0 - Global Finding Aids
1 - Incarceration Documents
2 - Registration of Foreigners and German Persecutees by Public Institutions, Social Securities and Companies (1939 - 1947)
3 - Registrations and Files of Displaced Persons, Children and Missing Persons
3.1 - Evidence of Abode and Emigration
3.1.1 - Registration and Care of DPs inside and outside of Camps - Generalia: camps, correspondence, service regulations - Postwar Card File - DP Registration Lists of DP Camps
Document acquisition before 1955; captured from inventory card file
Documents not specifically descxribed; grouped by folders with given locations
Ordner 1: DP Lager Aglasterhausen
Folder 2: DP lists Ahrweiler - Ainring 1
Folder 3: DP lists Ainring 2
Folder 4: DP Listen Aldingen - Allenfeld
Folder 5: DP Listen Allendorf
Folder 6: DP Listen Allendorf, Siedlungs Area, Repatr. Okt. 46 - Mai 47
Folder 7: DP Listen Allershausen - Altendorf
Folder 8: DP Listen Alt Garge - Altneuhaus
Folder 9: DP Listen Altötting - Alzey LK
Folder 10: DP Listen Amberg
Folder 11: DP Listen Ampfing - Arnsdorf
Folder 12: DP Listen Aschaffenburg
Folder 13: DP Listen von Aschau bis Aurich
Folder 14: DP Listen Augsburg von H.O´s Resettelment Center DP Hospital bis Control Center
Folder 15: DP Listen augsburg
Folder 16: DP Listen Augsburg
Folder 17: DP Listen Augsburg
Folder 18: DP Listen Augsburg
Folder 19: DP Listen Augsburg
Folder 20: DP Listen Augsburg
Folder 21: DP Listen Babenhausen
Folder 22: DP Listen von Bachl bis Bad godesberg
Folder 23: DP Listen von Bad Kreuznach bis Bad Lauterberg
Folder 24: DP Listen - Bad Mergentheim
Folder 25: DP Listen Bad Mergentheim
Folder 26: DP Bad Münder bis Bad Rehburg
Folder 27: DP Listen Bad Reichenhall Control Center
Folder 28: DP Listen Bad Reichenhall - Jewish Center
Folder 29: DP Listen Bad Reichenhall - Jewish center
Folder 30: DP Listen Bad Salzschlirf bis Bad Wurzach
Folder 31: DP Listen Bad Land, Baden Baden
Ordner 32: DP Listen Balingen
Folder 33: DP Listen Bamberg
Folder 34: DP Listen Barodowick, Kreis Lüneburg, 6. Aufstellung von DP Lager in bayern
Folder 35: DP Listen Bayreuth
Folder 36: DP Listen Bayreuth, Leopold Kaserne
Folder37: DP Listen Bayreuth
Folder 38: DP Listen Bebra - Bergen LK. Weissenburg
Folder 39: DP Listen Bergen Belsen
Folder 40: Alphabetical list of the Polish prisoners of camp Bergen-Belsen - May 1945
Folder 41: DP Listen Bergen belsen, (Hohne)
Folder 43: DP Listen Bergen Belsen
Folder 44: DP Listen Bebra - Bergen LK. Weissenburg
Folder 45: DP Listen Bersgen Belsen
Folder 46: Files from the Glyn-Hughes Hospital in Hohne-Belsen (BOAR)
Folder 47: DP Listen Bergen Belsen
Folder 48: List of former prisoners from KL Bergen-Belsen, who were sent to Sweden(1945) - The documents were transferred on 19.3.1954 to the department for postwar documents
Folder 49: DP Listen Bergen Belsen
Folder 50: DP Listen Berlin Kinderheim
Folder 51: DP Listen Berlin - Fr. Sector
Folder 52: DP Listen Berlin Fr. Sector
Folder 53: DP Listen Berlin Fr. Sector, Wittenau
Folder 54: DP Listen, US Sector, HQ's, Kinderlisten
Folder 55: DP Listen Berlin, US Sector Mariendorf, Schlachtensee
Folder 56: DP Listen Berlin US Sector, Zehlendorf
Folder 57: DP Listen Berlin US Sector, Zehlendorf
Folder 58: DP Listen Bebra - Bergzabern bis Bevensen
Folder 59: DP Listen Biberbach Riß
Folder 60: DP Listen Bierde bis Bingen
Folder 61: DP Listen Birkenfeld bis Bodenwöhr
Folder 62: DP Listen Böblingen, Yugoslav Camp, Pol. Camp/Fleigerkaserne
Folder 63: DP Böblingen, Pol Camp/ Fleigerhorst Kaserne
Folder 64: DP Listen Böblingen - Boxdorf/Opf.
Ordner 65: DP Listen Braunschweig
Folder 66: DP Lists Brauweiler, Bremen
Folder 67: DP Listes Britische Zone, various hospitals
folder 68: DP Lists British Zone, Lists of current cases, cases for missing child and unacompanied children
Folder 69: British Zone, closed cases
Folder 70: British Zone
Folder 71: Broizem- - Bürgerreuth
Folder 72: Burg Burgdorf - Bahbach
Folder 73: Cadolzburg - Crallsheim
Folder 74: Calw
Folder 75: Coburg
Folder 76: Coburg
Ordner 77: Dachau - Deebüll
folder 77a: Darmstadt
Folder 78: Deggendorf
Ordner 79: Deggendorf
Folder 80: Delmenhorst - Diepholz
Ordner 81: Diez
Ordner 82: Dillingen - Dinkelsbühl
Folder 83: Dornstadt
Folder 84: Dolau - Düsseldorf Gerrsheim
Folder 85: Eberfing
Folder 86: Ehingen - Eichstätt
folder 87: Ellwangen Jagst
Folder 88: Ellewangen Jagst
Folder 88a: Elmau, Sanatorium
Folder 81: Elsenfeld - Emmendingen
Folder 90: Emmerich - Eschenstruth
Folder 91: Eschwege
Folder 92: eschwege
Folder 93: Eschwege
folder 94: Esslingen
Folder 95: Esslingen
Folder 96: Esslingen
Folder 97: Esslingen
Ordner 98: Esslingen
Ordner 99: Esslingen
Folder 100: Ettlingen - Eutin
Folder 101: Fallingbostel - Falkenstein
Folder 102: Fellbach
Folder 103: Fellbach
Folder 104: Feldafing
Folder 105: Feldafing
Folder 106: Feldafing - Gingen
Folder 107: Föhrenwald
Folder 1071.1: Föhrenwald
Folder 108: Forchheim - Frankenthal
Folder 109: Frankfurt am Main
Folder 110: Frankfurt am Main - Fechenheim
Folder 111: Frankfurt am Main - Grisheim, Sachsenhausen
Folder 112: Frankfurt am Main - Zeilsheim
Folder 113: Frankfurt am Main Zeilsheim, A.C House of Israel
Folder 114: Frankfurt am Main Zeilsheim, A.C House of Israel
Folder 115: French Zone
Folder 116: French Zone
Folder 117: French zone
Folder 118: Fraunalb - Freiburg Groupm.
folder 119: Freiburg
Folder 120: Freiburg
Folder 121 Freilassing - Freudenthal Wttbg.
