0 - Global Finding Aids
1 - Incarceration Documents
1.1 - Camps and Ghettos
1.1.0 - General Information
1.1.1 - Amersfoort Police Transit Camp
1.1.2 - Auschwitz Concentration and Extermination Camp
1.1.3 - Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp
1.1.4 - Breendonk Transit Camp
1.1.5 - Buchenwald Concentration Camp
1.1.6 - Dachau Concentration Camp
1.1.7 - Esterwegen Concentration Camp
1.1.8 - Flossenbürg Concentration Camp - General Information on Flossenbürg Concentration Camp - List Material Flossenbürg - Individual Documents male Flossenbürg
Individual prisoner records
Files with names from AACH
Files with names from ALESENKO
Files with names from ANTONELLI
Files with names from AVSEC
Files with names from BALIS
Files with names from BARTKOWIAK
Files with names from BEDNARCZYK
Personal file of BEDNARCZYK, TEOFIL, born on 17-Dec-1897
Personal file of BEDNARCZYK, WACLAW, born on 2-Sep-1917
Personal file of BEDNARCZYK, WLADYSLAUS, born on 13-Jul-1910
Personal file of BEDNAREK, BOLESLAW, born on 15-Apr-1909
Personal file of BEDNAREK, BRONISLAW, born on 31-Aug-1923
Personal file of BEDNAREK, IGNAZ, born on 8-Jun-1916
Personal file of BEDNAREK, JOHANN, born on 18-Dec-1899
Personal file of BEDNAREK, JOHANN, born on 24-Jul-1907
Personal file of BEDNAREK, JOSEF, born on 11-Mar-1882
Personal file of BEDNAREK, JULIAN, born on 15-Oct-1914
Personal file of BEDNAREK, STEFAN, born on 17-Jul-1920
Personal file of BEDNARIK, LEOPOLD, born on 16-Sep-1898
Personal file of BEDNAROWICZ, MIECZYSLAW, born on 17-Nov-1902
Personal file of BEDNARSKI, EDUARD, born on 18-Dec-1902
Personal file of BEDNARSKI, JAN, born on 17-Sep-1920
Personal file of BEDNARSKI, JAN, born on 10-Feb-1923
Personal file of BEDNARSKI, JOSEF, born on 16-Sep-1900
Personal file of BEDNARSKI, LADISLAUS, born on 14-Oct-1921
Personal file of BEDNARSKI, MIECZYSLAW, born on 4-Apr-1908
Personal file of BEDNARSKI, TADDÄUS, born on 29-Aug-1912
Personal file of BEDNARZ, MICHAEL, born on 5-Sep-1890
Personal file of BEDNARZSCYK, ZYGMUNT, born on 16-Oct-1910
Personal file of BEDNOWSKI, EDUARD, born on 8-Dec-1902
Personal file of BEDÖ, ANTAL, born on 15-Aug-1909
Personal file of BEDOURA, JOSEPH, born on 8-Nov-1904
Personal file of BEDOWIJ, MICHAEL, born on 6-Jun-1914
Personal file of BEDSCHUK, LEONID, born on 7-Aug-1923
Personal file of BEDU, PAUL, born on 12-Aug-1920
Personal file of BEDUER, FRANCOIS, born on 25-Jan-1923
Personal file of BEDURKE, WILHELM, born on 11-Aug-1914
Personal file of BEDYNSKI, JAN, born on 6-Aug-1898
Personal file of BEECKMAN, ACHIEL, born on 8-Mar-1901
Personal file of BEER, FRIEDRICH, born on 17-Dec-1893
Personal file of BEER, PAUL, born on 19-Aug-1907
Personal file of BEER, SALOMON, born on 27-Oct-1923
Personal file of BEER, SIMON, born on 24-Aug-1923
Personal file of BEER, ZOLTAN, born on 30-May-1897
Personal file of BEESKOW, ERICH, born on 23-Sep-1914
Personal file of BEESKOW, WILHELM, born on 19-May-1910
Personal file of BEGMA, ALEXANDER, born on 28-Sep-1896
Personal file of BEGMA, JAKOB, born on 20-May-1921
Personal file of BEGUIN, RENE, born on 11-Dec-1902
Personal file of BEGUR, GREGOR, born on 16-May-1926
Personal file of BEHALEK, JOSEF, born on 26-Dec-1927
Personal file of BEHIER, GASTON, born on 24-Aug-1889
Personal file of BEHLE, FRANZ, born on 21-Dec-1901
Personal file of BEHMANN, ALEXANDER, born on 28-Sep-1896
Personal file of BEHME, WALTER, born on 4-Jan-1899
Personal file of BEHN, ERNST, born on 8-Jun-1905
Personal file of BEHOLAVEK, JAROSLAV, born on 7-Jun-1902
Personal file of BEHREND, ALFRED, born on 12-Dec-1914
Personal file of BEHREND, ARTHUR, born on 10-Oct-1896
Personal file of BEHREND, ARTUR, born on 15-Jan-1902
Personal file of BEHREND, HEINZ, born on 5-Aug-1919
Personal file of BEHREND, WILHELM, born on 24-Feb-1889
Personal file of BEHRENDT, HANS, born on 18-Nov-1906
Personal file of BEHRENDT, HERBERT, born on 24-May-1908
Personal file of BEHRENDT, HERMANN, born on 16-Apr-1903
Personal file of BEHRENS, ERNST, born on 24-Nov-1889
Personal file of BEHRENS, HANS, born on 25-Jul-1899
Personal file of BEHRENS, HANSJÖRG, born on 21-Mar-1916
Personal file of BEHRENS, HERMANN, born on 22-Nov-1880
Personal file of BEHRENS, JOHANN, born on 17-Jan-1911
Personal file of BEHRENS, LÜDER, born on 5-Aug-1906
Personal file of BEICHT, JOHANN, born on 4-Apr-1902
