0 - Global Finding Aids
1 - Incarceration Documents
1.1 - Camps and Ghettos
1.1.0 - General Information
1.1.1 - Amersfoort Police Transit Camp
1.1.2 - Auschwitz Concentration and Extermination Camp
1.1.3 - Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp
1.1.4 - Breendonk Transit Camp
1.1.5 - Buchenwald Concentration Camp - General Information on Buchenwald Concentration Camp - List Material Buchenwald
Internment book (numbers) of Concentration Camp Buchenwald (men), Book-No. 1 - 82, Prisoner-No. 1 - 139538
Block books of Concentration Camp Buchenwald I (prisoner numbers: 1 - 12000, 13001 - 114990, 115001 - 140345)
Block books of Concentration Camp Buchenwald II (prisoner numbers: 1 - 47500)
Block books of Concentration Camp Buchenwald III (prisoner numbers: 1 - 13000; 40001 - 53000; 74001 - 86000)
Work deployment books of Concentration Camp Buchenwald (prisoner numbers: 1 -20740)
Reports detailing changes concerning prisoners in Concentration Camp Buchenwald (men), 1938
Book of arrivals and departures of prisoners in CC Buchenwald (men), 06.07.1938 - 02.06.1940
Reports detailing changes concerning prisoners in Concentration Camp Buchenwald (men), 1942
Logs of CC Buchenwald (arrivals and departures) VI, 16.10.1942 - 28.02.1943
Reports detailing changes concerning prisoners in Concentration Camp Buchenwald (men), 1943
Reports detailing changes concerning prisoners in Concentration Camp Buchenwald (men), 1944
Part I, 01.01.1944 - 29.02.1944
Part II, 01.03.1944 - 31.03.1944
Part III, 01.04.1944 - 30.04.1944
Part IV, 01.05.1944 - 21.05.1944
Part V, 01.06.1944 - 30.06.1944
Part VI, 01.07.1944 - 31.07.1944
Part VII (Block 39), 01.07.1943 - 31.07.1944
Part VIII, 01.08.1944 - 31.08.1944
Part IX, 01.09.1944 - 30.091944
Part X, 01.10.1944 - 31.10.1944
Part XI, 01.11.1944 - 30.11.1944
Part XII, 01.12.1944 - 31.12.1944
Reports detailing changes concerning prisoners in Concentration Camp Buchenwald (men), 01.01.1945 - 10.04.1945
Reports detailing changes concerning female prisoners in Concentration Camp Buchenwald, 30.09.1944 - 08.04.1945
Changes of prisoner numbers by "Effektenkammer" (administration of personal effects) and corrections of names and dates of birth by "Politische Abteilung" (political department)
Transports from CC Auschwitz and CC Bergen-Belsen to CC Buchenwald and its branch camps I - IX - transport lists and lists of new arrivals (men), 10.03.1943 - 05.02.1945
Transports from CC Dachau to CC Buchenwald I - III - arrivals (men), 27.09.1939 - 02.04.1945
Transports from CC Dora and CC Flossenbürg to CC Buchenwald - arrivals (men), 16.11.1944 - 22.03.1945 and 17.08.1942 - 24.03.1945
Transports from CC Gross-Rosen to CC Buchenwald I - II - arrivals (men), 06.05.1942 - 12.03.1945
Transports from CC Lichtenburg, CC Lublin and CC Mauthausen to CC Buchenwald - arrivals (men), 31.07.1937, 03.04.1943 - 22.09.1943 and 02.12.1942 - 08.12.1944
Transports from CC Natzweiler to CC Buchenwald - arrivals (men),15.12.1942 - 30.03.1945
Arrivals in CC Buchenwald / branch camp Dora from CC Natzweiler on 27.09.1944
Transports from CC Neuengamme and CC Ravensbrück to CC Buchenwald I - II - arrivals (men), 02.10.1943 - 05.08.1944
Transports from CC Riga, CC Sachsenburg and CC Sachsenhausen to CC Buchenwald I - III - arrivals (men), 20.08.1942 - 31.03.1945
Transports from CC Stutthof and CC Wewelsburg to CC Buchenwald - arrivals (men), 19.10.1943 - 29.11.1944 and 13.04.1943 - 03.05.1943
Transports from CC Buchenwald to CC Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen and Dachau - departures (men), 24.10.1940 - 20.03.1945