Folder 122: Friedland/Laine
Folder 123: Friedland/Leine
Folder 124: Friedrichshafen - Fritzlar
Folder 125: Fronberg - Fürstenstein
Folder 126: Fulda
Folder 127: Gabersee
Folder 128: Gablingen - Garmisch Partenkirchen
Folder 129: Gauting Area HQs Tbc-Sanatorium und Krhs
Folder 130: Gauting
Folder 130.1: Gauting
Folder 131: Gebhardhagen
Folder 132: Geislingen/Steige
Folder 133: Geislingen/Steige
Folder 134: Geislingen/Steige
Folder 135: Geltendorf - Gieberstadt
Folder 136: Göppingen
Folder 137: Göppingen Fliegerhorst
Folder 138: Göppingen
Folder 139: Göttingen - Gunzenhausen
Folder 140: Haag OBB - Hameln
Folder 141: Hamburg
Folder 142: Hanau
Folder 143: Hanau
Folder 144: Hanau
Folder 145: Hannover
Folder 146: Hann. Münden - Hattendorf
Folder 147: Hannstetten
Folder 148: Heidenheim
Folder149: Heidenheim - Police School Jwish Home. Rabbi Shool, Voith Settelment
Folder 150: Heilbronn - Badener hof
Folder 145: Heilbronn
Folder 152: Heilbronn
Folder 153: Heilbronn
Folder 154: Heilbronn
Folder 155: Heilbronn
Folder 156: Heibronn - helmbrechts
Folder 157: Heppenheim
Folder 158: Heppenheim - Herrenberg
Folder 159: Hersbruck, Herzberg/Harz, Hessisch Lichtenau
Folder 160: Hessisch Lichtenau - Herzog
Folder 161: Hessisch-Oldendorf - Hofgeismar
Folder 162: Hohenfels, Horb, Huntlosen, Holzhausen
Folder 163: Iba - Jüchen
Folder 164: Kaiserslautern
Folder 165: Kallmütz - Karlsruhe
Folder 166: Karlsruhe - Karlsruhe-Knielingen
Folder 167: Kassel - DP Camp Möncheberg
Folder 168: Kassel
Folder 169: Kassel-Niederzwehren - change reports until 30th August 1946
Folder 170: Kassel-Oberzwehren
Folder 171: Kassel-Oberzwehren 2
Folder 172: DP Camp Hasenhecke - Hospital Hasenhecke
Folder 173: Kaufbeuren, Kehl, Kempten
Folder 174: Kempten (Allgäu) - American British Camp
Folder 175: Kempten (Allgäu) - Schloss Kaserne
Folder 176: Kiel - Kleinlosnitz
Folder 177: Kleinkötz - Knechtsteden ü. N.
Folder 178: Koblenz
Folder 179: Koblenz-Horchheim - Königstein/Taunus
Folder 180: Konstanz
Folder 181: Konstanz 2
Folder 182: Konstanz 3
Folder 183: Korbach
Folder 184: Korbach 2
Folder 185: Korbach 3
Folder 186: Kornburg - LK Kusel
Folder 187: Kuhberg
Folder 188: Camp Lechfeld - Landau/Pfalz
Folder 189: Landsberg/Lech
Folder 190: Landshut - Laucherthal
Folder 191: Lauf/Pegnitz
Folder 192: Lauf/Pegnitz 2
Folder 193: Laufen-Lebenau - Leipheim
Folder 194: Leipheim - Lemgo
Folder 195: Leobendorf - Lichtenau (Mittelfranken)
Folder 196: Lindau/Bodensee - Lintorf
Folder 197: Lörrach - Lohr/Main
Folder 198: Ludwigsburg stock reports A-L
Folder 199: Ludwigsburg stock reports M-Z
Folder 200: Ludwigsburg
Folder 201: Ludwigsburg (with death cases)
Folder 202: Ludwigsburg H.Q.s, Free living, Control Center, Area Documents Control Section, Area Reports Section
Folder 203: Ludwigsburg 2
Folder 203: Ludwigsburg 3
Folder 205: Ludwigsburg Karlskaserne "Paderewski", Czech Camp Krabbenloch, Luitpold Kaserne, Resettlement Center, Documents Control Section
Folder 206: Ludwigsburg Luitpold Kaserne/Kopernik DP Camp
Folder 207: Lübeck
Folder 208: Lübeck
Folder 209: Lübeck Polish Repatriation Entrainment Point until 23th March 1946
Folder 210: Lübeck Polish Repatriation Entrainment Point bis 24th March to April 1946
Folder 211: Lübeck Entrainment Point Mai - September 1946
Folder 212: Lübeck 3
Folder 213: Lübeck Polish Repatriation Entrainment Point Mai - July 1947
Folder 214: Lübeck 4
Folder 215: Lübeck 5
Folder 216: Ludwigshafen/Rhein - Lützen
Folder 216-1: Lüneburg
Folder 217: Maczkow - Manching
Folder 218: Mannheim
Folder 219: Mannheim stock reports
Folder 220: Mannheim - Mannheim-Sandhofen
Folder 221: Marburg/Lahn - Meierwick
Folder 222: Memmingen - Merkershausen
Folder 223: Merseburg - Merxhausen stock reports, change reports to 2nd February 1948
Folder 224: Merxhausen
Folder 225: Mittenwald Jägerkaserne
Folder 226: Mittenwald
Folder 227: Mittenwald Repatriation to Italy
Folder 228: Mittenwald 2
Folder 229: Mittergarching - Mühldorf (Oberbayern)
Folder 230: Mühlenteich - München H.Q's Deutsches Museum
Folder 231: Munich
Folder 231a: Munich-Bogenhausen
Folder 232: Munich-Bogenhausen - Munich-Freimann
Folder 233: Munich-Freimann
Folder 234: Munich-Freimann 2
Folder 235: Munich-Freimann 3
Folder 236: Munich-Freimann - Munich Pasing
Folder 237: Munich-Neufreimann - Munich-Schwabing
Folder 238: Munich-Schwabing
Folder 239: Munich-Schwabing 2
Folder 240: Munich-Schwabing 3
Folder 241: Münchingen - Mutschau
Folder 242: Münsingen
Folder 243: Nabburg - Nellingen
Folder 244: Nellingen
Folder 245: Neubeuren - Neumark
Folder 246: Neumarkt/Oberpfalz - Neunburg vorm Wald
Folder 247-2: Neustadt/Holstein, Neustadt Kr. Marburg, Neustadt/Schwarzwald
Folder 248: Neustadt/Weinstraße - administrative district Neustadt/Weinstraße
Folder 249: Neu-Ulm
Folder 250: Neuwied - Niebüll
Folder 251: Niederlahnstein
Folder 252: Niederlahnstein 2
Folder 253: Niedermendig - Nuremberg
Folder 254: Nuremberg
Folder 255: Oberammergau - Öhringen
Folder 256: Offenbach/Main - administrative district Offenburg/Baden
Folder 257: Oldenburg
Folder 258: Osnabrück - Ostönnen
Folder 259: Paderborn - Pfarrkirchen (Niederbayern)
Folder 260: Pforzheim Breckenridge Camp
Folder 261: Pforzheim - Plattling
Folder 262: Pocking
Folder 263: Pocking - Pine City-Waldstadt
Folder 264: Pocking 2
Folder 265: Pollanten - Prüm/Eifel
Folder 266: Prien/Chiemsee
Folder 267: Pürten
Folder 268: Raderhorst - Rauisch-Holzhausen
Folder 269: Ravensburg - administrative district Ravensburg
Folder 270: Rebdorf - Regensburg
Folder 271: Regensburg
Folder 272: Regensburg 2
Folder 273: Rehau - Reute über Aulendorf
Folder 274: Reutlingen - Rhineland-Palatinate
Folder 275: Rhoden/Waldeck - administrative district Rockenhausen
Folder 276: Rosenheim
Folder 277: Rothenburg ob der Tauber - Ruppertshain
Folder 278: Saarburg - Salzgitter
Folder 279: Sandbach - Sankt Wedel
Folder 280: Sankt Ottilien
Folder 281: Sankt Ottilien 2
Folder 282: Saulgau - Schelklingen
Folder 283: Schleissheim - Schongau
Folder 284: Schorndorf - Schwabach
Folder 285: Schwäbisch Gmünd change reports until July 1947
Folder 286: Schwäbisch Gmünd death cases
Folder 287: Schwäbisch Gmünd Bismarck Kaserne
Folder 288: Schwäbisch Hall
Folder 289: Schwäbisch Hall 2
Folder 290: Schwandorf - Schwarzenborn über Treysa
Folder 291: Schwarzenfeld - Seedorf
Folder 292: Seelbach über Lahr - Siegen
Folder 293: Sigmaringen - Simmern
Folder 294: Sindelfingen - Sobernheim
Folder 295: Stephanskirchen - Surberg
Folder 296: Stuttgart
Folder 297: Stuttgart 2
Folder 298. Stuttgart 3
Folder 299: Stuttgart 4
Folder 300: Stuttgart 5
