0 - Global Finding Aids
1 - Incarceration Documents
1.1 - Camps and Ghettos
1.1.0 - General Information
1.1.1 - Amersfoort Police Transit Camp
1.1.2 - Auschwitz Concentration and Extermination Camp
1.1.3 - Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp
1.1.4 - Breendonk Transit Camp
1.1.5 - Buchenwald Concentration Camp
1.1.6 - Dachau Concentration Camp - General Information on Dachau Concentration Camp - List Material Dachau - Individual Documents Dachau
Personal Files - Concentration Camp Dachau
Files without names and with names from A
Files with names from ADLER
Files with names from ALLEMAND
Files with names from ANGELIRE
Files with names from ARMATYZ
Files with names from AWIDOR
Files with names from BAKIERA
Files with names from BARAN
Files with names from BARTH
Files with names from BAUER
Files with names from BEHNKE
Files with names from BENKÖ
Files with names from BERKA
Files with names from BERTOD
Files with names from BIELA
Files with names from BIRO
Files with names from BLOCH
Files with names from BOGUNWENKO
Files with names from BONDARENKO
Files with names from BORSJE
Files with names from BRAGAS
Files with names from BRENNER
Files with names from BRÜCK
Files with names from BUCICA
Files with names from BURIAN
Files with names from CALDERON
Files with names from CAZZULLI
Files with names from CHARMATZ
Files with names from CHOJNOWSKI
Files with names from CIMET
Files with names from COLUCCI
Files with names from CSISZAR
Files with names from CZIFFER
Files with names from DARVAS
Files with names from DEJA
Files with names from DERWISCHEWITSCH
Files with names from DIK
Files with names from DOLINSEK
Files with names from DRAPAL
Files with names from DUDEK
Files with names from DYMKOWSKI
Files with names from EHRENGRUBER
Files with names from ELLI
Files with names from ERMISCH
Files with names from FAJDIGA
Files with names from FAUCHERON
Files with names from FELDMANN
Files with names from FEUEREISEN
Files with names from FINKELSCHTEIN
Files with names from FLACHTER
Files with names from FOLTYN
Files with names from FRANCOIS
Files with names from FRENKEL
Files with names from FRIEDMANN
Files with names from FUCHS
Files with names from GAILLAC
Files with names from GAREL
Files with names from GEIST
Files with names from GEWESCH
Files with names from GLAUBER
Files with names from GOLAJKO
Files with names from GOLINSKI
Files with names from GORSKI
Files with names from GRANDEMANGE
Files with names from GROCKI
Files with names from GRUDZENIUK
Files with names from GRYLAK
Files with names from GURWITZ
Files with names from HACK
Files with names from HANAUER
Files with names from HAUSER
Files with names from HELLER
Files with names from HERSKOWICS
Files with names from HIRSCH
Files with names from HOHENBERG
Files with names from HORNUNG
Files with names from HUBER
Files with names from IGIELSKI
Files with names from IVANCEVIC
Files with names from JACKSON
Files with names from JAKSCHA
Files with names from JANKOWIAK
Files with names from JARUCGA
Files with names from JEDRZEJCZAK
Files with names from JESSEL
Files with names from JOURDAN
Files with names from JUVINE
Files with names from KALASCHNIKOW
Files with names from KAMPLER
Files with names from KARLO
Files with names from KATASONOW
Files with names from KEISCHER
Files with names from KIAUBE
Files with names from KIRST
Files with names from KLEIN
Files with names from KLENIEC
Files with names from KLYN
Files with names from KOCHOWICZI
Files with names from KOKAS
Files with names from KOLOSINSKI
Files with names from KONOWALOW
Files with names from KORNAGA
Files with names from KOSMALA
Files with names from KOWACS
Files with names from KOZLOWSKI
Files with names from KRAUSS
Files with names from KRILYUK
Files with names from KRUME
Files with names from KUBITZA
Files with names from KULIK
Files with names from KUS
Files with names from LABRUNIE
Files with names from LANCISUX
Files with names from LASKA
Files with names from LAZONJA
Files with names from LEGER
Files with names from LENZ
Personal file of LENZ, FRANZ, born on 14-Oct-1883
Personal file of LENZ, JOHANN, born on 21-Dec-1899
Personal file of LENZ, JOHANN, born on 7-Apr-1902
Personal file of LENZ, KONRAD, born on 28-Oct-1895
Personal file of LENZ, LEO, born on 3-Mar-1895
Personal file of LENZ, MICHAEL, born on 19-Nov-1880
Personal file of LENZ, WILHELM, born on 30-Nov-1891
Personal file of LENZ, WILLI, born on 5-Mar-1904
Personal file of LENZA, ALOIS, born on 9-Jun-1910
Personal file of LENZEL, JOSEF, born on 21-Apr-1890
Personal file of LENZEN, KARL, born on 16-Sep-1898
Personal file of LENZEN, WILHELM, born on 17-Dec-1912
Personal file of LEODOLTER, FRANZ, born on 29-Oct-1901
Personal file of LEODOWEZ, AGEI, born on 5-May-1922
Personal file of LEON, PAUL, born on 4-Apr-1920
Personal file of LEONARD, ANATOLIJ, born on 23-Aug-1918
Personal file of LEONARD, EDUARD, born on 26-Oct-1905
Personal file of LEONARD, LEOPOLD, born on 27-Nov-1916