Personal file of BEIER, HEINRICH, born on 7-Mar-1901
Personal file of BEIER, PAUL, born on 22-Dec-1903
Personal file of BEIGELMACHER, JERECHMIEL, born on 5-Apr-1923
Personal file of BEIGENGER, ALBERT, born on 24-Apr-1899
Personal file of BEIHOF, ALEX, born on 6-Jan-1922
Personal file of BEIKO, MICHAILO, born on 17-Nov-1923
Personal file of BEIL, ELIAS, born on 23-Jul-1923
Personal file of BEIL, JOHANN, born on 20-Jan-1901
Personal file of BEIL, NAFTULA, born on 5-Mar-1909
Personal file of BEILL, ZBIGNIEW, born on 15-Aug-1920
Personal file of BEIN, ENDRE, born on 18-Sep-1908
Personal file of BEIN, LEOPOLD
Personal file of BEINBERG, SIMCHE, born on 26-Jan-1908
Personal file of BEINHORN, HUGO, born on 17-Aug-1919
Personal file of BEINHORN, MOR, born on 16-Aug-1919
Personal file of BEINHORN, SAMUEL, born on 3-Jul-1895
Personal file of BEINS, CHRISTIAN, born on 29-May-1901
Personal file of BEINWELZWEIG, DAVID, born on 10-Jul-1899
Personal file of BEIRENS, BERNARD, born on 19-Mar-1910
Personal file of BEISEL, MATHIAS, born on 29-Apr-1892
Personal file of BEISOW, LEONID, born on 12-Jun-1919
Personal file of BEISTER, BRUNO, born on 23-Jul-1899
Personal file of BEITER, ARON, born in the year 1915
Personal file of BEITNER, SCHMULD, born on 10-Jun-1919
Personal file of BEITSCHO, MIKOLA, born in the year 1924
Personal file of BEJ, ANATOLIJ, born on 20-Mar-1918
Personal file of BEJA, PEPO, born on 13-Feb-1901
Personal file of BEJKO, MICHAILO, born on 17-Nov-1923
Personal file of BEJLIN, SERSEJ, born on 10-Sep-1903
Personal file of BEJLISON, WLODIANECZ, born on 2-Feb-1924
Personal file of BEJSER, HENOCH, born on 10-Feb-1926
Personal file of BEK, ANTON, born on 8-Jan-1902
Personal file of BEK, FRANZ, born on 24-Oct-1921
Personal file of BEKAERT, ALBERT, born on 15-Feb-1923
Personal file of BEKER, GOTZEL, born on 5-Jul-1925
Personal file of BEKERMANN, JAKOB, born on 25-May-1911
Personal file of BEKES, WASIL, born on 25-Apr-1907
Personal file of BEKIER, ANTONI, born on 30-Jul-1921
Personal file of BEKIERSZ, RYZSARD, born on 5-Jun-1912
Personal file of BEKIS, IWAN, born on 10-Apr-1922
Personal file of BEKISS, IWAN, born on 10-Apr-1922
Personal file of BEKKIW, ALI, born on 15-May-1919
Personal file of BEKLEMITSCHENKO, ALEX, born on 11-Dec-1920
Personal file of BEKSCHANOW, NIKOLAJ, born on 15-Mar-1912
Personal file of BEL, GASTON, born on 18-Jun-1909
Personal file of BEL, PAUL, born on 6-Jan-1895
Personal file of BELA, LAJOS, born on 10-Nov-1923
Personal file of BELACEK, JAHN, born on 18-Jun-1918
Personal file of BELAJEW, GREGOIJ, born on 7-Mar-1927
Personal file of BELAJEW, MICHAEL, born on 2-May-1928
Personal file of BELAJEW, PIOTR, born on 23-Dec-1917
Personal file of BELAJEW, WLADIMIR, born on 10-Aug-1925
Personal file of BELAKOW, IWAN, born on 17-Sep-1899
Personal file of BELAKOW, NIKOLAJ, born on 6-Jun-1921
Personal file of BELAKUSIC, ANTON, born on 17-May-1908
Personal file of BELAMARIC, JAKOB, born on 17-Jul-1903
Personal file of BELAN, GRIGORIJ, born on 23-Jan-1917
Personal file of BELANIN, FEODOR, born on 15-Jun-1914
Personal file of BELANKOW, PHILIP, born on 7-Jan-1913
Personal file of BELANOV, LEONID, born on 31-Jan-1927
Personal file of BELARDINELLI, ALFIO, born on 25-Jan-1926
Personal file of BELAS, MICHAIL, born on 15-Jan-1925
Personal file of BELASCHEWSKIJ, IWAN, born on 10-Dec-1918
Personal file of BELATOW, PIOTR, born on 4-Mar-1907
Personal file of BELAZKI, ANDREJ, born on 20-Oct-1903
Personal file of BELCIC, MATEVZ, born on 24-Jul-1923
Personal file of BELCYR, WLADISLAW, born on 10-May-1922
Personal file of BELDEGRÜN, NAFTALI, born on 11-Jul-1912
Personal file of BELDENGRÜN, ABRAHAM, born on 29-Oct-1923
Personal file of BELDENGRÜN, ELIAS, born on 2-Jan-1925
Personal file of BELDENGRÜN, SALAMON, born on 4-Nov-1927
Personal file of BELE, ANTON, born on 22-Feb-1912
Personal file of BELEC, JAKOB, born on 13-Jul-1899
Personal file of BELEC, JOSEF, born on 24-Apr-1909
Personal file of BELECH, FRANTISEK, born on 15-Nov-1910
Personal file of BELELI, ELIESER, born on 3-Jun-1917
Personal file of BELELI, NASSAM, born on 25-Dec-1908
Personal file of BELENKIJ, ALEXANDER, born on 1-Jan-1912
Personal file of BELENKOW, ISAJ, born on 7-May-1917
Personal file of BELEW, PIOTR, born on 10-Sep-1922
Personal file of BELEWSKI, ALOIS, born on 7-Oct-1913
Personal file of BELEWSKI, LEONHARD, born on 6-Sep-1896