Folder 301: Stuttgart DP-Camp Tübingerstraße
Folder 302: Stuttgart Bad Cannstatt
Folder 303: Stuttgart Bad Cannstatt repatriations 1947-48
Folder 304: Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt - Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen
Folder 305: Stuttgart-Degerloch
Folder 306. Stuttgart West
Folder 307: Tailfingen - Todtmoos
Folder 308: Traunstein
Folder 309: Traunstein 2
Folder 310: Traunstein 3
Folder 311: Trier - Trier-Feyen
Folder 312: administrative district Trier
Folder 313: Tübingen - Tüssling
Folder 314: Tuttlingen - administrative district Tuttlingen
Folder 315: Überlingen-Bodensee - Ulm/Danube
Folder 316: Ulm/Danube
Folder 317: Ulm/Danube
Folder 318: Ulm/Danube
Folder 319: Ulm/Danube 4
Folder 320: Ulm/Danube - A6679 Sedan Kaserne
Folder 321: Ulm/Donau 5
Folder 322: Ulm/Danube 6
Folder 323: Ulm/Danube 7
Folder 324: Unterberken - Unterwesterwaldkreis
Folder 325: U.S. Zone families from different DP camps who want to establish an IRO colony in Paraguay
Folder 333: Vachendorf - Varel/Oldenburg
Folder 334: Vechelade DP Hospital change reports 1945-30.08.1946
Folder 335: Vechelade DP Hospital
Folder 336: Veerssen - Vorderessach
Folder 337: Waal über Buchloe - Waiblingen
Folder 338: Wangen - administrative district Wangen
Folder 339: Waldmünchen
Folder 340: Wasseralfingen
Folder 341: Wasseralfingen stock reports
Folder 342: Wasseralfingen
Folder 343: Wasseralfingen 3
Folder 344: Wedel/Holstein - Wehnen - Weiden/Oberpfalz
Folder 345: Weilheim/Teck - Weingarten/Württemberg
Folder 346: Weinsberg/Württemberg
Folder 347: Weissenburg/Bayern - Wetzhausen
Folder 348: Wetzlar
Folder 349: Wetzlar - Wiesau
Folder 350: Wiesbaden
Folder 351: Wiesbaden - Wiesent/Oberpfalz
Folder 352: Wildflecken
Folder 354: Wilhelmshaven-Fedderwardengroden - Windsheim
Folder 355: Winnenden/Württemberg - Witzhelden
Folder 356: Wörth/Danube - Wolkering
Folder 357: Worms
Folder 358: Würzburg
Folder 359: Würzburg - Würzburg-Zell
Folder 360: State Württemberg - Wurzach
Folder 361: administrative district Zeitz - Zirndorf
Folder 362: Zweibrücken, administrative district Zweibrücken - Zwiesel/Bayern
Folder 363a: Germany F-6-2579
Folder 364: Germany F 6/2579 DP's unlocated or living out of camp
Folder 365: Germany various and unknown DP Camps
Folder 366: Germany unknown places
Folder 367: Germany various places
Folder 368: Germany various places 2
Folder 369: Various DP-Lists
Folder 369: Austria Admont, Asten until 1949
Folder 370: Asten - Bruck-Leitha
Folder 372: Austria Ebelsberg - Kapfenberg
Folder 372: Austria Kirchdorf an der Krems - Linz/Danube
Folder 373: Austria Linz/Danube
Folder 374: Austria Linz/Danube, Linz-Bindermichl, Linz-Dornach
Folder 375: Austria Linz/Danube - Ebelsberg, Linz/Danube - Wegscheid
Folder 376: Austria Lustenau/Rheintal - Puch-Anfeld
Folder 377: Raushofen - Roitham
Folder 378: Austria Salzburg
Folder 379: Austria Salzburg (state)
Folder 380: Austria Sankt Martin bei Traun - T.B. Hospital Seebach
Folder 381: Austria Urfahr - Wien
Folder 382: Austria Wels
Folder 383: Austria Wels-Lichtenegg
Folder 384: Austria various places; DP's in various hospitals, DP doctors, pharmacists, dentists, Upper Austria F6-1654, new cartings
Folder 385: Europe Denmark
Folder 386: Europe France, Italy
Folder 387: Europe Italy
Folder 388: Belgium - Liechtenstein
Folder 388-1: Europe England
Folder 389: Europe Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary
Folder 390: Africa Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, South African Union
Folder 391: Africa East Africa, Rhodesia, Uganda, Tanzania
Folder 392: Tanganjika
Folder 393: Asia Far East (China) - Lebanon
Folder 394: Palestine - Turkey
Folder 395: Brazil, Canada
Folder B0001 TB Sanatorium Amberg: Book no. 1 Amberg
Folder B0002 TB Sanatorium Amberg: Book no. 2 Amberg
Folder B0003 TB Sanatorium Amberg: Book no. 3 Amberg
Folder B0004 TB Sanatorium Amberg: Book no. 4 Amberg
Folder B0005 TB Sanatorium Amberg: Book no. 5 Amberg
Folder B0006 TB Sanatorium Amberg: Book no. 6 Amberg
Folder B0007 TB Sanatorium Amberg: Book no. 7 Amberg
Folder B0008 TB Sanatorium Amberg: Book no. 8 Amberg
Folder B0009 Sanatorium Bischofsgrün 1946
Folder B0010 Sanatorium Bischofsgrün 1947
Folder B0011 IRO Hospital Feldafing: operation reports
Folder B0012 Polish Population in district Nord-Braunschweig (Gifhorn)
Ordner B0013 birth and death register Heilbronn
Folder B0014 patient registers (dismissals) of the hospital Heilbronn: 27.05.1946 - 26.11.1947
Folder B0015 DP Hospital Heilbronn: Admissions
Folder B0016 Hospital Kempten: 12.05.1947 - 29.09.1947
Ordner B0017 Hospital Kempten: Children (1950)
Folder B0018 Hospital Kempten: main medical book
Folder B0019 Hospital Kempten: medical book 01
Folder B0020 Hospital Kempten: medical book 02
Folder B0021 Hospital Kempten: medical book 03
Folder B0022 Hospital Kempten: medical book 04
Folder B0023 Hospital Kempten: medical book 05 IRO TB Children-Hospital
Folder B0024 Hospital Kempten: medical book 06
Ordner B0025 Hospital Kempten: medical book 07
Folder B0026 Hospital Kempten: medical book 08
Folder B0027 Hospital Kempten: medical book 10
Folder B0028 Hospital Kempten: medical book 11
Folder B0030: DP-registry Linz: December 1948 - March 1950
Folder B0031: DP registry Linz: April 1950 - September 1950
Folder B0032 Inhabitants of the DP-Camp Linz-Bindermichl: 01 (1948)
Folder B0033 Departures of the DP-Camp Linz-Bindermichl: 02
Folder B0034 DP-Camp Linz-Bindermichl: 03 issuance of blankets
Correspondence: Requests from BLEA Munich and various police service stations in communities concerning DP camps in Bavaria
DP List Aglasterhausen - (Mosbach) 17. June 1947
Name registry of the inhabitants of the Jewish DP camp Ainring 19.8.1946 various nationalities
Name lists of DPs in camps Föhrenwald-Ainring II. 1947, Bad Reichenhall and others Wasserburg, Rosenheim, Traunstein
List of the infirmary Ampfing issued on - 20.5.1945
Incomplete list of Jews who reside in the district of Linz O. D.; List of Polish Jews in Wels-Herminenhof; List of persons in Bergen-Belsen by Hannover; (various DP lists)
List of deportees liberated from Bergen-Belsen, 6.8.1945
List of Hungarian women in the camp Bergen-Belsen. Obtained London 5.9.1945
Sharit Ha-Platah Bergen-Belsen - Name list of the surviving Jews in the camp Bergen-Belsen 7.9.1945 volume I - - Duplicate (3 pages missing)
List of former prisoners of KL Bergen-Belsen, who were sent to Sweden (1945). - The documents were transferred on 19.3.1954 to the department for postwar documents. - - Documents only partially avail ...
