0 - Global Finding Aids
1 - Incarceration Documents
1.1 - Camps and Ghettos
1.1.0 - General Information
1.1.1 - Amersfoort Police Transit Camp
1.1.2 - Auschwitz Concentration and Extermination Camp
1.1.3 - Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp
1.1.4 - Breendonk Transit Camp
1.1.5 - Buchenwald Concentration Camp
1.1.6 - Dachau Concentration Camp
1.1.7 - Esterwegen Concentration Camp
1.1.8 - Flossenbürg Concentration Camp - General Information on Flossenbürg Concentration Camp - List Material Flossenbürg - Individual Documents male Flossenbürg
Individual prisoner records
Files with names from AACH
Personal file of AACH, HANS, born on 20-Apr-1920
Personal file of ABADIE, RENE, born on 17-Jul-1920
Personal file of ABAJEW, MICHAEL, born on 25-Oct-1922
Personal file of ABAKIN, LEON, born on 29-Jan-1914
Personal file of ABAKUMUW, DIMITRIJ, born on 15-Oct-1915
Personal file of ABAS, MAURITZ, born on 22-Oct-1909
Personal file of ABASCHKIN, PETRO, born on 12-Dec-1920
Personal file of ABASMATOFF, NIKOLAJ, born on 11-May-1923
Personal file of ABASSOW, ALEXANDER, born in the year 1916
Personal file of ABBE, PIERRE
Personal file of ABBEELE VAN DEN, PROSPERE, born on 8-Oct-1916
Personal file of ABDELNASIROW, ACHMED, born on 12-May-1921
Personal file of ABDRASHMANOW, ASAT, born on 12-Apr-1924
Personal file of ABDULAJEW, MAMAT, born on 15-Mar-1923
Personal file of ABEGG, WERNER, born on 26-May-1929
Personal file of ABEL, ERNST, born on 2-Jul-1900
Personal file of ABEL, FRANZ, born on 21-Jan-1892
Personal file of ABEL, JOSEF, born on 22-Apr-1914
Personal file of ABEL, PAUL, born on 12-Feb-1913
Personal file of ABEL, WALDEMAR, born on 25-Dec-1909
Personal file of ABELES, FRITZ, born on 26-Dec-1889
Personal file of ABELI, ADOLF, born on 16-Jun-1908
Personal file of ABELIS, MAKS, born on 14-Jan-1894
Personal file of ABELLA, JEAN, born on 8-Jul-1909
Personal file of ABELOUS, GUILLAUME, born on 27-Aug-1894
Personal file of ABELOVSKY, ANDRAS, born on 14-Aug-1902
Personal file of ABELOVSKY, DURA, born on 24-Apr-1928
Personal file of ABELSHAUSEN, MARCEL, born on 3-Jul-1917
Personal file of ABEND, BERNARD, born on 15-Mar-1915
Personal file of ABEND, ISAK, born on 20-Apr-1917
Personal file of ABEND, MICHAEL, born on 27-Apr-1922
Personal file of ABEND, RUBIN, born on 20-Aug-1920
Personal file of ABENDSTERN, LUCHIM, born on 6-Oct-1904
Personal file of ABERBUCH, SISKO, born on 21-Aug-1908
Personal file of ABERSCHÜTZ, ISAAK, born on 16-Jun-1912
Personal file of ABFELROTH, CHASKIEL, born on 20-Dec-1929
Personal file of ABFELROTH, MOSES, born on 21-Jan-1928
Personal file of ABIGNENTI, FILIPPO, born on 29-May-1923
Personal file of ABISCH, KARL, born on 4-Aug-1926
Personal file of ABLAKOS, FROSEM, born on 15-Dec-1906
Personal file of ABLAKOSZ, LAJOSZ, born on 1-Mar-1905
Personal file of ABLAS, SAMUEL, born on 16-Apr-1925
Personal file of ABOAW, LEON, born on 23-May-1908
Personal file of ABOJMOW, PIOTR, born on 12-Jul-1922
Personal file of ABONNENC, RENE, born on 21-Mar-1920
Personal file of ABONYI, ANDOR, born on 3-Dec-1908
Personal file of ABORIN, ALEXEJ, born on 17-Apr-1917
Personal file of ABRAHAM, ARMIN, born on 28-Dec-1908
Personal file of ABRAHAM, DAWID, born on 10-Jun-1906
Personal file of ABRAHAM, ERNST, born on 19-Jan-1911
Personal file of ABRAHAM, FERENC, born on 14-Apr-1904
Personal file of ABRAHAM, GYÖZÖ, born on 26-Oct-1902
Personal file of ABRAHAM, LUDWIG, born on 25-Jan-1927
Personal file of ABRAHAM, MICKLOSCH, born on 10-Oct-1926
Personal file of ABRAHAM, SANDOR, born on 25-Feb-1918
Personal file of ABRAHAM, TIBOR, born on 6-Mar-1920
Personal file of ABRAHAMER, JAKUB, born on 4-Feb-1918
Personal file of ABRAHAMER, LEON, born on 9-Feb-1905
Personal file of ABRAHAMER, SALOM., born on 18-Oct-1927
Personal file of ABRAHAMOVICS, SANDOR, born on 13-Mar-1898
Personal file of ABRAHAMOVITS, MOR, born on 28-Jan-1913
Personal file of ABRAHAMSON, HEINRICH, born on 4-Nov-1923
Personal file of ABRAM, ELSEL, born on 18-Jun-1916
Personal file of ABRAMCZYK, ISRAEL, born on 25-Mar-1903
Personal file of ABRAMCZYK, TADEUZ, born on 4-Jul-1924
Personal file of ABRAMENKO, GRIGORIJ, born on 28-Dec-1907
Personal file of ABRAMENKO, IWAN, born in the year 1908
Personal file of ABRAMENKO, LEONID, born on 14-Jan-1924
Personal file of ABRAMENKO, STANISLAUS, born on 15-Aug-1918
Personal file of ABRAMENKO, WASIL, born on 27-Dec-1915
Personal file of ABRAMJAN, ARTEM, born on 16-May-1925