Transports from CC Buchenwald to CC Mittelbau, Flossenbürg, Groß-Rosen, Herzogenbusch und Lublin - departures (men), 12.09.1938 - 07.04.1945
Transports from CC Buchenwald to CC Mauthausen, Natzweiler, Neuengamme, Ravensbrück, Riga, Sachsenhausen, Stutthof and Warsaw - departures (men), 17.10.1938 - 09.03.1945
Transports from CC Auschwitz and CC Bergen-Belsen to CC Buchenwald - arrivals (women), 31.07.1944 - 21.03.1945
Transports from CC Ravensbrück and CC Stutthof to CC Buchenwald - arrivals (women), 25.07.1944 - 18.02.1945
Transports from CC Buchenwald to CC Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Ravensbrück and Stutthof - departures (women), 28.08.1944 - 23.03.1945
Arrivals at CC Buchenwald from various locations (men), 1938 - 1940; as well as imprisonment of Jews during the pogroms of November 1938 ("Aktions-Juden"), 10.11.1938 - 03.01.1939
Arrivals at CC Buchenwald from various locations (men), 1941
Arrivals at CC Buchenwald from various locations (men), 1942
Arrivals at CC Buchenwald from various locations (men), 1943
Arrivals to CC Buchenwald from various locations (men), 1944
Arrivals at CC Buchenwald from various locations (men), 1945
Arrivals at CC Buchenwald from various locations (women), 29.08.1943 - 15.03.1945
Lists of names of the prisoners in Camp 2 of CC Buchenwald, Jews from Vienna and Poland, as well as Poles, 1940
Files of prisoners of "Geheime Staatspolizei, Staatspolizeistelle Düsseldorf" (Gestapo)
Lists of escaped and captured prisoners (men) of CC Buchenwald and its branch camps, 1941 - 1943
Lists of escaped and captured prisoners (men) of CC Buchenwald and its branch camps, 13.03.1944 - 31.12.1944
Lists of escaped and captured prisoners (men) of CC Buchenwald and its branch camps, 01.01.1945 - 31.03.1945
Lists of escaped and captured prisoners (women) of branch camps of CC Buchenwald, 02.08.1944 - 29.03.1945
Lists of prisoners (men) with "Fluchtpunkte" (escape marks)
Lists of escaped and captured prisoners (men), 21.10.1943 - 20.03.1945
Register of escapees from various branch camps, 23.10.1943 - 09.02.1945
Tables of contents for pieces of luggage (personal effects), Prisoner numbers 104 - A 189321
Lists of prisoners, whose personal effects were handed over by CC Auschwitz to CC Buchenwald, 10.03.1943 - 09.01.1945
Lists of prisoners, whose personal effects were handed over to CC Buchenwald from various Concentration Camps: Bergen-Belsen - Niedernhagen-Wewelsburg
Lists of prisoners, whose personal effects were handed over to CC Buchenwald from various Concentration Camps, Ravensbrück - Stutthof
Lists of prisoners, whose personal effects were handed over to CC Buchenwald from various prisons, police departments and other institutions of incarceration inside and outside the German Reich, A-Z
Lists of prisoners (men and women) whose personal effects were handed over to CC Buchenwald from various prisons and camps in France and Belgium, 24.01.1943 - 28.08.1944
Lists of prisoners who received parcels, 09.12.1938 - 21.12.1944
Lists of prisoners, whose personal effects were handed over from CC Buchenwald to CC Auschwitz, 16.10.1942 - 29.06.1944, Bergen-Belsen, 30.04.1943 - 08.03.1945, Dachau, 30.09.1938 - 08.08.1944, and Mittelbau-Dora, 08.01.1944 - 28.03.1945
Lists of prisoners, whose personal effects were handed over to CC Flossenbürg, 08.08.1938 - 17.03.1945, CC Gross-Rosen, 23.10.1941 - 18.10.1944, SS-Sonderlager Hinzert, 14.01.1943 - 07.10.1944, and CC Lublin, 29.07.1943 - 10.06.1944, by CC Buchenwald
Lists of prisoners, whose personal effects were handed over to CC Mauthausen, 16.10.1938 - 19.01.1945, CC Natzweiler, 24.10.1941 - 08.03.1945, CC Neuengamme, 12.12.1940 - 26.03.1945, and CC Plaszow, 06.04.1944, by CC Buchenwald