List of persons who returned from Karaganda to Berlin. no nationality no date
List of repatriated persons from Karaganda (Russia), who are now in Unna Team 679 - 15.4.1947 - no list of nationalities
Name lists of DPs registered before 1.5.1950: camp Mars la Tour Braunschweig.
Lists of deported persons, probably with Soviet citizenship, who are in mental institutions in North Rhine-Westphalia, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Lower Saxony (Oldenburg and Peine) (no compilation d ...
Name lists of DPs registered after 1.5.50: - Gypsy camp Broitzem über Braunschweig - (IRO-Care)
List of a transport of children from Buchenwald to France - 5.6.1945, no list of nationalities
List of Hungarian men from the camp Buchenwald Obtained London 5.9.1945
Infirmary medical register of the UNNRA-Hospital - (infirmary site) Bückeburg with records from 21.8.-13.10.1945
Lists of the DP camp Hof/Bavaria: prisoners on 26.9.1945 (Jews) - same as above for: - camp Tirschenreuth 10.10.1945 - camp Münchberg, Schwarzenbach Helmbrechts 25.9.1945 - Tirschenreuth 18.9.1945 - B ...
List of Jewish men from Poland who are now living in Cham/Bavaria 5.3.1946
List of Jewish women from Poland who are now living in Cham/Bavaria 5.3.1946
List of Jewish teenagers in Cham/Bavaria - 5.3.1946 - no list of nationalities
List of Polish Jews in the DP camp Diepholz (received in London 6.7.1945) Poles
List of Jews in DP camp 627 in Dieppholz - 30.7.1945. No list of nationalities + 1 copy
List of Jewish children in camp Diepholz 2.9.1945 - no list of nationalities
List of survivors who were liberated from prison in Dietz (Belgium), no date
Reports on number of prisoners of the DP camp Luitpold- & Ludwigskaserne in Dillingen on the Danube, issue date: 1.10.1947
List of Hungarian nationalswho are in the hospital Echsberg near Mühldorf 2.6.1945
Name lists of the DP camp Erlangen 21.8.1945 - 6.8.1946
Records about the display of ID badges for - KZ prisoners
List of Jewish inhabitants of Oradea/Romania - no list of nationalities, - received in London on 21.8.1945
List of prisoners of the IRO camp Eschwege - May 1947 - no list of nationalities
List of newly registered persons in DP camp Eschwege on 22. & 26.10.1946 - similar list as above registered on 30.10.1946 various nationalities 1946 - similar list as above registered on 23.9.1946 ...
List of Polish Jews in camp Feldafing 3.7.1945 (Poles) + 1 copy
List of Lithuanian Jews in camp Feldafing
List of Greek Jews in the camp Feldafing Block 4/b 1.8.1945
List of Greek Jews in the camp Feldafing 15.12.1946 in various locations
List of children (age 6 - 14) in Feldafing (children"s Kasino) 19.7.1945 - Poles, Hungarians, Romanians
List of surviving Hungarian Jews in the camp Feldafing 11.9.1945
List of infiltrated Jews in Feldafing 11.12.1946 various nationalities
List of Jews in the camp Feldafing (received in London 20.12.1945) - - Document not available electronically; it cannot be excluded that it concerns duplicates of part of documents in, folder ...
List of children in Feldafing (list received in NY 18.3.1946) various nationalities
Name lists of the town Gingen on the Fils - dates of issue: 5.6.1947 - 21.4.1949
Name list of the Polish Center Freising 13.7.1945
Name lists of ex-DPs who returned from England and name lists of penalized ex-DPs - - Document not allocated; see, folders 0122 - 0123
Arrivals and departures from "Infiltrees" and ex-DPs in the refugee camp Friedland, including written correspondence - - Document not allocated; see, folders 0122 - 0123
Name lists from the town Fürstenstein, issues dates: 23.11.1945 & 9.1.1946
List of Jewish survivors in Fürth (various nationalities) 5.3.1946 + 1 copy
List of DPs who are now living in Fürth and are members of the Fürth community 5.3.1946 (various nationalities) + 1 copy
List of surviving Jews in Fürth/Bavaria June 1946
UNRRA-Transport lists 1946 - 1949
List of marriages of foreign bridal couples in the year 1945 in the town of St. Andreas, Fulda-Neuenberg
Compilation of Jews registered in the Jewish community Fulda 2.7.1946 no nationality
DP List Fulda youth hostel 30.June47
List of all Jewish patients in the sanatorium Gauting - no list of nationalities - 17.12.1946
Name list of foreigners who were in DP camp Geesthacht. Issuance date: 9.7.1945
List of camp inhabitants in camp Geretsried near Wolfratshausen/Obb. 30.4.1947 no nationality
List of Hungarians in the DP camp Haffkrug near Lübeck - 15.6.1945
List of Jews in Haffkrug 5.3.1946 (Romanians and Czechs)
Name lists of foreigners, who stayed in the DP-camp Halberstadt 17.4.1945 - 30.6.1945
Camp book concerning foreigners, who stayed in the DP camp Hann. Münden 1.1.1948 - 5.6.1950
List of camp inhabitants from DP camp Hallenhof (Gehringshof) by Fulda August 1945 no nationality
Camp books of the DP camp Heidenau - 1) arrivals from 3.9.1945 - 5.8.1947 - 2) arrivals and departures from 19.11.47 - 10.5.49 - 3) arrivals and departures from 10.5.49 - 27.10.50 - 4) arrivals and de ...
List of camp inhabitants in the camp "Jewish Home" Heidenheim/Brenz 26.6.1947 no nationality
List of camp inhabitants of Heidenheim (Voith settlement) August 1947 no nationality
Name lists of DP camp Hessian Lichtenau camp Herzog
Registry of the inhabitants of camp Hofgeismar UNRRA Team 1025 Assembly Center 718 and 515 - April 1947
List of the sent 284 IRO passes that were released from affiliates of the IRO before emigration
Alphabetized lists concerning foreign course participants of the job training site Ingolstadt - 1948 - 1949 A - Z
Alphabetized lists concerning foreign course participants of the job training site Ingolstadt - 1950 A - Z
Name lists, courses of the job training site Ingolstadt dated 15.3.1948 - 22.2.1951
Admission applications to the courses at the job training site Ingolstadt 12.7.1951 - 6.1.1952
Data lists of course participants of the job training site Ingolstadt, A - G - Courses dated 9.4.1951 - 23.12.1956
Data lists of course participants of the job training site Ingolstadt - H - K - Courses dated 3.4.1951 - 31.3.1956
Data lists of course participants of the job training site Ingolstadt - L-Sap - Courses dated 11.4.1951 - 31.3.1956
Data lists of course participants of the job training site Ingolstadt - Sar-Z - Courses dated 9.4.1951 - 23.12.1956
Name lists about issued receipt cards concerning foreigners, who were employed at the IRO Ingolstadt 3.12.1946 - 22.12.1950
1) Name list of persons of Polish citizenship in the camp Kassel, Count Haeseler barracks (4.9.48) - 2) Name list -Hospital Count Haeseler- Kassel barracks (24.1.1949) - 3) Status list from the DP Lag ...