Personal file of ABRAMKIN, ALEXANDER, born on 26-Feb-1918
Personal file of ABRAMOTSCHKIN, MICHAEL, born on 12-Feb-1900
Personal file of ABRAMOW, ALEKSANDER, born on 6-Sep-1918
Personal file of ABRAMOW, ALEKSANDER, born on 27-Feb-1925
Personal file of ABRAMOW, ALEXANDER, born on 23-Feb-1927
Personal file of ABRAMOW, GRIGORYJ, born on 16-Feb-1924
Personal file of ABRAMOW, IWAN, born on 24-Jun-1902
Personal file of ABRAMOW, NIKOLAJ, born on 21-Dec-1920
Personal file of ABRAMOW, NIKOLAJ, born on 29-May-1923
Personal file of ABRAMOW, PAWLOW, born on 10-Jun-1923
Personal file of ABRAMOW, PETRO, born on 18-Jun-1918
Personal file of ABRAMOW, SERGEJ, born on 15-Apr-1906
Personal file of ABRAMOW, WLADIMIR, born on 18-May-1920
Personal file of ABRAMOWICZ, ABRAM, born on 1-Jun-1910
Personal file of ABRAMOWICZ, ABRAM, born on 15-Dec-1911
Personal file of ABRAMOWICZ, JAKOB, born on 8-Nov-1908
Personal file of ABRAMOWICZ, JONAS, born on 7-Dec-1915
Personal file of ABRAMOWICZ, MOJSZE, born in the year 1909
Personal file of ABRAMOWICZ, MOSES, born on 7-Jul-1910
Personal file of ABRAMOWICZ, MOSZEK, born on 9-Dec-1924
Personal file of ABRAMOWICZ, PIOTR, born on 27-Feb-1906
Personal file of ABRAMOWITSCH, GERSCHON, born on 5-May-1908
Personal file of ABRAMOWITSCH, WLADIMIR, born on 20-Oct-1907
Personal file of ABRAMOWITSCH, WLADIMIR, born on 3-Jan-1924
Personal file of ABRAMOWSKI, IWAN, born on 16-Jul-1922
Personal file of ABRAMSKI, LUDWIG, born on 27-Jul-1902
Personal file of ABRAMSON, MICHAIL, born on 20-Feb-1925
Personal file of ABRAMZSCHUK, WLADIMIR, born on 22-Jan-1926
Personal file of ABRANIENKO, JEWGENJI, born on 3-Jun-1921
Personal file of ABRASKIN, KONSTANTIN, born on 1-May-1927
Personal file of ABRAT, ADOLF, born on 10-May-1901
Personal file of ABRAWANEL, DAVID, born on 3-Jun-1922
Personal file of ABRIAL, JEAN, born on 7-Mar-1919
Personal file of ABRIGNONI, NATALE, born on 3-Dec-1911
Personal file of ABROSIMOW, TIMOFEJ, born on 15-May-1915
Personal file of ABROWNIK, BOLESLAW, born on 4-Nov-1926
Personal file of ABSAMATOFF, NIKOLAJ, born on 11-May-1923
Personal file of ABSCHELAWA, SERGEJ, born on 18-Jul-1911
Personal file of ABT, KARL, born on 30-Jan-1906
Personal file of ABT, KAROLY, born on 7-Apr-1889
Personal file of ABUCHOW, ALEKSANDER, born on 15-Jul-1918
Personal file of ABUSZ, JOEL, born on 14-Nov-1910
Personal file of ACCARY, HENRI, born on 9-Jan-1902
Personal file of ACHALBEK, UMIERJOB, born on 15-Dec-1916
Personal file of ACHARKOW, WASYL, born on 10-Jul-1917
Personal file of ACHATZ, GEORG, born on 8-Apr-1892
Personal file of ACHATZ, JOHANN, born on 23-May-1898
Personal file of ACHEMONI, GIULIO, born on 12-May-1925
Personal file of ACHILES, VILEM, born on 4-Apr-1922
Personal file of ACHITSCHIN, MULAMUR, born on 12-Feb-1893
Personal file of ACHMATOW, WASILIJ, born on 7-Jul-1912
Personal file of ACHMENT, ALEXANDER, born on 10-Dec-1920
Personal file of ACHMIROWICZ, STANISLAW, born on 17-Nov-1907
Personal file of ACHNER, JOSEF, born on 18-Jun-1899
Personal file of ACHRAINER, JOHANN, born on 16-Dec-1887
Personal file of ACHRAMOWITSCH, NIKOLAJ, born on 18-Mar-1923
Personal file of ACHTANIN, JAKOB, born on 14-Aug-1924
Personal file of ACHTELIK, JULIAN, born on 9-Feb-1924
Personal file of ACKERATH, JOHANN, born on 12-Mar-1914
Personal file of ACKERMAN, BEREK, born on 10-Apr-1905
Personal file of ACKERMAN, MOSES, born on 10-Jan-1916
Personal file of ACKERMANN, ALADA, born on 16-Aug-1925
Personal file of ACKERMANN, CHAIM, born on 25-May-1928
Personal file of ACKERMANN, EDMOND, born on 29-Mar-1906
Personal file of ACKERMANN, ERNST, born on 19-Dec-1900
Personal file of ACKERMANN, FRIEDRICH, born on 29-Jun-1895
Personal file of ACKERMANN, IGNAZ, born on 5-Oct-1921
Personal file of ACKERMANN, KUBA, born on 13-Sep-1909
Personal file of ACKERMANN, LAZAR, born on 15-Dec-1907
Personal file of ACKERMANN, ROMAN, born on 31-May-1912
Personal file of ACKERMANN, SANDOR, born on 28-Dec-1907
Personal file of ACKERSMANN, ISTWAN, born on 1-Jun-1919
Personal file of ACKIEWICZ, IWAN, born on 25-Sep-1924
Personal file of ACKULIENKO, FILIP, born on 12-Oct-1926
Personal file of ACUNIS, SALOMON, born in the year 1918
Personal file of ADAM, ADOLF, born on 6-Jan-1918
Personal file of ADAM, BEDRICH, born on 6-Sep-1921
Personal file of ADAM, JACQUES, born on 22-Dec-1913
Personal file of ADAM, JAROSLAV, born on 16-Jun-1904
Personal file of ADAM, RUDOLF, born on 1-Mar-1911