Personal file of BELEWTZEW, SERGEJ, born on 3-Jun-1918
Personal file of BELEWZEW, SERGEJ, born on 3-Jun-1918
Personal file of BELFER, ISRAEL, born on 4-Mar-1916
Personal file of BELFER, LEON, born on 30-Dec-1899
Personal file of BELFER, MAYER, born in the year 1922
Personal file of BELFER, SCHMUL, born on 12-Apr-1911
Personal file of BELHA, GRITZKO, born on 15-Apr-1922
Personal file of BELIADZE, PAWEL, born on 3-Apr-1911
Personal file of BELICKI, ANTONI, born on 19-Mar-1910
Personal file of BELIJ, GRIGORIJ, born on 5-Feb-1908
Personal file of BELIJ, MICHAEL, born on 5-Nov-1917
Personal file of BELIJ, VIKTOR, born on 27-Nov-1914
Personal file of BELIJ, WLADIMIR, born on 15-May-1923
Personal file of BELIK, ALEXANDER, born on 0-Nov-1926
Personal file of BELIK, NIKOLAY
Personal file of BELIKOW, JURIJ, born on 10-Jun-1920
Personal file of BELIKOW, PAUL, born on 1-Mar-1895
Personal file of BELIMENKO, PAWLO, born on 4-May-1916
Personal file of BELING, BRUNO, born on 22-Feb-1911
Personal file of BELINSKIJ, WALENTIN, born on 18-Mar-1925
Personal file of BELITZ, GERHARD, born on 22-Dec-1897
Personal file of BELJAEW, IWAN, born on 1-Nov-1908
Personal file of BELJAEW, MICHAEL, born on 2-May-1928
Personal file of BELJAEW, STEPAN, born on 12-Dec-1924
Personal file of BELJAEW, VIKTOR, born on 2-May-1917
Personal file of BELJAJEW, PETRO, born on 11-Jan-1922
Personal file of BELJAJEW, VIKTOR, born on 8-Mar-1919
Personal file of BELJAJEW, VITALIJ, born on 15-Mar-1902
Personal file of BELJAK, IGNATIJ, born on 27-Oct-1906
Personal file of BELJAK, WASSILIJ, born on 4-Apr-1923
Personal file of BELJAKOW, PAWEL, born on 1-Jan-1915
Personal file of BELJAN, VINKO, born on 13-May-1917
Personal file of BELJASCHOW, IWAN, born on 7-Jul-1923
Personal file of BELKA, STEFAN, born on 28-Dec-1920
Personal file of BELKASEN, FISOA, born on 12-Mar-1911
Personal file of BELKE, IGNAZY, born on 31-Jul-1898
Personal file of BELKE, LEONARD, born on 1-Jun-1927
Personal file of BELKEWITSCH, IWAN, born on 10-Aug-1884
Personal file of BELKIN, MICHAL, born on 28-Feb-1926
Personal file of BELKIN, VIKTOR, born on 21-Mar-1912
Personal file of BELKOW, IWAN, born on 26-Sep-1920
Personal file of BELL, KARL, born on 21-May-1907
Personal file of BELLABARDA, ANGELO, born on 11-Oct-1903
Personal file of BELLACK, WALTER, born on 19-Mar-1904
Personal file of BELLAMIO, ENRICO, born on 19-Feb-1896
Personal file of BELLELI, FELIX, born on 16-Jan-1920
Personal file of BELLELI, MOISE, born on 15-Aug-1915
Personal file of BELLELI, PEREZ, born in the year 1914
Personal file of BELLELI, ROBERTO, born on 6-Jun-1901
Personal file of BELLELI, SALOMON, born in the year 1910
Personal file of BELLEMANS, EDGARD, born on 14-Jan-1925
Personal file of BELLER, JAKOB, born on 21-Mar-1921
Personal file of BELLETTI, FRANCESCO, born on 13-Mar-1898
Personal file of BELLI, FERRUCIO, born on 10-Jul-1915
Personal file of BELLI, GIOVANNI, born on 30-Dec-1884
Personal file of BELLIN, PAUL, born on 24-Sep-1918
Personal file of BELLIN, WALTER, born on 12-Dec-1901
Personal file of BELLO DELL, ATTILIO, born on 28-Mar-1910
Personal file of BELLOMENA, FRANCESCO, born on 19-Oct-1920
Personal file of BELLON, GEORGES, born on 17-Nov-1922
Personal file of BELLONZONI, GAETANO, born on 31-Oct-1901
Personal file of BELLORGE, MARCEL, born on 20-May-1914
Personal file of BELLOT, PAUL, born on 8-Dec-1919
Personal file of BELLU, HENRI, born on 6-Mar-1922
Personal file of BELMAN, ALEKSANDER, born on 3-Dec-1921
Personal file of BELOBROW, GRIGORIJ, born on 27-Jan-1916
Personal file of BELOCH, FRANTISEK, born on 15-Nov-1910
Personal file of BELOCHLEBOW, WASILIJ, born on 11-Aug-1897
Personal file of BELOCHONOW, KONSTANTIN, born on 15-Sep-1926
Personal file of BELOEIL, JEAN, born on 16-Aug-1922
Personal file of BELOGUROW, IWAN, born on 23-Dec-1927
Personal file of BELOHLAVEK, FRANZ, born on 26-Oct-1920
Personal file of BELOHOUBEK, EMIL, born on 15-Nov-1917
Personal file of BELOKON, SERGEJ, born on 18-Sep-1918
Personal file of BELOKONJ, DMYTRO, born on 5-May-1901
Personal file of BELOKOPITOW, NIKOLAJ, born on 1-Dec-1921
Personal file of BELOKUROW, ALEXEJ, born on 6-Jan-1911
Personal file of BELOMIJZEW, ALEKSANDR, born on 14-Oct-1926
Personal file of BELOMIS, MICHAEL, born on 15-Nov-1926
Personal file of BELONOSCHKA, EUGEN, born on 24-Feb-1924
Personal file of BELORUTZKI, NIKOLAJ, born on 23-Mar-1918