Lists of prisoners, whose personal effects were handed over to CC Ravensbrück, 17.04.1941 - 17.02.1945, CC Riga, 17.03.1943 - 05.05.1943, CC Sachsenhausen - branch camp Gross-Rosen, 07.03.1941- 19.03.1941, CC Sachsenhausen, 29.05.1941 - 03.01.1945, CC Stutthof, 11.04.1942 - 10.08.1944, CC Warsaw, 19.07.1943 - 03.08.1943, and CC Sachsenhausen - branch camp Wewelsburg, 25.05.1940 - 19.03.1941, by CC Buchenwald
Reports detailing changes concerning prisoners in Concentration Camp Buchenwald (men), 1941
Lists of prisoners, whose possessions were handed over to various prisons and "Staatspolizei" branches inside and outside the German Reich by CC Buchenwald, 1942 - 1945
Lists of prisoners whose personal effects were confiscated, 1938 - 1944
Handing over of valuables of Jewish prisoners to official trustees
Distribution of personal effects in the camp I, 15.08.1937 - 20.11.1940
Distribution of personal effects in the camp, 10.12.1942 - 21.02.1944
Lists of arrived Red Cross parcels for Danish prisoners, 27.09.1944 - 08.12.1944
Registries of outgoing mail concerning inheritance and personal effects of prisoners, 02.06.1942 - 22.12.1944
Correspondence and lists of "Effektenkammer" (administration of personal effects) of CC Buchenwald
Mail in CC Buchenwald, 07.08.1944 - 17.01.1945
Certified mail of "Effektenkammer" (administration of personal effects) in CC Buchenwald, 24.01.1939 - 09.08.1940
Transfer book of "Effektenkammer" (administration of personal effects) of CC Buchenwald, 14.02.1939 - 24.05.1943
Lists about contributions to social insurance, 1936 - 1945, and correspondence of CC Buchenwald with social insurance agencies, 01.03.1940 - 04.04.1945
Table of payment orders of the "Emmissionsbank" in Brussels
Transfer lists of the prisoners' funds I, 1938 - 1944
Transfer lists of the prisoners' funds II, 1943
Transfer lists of the prisoners' funds III, 1944
Transfer lists of the prisoners' funds IV, December 1944 - April 1945
Transfer lists of funds of prisoners who were transported to CC Buchenwald from various Concentration Camps, 31.01.1941 - 21.03.1945
Lists of disbursed prisoners' funds I, 1941 - 1943
Lists of disbursed prisoners' funds II, January 1944 - March 1945
Transfer lists of funds for released, transported, escaped or dead prisoners, 1938 - 1943
Transfer lists of funds for released and transported prisoners, 1944
Transfer lists of funds for released and transported prisoners, January 1945 - March 1945
Transfer lists of funds for released, transported, escaped and dead prisoners, 1941 - 1945
Prisoners' money and reward lists (women), 1943 - 1945
Prisoners' money and reward lists (women and men), April 1942 and February 1944 - February 1945
Prisoners' money and reward lists (women and men), February 1944 - December 1944
Prisoners' money and reward lists (men), January 1945 - March 1945
Correspondence of CC Buchenwald concerning prisoners' money, 1936 - 1945
Transport lists of prisoners (men) from CC Buchenwald to branch camps (Baubrigade III), September 1942 - October 1944
Transport lists of prisoners (men) from CC Buchenwald to branch camps (Baubrigade IV, V, VI, X and branch camp "Berta"), August 1943 - March 1945
Transport lists of prisoners (men) from CC Buchenwald to branch camps (Abterode "Anton" to Colditz "Hasag"), August 1944 - April 1945
List of the deceased in Concentration Camp Buchenwald, branch camp Bochum, incl. an affidavit of the list´s creator, B. Brach, without date; transport list "Schwalbe", 13.11.1944; cover letter by attorney F.M. Alberti, 29.05.1957
Transport lists of prisoners (men) from CC Buchenwald to branch camps (Dessau "Waggonfabrik AG" to Dornburg), August 1943 - March 1945