DP List Kassel-Wolfsanger - (Hasenhecke) 30. June 1947
Arrival and departure book (fragment) for the time from 26.7.1950 - 4.12.1951 of the IRO Tuberculosis Children"s Hospital, Kempten/Allgäu
List of Polish prisoners of camp Jägerlust near Kiel (London - dated 14.8.1945)
List of Jews living in the Polish camp Jägerlust near Kiel (list in London - dated 4.9.1945)
List of people living in camp Schurskamp near Kiel 10.8.1945
List of children in Home Selvino near Bergamo (no date) - Children who were sent from Klosters (Bavaria) to England on 31.10.1945
Name list of Latvian citizens, to whom packages were distributed in the camp Kleinlosnitz by the ICRC Geneva (dated 27.7.45)
Name list concerning prisoners of the DP camp Kleinkötz, 2.12.1950
List of children in the DP camp Klotze (Germany) 1.5.1945 (Hungarians and Poles) + 1 copy
List of children in the DP center Cloister Indersdorf, who have relatives outside of Germany Obtained London 23.12.1945 no nationality
Name lists of the DP-camp Königstein in Taunus 17.12.1945 - 30.6.1946
List of former prisoners who now remain in Kotem near Kempten (7.8.1945) - various nationalities
List of former prisoners who now remain in Hof/Saale, Tirschenreuth, Bayreuth, Kulmbach and various other places. September 1945 nationality not given
1) Name list of Lithuanian inhabitants of the camp Kulmbach who have received packages from the ICRC Geneva (List dated 25.8.45) - 2) Name list of Lithuanian residents of Kulmbach who have received gi ...
Payrolls concerning DPs, who were employed in the area of the UNRRA/IRO, Team 65
List of liberated Polish Jews in the camp Landsberg/Lech - no date + 1 copy (Poles)
List of liberated Hungarian Jews in the camp Landsberg/Lech 17.7.1945
List of liberated Lithuanians in Landsberg/Lech - 21.7.1945 (Lithuanians)
List of Yugoslavian Jews in Landsberg, - 23.7.1945, Yugoslavs - List of Czechoslovakian Jews in Landsberg, - 23.7.1945, Czechoslovakians - List of Lithuanian Jews in Landsberg, - 21.7.1945, Lithuanian ...
List of liberated Romanian Jews in the camp Landsberg/Lech 23.7.1945
List of stateless Jews in the camp Landsberg/Lech - 23.7.1945
List of children and teenagers in the Kibbutz "Lochamej Hagetaot" in Landsberg/Lech in September 1945
List of Jewish survivors in Landsberg/Lech/ barrack - 10.9.1945 - various nationalities + 2 copies
List of children in the camps Landsberg/Lech and St. Ottilien - November 1945 - various nationalities
List of children in various camps: - 1. Landsberg (Bavaria) - 2. St. Ottilien (Bavaria)
2) List of Jews living in Landsberg/Lech 1945/1946
List of Jews in the Polish camp Lauchertal (French Zone) 31.8.1945 (Poles)
List of camp prisoners of Jewish faith in the Polish camp Lauchertal - 31.8.1945 + copy of the same page (Poles)
List of Jewish survivors in Laucherthal/Leucherthal (French zone) - 9.11.1945
List of the inhabitants of the camp Leipheim on the Danube - April 1947 - no list of nationalities
List of the inhabitants of the camp Leipheim on the Danube - April 1947 - no list of nationalities - pages 61 - 90
List of children housed in the Hotel Viktoria and the Hotel Odenwald in Eindenfels district Bergstraße - no list of nationalities June 1947 - List of the children and adults housed in the Hotels "He ...
DP List Ludwigsburg - (Jägerhof barracks) 23. June 1947
DP List Ludwigsburg - (Karls barracks) 23. June 1947
DP List Ludwigsburg - (Luitpold barracks) 24. June 1947
List of former Polish prisoners from various concentration camps, compiled in Lübeck on 27.6.1945 (accompanying letter dated 28.2.1962)
Documents without attributed call number
Register of persons from the emigration camp Lübeck-Blankensee, whose emigration to Australia was declined
List of sick persons in Merxhausen - (no compilation date)
Name lists of the DP camp Moringen 1.2.1950 - 17.7.1951
List of Jews in Munich-Flakkaserne, liberated from Landsberg (formerly in Dachau) - 1.) Romanian Jews 15.8.1945 - 2.) Jews of various nationalities 17.8.1945 (presumably identical with no. 285000) - 3 ...
List of liberated Polish Jews in Munich Flak-barracks, liberated in Landsberg, formerly in Dachau 9.8.1945 + copy (Poles)
List of liberated Jews in Munich, Flak-barracks - 17.8.1945 various nationalities
List of infiltrated persons in the UNRRA-Team 562 January 1946 various nationalities - List as above 1946 various nationalities - List as above 11.1.1946 various nationalities.
Name lists from the government camp Grafenaschau. Compilation date: 5.5.1951
Departure confirmation for members of the government camp for homeless foreigners (old people"s home), Neuburg/Danube
Name list of the surviving Jews in Neunburg and district Neunburg/Bavaria (received in London on 15.8.1945) - various nationalities - - see also, folder 0005, pages 0021-0025
List of liberated persons from various KZs in - Neunburg v. Wald - no date - various nationalities + 1 copy
1) DP-3 cards - 2) name lists, arrival and departure books of the DP camps Neustadt/Holstein; marriage certificates, birth certificates, etc. from DPs
Name lists of Germans and foreigners from the concentration camps who were admitted to the state hospital Neustadt/Holstein, as of 29. May 1945
Name list of Jews in the DP camp Neustadt/Holstein 15.5.1947, no list of nationalities
DP List Neu-Ulm - (Reinhardt barracks) 10. February 1947
List of young Jewish girls in the camp Nienburg/Weser - (Greeks) (List received 18.7.1945)
Name lists of persons who worked in various DP camps and who were insured by the AOK in Osterode, entry dates: 6.6.1945 - 1.12.1951
Name lists of persons who worked in various DP camps and who were insured by the AOK in Osterode, entry dates: 1.6.1945 - 19.9.1951
1) Name list of Latvian prisoners of the camp Pegnitz, compiled 14.7.45 - 2) Two name lists of Lithuanians (no date, probably in the camp Pegnitz) who received packages (gifts) from the ICRC Geneva - ...
Catalog of issued insurance cards for disability insurance for foreigners who were registered at the Displaced Person Camp Pfaffenhofen. no dates
Name lists of the town Plattling. No dates
List of the Jewish inhabitants of the children"s camp Prien/Chiemsee - 30.6.1947 various nationalities
Name list of the Jewish children"s camp Prien/Chiemsee 23.9.1947 - various nationalities
List of prisoners of camp Gürten I. in Kraiburg near Mühldorf/Bavaria - no date - various nationalities
Notarized copies of a register of the Jewish agricultural trainees in Rauischholzhausen, - sponsored by the UNRRA from the end of 1945 - until June 1947 and later - (2 Accompanying letters)
List from DP camp Rauischholzhausen about Kirchhain district Kassel no nationality Obtained London 15.7.1947
Name lists of employees of the former "Dwelling for homeless foreigners", Rheine-Gellendorf
Name list of the childrens camp Rosenheim 27.5.1947 various nationalities
Documents about deaths and burials in the area of Watenstedt-Salzgitter after 8.5.1945 - a) 110 burial reports - b) 6 certificates about the registration of deaths at registry offices in the area of W ...
List of Jewish survivors in camp Salzwedel near Bremervörde 19.3.1946. No list of nationalities + 1 copy - - see also no. 301000.
List of Jews in the infirmary Sankt Ottilien near Landsberg - various nationalities - 11.7.1945 + 1 copy
Name lists of foreign workers who were registered in camp Schelkingen, district Ehingen/Donau, during the war, 26.7.1945 - 3.9.1945
Prisoners of the infirmary Schondorf on 19.6.45
Various lists of names of DPs from the municipal area of Schwandorf - a) Excerpt from the wage list of the municipal authority concerning the foreign workers who were working for the UNRRA, Team 309, ...