Personal file of BELOSCHIZKIJ, MICHAEL, born in the year 1924
Personal file of BELOSORSKI, WASILI, born on 16-Sep-1921
Personal file of BELOUS, FEDOR, born on 1-Dec-1918
Personal file of BELOUS, MUKULA, born on 31-Aug-1924
Personal file of BELOUSOW, ALEXEJ, born on 5-Mar-1924
Personal file of BELOUSOW, DIMITRIJ, born on 8-Nov-1919
Personal file of BELOUSOW, FEDOR, born on 1-Dec-1918
Personal file of BELOUSOW, NIKOLAJ, born on 10-May-1920
Personal file of BELOUSOW, PAWEL, born on 28-Jan-1904
Personal file of BELOUSOW, PAWEL, born on 29-Aug-1923
Personal file of BELOUSOW, PIOTR, born on 26-Jan-1912
Personal file of BELOW, ALEXEJ, born on 6-Jun-1918
Personal file of BELOW, AWDEJ, born on 21-Nov-1881
Personal file of BELOW, FEODOR, born on 23-Feb-1927
Personal file of BELOW, NIKOLAJ, born on 18-Nov-1906
Personal file of BELOW, NIKOLAJ, born on 15-May-1918
Personal file of BELOW, NIKOLAJ, born on 18-Dec-1918
Personal file of BELOW, PETR, born on 22-Oct-1920
Personal file of BELOW, PIOTR, born on 10-Sep-1922
Personal file of BELOW, PÖTR, born on 25-Sep-1922
Personal file of BELOW, SERGEJ, born on 18-May-1923
Personal file of BELOW, STEFAN, born on 10-Oct-1904
Personal file of BELOWINSKIJ, IWAN, born on 7-Apr-1924
Personal file of BELOZERKOWEC, NIKOLAJ, born on 9-May-1918
Personal file of BELSER DE, ALOIS, born on 24-Apr-1917
Personal file of BELSKIJ, AFANASIJ, born on 28-May-1921
Personal file of BELSKIJ, ALEKSANDER, born on 12-Jul-1920
Personal file of BELSKIJ, ANATOLIJ, born on 23-Nov-1922
Personal file of BELSÖ, PETER, born on 24-Jun-1912
Personal file of BELTENEW, ANDREJ, born on 16-Sep-1921
Personal file of BELTERMANN, FRIEDRICH, born on 20-Apr-1910
Personal file of BELTING, JOHANN, born on 3-May-1887
Personal file of BELTRAME, GIOVANNI, born on 31-Aug-1926
Personal file of BELTRAME, VITTORINO, born on 23-Oct-1925
Personal file of BELTRANDO, ARTURO, born on 5-Oct-1900
Personal file of BELUGIN, KONSTANTIN, born on 10-May-1925
Personal file of BELYANSZKI, DINISZIJE, born on 26-Oct-1926
Personal file of BELYANSZKI, JOCA, born on 15-Nov-1897
Personal file of BELYCH, IWAN, born on 10-Jul-1923
Personal file of BELZ, OTTO, born on 18-Nov-1905
Personal file of BELZER, SCHMUL, born on 12-Apr-1911
Personal file of BEN BELABBES, SEMOURED, born in the year 1894
Personal file of BENA, ALOIS, born on 13-Jan-1903
Personal file of BENA, STEFAN, born on 19-Dec-1903
Personal file of BENARD, JEAN, born on 24-Aug-1922
Personal file of BENAS, JAROSLAV, born on 11-May-1920
Personal file of BENASCI, JOSEF, born on 17-Apr-1912
Personal file of BENASSI, GIULIANO, born on 23-Mar-1924
Personal file of BENASSI, VITTORIO, born on 24-May-1912
Personal file of BENATSKY, WLADISLAUS, born on 6-Jun-1897
Personal file of BENBATTA, SALLAT, born on 5-Apr-1911
Personal file of BENC, FRANZ, born on 8-Mar-1906
Personal file of BENCAN, ANDREAS, born on 16-Nov-1906
Personal file of BENCICH, ANTONIO, born on 31-Mar-1901
Personal file of BENCZE, JOZSEF, born on 19-Mar-1899
Personal file of BENCZEWSKI, SIGESMUND, born on 13-Apr-1911
Personal file of BENDA, STANISLAUS, born on 9-Nov-1911
Personal file of BENDAVID, LEWI, born on 6-Feb-1908
Personal file of BENDEN, LUDWIG, born on 7-May-1900
Personal file of BENDER, ADOLF, born on 4-Feb-1905
Personal file of BENDER, CHRISTIAN, born on 28-Apr-1879
Personal file of BENDER, MARKUS, born on 1-Mar-1884
Personal file of BENDERLE, JOHANN, born on 7-Sep-1900
Personal file of BENDET, BEREK, born on 10-Nov-1914
Personal file of BENDIK, PETRO, born on 25-Jan-1923
Personal file of BENDIT, SAMU, born on 1-Jun-1917
Personal file of BENDJOUYA, NISSIM, born on 4-Jul-1907
Personal file of BENDL, FRANZ, born on 15-Jan-1907
Personal file of BENDL, RUDOLF, born on 9-Apr-1903
Personal file of BENDLER, HENDRIK, born on 17-Jul-1921
Personal file of BENDON, LUDWIG, born on 7-May-1900
Personal file of BENDOWSKI, WACLAW, born on 5-Sep-1917
Personal file of BENED, PETRO, born on 3-May-1923
Personal file of BENEDEK, JENÖ, born on 21-Jun-1904
Personal file of BENEDEK, JENÖ, born on 24-Aug-1924
Personal file of BENEDEK, JOZSEF, born on 1-Apr-1895
Personal file of BENEDETTO DI, SALVATORE, born on 5-Feb-1915
Personal file of BENEDICT, ISRAEL, born on 17-Oct-1927
Personal file of BENEDIKT, TIBOR, born on 20-May-1915
Personal file of BENEDIX, FRIEDRICH, born on 23-Jun-1896