Personal file of ADAM, SANDOR, born on 6-Mar-1906
Personal file of ADAMCYK, EDWARD, born on 27-Jul-1912
Personal file of ADAMCZAK, IGNAZ, born on 29-Jul-1909
Personal file of ADAMCZAK, WAWRZYN, born on 10-May-1921
Personal file of ADAMCZEAK, FRANZ, born on 2-Jan-1915
Personal file of ADAMCZEWSKI, MICHAEL, born on 27-Jan-1908
Personal file of ADAMCZIK, MARIAN, born on 21-Jul-1923
Personal file of ADAMCZYK, ADAM, born on 19-Mar-1906
Personal file of ADAMCZYK, ALEKSANDER, born on 30-Nov-1899
Personal file of ADAMCZYK, ALOIS, born on 27-May-1917
Personal file of ADAMCZYK, ANATOL, born on 13-Jan-1910
Personal file of ADAMCZYK, ANTON, born on 29-Apr-1905
Personal file of ADAMCZYK, BRONISLAUS, born on 4-Jan-1912
Personal file of ADAMCZYK, FELIKS, born on 25-Sep-1893
Personal file of ADAMCZYK, HENRYK, born on 7-Jun-1912
Personal file of ADAMCZYK, IRENEUS, born on 1-Jul-1921
Personal file of ADAMCZYK, JAN, born on 14-May-1887
Personal file of ADAMCZYK, JAN, born on 20-Dec-1904
Personal file of ADAMCZYK, JOHANN, born on 10-Jan-1914
Personal file of ADAMCZYK, JOSEF, born on 28-Oct-1894
Personal file of ADAMCZYK, JOSEF, born on 22-Jun-1897
Personal file of ADAMCZYK, JOSEF, born on 24-Aug-1908
Personal file of ADAMCZYK, JOSEF, born on 25-Dec-1908
Personal file of ADAMCZYK, LADISLAUS, born on 27-Jun-1922
Personal file of ADAMCZYK, MARIAN, born on 4-Feb-1913
Personal file of ADAMCZYK, RYSZARD, born on 7-Feb-1902
Personal file of ADAMCZYK, STANISLAUS, born on 1-Aug-1904
Personal file of ADAMCZYK, STANISLAW, born on 16-Nov-1890
Personal file of ADAMCZYK, STANISLAW, born on 28-Apr-1893
Personal file of ADAMCZYK, STANISLAW, born on 3-May-1912
Personal file of ADAMCZYK, STANISLAW, born on 13-Nov-1918
Personal file of ADAMCZYK, WALENTY, born on 7-Jan-1897
Personal file of ADAMCZYK, WLADISLAW, born on 14-Sep-1912
Personal file of ADAMCZYK, ZYGMUNT, born on 10-Nov-1917
Personal file of ADAMCZYK, ZYGMUNT, born on 8-Sep-1927
Personal file of ADAMEC, JAROSLAW, born on 10-Jul-1924
Personal file of ADAMENKO, MIKITA, born on 13-May-1918
Personal file of ADAMENKO, SLAWONJ, born in the year 1923
Personal file of ADAMIC, SLAVKO, born on 30-May-1913
Personal file of ADAMIEC, JAN, born on 23-Oct-1904
Personal file of ADAMIEC, JOHAN, born on 7-Mar-1912
Personal file of ADAMIEC, WLADYSLAW, born on 7-Sep-1910
Personal file of ADAMIEC, WLADYSLAW, born on 27-Apr-1920
Personal file of ADAMIK, STANISLAUS, born on 17-Apr-1921
Personal file of ADAMISCHIN, PETRO, born on 12-Jul-1924
Personal file of ADAMKIEWICZ, FELIKS, born on 11-Nov-1895
Personal file of ADAMKIEWICZ, JOZEF, born on 14-Mar-1900
Personal file of ADAMKIEWICZ, STANISLAUS, born on 24-Mar-1924
Personal file of ADAMOFF, MICHAL, born on 14-Oct-1892
Personal file of ADAMOLI, CAMILLO, born on 8-Sep-1922
Personal file of ADAMOVIC, JIRI, born on 11-Jan-1905
Personal file of ADAMOWICZ, ANTONIO, born on 9-Sep-1917
Personal file of ADAMOWICZ, JULIAN, born on 10-May-1915
Personal file of ADAMOWSKI, IWAN, born on 12-Jul-1904
Personal file of ADAMOWSKI, JOSEF, born on 23-Mar-1911
Personal file of ADAMS, HEINRICH, born on 11-Feb-1892
Personal file of ADAMSKI, HENRYK, born on 5-Aug-1898
Personal file of ADAMSKI, JOHANN, born on 26-Jun-1913
Personal file of ADAMSKI, KASIMIR, born on 6-Jan-1912
Personal file of ADAMSKI, MIECZYSLAW, born on 2-Feb-1911
Personal file of ADAMSKI, MIECZYSLAW, born on 31-Jan-1929
Personal file of ADAMSKI, SEWERYN, born on 24-Sep-1918
Personal file of ADAMSKI, STANISLAUS, born on 18-Aug-1901
Personal file of ADAMSKI, STEFAN, born on 12-Jul-1901
Personal file of ADAMTSCHUK, MAKAR, born on 19-Jan-1900
Personal file of ADAMUS, FLORIAN, born on 12-Sep-1922
Personal file of ADAMUSIAK, THOMAS, born on 19-Dec-1879
Personal file of ADAMUSIAK, WINCENTY, born on 9-Dec-1894
Personal file of ADAMYSZYN, PETRO, born on 12-Jul-1924
Personal file of ADAROTKOW, ANATOLIJ, born on 17-Jun-1920
Personal file of ADAWCZYK, EDWARD, born on 27-Jul-1912
Personal file of ADDANS, FREDERIC, born on 15-Oct-1912
Personal file of ADDONS, FREDERIC, born on 15-Oct-1912
Personal file of ADDZATO, ANTONIS, born on 21-Mar-1921
Personal file of ADEL, WALTER, born on 21-Oct-1899
Personal file of ADELHART, WALTER, born on 19-Feb-1892
Personal file of ADELL FERRER, MIGUEL, born on 16-Jul-1912
Personal file of ADELSBACH, KARL, born on 22-Sep-1889
Personal file of ADERHOLD, WILHELM, born on 12-Mar-1908