List of inhabitants of the Jewish DP camp Schwarzenborn near Kassel January 1947 no nationality
List of children who were registered on 18.11.1946 in the children"s home "Schloß Schwebda" DP camp Eschwege also lists of inhabitants of the DP camp 18.11.1946 various nationalities
Registration forms concerning the registration with the police and issuance of German identity cards for persons of various nationalities, who were resident in Stamsried (some of whom who were impriso ...
Name lists of the DP camp Straubing, no dates
Name list from Surberg 3.10.1945
Early lists for staff of the organization ORT District I, Stuttgart
DP List Stuttgart 26. June 1947
DP List Stuttgart-Bad Cannstein - (Flanders barracks) 16. June 1947
DP Lists Stuttgart - (Finker barracks) 25. June 1947 - DP Lists Stuttgart - (Melbourne Camp) 26. June 1947 - DP Lists Stuttgart - (Students" Hostel) 26. June 1947 - DP Lists Stuttgart - (Zuffenhausen ...
Name list of people associated with the United Nations, who were in Tettnang after the war, - nationalities mentioned: Italians, Iranians, Yugoslavians (1 person), Dutch (1 person), Poles, Romanians, ...
List of all Jews in LK Tirschenreuth, Kennrath and Neustadt a. W. - 11.7.1946 various nationalities
List of all persons who have arrived in Tirschenreuth since 28.8.1946. 5.11.1946 no nationality
List of persons who left camp Tüttlingen (formerly Biberach) for repatriation 27.6.1945
Name registers with entries about foreign civil persons who were treated in the US evacuation and field hospitals 1.4. - 11.6.1945
Part of a list of foreign workers and prisoners of war who died in the town of - Vechelade (Braunschweig) 7.5.1945 - 7.9.1945 - Accompanying letter dated 27.6.1960
Name lists of foreigners registered in the DP camp Attel. - Registration periods: 15.8.1945 - 10.11.1946
List of prisoners of the UNRRA camp 603 in Wasseralfingen/district Aalen/Wurttemberg (Poles) 26.3.1947
DP list Camp Wasseralfingen 2nd part (numbers from 1 - 503 absent) Obtained London 1.10.1947 no nationality
Index of former KZ prisoners in Weilheim
List of members of the camp Weilheim/ Upper Bavaria 13.6.1947 no nationality
List of former KZ prisoners who are currently living in Kempten - 1.11.1945, no list of nationalities
Name index record of IRO patients who were under psychiatric treatment in the hospital in Wiesloch, 23.3.1974
Receipt card register of the UNRRA-camp Wildflecken. Compilation dates: 1/1949 - 3/1951
Death book of the town Wildflecken from June 1945 - December 1950
Grave lists from cemetery camp Wildflecken. Death dates: 29.6.1945 - 9.12.1950 - Receipt card register of the LVA Mainfranken, district Wildflecken. Dates of issue: 19.5.1943 - 8.12.1944
DP list Camp Winzheim by Nuremberg no date no nationality
List of Dutch persons from the camp Witzenhausen 15.5.1945
List with names of DPs who were housed in Wörth/Danube in private apartments (compiled by the town of Wörth/Danube)
DP List Ziegenhain 10.May 1947
Repatriations certificate of former prisoners from the concentration camp "Zittwerke" Klein-Schönau from 18.5.1945
DP Lists Germany (various camps) - 23.5.47, 2.6.47, 1. and 9.7.47, 14.7.47
List of former Romanian internees in the main camp VII B Memmingen 10.8.1945 - in the camp Allach , no date - in the camp Garmisch 29.6.1945 - in the camp Garmisch 21.6.1945 - in the camp Funkkaserne, ...
List of persons in various camps and hospitals in Germany - October 1945 no list of nationalities - Camp Jägerlust near Kiel - Camp Welsee near Kiel - Camp Friedrichsort/Holstein - Camp Osterode/Ha ...
Alphabetical register of Jewish DPs in camp - 609 in Ranshofen/Braunau on the Inn/Austria - without nationalities - (List received in London on 13.1.1947)
Name list of foreigners who stayed in Ampflwang/Austria on 28.2.47
List of former KZ prisoners and other deportees in the camp Ebensee/Austria - no list of nationalities - London, received on 31.8.1945
List of Hungarian Jews in the DP camp Erpfendorf (Tyrol) - 4.7.1945
Grave list of refugees, who died in the time from 4.12.44 - 26.5.48 and are buried in the cemetery of Gmunden/Upper Austria
Name list of DP patients (place and date not given)
Name list of foreigners who stayed in Innerschwand/Austria on 31.3.47
List of names of Poles who were deported for political reasons and were living in the vicinity of Innsbruck on August 2, 1945.
List of repatriated persons from Salzburg who arrived in Bregenz on 26./27.6.1945 - Camp Linz via Bregenz repatriated
List R. XIV. of Hungarian Jews in the camp Linz/Danube (Austria) Freinberg Warte - no date
Name register of refugees, who stayed in Linz in the period from 1945 - approx 1955. Listed nationalities: Albanian, Arab, Bulgarian, Estonian, Yugoslav, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Russian ...
Name registers of refugees, who stayed in Linz or in Upper Austria in the period from 1945 - 1955. Listed nationalities: American, Armenian, Brazilian, Bulgarian, German, Estonian, Greek, Yugoslav, Ca ...
Name lists of refugees who stayed in Linz and Upper Austria from 1945 to 1955
List of Jewish survivors in camp Bindermichl near Linz/Austria 1.4.1946. No list of nationalities + 1 copy
List of Jewish prisoners of the DP camp Linz-Klein Munich Team 320 - no date, no list of nationalities
List of Jews in the camp 56 Linz/Danube - (former KZ prisoners) - 6.8.1945 (no list of nationality)
Nominal list of Italians residing in camp Schlantenfeld, Linz, on 2.7.1945, whose presence had been broadcastet on 11.7.1945
List of Lithuanian refugees of war in the camp Schlantenfels in Steg near Linz London, received on 2.9.1945
List of Lithuanian Jews in the camp Schlantenfels in Steg near Linz - 5.3.1946
Registry of the foreign patients who have been inpatients at the tuberculosis home Riesenhof 19.6.1946 (14.1.1946) various nationalities
List of former prisoners who now remain in Lustenau (25.9.1945) various nationalities
Registries of the deported foreigners living in Mondsee/Austria and its administrative borders 3.11.1945 various nationalities
List of people, living in the community of Mondsee, who were forcibly deported from Romania (20.8.45)
Lists of civilian internees (liberated by the Americans) who were in camp Neustift
List of persons from Salzburg and Klagenfurt who were brought across the Swiss border on 20./23.6.1945
1) Name lists of Estonians, registered in Salzburg on 23.6.45 - 2) Name list of Latvians, registered - in Salzburg, compiled on 23.6.45 - 3) Name list of Lithuanians, registered - in Salzburg, 23. and ...
List of Jews living in the province of Salzburg 9.11.1945 - no list of nationalities
Name list of foreigners who stayed in the town of Schlatt on 27.3.47
Name list of Romanians living in camp Stadl-Paura 27.5.1945 district Wels
Name list of persons who stayed in Traiskirchen (Austria) during the war and who emigrated, 1953 - 1958
List of foreign refugees and civilian workers, who presently live in the town area of - Ampflwang, compiled on 5.6.1945
Name list of foreigners who stayed in the district of Vöcklabruck after the war because of emigration issues, record dates: 9.6.1947 - 10.5.1948
List of former KZ prisoners who are now housed in the camp "Alpenjägerkaserne" in Wels/Austria 30.6.1945 (Hungarians and Romanians) - List of former refugees in the same camp 30.6.1945 (French, Dutch ...
1) Name list of persons with Latvian citizenship, living in Hallein - (accompanying letter dated 30.7.45) - 2) Compilation of Lithuanians registered with the Lithuanian Committee in Hallein - (accomp ...
