage cards of the firm Falke, Schmallenberg
Registration records of the town of Bergzabern
Registration card of the community of Bennungen
Registration records of the community of Edersleben
Reports of departures of the community of Einzingen
Registration card of the community of Hackpfüffel
Registration records of the community of Oberröblingen
Wage cards of the Rudolf-Karstadt-AG, Burg
Registration cards of the town of Alsfeld
Wage cards of a firm not indicated in Krumpa
Wage cards of a firm not indicated
Wage cards of the Maschinenfabrik Sangerhausen AG, Sangerhausen
Registration records of the community of Voigtstedt
Wage cards of a firm not indicated in Dessau
Residence notifications and personnel records of foreigners who have stayed in the Opole Region
Certificates of exemption and correspondence pertaining to foreigners who were employed in Schwiebus
Correspondence of the town of Nerchau
Registration cards of the community of Abentheuer
Registration cards of the community of Achtelsbach
Registration cards of the town of Birkenfeld
Registration cards of various communities in the rural district of Birkenfeld
Registration cards of the community of Hoppstädten-Weiersbach
Wage cards of a firm not indicated
Personnel records pertaining to foreigners who were employed in Crawinkel
Personnel records pertaining to foreigners who were employed in the community of Offenberg
Correspondence of the community of Offenau
Registration cards of the town of Oberwölz
Personnel records pertaining to foreigners who were employed in the orphanage for girls in Rothenbuch
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Rednitzhembach
Wage cards of the firm Gebrüder Teupel, Quedlinburg
Wage cards of Gut Tornau
Wage cards of a firm not indicated in Sangerhausen
Registration cards of the town of Büdingen
Wage cards of the firm Wünsch & Pretzsch, Zeitz
Registration records of the community of Rohrbach an der Lafnitz
Wage cards of the Turaphot GmbH, Wernigerode
Personnel cards of the Westerwälder Thonindustrie GmbH, Breitscheid
Registration sheets of various communities in the rural district of Kirchdorf an der Krems
Personnel cards of the communities Pöls, Allerheiligen, Thalheim
Wage cards of the "Oberlinhaus", Babelsberg
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Hindelang
Registration cards of Markt Rosegg
Wage cards of a firm not indicated
Labour books pertaining to foreigners who were employed with the Telegraphenbauamt in Bremen
Registration cards of the town of Langen
Registration cards of the community of Babensham
Registration cards of the community of Belgershain
Wage cards of the Harzer Sägewerke, Wernigerode
Labour books pertaining to foreigners who were employed with the Hallesche Salzwerke & Chemische Fabrik Kalbe AG, Abteilung Angersdorf
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Schlierbach
Reports on accidents of the Burbach-Kaliwerke AG, Werk Krügershall, Teutschenthal
Registration records and correspondence of various communities in the rural district of Neustadt/Upper Silesia
Wage cards of a firm not indicated
Registration records of various communities in the rural district of Cosel/Upper Silesia
Personnel files of the town of Brieg (Brzeg)
Registration cards of the community of Dietmannsried
Registration records of various communities in the rural district of Leobschütz
Registration records pertaining to foreigners who were staying in the rural district of Groß Strehlitz
Reports of employment office Gotha pertaining to foreigners who were employed in the rural district of Gotha
Income tax cards of the brickyard Kleinzerbst
Wage cards of a firm not indicated in Benneckenstein/Harz
Wage cards of a firm not indicated in Benneckenstein/Harz
Registration records of various communities in the rural district of Ehingen
Wage cards of the Deutsche Zündholzfabriken AG, Werk Lauenburg/Elbe
Registration records of the community of Appenrode
Wage cards of Domäne Friedrichswerth
Wage cards of Domäne Sundhausen
Registration records of the community of Zellin
Applications for residence permits for the town of Löwen
Registration records of the community of Petersdorf
Wage cards of the Siemens & Halske AG, Magdeburg
Ostarbeiter savings cards and wage tax cards of Gummi-Werke "Elbe" AG, Kleinwittenberg/Elbe
Notifications of residence of the community of Sülzhayn
Notifications of residence of the community of Niedergebra
Registration cards of the town of Schelklingen
Notifications of residence of Flecken Ilfeld
Personnel records of the firm Friedrich Vinzelberg, Heeren
Evidence cards pertaining to returnees who were staying on the former territory of the Reich
Notifications of residence of the community of Günzerode
Registration records of the community of Justingen
Report on an accident of the community of Herreden
Registration cards of the town of Brandenburg/Havel
Individual records pertaining to foreigners who were employed on the former territory of the Reich
Medical sheets of the military hospital for war returnees, Lutherstadt Wittenberg
Registration records of the community of Strenznaundorf
Personnel records pertaining to foreigners who were employed with Kurt Bornebusch, Wahrberg
Registration cards of the community of Altenkirchen/Westerwald
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Adelberg
Reports of departures of the community of Treinfeld
Registration records of the town of Stettin
Registration records of the community of Gerlebogk
Reports of arrivals of the community of Boostedt
Notifications of residence of the Rittergutsverwaltung in Wollersleben
Registration records of various communities in the rural district of Ulm
Registration records of the community of Preußlitz
Registration cards of various communities in the rural district of Kochem
Registration records of the community of Verl
Registration records of various communities in the rural district of Sangerhausen
Registration records of the community of Ilberstedt
Correspondence of the community of Mauderode
Registration records of the community of Steinsee
Registration records of the community of Wallhausen
Registration records of various communities in the rural district of Schwarzenberg
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Norden
Member and benefit cards of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Burgdorf
Personnel records pertaining to foreigners who were registered in Bleicherode
Correspondence of the community of Großmühlingen
Personnel records of the firm Rudolph Brauer, Schwerin
Registration records pertaining to foreigners who were employed with the town authorities of Güstrow
Registration records of the town of Königs Wusterhausen
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Vilz
Registration records pertaining to foreigners who were registered in various places in the rural district of Rostock
Registration records and reports on accidents of the town of Ribnitz
Wage cards of the Achenbach-Kreiskrankenhaus, Königs Wusterhausen
Wage cards of the district hospital in Mittenwalde
Wage cards of the hospital in Teupitz
Registration records of the community of Biere
Reports of arrivals and departures of the community of Glinde
Registration records of the community of Eggersdorf
Registration records of the community of Großmühlingen
Wage cards of Gut Neugattersleben
Registration cards of the town of Bernburg
Personnel records of the Junkers Flugzeug- und Motorenwerke AG, Zweigwerk Bernburg
Personnel records pertaining to foreigners who were employed in Welsleben
Notifications of the company Gebrüder Wanckel, Schönebeck
Registration records of various communities in the rural district of Calbe an der Saale
Personnel records pertaining to foreigners who were employed in Eixen
Files pertaining to foreigners who were registered in the rural district of Gotha
Personnel cards of the Singer Nähmaschinen AG, Wittenberge
Travel slips of the porcelain factory at the monastery of Veilsdorf, Werk Brattendorf