Personal file of ADEST, BER, born on 5-May-1914
Personal file of ADEST, ISRAEL, born on 20-Dec-1912
Personal file of ADININ, MICHAEL, born on 10-Aug-1906
Personal file of ADLER, ANDOR, born on 1-Jan-1903
Personal file of ADLER, ARON, born on 24-Aug-1925
Personal file of ADLER, BERNARD, born on 2-Feb-1911
Personal file of ADLER, BERTHOLD, born on 11-Jan-1928
Personal file of ADLER, CHAIM, born on 15-Oct-1887
Personal file of ADLER, CHAIM, born on 1-Aug-1921
Personal file of ADLER, DEZSO, born on 29-Mar-1895
Personal file of ADLER, ENGELHARD, born on 12-Aug-1906
Personal file of ADLER, FERENC, born on 15-Sep-1908
Personal file of ADLER, ISSAK, born on 14-May-1920
Personal file of ADLER, JOZEF, born on 12-Mar-1899
Personal file of ADLER, KALMAN, born on 29-Apr-1918
Personal file of ADLER, KARL, born on 13-Sep-1900
Personal file of ADLER, KARL, born on 12-Aug-1910
Personal file of ADLER, KONRAD, born on 12-May-1927
Personal file of ADLER, LASZLO, born on 26-Jul-1902
Personal file of ADLER, LEIB, born on 20-Feb-1909
Personal file of ADLER, MARTON, born on 17-Feb-1925
Personal file of ADLER, MARTUN, born on 17-Oct-1917
Personal file of ADLER, MENDEL, born on 10-Mar-1910
Personal file of ADLER, MICHAEL, born on 4-Jun-1906
Personal file of ADLER, PERL, born on 9-Aug-1918
Personal file of ADLER, SALAMON, born on 15-Oct-1921
Personal file of ADLER, SALOMON, born on 1-Feb-1923
Personal file of ADLER, SALOMON, born on 10-Feb-1927
Personal file of ADLER, SAMUEL, born on 9-May-1901
Personal file of ADLER, STANISLAUS, born on 11-Nov-1895
Personal file of ADLT, MILOSLAV, born on 10-May-1911
Personal file of ADOLFINI, GIUSEPPE, born on 17-Sep-1922
Personal file of ADOLPH, GUSTAV, born on 16-May-1907
Personal file of ADOLPHI, EUGEN, born on 2-Nov-1898
Personal file of ADONIN, IWAN, born on 27-Feb-1924
Personal file of ADONIN, MICHAEL, born on 10-Aug-1906
Personal file of ADORNO, TERESIO, born on 14-Jun-1920
Personal file of ADOROTKOW, ANATOLIJ, born on 18-Jun-1920
Personal file of ADRACHMANOW, AZAT, born on 12-Apr-1924
Personal file of ADRIO, RUDOLF, born on 21-May-1906
Personal file of ADROV, ILIJA, born on 20-May-1909
Personal file of ADSUTA, BORIS, born on 21-Oct-1924
Personal file of ADUSCHKIN, GRIGORIJ, born on 25-Jan-1913
Personal file of ADYN, ANATOLIJ, born on 20-Sep-1924
Personal file of AECHTNER, JOHANN, born on 24-Oct-1898
Personal file of AELION, JACQUES, born on 10-Apr-1910
Personal file of AELMON, MAURICE, born on 9-Feb-1919
Personal file of AELTERMANN, LOUIS, born on 15-Feb-1906
Personal file of AERTS, FRANZ, born on 13-May-1913
Personal file of AERTS, JOSEF, born on 18-Mar-1918
Personal file of AERTS, JOZEF, born on 23-Apr-1921
Personal file of AFANASENKO, NIKOLAJ, born on 6-May-1916
Personal file of AFANASEW, KONSTANTIN, born on 5-Jan-1921
Personal file of AFANASIEW, IWAN, born on 13-Oct-1917
Personal file of AFANASJEW, MICHAIL, born on 21-Nov-1925
Personal file of AFANASKIN, NIKOLAJ, born on 18-Dec-1912
Personal file of AFFAGARD, LIONEL, born on 17-Apr-1925
Personal file of AFFEK, TADEUSZ, born on 1-Jan-1928
Personal file of AFONASENKO, IWAN, born on 11-Jan-1916
Personal file of AFONIN, IWAN, born on 8-May-1920
Personal file of AFONIN, PAWEL, born on 15-May-1911
Personal file of AFONIN, VIKTOR, born on 5-Jan-1916
Personal file of AFONIN, WASSILIJ, born on 31-Dec-1918
Personal file of AFTEL, HERMAN, born on 6-Jan-1906
Personal file of AGACKI, STANISLAW, born on 30-Aug-1908
Personal file of AGAEW, TAGMES, born on 14-Jan-1909
Personal file of AGAFONOW, ALEKSEJ, born on 11-Feb-1915
Personal file of AGAFONOW, RUDOLF, born on 8-Apr-1918
Personal file of AGAFONOW, SERGEJ, born on 15-Sep-1918
Personal file of AGALZEW, MICHAEL, born on 10-Nov-1922
Personal file of AGALZOW, MICHAEL, born on 10-Nov-1922
Personal file of AGANESJAN, ASKANAZ, born on 1-May-1920
Personal file of AGAPOW, ROMAN, born on 24-Dec-1917
Personal file of AGAPZOW, ALEXANDER, born on 10-May-1912
Personal file of AGARD, CHARLES, born on 14-Aug-1912
Personal file of AGARKOW, FJODOR, born on 8-Mar-1912
Personal file of AGARKOW, ILJA, born on 19-Jul-1900
Personal file of AGARSKI, JANO, born on 11-Nov-1914
Personal file of AGDROW, ALEXANDER, born on 20-Nov-1920
Personal file of AGEENKO, WLADIMIR, born on 18-Sep-1912
Personal file of AGEJENKO, FEODOR, born on 10-May-1910
Personal file of AGEJEW, JEGOR, born on 24-May-1914
Personal file of AGERBO, FRANCESCO, born on 7-Mar-1921