Personal file of BENEDKA, JAROSLAW, born on 27-Apr-1919
Personal file of BENEDYKT, MOSES, born in the year 1904
Personal file of BENEDYSIUK, ALEXANDER, born in the year 1925
Personal file of BENENTINO, GIOVANNI, born on 20-Jan-1929
Personal file of BENES, BOHUMIR, born on 8-Nov-1889
Personal file of BENES, EMANUEL, born on 10-Dec-1904
Personal file of BENES, FRANTISEK, born on 23-Nov-1925
Personal file of BENES, FRANZ, born on 9-Dec-1912
Personal file of BENES, JOSEF, born on 22-Jun-1911
Personal file of BENES, JOSEF, born on 24-Apr-1922
Personal file of BENES, OLDRICH, born on 6-Jan-1924
Personal file of BENES, OTAKAR, born on 23-Nov-1898
Personal file of BENES, WLADIMIR, born on 24-Jul-1911
Personal file of BENES, ZDENEK, born on 1-Apr-1904
Personal file of BENESCH, FRANZ, born on 16-Mar-1917
Personal file of BENESCH, FRANZ, born on 2-Oct-1922
Personal file of BENESCH, LEO, born on 11-Apr-1900
Personal file of BENET, ABRAM, born on 14-Oct-1906
Personal file of BENET, JOSE, born on 10-Nov-1910
Personal file of BENET, MARIAN, born on 7-Dec-1917
Personal file of BENETTI, VASCO, born on 10-Feb-1891
Personal file of BENGL, JOSEF, born on 20-Jun-1881
Personal file of BENHATTA, SALAH, born on 25-Sep-1911
Personal file of BENICHAKIS, DIMITRIOS, born on 9-Aug-1914
Personal file of BENICHON, ROGER, born on 18-Mar-1925
Personal file of BENIESCH, MOIS, born on 10-Mar-1905
Personal file of BENIGER, LUDWIG, born on 16-Oct-1911
Personal file of BENINCA, VITTORIO, born on 2-Feb-1920
Personal file of BENJABUN, JEAN, born on 20-Mar-1890
Personal file of BENJIK, JEFIM, born on 29-Oct-1912
Personal file of BENJOWICZ, ALEXANDER, born on 27-Apr-1915
Personal file of BENK, KARL, born on 1-Feb-1904
Personal file of BENKA, STANISLAUS, born on 21-Dec-1896
Personal file of BENKE, STANISLAW, born on 17-Nov-1922
Personal file of BENKE, VINCZE, born on 25-Nov-1893
Personal file of BENKEL, HERSCH, born on 8-Jan-1917
Personal file of BENKEL, ISRAEL, born on 27-Apr-1919
Personal file of BENKEL, LEON, born on 20-Oct-1922
Personal file of BENKEL, RISNO, born on 8-Mar-1911
Personal file of BENKEL, SIMCHA, born on 23-Jan-1914
Personal file of BENKEL, SIMON, born on 19-Apr-1919
Personal file of BENKLEWSKIJ, ROMAN, born on 17-Aug-1925
Personal file of BENKO, ANTAL, born on 4-May-1902
Personal file of BENKÖ, JOSEF, born on 3-Jan-1899
Personal file of BENKO, WASYL, born on 16-Sep-1922
Personal file of BENKOVIC, MARIAN, born on 9-Feb-1926
Personal file of BENKOVICS, MENDEL, born on 10-May-1912
Personal file of BENKOW, NIKOLAI, born on 15-Jan-1900
Personal file of BENKOWSKIJ, JEWGENIJ, born on 19-Aug-1913
Personal file of BENNAC, ETIENNE, born on 10-Feb-1922
Personal file of BENNASAR, PEDRO, born on 21-Nov-1895
Personal file of BENNECK, WILHELM, born on 19-Jan-1900
Personal file of BENNER, KARL, born on 12-Oct-1902
Personal file of BENNER, WILLI, born on 15-Sep-1905
Personal file of BENNET, ABRAHAM, born on 14-Oct-1906
Personal file of BENNEWITZ, WALTER, born on 17-Mar-1907
Personal file of BENOD, ALBERT, born on 23-Jul-1910
Personal file of BENOD, CELESTIN, born on 26-Sep-1916
Personal file of BENRACZYK, JULES, born on 10-Aug-1919
Personal file of BENSBERG, JOSEF, born on 29-Jun-1907
Personal file of BENSCHEIDT, ADOLF, born on 9-Sep-1888
Personal file of BENSKI, STAFAN, born on 6-Dec-1902
Personal file of BENTKOWSKI, BOLESLAW, born on 22-Aug-1895
Personal file of BENTSCHAN, EDUARD, born on 14-Jul-1908
Personal file of BENTSCHAN, FRANZ, born on 28-Nov-1900
Personal file of BENTSCHINA, ANTON, born on 24-Oct-1897
Personal file of BENTSCHINA, JANES, born on 27-Nov-1899
Personal file of BENULIC, KAREL, born on 16-Jun-1916
Personal file of BENYORICS, MORIC, born on 28-May-1925
Personal file of BENZ, ANTON, born on 2-Dec-1902
Personal file of BENZ, FRANZ, born on 1-Jul-1926
Personal file of BENZ, WILHELM, born on 13-Feb-1910
Personal file of BENZA, DARIUSZ, born on 19-Dec-1900
Personal file of BENZELIN, ANATOLIJ, born on 24-Aug-1922
Personal file of BENZI, BIAGIO, born on 2-Oct-1919
Personal file of BENZL, FRANZ, born on 19-Feb-1902
Personal file of BEODRANOVICZ, LISUNOFF, born on 14-Sep-1905
Personal file of BER, ABRAHAM, born on 28-Jul-1903
Personal file of BERA, FRANZ, born on 3-Dec-1902
Personal file of BERA, GRIGORIJ, born on 23-Apr-1922
Personal file of BERAN, ANTON, born on 2-Nov-1922
Personal file of BERAN, BEDRICH, born on 23-Oct-1928