Transport lists of prisoners (men) from CC Buchenwald to branch camps (Eisenach "Emma" to Göttingen), June 1941 - April 1945
Transport lists of prisoners (men) from CC Buchenwald to branch camps (Hadmersleben to Kranichfeld), June 1942 - March 1945
Registry of prisoners of the branch camp in Halle, Siebel "Flugzeugwerke" (Aircraft factories)
Transport lists of prisoners (men) from CC Buchenwald to branch camps (Halberstadt), 21.04.1944 - 23.03.1945
Daily reports detailing changes in branch camp Halberstadt, 06.06.1944 - 18.04.1945
Transfers from block to block within the branch camp Halberstadt, 02.01.1945 - 29.03.1945
Internal orders and various reports of branch camp Halberstadt
Notebook of "Isolierblock" (detention block) and "Invalidenbuch" (book of disabled), 03.10.1944 - 16.04.1945
List of Poles who deceased at Buchenwald Concentration Camp, branch camp Zwieberge (16.07.1944 - 08.05.1945), 17.12.1945
List of names of Poles deceased at Buchenwald Concentration Camp, branch camp Zwieberge-Malachyt (16.09.1944 - 18.04.1945), 02.05.1946
List of deceased Poles in Concentration Camp Buchenwald, branch camp Zwieberge/Halberstadt and Wernigerode
Transport lists of prisoners (men) from CC Buchenwald to branch camps (Cologne-Deutz to Meuselwitz), May 1942 - April 1945
Transport lists of prisoners (men) from CC Buchenwald to branch camps (Mühlhausen to Suhl), April 1942 - March 1945
List of sick prisoners in CC Buchenwald / branch camp Leau-Plömnitz, without date
Transport lists of prisoners (men) from CC Buchenwald to branch camps ("S III" Ohrdruf), 06.11.1944 - 22.03.1945
Patients in the prisoners' infirmary ward of branch camp "S III" Ohrdruf
Transport lists of prisoners (men) from CC Buchenwald to branch camps (Schlieben to Tröglitz), February 1941 - March 1945
Transport lists of prisoners (men) from CC Buchenwald to branch camps (Unna to Westeregeln) January 1943 - March 1945
Transport lists of prisoners (men) from CC Buchenwald to branch camps (Berlstedt to Buchenwald), November 1938 - February 1945
Register of prisoners of branch camp Berlstedt and register of daily changes in the prisoners´ infirmary ward of CC Buchenwald, 01.06.1944 - 28.11.1944
Transport lists of prisoners (women) from CC Buchenwald to branch camps (Abterode to Lippstadt), August 1944 - April 1945
Site plan of the Hasag Werke Leipzig and names of 4 Polish Jewish women who were housed in bunker 24 of the factory building IV. Nordwerk
Transport lists of prisoners (women) from CC Buchenwald to branch camps (Magdeburg to Wolfen-Bitterfeld), February 1944 - March 1945
Compilation of names of prisoners who arrived in branch camp "Gerätebau GmbH" in Mühlhausen/ Thuringia on 30.10.1944
Register of female prisoners of branch camp Meuselwitz: paid premiums
Reports detailing changes in various working units and branch camps, September 1940 - April 1945
Reports detailing changes in the workforce of Concentration Camp Buchenwald, Gustloff-Works II, "Machine unloaders", 07.04.1943 - 12.01.1945
Lists and documentation of the interior working units "Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (DAW)"
Lists, reports and reports detailing changes of various interior working units I
Lists, reports and reports detailing changes of various interior working units II
Lists, reports and reports detailing changes of various interior working units III
Lists, reports and reports detailing changes of various interior working units IV
Lists, reports and reports detailing changes of various interior working units V
