0 - Global Finding Aids
1 - Incarceration Documents
1.1 - Camps and Ghettos
1.2 - Miscellaneous
1.2.1 - Deportations and Transports
1.2.2 - Prisons
1.2.3 - Gestapo
1.2.4 - Various Organizations - "Reichsvereinigung der Juden" Card File
Documents without name and with names from A
Documents with names from AVRAM, SEINDLA
Documents with names from BERNHARD, GERHARD
Documents with names from BLUM, HEINRICH
Documents with names from BOROWER, LUCIE
Documents with names from BRONNER, RITA
Documents with names from CASSIRER, FRITZ
Documents with names from COHN, MANFRED
Documents with names from DAVID, MANFRED
Documents with names from DRUCKER, BERNHARD
Documents with names from EISINGER, LUISE
Documents with names from FALEK, FELIX
Documents with names from FISCHEL, SIMON
Documents with names from FRANKENSTEIN, HERBERT
Documents with names from FRIEDMANN, NATHAN
Documents with names from GERBER, ILSE
Documents with names from GOLDLUST, INGEBORG
Documents with names from GOTTFELD, ADOLF
Documents with names from GRÜNBAUM, BERNHARD
Documents with names from GUTTMANN, HELGA
Documents with names from HARRISON, MAX
Documents with names from HELLINGER, KURT
Documents with names from HEYDT, BERTHA
Documents with names from HIRSCHBURG, ERNESTINE
Documents with names from HOROWITZ, MINNA
Documents with names from JACOBY, AXEL
Documents with names from JUNGMANN, SIEGFRIED
Documents with names from KAPNER, MAX
Documents with names from KAUFMANN, SARA
Documents with names from KLEIN, MARION
Documents with names from KÖNIG, MARKUS
Documents with names from KRIZ, HANS
Documents with names from LANDAUER, JULIUS
Documents with names from LEHMANN, PAUL
Documents with names from LEVY, ELISE
Documents with names from LEWINSOHN, VIKTOR
Documents with names from LINZ, MORITZ
Documents with names from LOEWY, MARTHA
Documents with names from LUWISCH, DAVID
Documents with names from MENDELSOHN, MIA
Documents with names from MÜLLER, HANS
Documents with names from NEUFELD, HERBERT
Documents with names from OBERMEYER, MORITZ
Documents with names from PEISER, HELGA
Documents with names from PLAUT, EVA
Documents with names from RADZIMINSKI, FELICIA
Documents with names from REVAI, ADOLF
Documents with names from ROSENBERG, FRIEDRICH
Documents with names from ROSENTHAL, SUSANNA
Documents with names from SABATZKY, ELISE
Documents with names from SAMUEL, JONAS
Documents with names from SCHELESNIAKOV, LISA
Documents with names from SCHLOCHAUER, JENNY
Documents with names from SCHOTTLÄNDER, GEORG
Documents with names from SCHWEDENBERG, WILHELM
Documents with names from SIEGEL, EDWIN
Documents with names from SIMSON, META
Documents with names from SPEIER, MARTIN
Documents with names from STEIN, PAULA
Documents with names from STERNECK, BERTHOLD
Documents with names from SZAMATOLSKI, WOLFGANG
Documents with names from TREFF, DORA
Documents with names from WACHSMANN, PAUL
Documents with names from WEIL, MOSES
Documents with names from WENDRINER, FANY
Documents with names from WOHL, GERHARD
Documents with names from WOLLSTEIN, SARA
Documents with names from ZWEIG, BENNO - Index cards from the Judenrat (Jewish council) file in Amsterdam - Service Watson
1.2.5 - Post-war Compilations
1.2.6 - Archival References
1.2.7 - Persecution actions especially outside of the German Reich
1.2.8 - Court martial proceedings
1.2.9 - Effects preserved at the ITS
2 - Registration of Foreigners and German Persecutees by Public Institutions, Social Securities and Companies (1939 - 1947)
3 - Registrations and Files of Displaced Persons, Children and Missing Persons
4 - Special NSDAP organizations and actions
5 - Death Marches, identification of unkown dead and Nazi trials
6 - Records of the ITS and its predecessors
7 - Archival records of microforms (new material / document acquisition)
8 - Collections of private persons and small archives