Personal file of LEONARD, PETER, born on 5-Jan-1927
Personal file of LEONARDI, ALFIO, born on 6-Mar-1906
Personal file of LEONARDON, ARMANDO, born on 28-Jun-1914
Personal file of LEONARDUZZI, ALFREDO, born on 12-Dec-1914
Personal file of LEONEZ, ALEXEY, born on 26-Feb-1924
Personal file of LEONHARD, JOSEF, born on 19-Mar-1902
Personal file of LEONHARD, JOSEF, born on 13-Dec-1904
Personal file of LEONHARD, KARL, born on 15-Sep-1885
Personal file of LEONHARDT, WILHELM, born on 10-Jul-1873
Personal file of LEONI, ETTORE, born on 9-Jul-1917
Personal file of LEONI, RENZO, born on 14-Feb-1914
Personal file of LEONJEC, WACLAW, born on 2-Jan-1893
Personal file of LEONJUK, CORNELIUS, born on 10-Jun-1906
Personal file of LEONORI, VIKTOR, born on 1-Jan-1900
Personal file of LEONORIS, GIORGIO, born on 10-Feb-1926
Personal file of LEONOW, EWGENI, born on 13-Dec-1923
Personal file of LEONOW, FEDOR, born on 13-Jul-1897
Personal file of LEONOW, FEODOR
Personal file of LEONOW, GEORGI, born on 7-Nov-1918
Personal file of LEONOW, GRIGORIJ, born on 0-Nov-1920
Personal file of LEONOW, IWAN, born on 11-Apr-1908
Personal file of LEONOW, MIKOLA, born on 24-Apr-1924
Personal file of LEONOW, NIKOLAI, born on 18-Nov-1916
Personal file of LEONOW, NIKOLAI, born on 2-Feb-1925
Personal file of LEONOW, PAUL, born on 23-Nov-1917
Personal file of LEONOW, WLADIMIR, born on 11-Jan-1920
Personal file of LEOPARDOW, LEO, born on 8-Nov-1912
Personal file of LEOPOLARD, FRANCOIS
Personal file of LEOPOLD, ADOLF, born on 28-Jul-1911
Personal file of LEOPOLD, BELA, born on 22-Jan-1928
Personal file of LEOPOLD, EDITH, born on 28-Dec-1921
Personal file of LEOPOLD, FRANZ, born on 26-Mar-1903
Personal file of LEOPOLD, FRIEDRICH
Personal file of LEOPOLD, FRITZ, born on 21-May-1926
Personal file of LEOPOLD, MORITZ, born on 27-Jul-1903
Personal file of LEOPRECHTING, HUBERT, born on 2-Feb-1897
Personal file of LEORATO, ARMANDO, born on 1-Nov-1928
Personal file of LEOSCHENKO, WLADIMIR, born on 25-Mar-1911
Personal file of LEOTARD, MICHEL, born on 15-Feb-1925
Personal file of LEOTERMANN, REINHARD, born on 18-Sep-1898
Personal file of LEOVEN, BAREND, born on 4-Apr-1905
Personal file of LEPAILLE, LEON, born on 3-Jun-1909
Personal file of LEPAR, ZDENKO, born on 7-Mar-1895
Personal file of LEPCZAK, SIEGMUND, born on 15-Dec-1912
Personal file of LEPEC, ALBERT, born on 28-Sep-1896
Personal file of LEPELAAR, JAN, born on 9-Jan-1881
Personal file of LEPELLIER, JULES
Personal file of LEPERA, GIUSEPPE, born on 23-Dec-1908
Personal file of LEPES, JANUS, born on 18-May-1921
Personal file of LEPETEN, NIKOLAI, born on 21-Feb-1924
Personal file of LEPILLIER, JULES, born on 23-Mar-1926
Personal file of LEPIN, GREGOR, born on 29-Apr-1922
Personal file of LEPINSCH, ARNOLD, born on 3-Mar-1900
Personal file of LEPINSKI, IWAN, born on 1-Dec-1924
Personal file of LEPITSCH, IWAN, born on 10-Dec-1909
Personal file of LEPJOCHIN, IWAN, born on 2-Jun-1924
Personal file of LEPLAT, J., born on 19-May-1924
Personal file of LEPLAT, LOUIS, born on 25-Sep-1914
Personal file of LEPLENKO, IWAN, born on 28-Jul-1926
Personal file of LEPOIVRE, MAURICE, born on 27-Jul-1924
Personal file of LEPOLARD, FRANCOIS, born on 2-Aug-1926
Personal file of LEPOLD, FRANZ, born on 12-Mar-1905
Personal file of LEPOMMELEC, HENRI, born on 17-May-1924
Personal file of LEPORTE, ARTHUR, born on 29-Jul-1894
Personal file of LEPOUTRE, MAURICE, born on 2-Jun-1920
Personal file of LEPP, OSWALD, born on 3-Dec-1913
Personal file of LEPPER DE, JOHANNES, born on 9-Dec-1898
Personal file of LEPREVOTS, GEORGES, born on 3-Oct-1923
Personal file of LEPRUN, PIERRE, born on 18-May-1911
Personal file of LEPS, JOHANNES, born on 18-Dec-1909
Personal file of LEPSA, JOZE, born on 15-Jan-1919
Personal file of LEPSI, KARL, born on 24-May-1921
Personal file of LEPSICS, ISTVAN, born on 17-Apr-1919
Personal file of LEPSKY, VIKTOR, born on 7-Jun-1922
Personal file of LEPSUN, PIERRE, born on 18-May-1911
Personal file of LEPSZY, KASIMIR, born on 11-Jun-1904
Personal file of LEPUCHON, NIKOLAI, born on 19-Dec-1922
Personal file of LEPUSCHITZ, VALENTIN, born on 14-Feb-1907
Personal file of LEPUSTIN, IWAN, born on 25-Dec-1921
Personal file of LEPUT, MARCEL, born on 29-Nov-1925
Personal file of LEQUEUX, HENRI, born on 12-Feb-1895
Personal file of LERAILLE, CAMILLE, born on 5-Nov-1902
Personal file of LERAN, IWAN, born on 6-Jun-1926
Personal file of LERAY, EUGENE, born on 27-Feb-1922
Personal file of LERAY, PIERRE, born on 10-Oct-1922
Personal file of LERBS, ALFRED, born on 9-Feb-1897
Personal file of LERCH, EPHRAIM, born on 1-Apr-1928
Personal file of LERCH, ERICH, born on 13-Nov-1898
Personal file of LERCH, JEAN, born on 10-Mar-1916
Personal file of LERCH, JOSEPH, born on 26-Jun-1886
Personal file of LERCH, MAKS, born on 27-Jun-1901
Personal file of LERCHER, MIKLOS, born on 5-Jun-1924
Personal file of LERCHL, GEORG, born on 4-Jun-1896
Personal file of LERER, ISAK, born on 8-Feb-1919