Name records of marriages after the war, without dates
List 1 + 2 of homeless Lithuanians in Upper Austria, Linz and Vöcklabruck - London, received on 2.9.1945
Lists of refugees (DPs) of Polish nationality, who were housed in various camps in Denmark - 1945 after the war - (accompanying letter dated 22.5.1962)
Name list of civilians (Germans, Italians, and Czechs) who were arrested in France and were handed over to French custody
List of emigrants going to Palestine who departed on 22.3.1945 - (various nationalities)
List of prisoners of various nationalities in the prison Padua (Italy) - 25.8.1945
List of 147 women and children of various nationalities who are internees in the camp Alberello (Bari) Italy - (handed over to Geneva by the CICR in Rome on 25.4.1947)
List of Yugoslavian internees in Piere di Teco (Imperia) Italy 25.5.1945
Name list of foreigners who were transferred from the DP camp Bologna to the DP camp Jagnoli on August 29, 1948.
Correspondence concerning persons, who stayed in Italy after the war and were looked after by the IRO in Rome during this time. - Dates: 26.9.1946 - 16.11.1951
Name lists of survivors of KL Ravensbrück, who arrived on 27./28.4.1945 in Malmö
List of persons who received a travel pass (repatriation) from the Hungarian Red Cross in Prague. 11.1.1946 - 14.2.1946 + 1 copy
List of Dutch people and foreigners in the Unna camp Jeanne d`Arc Phillipville/North Africa received in London on 15.6.1945 - List of Jews in the camp Phillipville
e) Name register of Polish Jewish refugees in East Africa and Rhodesia, February 1944
List of Polish Jews who are now in Ukana/North Rhodesia (Africa) 8.1.1946
Letter from 3.6.1947 with names of Jewish refugees in the camp Valivade Kolhapur/India
f) Name register of Polish Jewish children who arrived in Teheran on 31. July 1943
b) Name register of Polish Jewish refugees who remained in Teheran and joined the Polish Army
Refugees of various nationalities transferred from China to Samar (the Philippines) - 49 lists (of available material) - 79 lists (new material) 1950 - - (see also, no. 26000)
Alphabetical list of Jews who remained in Russia during World War II, respectively with names of Jews who searched for such persons in advertisements of the "Jüdischen Landsberger Lagerzeitung" (comp ...
Autopsy register - Time period 31.3.1942 - 21.4.1951 - The book contains the names of foreigners: - 31.3.1942 - 3.5.1945 - 28.9. (25.7.) 1945 - 21.4.1951
Registration book of the infirmary in Münster 4.5.1945 - 20.8.1946
Medical treatment book of the UNRRA children"s sanatorium, Nuremberg 1946
DP/IRO acceptance lists, camp lists, books (ordered by name) on DP registration cards and emigration lists - - Document not available electronically
List of non-Hungarian internees who are in Sweden (Hungarian consulate general in Stockholm) - - Document not yet identified
Receiving camp dt. St. Gallen, list of persons who arrived on 7.12.1944 - - Document not yet identified; see also, folder 0027
List of liberated Jewish women in Bergen-Belsen 28.5.1945 - 1. & 6.6.1945 (alphabetical) - + section A - Er (2 10-pages copies) - + Er - In (2 14-paged copies) - + Io - Ly (2 11-paged copies); see ...
List of liberated Jewish women in the camp Bergen-Belsen 12.6.1945 (L + M) and 1 copy - - Document not available electronically; see also no. 596000 and, folder 0014, pages 0011 - 0135
List of Jewish Polish women in Grimm (Germany) - 26.7.1945
List of liberated Jews in Hof/Saale 11.3.1946 - various nationalities - - Document not available electronically; identical with, folder 0161, pages 0069 - 0070
List of Jews in Mittenwald (Germany) - 8.3.1946 - various nationalities + 2 copies - - Document not available electronically; identical with, folder 0225, pages 0178 - 0179
List of liberated deportees in camp Ebensee/ Austria - No date - Various nationalities + 1 copy - - Document not available electronically; see also no. 612000 and no. 863000
List of Jews in camp Feldafing (mostly Poles) - No date - - Document not available electronically; identical with, folder 0104, pages 0156 - 0170
List of Jews in camp Feldafing (mostly Lithuanians) - No date - - Document not available electronically; identical with, folder 0104, pages 0147 - 0154
Alphabetical list of Polish prisoners of the camp Bergen-Belsen - Beginning of May 1945 - - Document not available electronically; presumably identical with no. 597000
List of deportees from Buchenwald - (Romanians) - no date
List of surviving Germans and Austrians in the camp Westerbork/Holland 4.6.1945 - - Document not yet identified
Registry of Czechoslovakian persons in concentration and repatriation camps (publication in the newspaper "Cechslovak" from 29.6.1945) - - Document not yet identified
List of Jews in the infirmary St. Ottilien near Landsberg/Bavaria 14.7.1945 various nationalities - - Document not available electronically; presumably identical with no. 290000
List of liberated Polish Jews in the camp Landsberg/ Lech - no date - - Document not available electronically; presumably identical with no. 274000
List of liberated Jews of various nationalities in the camp Landsberg/Lech 10.9.1945 - - Document not available electronically; presumably identical with no. 277000
List of Polish Jews in the camp Landsberg/Lech (received on date NY 10.8.1945) - - Document not available electronically; presumably identical with no. 274000
List of former prisoners of KZ Auschwitz and KZ Buchenwald - now living in Bayreuth, Heinrich-Schützstr.
List of Jewish orphans (twins) who stayed alive after the Germans had performed experiments on them - 15.5.1946, various nationalities - - Document not available electronically; identical with no. 33 ...
List of Jews living in the DP camp "Josephsheim" in Bad Wörrishofen 17.12.1946 - various nationalities
List of liberated Polish Jews in camp Feldafing 3.7.1945 - - Document not available electronically; presumably identical with no. 338000
List of inhabitants of the Jewish DP camp Rochelle in Eschenstruth near Kassel 30.7.1947 - no list of nationalities - - Document not available electronically; copy in, folder 0090, pages 0203 ...
List of Polish Jewish officers in camp Dössel near Warburg (Oflag VI.B) 18.6.1945
List of prisoners in camp Deggendorf 2.10.1945 - no list of nationalities
List of Jewish women liberated from camp Bergen- Belsen 12.6.1945 - various nationalities
List of the Jews in Bamberg - Received in London on 29.10.1945 - no list of nationalities
List of the prisoners of the Unna Youth Center Team 1069 Aschau - 16.5.1947 various nationalities
List of the prisoners of the camp "Bayerischer Hof" in Altötting 18.11.1946 - no list of nationalities
Alphabetical list of the Polish DPs in camp Vilseck Altneuhaus (DP-camp) 21.2.1946
Alphabetical list of the Latvian DPs in the camp Vilseck Altneuhaus (DP-Camp) 18.3.1946
List of persons who came back to Berlin from Karaganda - various nationalities, 21.3.1947 + 1 copy (same list as above, but in a different form) 26.3.1947 - - Document not available electronically; s ...
List of prisoners of Block XIII in Bergen-Belsen - 18.5.1945 various nationalities - - Document not yet identified
List of Polish Jews who were released from camp Bergen-Belsen 29.5.1945
List of Greek Jews in Bergen-Belsen - received in London on 18.7.1945 - - Document not yet identified
List of Jewish women who were liberated in Bergen-Belsen - Section J - Ly 6.6.1945 no list of nationalities + 1 copy
List of Germans and Austrians in Bergen-Belsen - received in London on 2.6.1945
Name list of people who returned from Dachau, Dora and various other locations - Prague, 30.6.1945 - nationality: Czechoslovakian - - Document not yet identified
List of liberated Hungarian women in Dachau, no date - List of liberated Hungarians in Dachau, no date - List of liberated Czechoslovakians, no date - List of liberated Poles, no date - List of Hungar ...
List of children in camp Deggendorf - September 1945, various nationalities
List of liberated children in Germany - received in London on 23.8.1945, - various nationalities
List of liberated children in Germany - received in London 23.8.1945, various nationalities
List of craftsmen and workers, all under 40 years old, who are now living in the city of Rumburk/Czechoslovakia - received in London on 1.5.1946 from Prague - - Document not available electronically; ...