Personal file of BERAN, FRANZ, born on 14-Apr-1898
Personal file of BERAN, JAN, born on 4-Feb-1896
Personal file of BERAN, JOSEF, born on 14-Feb-1912
Personal file of BERANEK, FRANZ, born on 10-Mar-1919
Personal file of BERANEK, MIROSLAV, born on 19-Jul-1900
Personal file of BERAUS, JOHANN, born on 27-Jul-1923
Personal file of BERBEGA, DAWID, born on 25-Jun-1920
Personal file of BERBER, CHAIM, born on 20-Oct-1916
Personal file of BERBERICH, WALTER, born on 4-Oct-1909
Personal file of BERCA, ALFONSO, born on 11-May-1918
Personal file of BERCAN, MARCEL, born on 18-Apr-1922
Personal file of BERCANIN, MILENKO, born on 27-Oct-1900
Personal file of BERCIC, DRAGO, born on 18-Apr-1925
Personal file of BERCOVICI, JEAN, born on 18-Feb-1908
Personal file of BERCZI, LASZLO, born on 10-Apr-1900
Personal file of BERDASCHKEWITSCH, NIKOLAJ, born on 1-Mar-1920
Personal file of BERDEN, FRANZ, born on 8-Apr-1895
Personal file of BERDJENIKOW, SERGEJ, born on 23-Dec-1924
Personal file of BERECVICI, JEAN, born on 18-Feb-1908
Personal file of BEREDA, STANISLAW, born on 9-Jun-1912
Personal file of BEREDERJ, NIKOLAI, born on 11-Dec-1918
Personal file of BEREGI, ERNÖ, born on 24-Mar-1914
Personal file of BEREGI, SANDOR, born on 21-Sep-1909
Personal file of BEREGOVI, VASIL, born on 15-Dec-1922
Personal file of BEREK, NAFTALI, born on 24-Apr-1914
Personal file of BERENDSOHN, GÜNTHER, born on 11-Jan-1916
Personal file of BERENOK, WASIL, born on 28-May-1925
Personal file of BERENOW, SERGEI, born on 10-Oct-1921
Personal file of BERENREITER, FERDINAND, born on 21-Feb-1921
Personal file of BERENT, ANTON, born on 20-Feb-1920
Personal file of BERESA, WASIL, born on 5-Jan-1924
Personal file of BERESANSKIJ, WASIL, born on 4-Jun-1922
Personal file of BERESCHANSKIJ, JURKO, born on 18-Mar-1918
Personal file of BERESCHNOJ, ALEXEJ, born on 19-Feb-1906
Personal file of BERESCHNOJ, TROFIM, born on 22-Jun-1924
Personal file of BERESCHNYJ, IWAN, born on 13-Sep-1925
Personal file of BERESHNEY, ALEXANDER, born on 6-May-1923
Personal file of BERESHNOJ, ALEXEJ, born on 19-Feb-1906
Personal file of BERESI, ASCHER, born on 0-Sep-1919
Personal file of BERESIN, LEONID, born on 24-Feb-1922
Personal file of BERESIN, PAWEL, born on 26-May-1918
Personal file of BERESNIOWATIJ, BORIS, born on 15-Oct-1926
Personal file of BERESOW, IWAN, born on 13-Apr-1913
Personal file of BERESOWOJ, EWGENIJ, born on 14-Oct-1924
Personal file of BERESOWSKI, FEDOR
Personal file of BERESOWSKI, KONSTANTIN, born on 27-Jul-1919
Personal file of BERESOWSKIJ, PAWEL, born on 15-May-1910
Personal file of BERESSI, SALOMON, born on 5-Dec-1919
Personal file of BERESTKOVI, EUGEN, born on 19-Dec-1923
Personal file of BEREUCQ DU, ROGER, born on 29-Mar-1924
Personal file of BEREWJANCO, WASSIL, born on 22-Dec-1922
Personal file of BEREY, GEZA, born on 17-Jan-1908
Personal file of BEREZ, JOSEF, born on 1-Dec-1919
Personal file of BEREZA, EUGEN, born on 8-Nov-1926
Personal file of BEREZA, SERGEJ, born on 15-Apr-1921
Personal file of BEREZA, WASSIL, born on 13-Jun-1925
Personal file of BEREZENSKI, JAKOB, born on 19-Mar-1911
Personal file of BEREZIN, NIKOLAJ, born on 11-Aug-1911
Personal file of BEREZIN, PAWEL, born on 26-May-1918
Personal file of BEREZNJAK, FILIMON, born on 17-Nov-1914
Personal file of BEREZNOJ, PETRO
Personal file of BEREZOWIJ, PETRO, born on 12-Jul-1925
Personal file of BEREZOWOJ, EWGENIJ, born on 14-Oct-1924
Personal file of BEREZOWSKIJ, FIODOR
Personal file of BEREZOWSKY, KONSTANTIN, born on 27-Jul-1919
Personal file of BEREZUK, NIKOLA, born in the year 1898
Personal file of BERG, BOLESLAW, born on 1-Jan-1927
Personal file of BERG, WILHELM, born on 23-Mar-1905
Personal file of BERGA, ROGER, born on 6-Aug-1922
Personal file of BERGAMASCHI, BLASCO, born on 12-May-1920
Personal file of BERGAMASCHI, NELLO, born on 4-Feb-1923
Personal file of BERGAMASCO, EMANUEL, born on 6-Feb-1916
Personal file of BERGAMASKI, NELLO, born on 4-Feb-1923
Personal file of BERGAMO, VITTORIO, born on 23-Mar-1919
Personal file of BERGANT, ALOIS, born on 27-May-1888
Personal file of BERGANT, JOSEF, born on 19-Mar-1901
Personal file of BERGE, JEAN, born on 27-Jun-1918
Personal file of BERGE, LASLO, born on 5-Apr-1902
Personal file of BERGER, ABRAHAM, born on 22-Feb-1922
Personal file of BERGER, ALBERT, born on 29-May-1889
Personal file of BERGER, ANATOLIJ, born on 11-Sep-1927