Personal file of LERER, ISEC, born on 10-Jan-1913
Personal file of LERER, ISRAEL, born on 14-Feb-1910
Personal file of LERER, MAYER, born on 27-Dec-1894
Personal file of LERETZ, JOSEF, born on 19-Mar-1881
Personal file of LEREY, PIERRE, born on 10-Oct-1922
Personal file of LERICH, GEDALA, born on 12-Mar-1926
Personal file of LERICHE, JOSEF, born on 9-Apr-1905
Personal file of LERICHE, PIERRE, born on 14-Aug-1898
Personal file of LERICQ, GUSTAVE, born on 2-Oct-1888
Personal file of LERIOT, RENEE, born on 24-Feb-1928
Personal file of LERMAN, MICHEL, born on 22-Feb-1922
Personal file of LERMAN, SZLAMA, born on 15-Sep-1925
Personal file of LERMANN, ELIAS, born on 3-Mar-1912
Personal file of LERMANN, ISRAEL, born on 19-Aug-1900
Personal file of LERMANN, MENDEL, born on 15-May-1899
Personal file of LERMER, WILHELM, born on 24-Sep-1923
Personal file of LERNACINSKI, STANISLAUS, born on 6-Jun-1894
Personal file of LERNER, ANTON, born on 18-Sep-1901
Personal file of LERNER, FEWEL, born on 8-Jun-1895
Personal file of LERNER, MORDKA, born on 1-May-1913
Personal file of LERNER, MOSES, born on 5-Jun-1907
Personal file of LERNER, PAWEL, born on 30-Dec-1903
Personal file of LEROUEX, EMIL, born on 27-Feb-1874
Personal file of LEROUX, EDMOND, born on 15-Aug-1903
Personal file of LEROUX, GEORGES, born on 11-Dec-1919
Personal file of LEROY, BERNARD, born on 5-Feb-1926
Personal file of LEROY, CLAUDE, born on 24-May-1924
Personal file of LEROY, CONSTANT, born on 19-Feb-1922
Personal file of LEROY, EMILE, born on 16-Sep-1924
Personal file of LEROY, JEAN, born on 7-Jun-1919
Personal file of LEROY, JULIUS, born on 21-Dec-1898
Personal file of LEROY, LAURENT, born on 17-Sep-1912
Personal file of LEROY, LEON, born on 21-May-1920
Personal file of LEROY, PAUL, born on 28-Sep-1909
Personal file of LEROY, PIERRE, born on 28-Jul-1923
Personal file of LEROY, ROGER, born on 2-Sep-1925
Personal file of LES, EDUARD, born on 14-Mar-1914
Personal file of LES, EDUARD, born on 24-Jan-1923
Personal file of LES, PROKOP, born on 1-Jun-1923
Personal file of LESAFFRE, EMILE, born on 20-Dec-1916
Personal file of LESAGE, ADOLPHE, born on 7-Feb-1920
Personal file of LESAGE, ERNEST, born on 31-May-1911
Personal file of LESAGE, JULES, born on 5-Jul-1908
Personal file of LESAK, ALEXANDER, born on 15-Feb-1925
Personal file of LESAK, IWAN, born on 29-Oct-1925
Personal file of LESANEK, FELIX, born on 20-Jan-1915
Personal file of LESAUSE, LOUIS, born on 16-Nov-1924
Personal file of LESCANNE, PIERRE, born on 16-Feb-1919
Personal file of LESCHENKO, PHILIPP, born on 4-Jan-1915
Personal file of LESCHKO, WASIL, born on 8-May-1922
Personal file of LESCHMAN, DOBA, born on 22-Mar-1924
Personal file of LESCHNIK, FRANZ, born on 30-Nov-1893
Personal file of LESCHNIK, LEOPOLD, born on 15-Oct-1917
Personal file of LESCHNIK, STEFAN, born on 12-Aug-1897
Personal file of LESCHTSCHENKO, DIMITRI, born on 15-Jun-1924
Personal file of LESCHTSCHENKO, MITRO, born in the year 1891
Personal file of LESCHZINER, ERICH, born on 14-Oct-1893
Personal file of LESCKIMMER, SENDER, born on 9-Jul-1910
Personal file of LESCNJAK, TADEUS, born on 15-Mar-1926
Personal file of LESCROART, GERARD, born on 28-Jan-1908
Personal file of LESCZEK, STEFAN, born on 22-Dec-1895
Personal file of LESCZINSKI, JAN, born on 1-Jan-1896
Personal file of LESECQUE, LOUIS, born on 14-May-1911
Personal file of LESEGELD, IBOLYA, born on 23-Oct-1921
Personal file of LESEIGNEUR, ALBERT, born on 9-Feb-1915
Personal file of LESEM, RICHARD, born on 30-Jun-1923
Personal file of LESENKA, VALENTIN, born on 15-Mar-1931
Personal file of LESEUR, RENE, born on 8-Sep-1921
Personal file of LESEURE, CLAUDE, born on 19-Apr-1917
Personal file of LESGER, GERARD, born on 10-Sep-1922
Personal file of LESHENKO, WASSILY, born on 25-Dec-1920
Personal file of LESIAK, CHRISTIAN, born on 11-Dec-1911
Personal file of LESIAK, CZESLAUS, born on 22-Nov-1895
Personal file of LESIAK, JOHANN, born on 14-Aug-1902
Personal file of LESIAK, JOSEF, born on 4-Mar-1910
Personal file of LESIAK, STEFAN, born on 15-Sep-1912
Personal file of LESIAK, WLADYSLAW, born on 5-Oct-1905
Personal file of LESIEWICZ, HANKA, born on 28-Nov-1919
Personal file of LESIMPLE, LUCIEN
Personal file of LESIN, NIKOLAJ, born on 9-May-1912
Personal file of LESINSKI, CZESLAUS, born on 12-Jul-1911
Personal file of LESINSKI, FRANZ, born on 28-Mar-1894
Personal file of LESINSKI, KASIMIR, born on 24-Nov-1914
Personal file of LESINSKI, STANISLAUS, born on 13-Apr-1900
Personal file of LESINSKI, VALENTIN, born on 14-Feb-1880
Personal file of LESIUK, FRANZ, born on 4-Oct-1901
Personal file of LESIUK, JOSEF, born on 10-Feb-1923
Personal file of LESIUK, SEMEN, born on 27-Feb-1917
Personal file of LESJ, LEONIA, born on 31-Oct-1917
Personal file of LESJAK, ALOIS, born on 10-Jun-1914
Personal file of LESJAK, EMIL, born on 25-Nov-1906
Personal file of LESJAK, FRANZ, born on 9-Feb-1924
Personal file of LESJAK, IVAN, born on 12-Oct-1913