Internal correspondence between the "Mitteldeutsche Baugemeinschaft" (an association of companies) and CC Buchenwald's department for labor statistics concerning the examination and availability of prisoners for labor
Lists, reports and reports detailing changes of various interior working units VI
Lists, reports and reports detailing changes of various interior working units VII
Reports on the number of prisoners: "Stärke-Appell", 28.11.1937 - 30.12.1938, and "Kommandierten" reports, 10.03.1944 - 17.12.1944, of the interior working units
Working book of interior working units with daily assignments, 01.01.1941 - 28.04.1942
Examination and inspection of prisoners for various reasons, 26.03.1943 - 29.03.1945
Requests for skilled workers for various working units, 08.01.1938 - 27.03.1945
Summons of prisoners by the political department, 19.08.1937 - 02.04.1945
Transfers within the blocks, 27.03.1940 - 02.04.1945
Examinations of skilled workers for various working units and transports: "work deployment", 23.06.1938 - 03.04.1945
Lists of skilled workers of CC Buchenwald
Various notes about the work deployment of prisoners
Transports and return transports between CC Buchenwald and its branch camps, 05.12.1944 - 22.04.1945
Results of medical examinations of prisoners in special camp Fichtenhain, 08.02.1943 - 08.01.1944
Lists of prisoners in "preventive confinement" and "preventive detention" (German "professional criminals")
Penal reports, interrogations and lists about prisoners of the penal devision ("K-Häftlinge"), 27.08.1937 - 09.04.1945
Register of prisoners who were sent to the special division for punishment I, June 1938 - March 1940
Lists of convalescents and accident reports of CC Buchenwald, 1937 - 1945
Register of prisoners who were sent to the special division for punishment II, February 1939 - April 1939
Lists and registers of admissions and releases in the prisoners' infirmary ward, 01.03.1943 - 27.04.1945
List of prisoners who were in the infirmary Buchenwald (several deaths)
Lists of prisoners examined as capable to work and for transporting by camp doctors I, 18.08.1941 - 30.12.1944
Lists of prisoners examined as capable to work and for transporting by camp doctors II, 02.01.1945 - 05.04.1945
Lists of prisoners to be examined and lists of prisoners unable to work I, 06.10.1937 - 30.06.1942
Lists of prisoners to be examined and lists of prisoners unable to work, 01.07.1942 - 24.03.1945
Registers of admissions and releases in the prisoners' infirmary ward of branch camp Halberstadt, Malachit AG, Ju. Halberstadt I, 07.06.1944 - 18.01.1945
Register of admissions and releases in the prisoners' infirmary ward of branch camp Halberstadt, Malachit AG, Ju. Halberstadt II, 22.11.1944 - 14.04.1945
"Dienstbuch": Register of admissions and discharges in the prisoners' infirmary ward of CC Buchenwald I-III, 22.04.1941 - 17.01.1943
Typhus experiments on prisoners in Concentration Camp Buchenwald: Correspondence 19.03.1943 - 01.12.1944; Request for information of the senior prosecutor, Bochum, in preliminary proceedings, incl. two lists of names, March and July 1944, 10.05.1961 and 21.06.1961
Typhus experiments on prisoners in KL Buchenwald, March and July 1944: Lists of names, vaccines
Orders of the "Political Department" of CC Buchenwald regarding the release or transport of prisoners (men) I, 25.05.1939 - 31.12.1942
Orders of the "Political Department" of CC Buchenwald regarding the release or transport of prisoners (men) II, 05.01.1943 - 03.04.1945
Orders of the "Political Department" of CC Buchenwald regarding the release or transport of prisoners (women), 26.10.1944 - 10.04.1945
Lists about prisoners of the SS-unit "Dirlewanger", 1943 - 1945