Personal file of AGERON, FERNAND, born on 25-Apr-1908
Personal file of AGLIATA, CIRO, born on 9-Nov-1916
Personal file of AGLIERI, ANGELO, born on 25-Dec-1914
Personal file of AGNESE, GIOBATTA, born on 7-Nov-1890
Personal file of AGNESE D, NIKOLA, born on 10-Sep-1916
Personal file of AGOSTI, GIANANTONIO, born on 4-Jul-1886
Personal file of AGOSTINO D, ANILDO, born on 6-Apr-1924
Personal file of AGRAMANKOW, WASIL, born on 25-Mar-1913
Personal file of AGUILANTE, MATEO, born on 19-Dec-1924
Personal file of AGULIS, ISIDOR, born on 5-May-1923
Personal file of AHAPEWIECZ, SERGEJ, born on 30-Jan-1927
Personal file of AHARKO, FJODOR, born on 8-Mar-1912
Personal file of AHARKOW, ILIJA, born on 19-Jul-1900
Personal file of AHARONIAN, ISCHRAN, born in the year 1917
Personal file of AHL, WILLY, born on 14-Jun-1891
Personal file of AHLENDORF, WILLY, born on 23-Oct-1914
Personal file of AHLERS, DIETER, born on 10-Mar-1899
Personal file of AHRENSFELD, GOTTFRIED, born on 4-May-1895
Personal file of AICHBERGER, JAKOB, born on 23-Aug-1915
Personal file of AICHHOLZER, THEODOR, born on 29-Dec-1912
Personal file of AICHHOLZER, VALENTIN, born on 7-Nov-1902
Personal file of AIELO, MICHELE, born on 22-Aug-1921
Personal file of AIGNER, FRANZ, born on 2-Oct-1910
Personal file of AIGRET, ROGER, born on 21-Nov-1921
Personal file of AIME, PIETRO, born on 24-Apr-1896
Personal file of AIN, ISAK, born on 3-Nov-1922
Personal file of AJEJEW, JEGOR, born on 24-May-1914
Personal file of AJENKIN, ALEXEJ, born on 17-Oct-1915
Personal file of AJKASCHOW, WASILIJ, born on 28-Jul-1923
Personal file of AJLMAN, CHIL, born on 3-May-1923
Personal file of AJNENKIEL, REMIGIUSZ, born on 24-Aug-1926
Personal file of AJSENMANN, CHAIM, born on 29-Jul-1919
Personal file of AJSENMANN, JOSEF, born on 20-Oct-1927
Personal file of AJSENSTEIN, NATHAN, born on 22-Jul-1926
Personal file of AJSOWITSCH, ALTER, born on 14-Jul-1911
Personal file of AJTUS, KONSTANTIN, born on 26-Dec-1916
Personal file of AJWISJAN, RUBEN, born in the year 1909
Personal file of AJZELKOPF, MOSES, born on 10-Oct-1923
Personal file of AJZEN, MOSZEK, born on 15-May-1913
Personal file of AJZENBERG, KALMAN, born on 1-Oct-1928
Personal file of AJZENMANN, MOSES, born on 5-Jan-1920
Personal file of AJZERT, JOSEF, born on 15-Aug-1906
Personal file of AJZIKOWICZ, LAJZAR, born on 10-Nov-1891
Personal file of AJZON, JUSZEK, born on 23-Jun-1927
Personal file of AJZYKOWICZ, LEJB, born on 13-Aug-1913
Personal file of AKACKI, WLADYSLAW, born on 27-Dec-1900
Personal file of AKAKUSCHKA, KONSTANTIN, born on 1-Jan-1921
Personal file of AKALAJEW, MICHAEL, born on 15-Jan-1916
Personal file of AKASTELEW, FEDOR, born on 1-Jan-1919
Personal file of AKASTJOLOW, IWAN, born on 23-Mar-1924
Personal file of AKATOW, WASYL, born on 28-Dec-1922
Personal file of AKERIMAN, EIZIK, born on 8-Oct-1905
Personal file of AKERMAN, CHARLES, born on 25-Aug-1920
Personal file of AKIMIENKO, FIODOR, born on 4-Apr-1918
Personal file of AKIMOW, EUGENIUSZ, born on 1-Aug-1912
Personal file of AKIMOW, FIODOR, born on 1-Jun-1921
Personal file of AKIMOW, FIODOR, born on 1-Jun-1921
Personal file of AKIMOW, JEWDOLIN, born on 29-Aug-1915
Personal file of AKINISCHIN, WASIL, born on 27-Jun-1922
Personal file of AKINOW, VALENTIN, born on 24-Jun-1922
Personal file of AKISCHENKO, MICHAEL, born on 10-Sep-1929
Personal file of AKISCHIN, IWAN, born on 2-Feb-1916
Personal file of AKKERMANN, ISIDOR, born on 26-Feb-1927
Personal file of AKOPJAN, ANDREJ, born on 15-May-1900
Personal file of AKOPOW, GEORGIJ, born on 18-Aug-1914
Personal file of AKSAKOW, KIJAS, born on 14-May-1919
Personal file of AKSENOW, MIKOLAI, born on 25-Dec-1922
Personal file of AKSENOW, WIKTOR, born on 8-May-1925
Personal file of AKSENTJEW, ANDREJ, born on 30-Nov-1901
Personal file of AKSIUTIN, SERGE, born on 3-Oct-1922
Personal file of AKSMANN, LESZEK, born on 27-Sep-1919
Personal file of AKSOU, LARBI, born on 15-Mar-1909
Personal file of AKTSCHURIN, ALEX, born on 23-May-1919
Personal file of AKULENKO, IWAN, born on 3-Oct-1918
Personal file of AKULININ, ALEKSANDER, born on 3-Apr-1916
Personal file of AKULOW, ALEXANDER, born on 9-Apr-1915
Personal file of AKULOWITSCH, WASILIJ, born on 14-Aug-1924
Personal file of AKULOWITSCH, WASSILI, born on 11-Jun-1923
Personal file of AKUSCHKA, KONSTANTIJ, born on 1-Jan-1921
Personal file of AKUSOW, IWAN, born on 16-Jan-1927
Personal file of AKWA, KADISCH, born on 24-Jul-1913