Personal file of LESJAK, KAREL, born on 18-Jan-1910
Personal file of LESJAK, STANE, born on 29-Apr-1905
Personal file of LESKA, GREGOR, born in the year 1915
Personal file of LESKE, KURT, born on 11-Feb-1911
Personal file of LESKI, MOSZEK, born on 26-Jul-1916
Personal file of LESKOSEK, EDI, born on 4-Jun-1915
Personal file of LESKOUSCHEK, JOHANN, born on 26-Aug-1915
Personal file of LESKOVAR, LUDWIG, born on 15-Aug-1910
Personal file of LESKOVEC, FRANZ, born on 8-Oct-1897
Personal file of LESKOVEC, FRANZ, born on 10-Apr-1922
Personal file of LESKOVSCHEK, GEORG, born on 16-Jul-1899
Personal file of LESKOVSEK, DRAGO, born on 8-Apr-1888
Personal file of LESKOWAR, FRANZ, born on 15-Mar-1904
Personal file of LESKOWAR, FRANZ, born on 25-Mar-1916
Personal file of LESLIER, ALBERT, born on 1-Sep-1916
Personal file of LESMAN, CZOLEM, born on 24-Oct-1927
Personal file of LESMAN, SEVERIN, born on 24-Oct-1914
Personal file of LESMAN, SZULIM, born on 5-Feb-1906
Personal file of LESNE, AMEDE, born on 6-Jun-1911
Personal file of LESNE, LUCIEN, born on 31-Oct-1921
Personal file of LESNENKO, WASILI, born on 0-Jul-1921
Personal file of LESNIAK, ANDREAS, born on 13-Nov-1906
Personal file of LESNIAK, BOLESLAUS, born on 6-Jun-1897
Personal file of LESNIAK, EDWIN, born on 20-Sep-1920
Personal file of LESNIAK, FELIKS, born on 13-May-1894
Personal file of LESNIAK, JERZY, born on 4-Jun-1932
Personal file of LESNIAK, ROMAN, born on 10-Feb-1922
Personal file of LESNIAK, STEFAN
Personal file of LESNIAK, STEFAN, born on 30-Sep-1915
Personal file of LESNIAK, STEFAN, born on 27-Jul-1921
Personal file of LESNIAK, TADEUS, born on 15-Mar-1926
Personal file of LESNIEWICZ, KASIMIR, born on 20-Dec-1895
Personal file of LESNIEWICZ, LUDWIG, born on 22-Aug-1904
Personal file of LESNIEWSKI, ANTON, born on 2-Apr-1924
Personal file of LESNIEWSKI, IGNATZ, born on 28-Apr-1923
Personal file of LESNIEWSKI, SIEGMUND, born on 13-Feb-1919
Personal file of LESNIEWSKI, STEFAN, born on 2-Aug-1915
Personal file of LESNIEWSKI, TADEUS, born on 1-Aug-1921
Personal file of LESNIK, FLORIAN, born on 2-May-1896
Personal file of LESNIK, FRANZ, born on 15-Jan-1899
Personal file of LESNIK, JOSEF, born on 6-Mar-1889
Personal file of LESNIK, JOSEF, born on 24-Jan-1906
Personal file of LESNIK, KARL, born on 10-Oct-1889
Personal file of LESNIK, ROMUALD, born on 1-Feb-1913
Personal file of LESNIKA, WILHELM, born on 5-Mar-1906
Personal file of LESNIOWSKI, STANISLAUS, born on 23-Nov-1884
Personal file of LESNJAK, IVAN, born on 12-Oct-1913
Personal file of LESNJAK, IWAN, born on 7-Nov-1926
Personal file of LESNJASKOW, IWAN, born on 15-Aug-1902
Personal file of LESNODORSKI, BOGUSLAW, born on 27-May-1914
Personal file of LESNYKOW, KONSTANTIN, born on 15-Sep-1925
Personal file of LESOFSKY, EDUARD, born on 26-Sep-1900
Personal file of LESS, JOHANN, born on 2-Feb-1903
Personal file of LESSARCE, JEAN, born on 27-Nov-1922
Personal file of LESSEL, FRIEDRICH, born on 24-Nov-1881
Personal file of LESSEL, ZENON, born on 5-Jun-1923
Personal file of LESSEN, FRIEDRICH, born on 24-Nov-1881
Personal file of LESSER, BENJAMIN
Personal file of LESSIAK, JOHANN, born on 6-Feb-1895
Personal file of LESSIGER, PAUL, born on 6-Jun-1900
Personal file of LESSIK, BORIS, born on 5-May-1924
Personal file of LESSJEW, ANTOLIJ, born on 12-Apr-1924
Personal file of LESSMANN, CZOLEM
Personal file of LESSNER, FRANZ, born on 12-Feb-1917
Personal file of LESSOFF, GEORG, born on 26-Jul-1911
Personal file of LEST VAN DE, JOHANNES, born on 3-May-1905
Personal file of LESTIENNE, CHARLES, born on 20-Aug-1913
Personal file of LESTOBAD, IWAN, born on 5-Aug-1924
Personal file of LESTRUHAUT, ANTOINE, born on 25-Sep-1883
Personal file of LESTSCHUK, DMITRIJ, born on 26-Oct-1899
Personal file of LESUEUR, GEORGES, born on 7-Jun-1908
Personal file of LESUN, MICHAEL, born on 15-May-1915
Personal file of LESZAK, WLADYSLAW, born on 27-Jun-1910
Personal file of LESZCZUK, ADAM, born on 9-Mar-1924
Personal file of LESZCZYCKI, STANISLAUS, born on 8-May-1907
Personal file of LESZCZYNSKI, ALEXANDER, born on 5-Sep-1919
Personal file of LESZCZYNSKI, ANTONI, born on 22-May-1890
Personal file of LESZCZYNSKI, JAN, born on 10-Jan-1895
Personal file of LESZCZYNSKI, JANKIEL, born on 15-Aug-1910
Personal file of LESZCZYNSKI, KONSTANTIN, born on 22-May-1908
Personal file of LESZCZYNSKI, LUCIAN, born on 20-Dec-1922
Personal file of LESZCZYNSKI, MIECZYSLAUS, born on 30-Aug-1919
Personal file of LESZCZYNSKI, STANISLAUS, born on 15-Aug-1904
Personal file of LESZCZYNSKI, STANISLAUS, born on 8-Nov-1914
Personal file of LESZCZYSZYN, MICHAEL, born on 21-Jan-1913
Personal file of LESZEK, KAROL, born on 29-Sep-1887
Personal file of LESZEWSKI, FRANZ, born on 10-Dec-1898
Personal file of LESZKA, MARIAN, born on 14-May-1917
Personal file of LESZKO, DIMYTRO, born on 12-Feb-1924
Personal file of LESZMAN, SEVERIN, born on 24-Oct-1914
Personal file of LESZOLARSKI, WLADYSL.