Personal file of BERGER, ANATOLIJ, born on 11-Sep-1927
Personal file of BERGER, ANDOR, born on 16-Jun-1913
Personal file of BERGER, ANTON, born on 10-May-1901
Personal file of BERGER, ANTON, born on 26-Nov-1904
Personal file of BERGER, ANTON, born on 28-Feb-1914
Personal file of BERGER, BELA, born on 10-Apr-1914
Personal file of BERGER, BELA, born on 24-May-1918
Personal file of BERGER, BELA, born on 26-Oct-1924
Personal file of BERGER, BENNO, born on 22-May-1900
Personal file of BERGER, BERNARD, born on 11-Nov-1896
Personal file of BERGER, CHAIM, born in the year 1906
Personal file of BERGER, DAVID, born on 5-Nov-1908
Personal file of BERGER, DEZSÖ, born on 22-Feb-1903
Personal file of BERGER, DEZSÖ, born on 23-Oct-1919
Personal file of BERGER, EDE, born on 28-Oct-1928
Personal file of BERGER, ENDRE, born on 16-Oct-1908
Personal file of BERGER, FELIX, born on 10-Oct-1926
Personal file of BERGER, FERDINAND, born on 27-Nov-1917
Personal file of BERGER, FERENC, born on 20-Aug-1919
Personal file of BERGER, GEORG, born on 15-Feb-1921
Personal file of BERGER, GEZA, born on 18-May-1912
Personal file of BERGER, GIUSEPPE, born on 15-Feb-1921
Personal file of BERGER, HEINRICH, born on 4-Feb-1897
Personal file of BERGER, HEINZ, born on 23-Apr-1925
Personal file of BERGER, HENRIK, born on 22-Apr-1907
Personal file of BERGER, HERMANN, born on 1-Jun-1926
Personal file of BERGER, HERMANN, born on 8-Jun-1926
Personal file of BERGER, HUGO, born on 25-Nov-1893
Files with names from BERGER
Files with names from BICHE
Files with names from BLAHA
Files with names from BOGDANEWITSCH
Files with names from BONKIN
Files with names from BOUVIER
Files with names from BRODOWSKI
Files with names from BUGYACZ
Files with names from CALO
Files with names from CHAMAJDES
Files with names from CHONDUSENKO
Files with names from CLERICI
Files with names from CYMBERKNOPF
Files with names from DANAIS
Files with names from DELORD
Files with names from DIJK VAN
Files with names from DOMINICI
Files with names from DUBINENKO
Files with names from DYKWERT
Files with names from ELLER
Files with names from FAVRETTI
Files with names from FIKKE
Files with names from FOGEL
Files with names from FRIEDMANN
Files with names from GAJEWSKI
Files with names from GAWACHOW
Files with names from GIESS
Files with names from GODLEWSKI
Files with names from GONTSCHAROW
Files with names from GRAF
Files with names from GROSS
Files with names from GUBANOW
Files with names from HACK
Files with names from HAWALEWICZ
Files with names from HERTEL
Files with names from HOLLMANN
Files with names from HRYNIEWICZ
Files with names from ISERETH
Files with names from JÄGER
Files with names from JANOCZ
Files with names from JEDRZEJWSKI
Files with names from JOWIK
Files with names from KAGANOWSKI
Files with names from KAPELA
Files with names from KASZKIEL
Files with names from KESSLER
Files with names from KLEIN
Files with names from KLUZIAK
Files with names from KOLASA
Files with names from KONOPLOW
Files with names from KORZYCKI
Files with names from KOVALENKE
Files with names from KOZINSKI
Files with names from KRAWIETZ
Files with names from KRUGLIK
Files with names from KUDANÜK
Files with names from KUREK
Files with names from KWALEWSKI
Files with names from LANIWSKYJ
Files with names from LECLERCQ
Files with names from LESZKOWICZ
Files with names from LISANOWICZ
Files with names from LUBANSKI
Files with names from MACZYNSKI
Files with names from MALECKI
Files with names from MARCINIAK
Files with names from MARTINUK
Files with names from MATUSZKIEWICZ
Files with names from MELNIK
Files with names from MICHALAK
Files with names from MINAJEW
Files with names from MOKRZYCKI
Files with names from MOSSLER
Files with names from MUSCHAK
Files with names from NEDELKA
Files with names from NIKOLSKIJ
Files with names from OBALA
Files with names from ORECHOW
Files with names from PAGE LE
Files with names from PASZCZAK
Files with names from PERIANT
Files with names from PIDTSCHENKO
Files with names from PISARSKI
Files with names from POGORELOW
Files with names from POPKOW
Files with names from PRIEM
Files with names from PUTOWSKI
Files with names from RASELLO
Files with names from RENCO
Files with names from ROCHOWSKI
Files with names from ROSENFELD
Files with names from RUBINSZTAIN
Files with names from SABAS