List of Jewish persons in Fritzlar (Hessen) 5.5.1947 no nationality - - Document not available electronically; presumably identical with, folder 0124, pages 0172 - 0190 or. 0152 - 0171 respec ...
List of Jewish residents in Hof Obtained London 29.10.1945 no nationality
List of young people in the DP camp for Russians in Klotze 1.5.1945 various nationalities - - Document not available electronically; presumably identical with no. 270000
List of children in DP children"s camp UNRRA Team 182 Cloister Indersdorf/Bavaria
List of survivors in Laucherthal (French zone) 9.11.1945 no nationality - - Document not available electronically; identical with no. 279000
List of Jews registered with the Jewish Committee in Traunstein/ Upper Bavaria 14.4.1947 no nationality - - Document not available electronically; presumably identical with, folder 0308, pa ...
Residents list of Camp Ainring I. 7.4.1947 no nationality - - Document not available electronically; identical with, folder 0002, pages 0072 - 0078
List of inhabitants of camp Babenhausen (Hesse) 16.1.1947 no nationality
List of Jews in Bad Nauheim 15.4.1946 no nationality
List of members of the Jewish community Bad Nauheim 24.1.1947 nationality not given
List of inhabitants of the "Jewish Childrens Center UNRRA Team 1070" Bavarian-Gmain 13.3.1947 various nationalities
Sharit Ha-Platah: Bergen-Belsen Volume I 1945 no nationality - - Document not available electronically; presumably identical or partially identical with no. 607000
List of inhabitants of DP camp Bensheim (Hesse) June 1947 no nationality
List of children in the camp Deggendorf Jewish section September 1945
List of Jewish residents in Dorfen-Markt 9.4.1947 no nationality - - Document not available electronically; presumably identical with, folder 0084, pages 0113 - 0115
List: Lubavitch Jews in the Bensheim Team 49 15.8.1946
List of children in camp Deggendorf September 1945 no nationality
List of Jewish women from Poland who are now in Grimm 26.7.1945 - - Document not available electronically; presumably identical with no. 247000
Resident list of camp Leipheim/Danube Continuation pages 30 - 61; Continuation pages 91 - 112 29.4.1947 nationality not given - - Document not available electronically; presumably identical with nos ...
List of survivors from various KZ camps in Neunburg/Wald Obtained London 21.9.1945 various nationalities - - Document not available electronically; presumably identical with no. 287000
Name list of the former KZ prisoners from KZ camp Gunskirchen/ Upper Austria who died in the general hospital Wels after the liberation 25.8.1947 various nationalities - - Document not yet identifi ...
List of persons previously living in Luxembourg who now live in Bamberg 26.7.1945 no nationality
Names list of the deceased in Mittenwald with grave numbers. no date no nationality - - Document not yet identified
List of deportees who were liberated but have not yet returned from Mehlteuer 6.8.1945 (Romanian) - - Document not yet identified
List of Hungarian soldiers from work units together with family relatives in Wels/Austria 6.7.1945 with it 39 pages with receipts from received packages + 2 copies of the 41Bl. lists - - Document not ...
Name list of soldiers of the Hungarian Labor Regiment 92 in camp Neustädter Schule in Wels/Austria 27.6.1945 (Hungarians) - - Document not yet identified
Written correspondence of the refugee camp Friedland with various German and IRO offices concerning DPs and homeless foreigners, as well as lists of refugees (various nationalities) - - Document not ...
Written correspondence of the refugee camp Friedland concerning ex-DPs who returned from various countries who took refugees from Germany - - Document not allocated; see, folders 0122 - 012 ...
Name list from 6.2.1953 of emigrants to Chile, who were summoned for medical examination by the medical branch of the ICEM on 13.2.1953 in the Bremen Überseeheim, compiled by Rayhaels- - Verein e.V., ...
List of homeless foreigners who died in the camp Augustdorf 25.9.45 - 20.4.58 - (Accompanying letter and list dated 24.4.1961)
Foreigners index - - here: List of names; the cards have been filed in unit
3) Name lists of the DP camp Feldafing (A-Z) January 1947 - January 1949 - - Document currently not available in electronic form
1) Name list (acknowledgment list) of Latvians in Bayreuth, compiled on 16.7.45 - 2) Name list (acknowledgment list) of Estonians in Bayreuth and surrounding area, compiled on 24.7.45 - 3) Name list ( ...
DP List Bad Mergentheim, 19. June 1947
DP List Berlin-Zehlendorf, 3. April 1947
Registry of deceased persons in the former "Luftwaffe-infirmary" Dölau, district Halle/Saale June - August 1945, - nationalities mentioned: Belgians, French, Italians, Yugoslavians, Latvians, Poles, R ...
Name register of Polish citizens who were repatriated from the town Markt Falkenstein on 11.8.1945 (presumably to Poland)
1) List of addresses of former employees of the IRO children camp in Bad Aibling, 28.12.51 - 2) index record of persons who were transfered to the camps in Rosenheim, Dillingen, Ingolstadt-Desching an ...
Medical book of the military reserve section of DP Hospital Telgte/ Westphalia (Book I) - - (folder 9)
Medical book of the military reserve section of DP Hospital Telgte/ Westphalia (Book II) - - (folder 10)
Name list of the Polish Center Freising 13.7.1945 - - identical with no. 3143000
Name lists of foreigners who resided in Austria - No dates
Name lists concerning foreigners, who were employed in various DP camps - Employment times: 6.4.1945 - 10.7.1947
Migration index from the town Sobernheim, emigration dates: from 1949
Name lists concerning foreigners who resided in the town Höchstädt on the Danube, issue dates: 4.11.1948 & 6.11.1948
Compilation of names about foreigners who stayed in Butzbach
Lists of names of foreigners who were treated in the Hospital Hummelshain
Lists of names of foreigners who deceased in the hospital of Hummelshain
Lists of names of foreigners who were medically treated in the hospital of Kahla
List of names of foreigners who deceased in the hospital of Kahla
Correspondence of the community of Kolbingen
Register of names of the town of Sobernheim about emigrated foreigners
List of names pertaining to foreigners who were employed with the UNRRA in Greven
List of names pertaining to foreigners who were staying in Zell am Harmersbach
Lists of names of DP-Camp Stockach
List of names of DP-Camp Munderkingen
Lists of names of DP-Camp Bernstein am Wald
Lists of names of DP-Camp Bernstein am Wald
List of names of DP-Camp Rehden
Lists of names of various DP-Camps
Lists of names of the DP Camps Weinsberg and Sontheim
Lists of names of registry office Lebach-Caserne
Lists of names of various DP Camps in Darmstadt
Mariages" and deaths" books of DP Camp Wildflecken
Lists of names of various DP Camps in Ulm
Lists of names of DP Camp Göppingen
Lists of names of the town of Weilheim in Upper Bavaria
Lists of names of the community of Achberg
Housekeepers" lists of DP Camp Solingen
Anträge auf Ausstellung von Kennkarten, Auskunftsblätter und Schriftwechsel über Ausländer, die im Landkreis Blankenburg ansässig waren - Registration of Liberated Former Persecutees at Various Locations (F18 lists) - Registration of Former Persecutees Deceased at Various Locations Predominantly after the War (AL7 lists) - Index Cards of the “Central Location Index”, New York - Card file of refugees in Stade - Registrations in Denmark - Registrations in Italy
3.1.2 - Treatment of DPs in hospitals
3.1.3 - Emigrations
3.2 - Relief Programs of Various Organizations
3.3 - Child Tracing Branch/Tracing service
4 - Special NSDAP organizations and actions
5 - Death Marches, identification of unkown dead and Nazi trials
6 - Records of the ITS and its predecessors
7 - Archival records of microforms (new material / document acquisition)
8 - Collections of private persons and small archives