Personal file of LESZYNSKI, HENRI, born on 29-Aug-1923
Personal file of LESZYNSKI, TADEUSZ, born on 21-Sep-1898
Personal file of LESZYNSKI, WLADYSLAW, born on 18-Sep-1911
Personal file of LETAC, JOEL, born on 15-Feb-1918
Personal file of LETERRIER, JULIEN, born on 27-Jul-1904
Personal file of LETHMAIER, PIUS, born on 8-May-1887
Personal file of LETINCIC, IWAN, born on 20-Apr-1903
Personal file of LETINCIC, JURAJ, born on 7-Feb-1899
Personal file of LETINCIC, MIJO, born on 17-Dec-1890
Personal file of LETINCIC, SLAVKO, born on 28-Dec-1898
Personal file of LETINIC, GIOVANNI, born on 12-Oct-1927
Personal file of LETISSIER, CLEMENT, born on 4-Feb-1923
Personal file of LETISSIER, FRANCOIS, born on 2-Jan-1887
Personal file of LETISSIER, ROGER, born on 2-Nov-1926
Personal file of LETJAGIN, BORIS, born on 25-Jul-1922
Personal file of LETJAGIN, IWAN, born on 12-Mar-1924
Personal file of LETKO, PIOTR, born on 27-Apr-1921
Personal file of LETNAR, ALBIN, born on 17-Feb-1909
Personal file of LETNAR, STANISLAW, born on 6-May-1905
Personal file of LETNER, KARL, born on 30-Nov-1903
Personal file of LETNIK, FRANZ, born on 5-Jan-1910
Personal file of LETOCHA, GEORG, born on 10-Aug-1920
Personal file of LETONO, ALEXANDER, born on 8-Aug-1921
Personal file of LETOR, ROBERT, born on 14-Jun-1924
Personal file of LETORT, MARCEL, born on 7-Feb-1916
Personal file of LETTAU, ALFRED, born on 22-Jul-1912
Personal file of LETTENBICHLER, JOSEF, born on 20-Aug-1907
Personal file of LETTNER, ALOIS, born on 28-Apr-1883
Personal file of LETTNER, JOSEF, born on 3-Feb-1915
Personal file of LETTO, RUDOLF, born on 7-Oct-1906
Personal file of LETUK, MICHAEL, born on 27-Feb-1923
Personal file of LETULLE, JEAN, born on 28-Apr-1924
Personal file of LETUN, GRIGORIJ
Personal file of LETUNOW, ALEXANDER, born on 8-Aug-1921
Personal file of LETZELTER, EUGEN, born on 27-Jul-1902
Personal file of LETZING, WILHELM, born on 6-Jan-1894
Personal file of LEUBNER, ALFRED, born on 20-Feb-1903
Personal file of LEUBUSCHER, DANIEL, born on 5-Aug-1894
Personal file of LEUCHT, HERMANN, born on 8-Aug-1891
Personal file of LEUCHT, LOUIS, born on 30-Dec-1896
Personal file of LEUCHTENBERGER, RICHARD, born on 31-May-1907
Personal file of LEUDLE, ARTHUR, born on 12-Sep-1904
Personal file of LEUENDORF, WERNER, born on 14-Jul-1913
Personal file of LEUFGEN, JAKOB, born on 22-Dec-1894
Personal file of LEUGA LOURET, JEAN, born on 17-Aug-1925
Personal file of LEUKARDT, RICHARD, born on 8-Apr-1910
Personal file of LEUKERT, ERNST, born on 15-Dec-1919
Personal file of LEUKIATSCHENKO, ANDREJ, born on 5-May-1924
Personal file of LEUNIS, MARINUS, born on 13-Dec-1904
Personal file of LEUS, JOHANN, born on 25-Jan-1925
Personal file of LEUSCHKO, PETRO, born in the year 1925
Personal file of LEUSCHUN, NIKOLAI, born on 20-May-1925
Personal file of LEUSENKO, PETER, born on 29-Jun-1923
Personal file of LEUTGEB, KARL, born on 10-Oct-1907
Personal file of LEUTINCIC, JURAJ, born on 7-Feb-1899
Personal file of LEUTMANN, JOSEF, born on 14-Jun-1901
Personal file of LEUTMANN, NIKOLAUS, born on 6-Dec-1882
Personal file of LEUTSCHINKO, SERGY, born in the year 1915
Personal file of LEV, STEPHAN, born on 18-May-1912
Personal file of LEVA DI, GIUSEPPE, born on 16-Sep-1920
Personal file of LEVACHOFF, GEORG, born on 23-Apr-1893
Personal file of LEVACIC, NIKOLA
Personal file of LEVACICH, SIMEONO, born on 10-Oct-1898
Personal file of LEVACICH, ZACCARIA, born on 21-Mar-1894
Personal file of LEVACOVIC, BENJAMINO, born on 2-Jan-1920
Personal file of LEVACOVICH, LIONELLE, born on 1-Nov-1916
Personal file of LEVAI, ALEXANDER, born on 4-Apr-1877
Personal file of LEVAI, ANDREAS, born on 27-Jul-1926
Personal file of LEVAI, ETEL, born on 15-Aug-1900
Personal file of LEVAI, EUGEN, born on 13-Jun-1927
Personal file of LEVAI, MARGIT, born on 22-Sep-1909
Personal file of LEVAI, PAL, born on 5-Jul-1895
Personal file of LEVAI, VILMA, born on 6-Apr-1906
Personal file of LEVAI, ZSUZSANA, born on 2-Jun-1920
Personal file of LEVAILLANT, JOSEPH, born on 14-Feb-1907
Personal file of LEVAKOVICH, LIONELLE, born on 1-Nov-1916
Personal file of LEVALD, HANS, born on 17-Jun-1912
Personal file of LEVALLOIS, MARIUS, born on 15-Aug-1902
Personal file of LEVAN, MARC, born on 3-May-1920
Personal file of LEVANDOWSKI, VINZENZ, born on 27-Dec-1898
Personal file of LEVAR, JOHANN, born on 8-Sep-1888
Personal file of LEVASSEUR, MARCEL, born on 20-Oct-1911
Personal file of LEVASSEUR, MAURICE, born on 8-Feb-1922
Personal file of LEVAY, ADALBERT, born on 25-Jun-1906