Personal file of ALABJEW, ALEXANDER, born on 20-Apr-1915
Personal file of ALABJOW, ALEKSANDER, born on 20-Apr-1915
Personal file of ALAGNA, ANTONIO, born on 8-Dec-1915
Personal file of ALAIMO, IGNAZIO, born on 23-May-1905
Personal file of ALALUFI, DINO
Personal file of ALALUW, SABETAJ, born on 12-Sep-1911
Personal file of ALAMANSCHI, VASIL, born on 31-Jan-1922
Personal file of ALAMASCHI, VASIL, born on 31-Jan-1922
Personal file of ALARGON, MICHEL, born on 15-Jul-1896
Personal file of ALBAGLI, ILIA, born on 15-Apr-1912
Personal file of ALBERGHINI, BRUNO, born on 24-Oct-1925
Personal file of ALBERS, JOHANN, born on 25-Oct-1921
Personal file of ALBERSTETTER, KARL, born on 24-Dec-1894
Personal file of ALBERT, ADAM, born on 14-Jul-1904
Personal file of ALBERT, ALOIS, born on 30-Aug-1891
Personal file of ALBERT, MOSES, born on 30-Aug-1924
Personal file of ALBERT, RICHARD, born on 23-Mar-1901
Personal file of ALBERTELLI, GUIDO, born on 3-Sep-1917
Personal file of ALBERTI, ARISTIDE, born on 19-Mar-1922
Personal file of ALBERTI, GIULIANO, born on 3-Oct-1926
Personal file of ALBERTO, GINO, born on 20-Mar-1926
Personal file of ALBIEZ, WILHELM, born on 10-Oct-1888
Personal file of ALBINI, GIANCARLO, born on 20-Apr-1906
Personal file of ALBINOWSKI, STEFAN, born on 24-May-1912
Personal file of ALBINSKI, ALOJZY, born on 11-Apr-1914
Personal file of ALBIT, IWAN, born on 11-Jan-1925
Personal file of ALBOLD, BERTHOLD, born on 24-May-1874
Personal file of ALBOUY, JOSEF, born on 9-Sep-1919
Personal file of ALBRECHT, ARTHUR, born on 23-Aug-1882
Personal file of ALBRECHT, ERNST, born on 30-Nov-1880
Personal file of ALBRECHT, FERENCZ, born on 9-Jan-1887
Personal file of ALBRECHT, FRANZ, born on 13-Aug-1909
Personal file of ALBRECHT, FRIEDRICH, born on 28-Nov-1890
Personal file of ALBRECHT, JERZY, born on 7-Oct-1914
Personal file of ALBRECHT, JOSEF, born on 15-Aug-1886
Personal file of ALBRECHT, JOSEF, born on 28-May-1897
Personal file of ALBRECHT, JOSEF, born on 12-Jul-1913
Personal file of ALBRECHT, KARL, born on 17-Nov-1886
Personal file of ALBRECHT, MAX, born on 24-Aug-1902
Personal file of ALBRECHT, OTTO, born on 13-Aug-1900
Personal file of ALBRECHT, PAUL, born on 6-May-1874
Personal file of ALCHANATY, ISAAK, born in the year 1915
Personal file of ALCHIMOW, IWAN, born on 21-Sep-1915
Personal file of ALCIATI, FRANCESCO, born on 4-Apr-1923
Personal file of ALCLELI, ABRAM, born on 7-Jan-1921
Personal file of ALDENBERG, HENDRIKUS, born on 27-Jan-1915
Personal file of ALDIGHIERE, EMILIO, born on 28-Dec-1922
Personal file of ALDOCHIN, MATWJEJ, born on 7-Jan-1918
Personal file of ALDOMINI, ITALO, born on 24-Feb-1925
Personal file of ALDUSCHIN, KONSTANTIN, born on 15-Sep-1912
Personal file of ALEBIERGENOW, SADOW, born on 20-Jul-1920
Personal file of ALECHIN, ALEKSANDER, born on 1-May-1925
Personal file of ALECHIN, IWAN, born on 26-Apr-1926
Personal file of ALECSECWSKI, IWAN, born on 3-Feb-1918
Personal file of ALEJEW, IWAN, born on 1-May-1923
Personal file of ALEJNIKOW, WASILIJ, born on 4-Sep-1922
Personal file of ALEKSANDER, LEO, born on 18-May-1913
Personal file of ALEKSANDRAK, STANISLAUS, born on 15-Feb-1909
Personal file of ALEKSANDROW, ALEKSANDER, born on 18-Nov-1912
Personal file of ALEKSANDROW, GREGOR, born on 28-Dec-1917
Personal file of ALEKSANDROW, GREGORIJ, born on 26-Aug-1914
Personal file of ALEKSANDROW, GRIGIRIJ, born on 28-Nov-1914
Personal file of ALEKSANDROW, IWAN, born on 10-Oct-1915
Personal file of ALEKSANDROW, LEON, born on 18-May-1913
Personal file of ALEKSANDROW, MICHAIL, born on 19-Sep-1922
Personal file of ALEKSANDROW, NIKOLAJ, born on 15-Feb-1922
Personal file of ALEKSANDROWICZ, RICHARD, born on 1-Dec-1924
Personal file of ALEKSANDROWICZ, SZULEM, born on 6-Apr-1918
Personal file of ALEKSANDROWITZ, ROMAN, born on 5-Jun-1914
Personal file of ALEKSANDROWSKIJ, ALEXANDER, born on 23-Nov-1888
Personal file of ALEKSANDROWSKIJ, BORIS, born on 12-Dec-1920
Personal file of ALEKSEENKO, IWAN, born on 25-Sep-1924
Personal file of ALEKSEEW, ALEKS, born on 17-Mar-1915
Personal file of ALEKSEEW, ALEKS, born on 20-Feb-1923
Personal file of ALEKSEJENKO, JAKOW, born on 6-Jan-1918
Personal file of ALEKSEJENKO, LEONID, born on 16-Feb-1924
Personal file of ALEKSEJENKO, LEONTIJ, born on 16-Jul-1907
Personal file of ALEKSEJEW, ALEKSANDER, born on 30-Nov-1918
Personal file of ALEKSEJEW, ANDREJ, born on 24-Aug-1918
Personal file of ALEKSEJEW, GENADIJ, born on 13-Aug-1919