Files with names from SAMOILOW
Files with names from SCHABATEN
Files with names from SCHEWTSCHENKO
Files with names from SCHMITZ
Files with names from SCHULTHEISZ
Files with names from SEFCIK
Files with names from SEVCUK
Files with names from SIMON
Files with names from SKORUPA
Files with names from SMIRNOW
Files with names from SOLTYS
Files with names from SREDNIAWSKI
Files with names from STEINBERG
Files with names from STOJKO
Files with names from SUCHEZE
Files with names from SYCH
Files with names from SZMEJA
Files with names from TALPO
Files with names from TETE
Files with names from TOLEBA
Files with names from TRNKA
Files with names from TSCHRNIECOW
Files with names from UNGAR
Files with names from VELCICH
Files with names from VOLFERTZ
Files with names from WALNTEK
Files with names from WEH
Files with names from WEKSELMAN
Files with names from WIERZBICKI
Files with names from WITKOWSKIJ
Files with names from WOLF
Files with names from WRONKA
Files with names from ZAKREJSCHEK
Files with names from ZEISSER
Files with names from ZITNY
Files with names from ZYMCHOT
Personnel files Flossenbürg, men
Letter from CC Flossenbürg to the local police authority in Hammer (Mark), concerning the 'Invalidenversicherung' ('disability insurance') of the prisoner Waclaw Sienski, 17.12.1940
Correspondence of Concentration Camp Flossenbürg
Einheiten mit unverknüpften Dokumenten - Individual Documents female Flossenbürg - Number Index Flossenbürg - Hollerith preparatory worksheet cards - Flossenbürg
1.1.9 - Camps in France
1.1.10 - Labor Reformatory Camp Großbeeren
1.1.11 - Groß-Rosen Concentration Camp
1.1.12 - Herzogenbusch-Vught Concentration Camp
1.1.13 - Hinzert Special SS Camp
1.1.14 - Camps in Italy and Albania
1.1.15 - Camps in Yugoslavia
1.1.16 - Kislau Concentration Camp
1.1.17 - Klooga / Vaivara Concentration Camp
1.1.18 - Ghetto Kauen (Kaunas / Kowno)
1.1.19 - Krakau-Plaszow Concentration Camp
1.1.20 - Lichtenburg Concentration Camp
1.1.21 - Labor reformatory camp Liebenau (Internment Camp Liebenau)
1.1.22 - Litzmannstadt (Lodz) Ghetto and "Polen-Jugendverwahrlager" /Detention Camp for Polish Juveniles
1.1.23 - Lublin (Majdanek) Concentration Camp
1.1.24 - Mecheln (Malines) SS Deportation Camp
1.1.25 - Mauritius Detainment Camp
1.1.26 - Mauthausen Concentration Camp
1.1.27 - Concentration Camp Mittelbau (Dora)
1.1.28 - Moringen Concentration Camp and "Jugendschutzlager"/ Protective Custody Camp for Juveniles
1.1.29 - Natzweiler (Struthof) Concentration Camp
1.1.30 - Neuengamme Concentration Camp
1.1.31 - Niederhagen (Wewelsburg) Concentration Camp
1.1.32 - Camps in Norway
1.1.33 - Oranienburg Concentration Camp
1.1.34 - Papenburg Penitentiary Camp/ Emslandlager
1.1.35 - Ravensbrück Concentration Camp
1.1.36 - Riga (Kaiserwald) Concentration Camp and Riga Ghetto
1.1.37 - Sachsenburg Concentration Camp
1.1.38 - Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp
1.1.39 - Sandbostel Absorption Camp
1.1.40 - Schirmeck-Vorbruck Concentration Camp
1.1.41 - Stutthof Concentration Camp
1.1.42 - Theresienstadt Ghetto
1.1.43 - Treblinka Labour Camp
1.1.44 - Warsaw Ghetto and Concentration Camp
1.1.45 - Welzheim Concentration Camp (Protective Custody Camp)
1.1.46 - Westerbork Assembly and Transit Camp
1.1.47 - Various Camps
1.1.48 - Concentration Camp Bad Sulza
1.1.49 - Concentration Camp Colditz
1.1.50 - Schutzhaftlager Hohnstein
1.1.51 - Concentration Camp Sonnenburg
1.1.52 - Concentration Camp Columbia-Haus Concentration Camp
1.1.53 - Concentration Camp Eutin
1.1.54 - Concentration Camp Heinersdorf
1.1.55 - Concentration Camp Heuberg
1.1.56 - Concentration Camp Kemna
1.1.57 - Concentration Camp Kuhlen
1.1.58 - Concentration Camp Osthofen
1.1.59 - Concentration Camp Roßlau
1.1.60 - Concentration Camps Wittmoor, Fuhlsbüttel and Neuengamme
1.1.61 - Juvenile Detention and Reform Camp Lebrechtsdorf
1.2 - Miscellaneous
2 - Registration of Foreigners and German Persecutees by Public Institutions, Social Securities and Companies (1939 - 1947)
3 - Registrations and Files of Displaced Persons, Children and Missing Persons
4 - Special NSDAP organizations and actions
5 - Death Marches, identification of unkown dead and Nazi trials
6 - Records of the ITS and its predecessors
7 - Archival records of microforms (new material / document acquisition)
8 - Collections of private persons and small archives