Personal file of LEVDIC, MICHAEL, born on 22-Dec-1924
Personal file of LEVEC, MATTHIAS, born on 4-Feb-1893
Personal file of LEVEILLEY, PIERRE, born on 24-Feb-1921
Personal file of LEVEQUE, GASTON, born on 10-Nov-1911
Personal file of LEVEQUE, GEORGES, born on 18-Sep-1918
Personal file of LEVEQUE, HENRY, born on 9-May-1899
Personal file of LEVER, HENDRIK, born on 16-Jun-1891
Personal file of LEVER, MAX, born on 23-Jun-1893
Personal file of LEVERIER, LOUIS, born on 24-Feb-1905
Personal file of LEVET, SERGE, born on 6-Apr-1886
Personal file of LEVEVRE, MAURICE, born on 31-Mar-1923
Personal file of LEVI, ALLEGRA, born on 27-Aug-1918
Personal file of LEVI, DANIEL, born on 23-Feb-1915
Personal file of LEVI, DESIDERIUS, born on 20-Jun-1905
Personal file of LEVI, DEZSÖ, born on 20-May-1901
Personal file of LEVI, ERNST, born on 16-Dec-1906
Personal file of LEVI, ESTER, born on 2-Feb-1913
Personal file of LEVI, FELICINA, born on 10-Mar-1921
Personal file of LEVI, GABRIEL, born on 27-Sep-1917
Personal file of LEVI, GEORGE, born on 7-Apr-1924
Personal file of LEVI, ISAAK, born in the year 1915
Personal file of LEVI, ISIDOR, born on 20-Nov-1895
Personal file of LEVI, JENÖ, born on 16-Jan-1925
Personal file of LEVI, LEOPOLD, born on 30-Jul-1905
Personal file of LEVI, LUCIA, born on 1-Jun-1922
Personal file of LEVI, LUISA, born on 6-Oct-1924
Personal file of LEVI, MENDEL, born on 18-May-1926
Personal file of LEVI, RACHEL, born on 25-Dec-1918
Personal file of LEVI, RENATA, born on 14-Sep-1921
Personal file of LEVI, SALOMON, born on 3-Jun-1910
Personal file of LEVI, SAMUEL, born on 15-Nov-1903
Personal file of LEVI, SENOR, born on 29-May-1921
Personal file of LEVI, SIMON, born on 3-May-1905
Personal file of LEVI, SIMTO, born on 25-Mar-1912
Personal file of LEVI, SULTANA, born on 17-Sep-1918
Personal file of LEVI, ZSIGMOND, born on 22-Apr-1927
Personal file of LEVIE DE, HARTOG, born on 2-Oct-1891
Personal file of LEVILLAIN, FELIX, born on 16-Dec-1877
Personal file of LEVIN, BENJAMIN, born on 28-Apr-1924
Personal file of LEVIN, BORUCH, born on 28-Apr-1908
Personal file of LEVIN, HASSEL, born on 1-Oct-1919
Personal file of LEVIN, ISAK, born on 17-Oct-1910
Personal file of LEVIN, JANKEL, born on 23-Jun-1908
Personal file of LEVIN, JOSEF, born on 14-Sep-1898
Personal file of LEVIN, JOSEF, born on 6-Aug-1902
Personal file of LEVIN, LAZAR, born on 3-Nov-1922
Personal file of LEVIN, LEIB, born in the year 1902
Personal file of LEVIN, LINA, born on 3-Apr-1917
Personal file of LEVIN, MENDEL, born in the year 1895
Personal file of LEVIN, MOTEL, born on 15-Aug-1890
Personal file of LEVIN, MOTEL, born in the year 1902
Personal file of LEVINAS, JURGIS, born in the year 1912
Personal file of LEVINE, JOSEPH, born on 7-Apr-1926
Personal file of LEVINGER, ALBERT, born on 6-Oct-1874
Personal file of LEVINS, GRUNJA, born on 14-Jan-1917
Personal file of LEVINSOHN, ABRAHAM, born on 22-Feb-1894
Personal file of LEVINSOHN, ELIOKUM, born in the year 1896
Personal file of LEVINSOHN, NOCHUM, born in the year 1925
Personal file of LEVINSOHN, OVSEJ, born in the year 1890
Personal file of LEVINSOHN, SCHMUEL, born on 30-Oct-1903
Personal file of LEVINSON, LEIBA, born in the year 1915
Personal file of LEVINSON, PIRA, born on 25-Dec-1914
Personal file of LEVIS, FRIEDRICH, born on 16-Nov-1923
Personal file of LEVIT, BERNHARDT, born on 10-Mar-1914
Personal file of LEVIT, EUGEN, born on 27-Mar-1884
Personal file of LEVITAN, ALTER, born in the year 1906
Personal file of LEVITAN, HIRSCH, born on 10-Apr-1922
Personal file of LEVITAN, ILIONA, born on 24-May-1904
Personal file of LEVITAS, CHONE, born on 17-Oct-1925
Personal file of LEVITAS, MOSES, born in the year 1924
Personal file of LEVITAS, NISEN, born on 11-Nov-1907
Personal file of LEVITES, HIRSCH, born on 1-Jan-1899
Personal file of LEVIV, SIMON, born on 3-May-1905
Personal file of LEVKOVITS, MOR, born on 25-Feb-1894
Personal file of LEVRATI, ENGEL, born on 10-Sep-1910
Personal file of LEVRAY, ALPHONSE, born on 3-Jan-1921
Personal file of LEVRITZ, RENE, born on 22-Apr-1910
Personal file of LEVSOW, ILIJA, born on 13-Dec-1914
Personal file of LEVSTEK, ALOIS, born on 14-Apr-1901
Personal file of LEVSTIK, FRANZ, born on 13-Jan-1923
Personal file of LEVSTIK, FRANZ, born on 30-Nov-1926
Personal file of LEVSTIK, JOSEF, born on 30-Oct-1902
Personal file of LEVY, ADOLF, born on 24-Jan-1896
Personal file of LEVY, ALBERT, born on 5-Nov-1905
Personal file of LEVY, ALBERT, born on 10-Feb-1925
Personal file of LEVY, ALEXANDER, born on 13-Jan-1906
Personal file of LEVY, ARTHUR, born on 21-Dec-1901