Personal file of ALEKSEJEW, GRIGORIJ, born on 2-Apr-1910
Personal file of ALEKSEJEW, IWAN, born on 2-Oct-1921
Personal file of ALEKSEJEW, IWAN, born on 8-May-1923
Personal file of ALEKSEJEW, IWAN, born on 3-May-1925
Personal file of ALEKSEJEW, LONJA, born on 20-Feb-1925
Personal file of ALEKSEJEW, NIKOLAJ, born on 12-Mar-1908
Personal file of ALEKSEJEW, NIKOLAJ, born on 20-Dec-1919
Personal file of ALEKSEJEW, NIKOLAJ, born on 26-Jul-1920
Personal file of ALEKSEJEW, PAWEL, born on 12-Mar-1915
Personal file of ALEKSEJEW, STEFAN, born on 10-Mar-1923
Personal file of ALEKSEJEW, WIKTOR, born on 22-Nov-1922
Personal file of ALEKSEJEWITSCHEW, PAWEL, born on 12-Oct-1906
Personal file of ALEKSEJEWSKIJ, IWAN, born on 3-Feb-1918
Personal file of ALEKSIC, BRANKO, born on 15-Oct-1921
Personal file of ALEKSICZ, SWETISLAW, born on 6-Aug-1908
Personal file of ALEKSIEJEW, SERGIEJ, born on 27-Aug-1927
Personal file of ALEKSIENKO, DIMITRIJ, born on 25-Jan-1925
Personal file of ALEKSUK, TIMOFEJ, born on 5-Jun-1905
Personal file of ALEKSZITY, GAVRA, born on 20-Dec-1909
Personal file of ALEKULOW, MAMASUDEK, born on 1-Jan-1915
Personal file of ALENIKOW, MICHAIL, born on 15-Dec-1915
Personal file of ALENIKOW, WASSIL, born on 11-Jan-1914
Personal file of ALENIKOW, WASYL, born on 4-Sep-1922
Personal file of ALENZIMRA, HENRI, born on 14-Sep-1902
Personal file of ALESCHIN, NIKOLAJ, born on 5-Jun-1920
Personal file of ALESCHIN, PETRO, born on 1-Sep-1914
Files with names from ALESENKO
Files with names from ANTONELLI
Files with names from AVSEC
Files with names from BALIS
Files with names from BARTKOWIAK
Files with names from BEDNARCZYK
Files with names from BERGER
Files with names from BICHE
Files with names from BLAHA
Files with names from BOGDANEWITSCH
Files with names from BONKIN
Files with names from BOUVIER
Files with names from BRODOWSKI
Files with names from BUGYACZ
Files with names from CALO
Files with names from CHAMAJDES
Files with names from CHONDUSENKO
Files with names from CLERICI
Files with names from CYMBERKNOPF
Files with names from DANAIS
Files with names from DELORD
Files with names from DIJK VAN
Files with names from DOMINICI
Files with names from DUBINENKO
Files with names from DYKWERT
Files with names from ELLER
Files with names from FAVRETTI
Files with names from FIKKE
Files with names from FOGEL
Files with names from FRIEDMANN
Files with names from GAJEWSKI
Files with names from GAWACHOW
Files with names from GIESS
Files with names from GODLEWSKI
Files with names from GONTSCHAROW
Files with names from GRAF
Files with names from GROSS
Files with names from GUBANOW
Files with names from HACK
Files with names from HAWALEWICZ
Files with names from HERTEL
Files with names from HOLLMANN
Files with names from HRYNIEWICZ
Files with names from ISERETH
Files with names from JÄGER
Files with names from JANOCZ
Files with names from JEDRZEJWSKI
Files with names from JOWIK
Files with names from KAGANOWSKI
Files with names from KAPELA
Files with names from KASZKIEL
Files with names from KESSLER
Files with names from KLEIN
Files with names from KLUZIAK
Files with names from KOLASA
Files with names from KONOPLOW
Files with names from KORZYCKI
Files with names from KOVALENKE
Files with names from KOZINSKI
Files with names from KRAWIETZ
Files with names from KRUGLIK
Files with names from KUDANÜK
Files with names from KUREK
Files with names from KWALEWSKI
Files with names from LANIWSKYJ
Files with names from LECLERCQ
Files with names from LESZKOWICZ
Files with names from LISANOWICZ
Files with names from LUBANSKI
Files with names from MACZYNSKI
Files with names from MALECKI
Files with names from MARCINIAK
Files with names from MARTINUK
Files with names from MATUSZKIEWICZ
Files with names from MELNIK
Files with names from MICHALAK
Files with names from MINAJEW
Files with names from MOKRZYCKI
Files with names from MOSSLER
Files with names from MUSCHAK
Files with names from NEDELKA
Files with names from NIKOLSKIJ
Files with names from OBALA
Files with names from ORECHOW
Files with names from PAGE LE
Files with names from PASZCZAK
Files with names from PERIANT
Files with names from PIDTSCHENKO
Files with names from PISARSKI
Files with names from POGORELOW
Files with names from POPKOW
Files with names from PRIEM
Files with names from PUTOWSKI
Files with names from RASELLO
Files with names from RENCO
Files with names from ROCHOWSKI
Files with names from ROSENFELD