Personal file of LEVY, BENOIT, born on 5-Jun-1877
Personal file of LEVY, CHAIM, born on 26-Jun-1918
Personal file of LEVY, CLAUDE, born on 21-May-1917
Personal file of LEVY, DAVID, born on 18-Dec-1912
Personal file of LEVY, EMIL, born on 6-Mar-1909
Personal file of LEVY, ERNÖ, born on 16-Dec-1906
Personal file of LEVY, ERNST, born on 9-Mar-1926
Personal file of LEVY, HEINZ, born on 16-May-1926
Personal file of LEVY, HENRY, born on 27-Mar-1899
Personal file of LEVY, HERBERT, born on 11-Oct-1925
Personal file of LEVY, ISAAK, born on 6-Mar-1925
Personal file of LEVY, ISRAEL, born on 10-Dec-1913
Personal file of LEVY, ITA, born on 29-Jan-1902
Personal file of LEVY, JOSEPH, born on 23-Mar-1898
Personal file of LEVY, SALOMON
Personal file of LEVY, STELLA, born on 5-May-1923
Personal file of LEW, EDMOND, born on 20-Dec-1924
Personal file of LEW, FELA, born on 15-May-1921
Personal file of LEW, ISAAK, born on 9-Jul-1912
Personal file of LEW, JAKOB, born on 13-Aug-1916
Personal file of LEW, MARKUS, born on 24-May-1919
Personal file of LEW, MENDEL, born on 15-Jan-1898
Personal file of LEW, MICHAEL, born on 4-Jun-1920
Personal file of LEW, SAMUEL, born on 15-Jun-1912
Personal file of LEWA, PETRO, born on 15-Dec-1921
Personal file of LEWADOWSKI, ADAM, born on 27-Jul-1911
Personal file of LEWAI, ANDREAS, born on 27-Jul-1926
Personal file of LEWAI, SAROLTA, born on 17-Oct-1909
Personal file of LEWAK, DANIIL, born on 31-Dec-1923
Personal file of LEWAKOWITSCH, CARLO, born on 24-Mar-1924
Personal file of LEWAKOWITSCH, ERIKO, born on 17-Feb-1913
Personal file of LEWALD, ALFRED, born on 19-Aug-1896
Personal file of LEWALD, HANS, born on 17-Jun-1912
Files with names from LEWANDOWICZ
Files with names from LIEGOIS
Files with names from LISSOWSKI
Files with names from LORENZ
Files with names from LUCIANI
Files with names from LYPSKI
Files with names from MAIER
Files with names from MALFROID
Files with names from MANO
Files with names from MARKGRAF
Files with names from MARTINO
Files with names from MATJANEK
Files with names from MAYR
Files with names from MELGAILIS
Files with names from MESCHKOW
Files with names from MICHEL
Files with names from MILEWSKI
Files with names from MITROFANOW
Files with names from MONCARZ
Files with names from MOSGOWOJ
Files with names from MUJSION
Files with names from MUSATKIN
Files with names from NAKONETSCHNY
Files with names from NENKO
Files with names from NIEDERMANN
Files with names from NOTHEN
Files with names from NYENKAMP
Files with names from OLERGAT
Files with names from ORYWOL
Files with names from PACCINI
Files with names from PANTSCHENKO
Files with names from PATALUCH
Files with names from PEDAK
Files with names from PERLMANN
Files with names from PETRIK
Files with names from PICCO
Files with names from PILIPENKO
Files with names from PJETNOTSCHKA
Files with names from POGGIANO
Files with names from POLUBOK
Files with names from POSZARI
Files with names from PRETNAR
Files with names from PRZYBILLA
Files with names from RAAB
Files with names from RAJSKI
Files with names from REBERSEK
Files with names from REINSTEIN
Files with names from REYMOND
Files with names from RITTER
Files with names from ROMANENKO
Files with names from ROSENBERGER
Files with names from ROSZENTAL
Files with names from ROZENBLIUM
Files with names from RUINET
Files with names from SABAS
Files with names from SAJOVITS
Files with names from SAMU
Files with names from SASONOW
Files with names from SCHÄFER
Files with names from SCHELE
Files with names from SCHIMCZYK
Files with names from SCHMIDT
Files with names from SCHOCHOR
Files with names from SCHTSCHENKO
Files with names from SCHUSTER
Files with names from SCHWARZ
Files with names from SECRETIN
Files with names from SELVAGGIO
Files with names from SEVI
Files with names from SILBERSTEIN
Files with names from SINTSCHENKO
Files with names from SKOLARIS
Files with names from SLIWKA
Files with names from SNIADOWSKI
Files with names from SOLOSCHIN
Files with names from SOWOKA
Files with names from SPRATEK
Files with names from STAQUET
Files with names from STEINBACH
Files with names from STEPIEN
Files with names from STOLARCZYK
Files with names from STRUMBELJ
Files with names from SULLICH
Files with names from SXLTYL
Files with names from SZEIDLER
Files with names from SZOROBURA
Files with names from SZYMERSKI
Files with names from TAUB
Files with names from THÄUBEL
Files with names from TISLER
Files with names from TONDORF
Files with names from TROJANOWSKI
Files with names from TSCHORNEOKO