Files with names from RUBINSZTAIN
Files with names from SABAS
Files with names from SAMOILOW
Files with names from SCHABATEN
Files with names from SCHEWTSCHENKO
Files with names from SCHMITZ
Files with names from SCHULTHEISZ
Files with names from SEFCIK
Files with names from SEVCUK
Files with names from SIMON
Files with names from SKORUPA
Files with names from SMIRNOW
Files with names from SOLTYS
Files with names from SREDNIAWSKI
Files with names from STEINBERG
Files with names from STOJKO
Files with names from SUCHEZE
Files with names from SYCH
Files with names from SZMEJA
Files with names from TALPO
Files with names from TETE
Files with names from TOLEBA
Files with names from TRNKA
Files with names from TSCHRNIECOW
Files with names from UNGAR
Files with names from VELCICH
Files with names from VOLFERTZ
Files with names from WALNTEK
Files with names from WEH
Files with names from WEKSELMAN
Files with names from WIERZBICKI
Files with names from WITKOWSKIJ
Files with names from WOLF
Files with names from WRONKA
Files with names from ZAKREJSCHEK
Files with names from ZEISSER
Files with names from ZITNY
Files with names from ZYMCHOT
Personnel files Flossenbürg, men
Letter from CC Flossenbürg to the local police authority in Hammer (Mark), concerning the 'Invalidenversicherung' ('disability insurance') of the prisoner Waclaw Sienski, 17.12.1940
Correspondence of Concentration Camp Flossenbürg
Einheiten mit unverknüpften Dokumenten - Individual Documents female Flossenbürg - Number Index Flossenbürg - Hollerith preparatory worksheet cards - Flossenbürg
1.1.9 - Camps in France
1.1.10 - Labor Reformatory Camp Großbeeren
1.1.11 - Groß-Rosen Concentration Camp
1.1.12 - Herzogenbusch-Vught Concentration Camp
1.1.13 - Hinzert Special SS Camp
1.1.14 - Camps in Italy and Albania
1.1.15 - Camps in Yugoslavia
1.1.16 - Kislau Concentration Camp
1.1.17 - Klooga / Vaivara Concentration Camp
1.1.18 - Ghetto Kauen (Kaunas / Kowno)
1.1.19 - Krakau-Plaszow Concentration Camp
1.1.20 - Lichtenburg Concentration Camp
1.1.21 - Labor reformatory camp Liebenau (Internment Camp Liebenau)
1.1.22 - Litzmannstadt (Lodz) Ghetto and "Polen-Jugendverwahrlager" /Detention Camp for Polish Juveniles
1.1.23 - Lublin (Majdanek) Concentration Camp
1.1.24 - Mecheln (Malines) SS Deportation Camp
1.1.25 - Mauritius Detainment Camp
1.1.26 - Mauthausen Concentration Camp
1.1.27 - Concentration Camp Mittelbau (Dora)
1.1.28 - Moringen Concentration Camp and "Jugendschutzlager"/ Protective Custody Camp for Juveniles
1.1.29 - Natzweiler (Struthof) Concentration Camp
1.1.30 - Neuengamme Concentration Camp
1.1.31 - Niederhagen (Wewelsburg) Concentration Camp
1.1.32 - Camps in Norway
1.1.33 - Oranienburg Concentration Camp
1.1.34 - Papenburg Penitentiary Camp/ Emslandlager
1.1.35 - Ravensbrück Concentration Camp
1.1.36 - Riga (Kaiserwald) Concentration Camp and Riga Ghetto
1.1.37 - Sachsenburg Concentration Camp
1.1.38 - Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp
1.1.39 - Sandbostel Absorption Camp
1.1.40 - Schirmeck-Vorbruck Concentration Camp
1.1.41 - Stutthof Concentration Camp
1.1.42 - Theresienstadt Ghetto
1.1.43 - Treblinka Labour Camp
1.1.44 - Warsaw Ghetto and Concentration Camp
1.1.45 - Welzheim Concentration Camp (Protective Custody Camp)
1.1.46 - Westerbork Assembly and Transit Camp
1.1.47 - Various Camps
1.1.48 - Concentration Camp Bad Sulza
1.1.49 - Concentration Camp Colditz
1.1.50 - Schutzhaftlager Hohnstein
1.1.51 - Concentration Camp Sonnenburg
1.1.52 - Concentration Camp Columbia-Haus Concentration Camp
1.1.53 - Concentration Camp Eutin
1.1.54 - Concentration Camp Heinersdorf
1.1.55 - Concentration Camp Heuberg
1.1.56 - Concentration Camp Kemna
1.1.57 - Concentration Camp Kuhlen
1.1.58 - Concentration Camp Osthofen
1.1.59 - Concentration Camp Roßlau
1.1.60 - Concentration Camps Wittmoor, Fuhlsbüttel and Neuengamme
1.1.61 - Juvenile Detention and Reform Camp Lebrechtsdorf
1.2 - Miscellaneous
2 - Registration of Foreigners and German Persecutees by Public Institutions, Social Securities and Companies (1939 - 1947)
3 - Registrations and Files of Displaced Persons, Children and Missing Persons
4 - Special NSDAP organizations and actions
5 - Death Marches, identification of unkown dead and Nazi trials
6 - Records of the ITS and its predecessors
7 - Archival records of microforms (new material / document acquisition)
8 - Collections of private persons and small archives