Files with names from TYLECKI
Files with names from URBANUS
Files with names from VANMOL
Files with names from VESELY
Files with names from VIVODA
Files with names from VRBA
Files with names from WALDEMAN
Files with names from WASILUK
Files with names from WEINBERG
Files with names from WEISS
Files with names from WEITZNER
Files with names from WIACEK
Files with names from WILHELM
Files with names from WITELSON
Files with names from WOJTYCH
Files with names from WOSZCZYNSKI
Files with names from ZADOR
Files with names from ZAVADIL
Files with names from ZIEHLKE
Files with names from ZOLTKO
Files with names from ZYWOLEWSKI
Release certification slip of Georg Bujakowski
Record of the mayor's office in Heßheim (Phalz) about Eduard Jngenthron
Kartei von Häftlingen aus Dachau
Medical records of the tuberculosis ward of the concentration camp Dachau (prisoners' infirmary) - A - Z
Medical treatment forms and sentence
Medizinische Unterlagen des Konzentrationslagers Dachau
Sterbeurkunden aus dem Standesamt Dachau
Sterbeurkunden aus süddeutschen Standesämtern
Waldfriedhof Dachau
Archival descriptions which are not linked to documents
Photographs that were taken in KL Dachau of so-called suicides
Fragebogen für Insassen der Konzentrationslager
Karteifragmente - Number Index Dachau - Hollerith preparatory cards Dachau - Office Cards Dachau - "Messerschmitt" Card File Dachau - Malaria Card File Dachau - References to Hospital Files Dachau - International Information Office Dachau index for photographs - Dachau collection of the Central Historical Commission of the Liberated Jews in the US Zone
1.1.7 - Esterwegen Concentration Camp
1.1.8 - Flossenbürg Concentration Camp
1.1.9 - Camps in France
1.1.10 - Labor Reformatory Camp Großbeeren
1.1.11 - Groß-Rosen Concentration Camp
1.1.12 - Herzogenbusch-Vught Concentration Camp
1.1.13 - Hinzert Special SS Camp
1.1.14 - Camps in Italy and Albania
1.1.15 - Camps in Yugoslavia
1.1.16 - Kislau Concentration Camp
1.1.17 - Klooga / Vaivara Concentration Camp
1.1.18 - Ghetto Kauen (Kaunas / Kowno)
1.1.19 - Krakau-Plaszow Concentration Camp
1.1.20 - Lichtenburg Concentration Camp
1.1.21 - Labor reformatory camp Liebenau (Internment Camp Liebenau)
1.1.22 - Litzmannstadt (Lodz) Ghetto and "Polen-Jugendverwahrlager" /Detention Camp for Polish Juveniles
1.1.23 - Lublin (Majdanek) Concentration Camp
1.1.24 - Mecheln (Malines) SS Deportation Camp
1.1.25 - Mauritius Detainment Camp
1.1.26 - Mauthausen Concentration Camp
1.1.27 - Concentration Camp Mittelbau (Dora)
1.1.28 - Moringen Concentration Camp and "Jugendschutzlager"/ Protective Custody Camp for Juveniles
1.1.29 - Natzweiler (Struthof) Concentration Camp
1.1.30 - Neuengamme Concentration Camp
1.1.31 - Niederhagen (Wewelsburg) Concentration Camp
1.1.32 - Camps in Norway
1.1.33 - Oranienburg Concentration Camp
1.1.34 - Papenburg Penitentiary Camp/ Emslandlager
1.1.35 - Ravensbrück Concentration Camp
1.1.36 - Riga (Kaiserwald) Concentration Camp and Riga Ghetto
1.1.37 - Sachsenburg Concentration Camp
1.1.38 - Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp
1.1.39 - Sandbostel Absorption Camp
1.1.40 - Schirmeck-Vorbruck Concentration Camp
1.1.41 - Stutthof Concentration Camp
1.1.42 - Theresienstadt Ghetto
1.1.43 - Treblinka Labour Camp
1.1.44 - Warsaw Ghetto and Concentration Camp
1.1.45 - Welzheim Concentration Camp (Protective Custody Camp)
1.1.46 - Westerbork Assembly and Transit Camp
1.1.47 - Various Camps
1.1.48 - Concentration Camp Bad Sulza
1.1.49 - Concentration Camp Colditz
1.1.50 - Schutzhaftlager Hohnstein
1.1.51 - Concentration Camp Sonnenburg
1.1.52 - Concentration Camp Columbia-Haus Concentration Camp
1.1.53 - Concentration Camp Eutin
1.1.54 - Concentration Camp Heinersdorf
1.1.55 - Concentration Camp Heuberg
1.1.56 - Concentration Camp Kemna
1.1.57 - Concentration Camp Kuhlen
1.1.58 - Concentration Camp Osthofen
1.1.59 - Concentration Camp Roßlau
1.1.60 - Concentration Camps Wittmoor, Fuhlsbüttel and Neuengamme
1.1.61 - Juvenile Detention and Reform Camp Lebrechtsdorf
1.2 - Miscellaneous
2 - Registration of Foreigners and German Persecutees by Public Institutions, Social Securities and Companies (1939 - 1947)
3 - Registrations and Files of Displaced Persons, Children and Missing Persons
4 - Special NSDAP organizations and actions
5 - Death Marches, identification of unkown dead and Nazi trials
6 - Records of the ITS and its predecessors
7 - Archival records of microforms (new material / document acquisition)
8 - Collections of private persons and small archives