Incomplete alphabetical list of the French prisoners in CC Buchenwald, K-Z (compilation)
Alphabetical lists of the Belgian prisoners in KL Buchenwald, men and women (postwar compilation)
Supplement to the number book "prisoner numbers lists" (postwar compilation)
Correspondence of the German Red Cross about prisoners, A - Z
Various prisoner lists of CC Buchenwald
Lists of prisoners not to be transported to any other camp ("Dikal") and lists of recidivistic prisoners
Work lists of prisoners in the "Arbeitserziehungslager" (work education camp) Buchenwald and examination lists for the military, 23.02.1942 - 08.11.1942
Lists of prominent prisoners, clergymen, "priority prisoners", changes of home addresses, 31.07.1941 - 30.11.1944
Lists of changes in the prisoner status in CC Buchenwald, 1937 - 1945
List of deceased prisoners registered at the civil registries in Hottelstedt-Ottmannshausen and Weimar, 1937 -1939 (postwar compilation)
Deceased prisoners of the CC Buchenwald, daily death reports, 14.06.1938 - 13.03.1945
Daily death reports of the prisoners infirmary ward in CC Buchenwald I, 17.08.1943 - 13.03.1945
Various lists of deceased in CC Buchenwald and its branch camps (men), 30.05.1940 - 17.04.1945
Various lists of deceased in CC Buchenwald and its branch camps (women), 11.09.1944 - 14.03.1945
Register of the deceased of branch camp "Malachyt" in Halberstadt-Zwieberge, 05.10.1944 - 19.04.1945
"Change in condition"-reports of the branch camp "Malachyt" in Halberstadt-Zwieberge: Deceased, transported and escapees, 1944 - 1945
Book of deceased of the prisoners' infirmary ward of CC Buchenwald I (men), 02.12.1942 - 31.12.1943
Book of deceased of the prisoners' infirmary ward of CC Buchenwald II (men and women), 19.12.1944 - 25.03.1945
Properties of deceased prisoners (personal effects), 1940 - 1945
Register of personal effects of deceased prisoners, 30.09.1944 - 08.04.1945
Register of funds of deceased prisoners handed over to various police agencies, 01.07.1940 - 19.08.1942
Lists and receipts for money of deceased prisoners and for the costs for urns and postage for parcels of properties, 1940 - 1943
Lists and receipts for money of deceased prisoners and postage for parcels of properties, 1944 - 1945
Lists of deceased and buried prisoners of various nationalities who were incarcerated in branch camps Halberstadt, Dessau and Leau (correspondence of the Sonderstandesamt Arolsen)
WASt basic lists: Berga / Elster, No.20 Dessau cemetery, No. 34 + 35 Concentration Camp cemetery Halberstadt, No. 43 Concentration Camp cemetery Langenstein, Markkleeberg cemetery, No. 59 upper cemetery Pössneck, central cemetery Quedlinburg, Tarthun, CC Buchenwald
Proof of payment for urns for deceased prisoners in CC Buchenwald, 18.08.1940 - 19.03.1941
Lists of deceased prisoners of various nationalities, 1939 - 1945: Albanian, American, Argentinian, Bulgarian, Czechoslovakian, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Greek, Italian, Latvian, Luxembourg, Norwegian, Persian, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Swedish, Swiss, Syrian, Turkish
Lists of deceased prisoners, Belgian and Yugoslav, 1939 - 1945
Lists of deceased French prisoners, 1939 - 1945
Lists of deceased German prisoners, 1939 - 1945
Lists of deceased Hungarian prisoners, 1939 - 1945
Lists of deceased Polish and Russian prisoners, 1939 - 1945
Lists of deceased prisoners of unknown nationality, 1939 - 1945
Various lists of deceased prisoners of various nationalities and reasons for incarceration
Register of deceased prisoners in CC Buchenwald, A - Z
Register of survivors in CC Buchenwald: Belgian and Czech
Register of survivors in CC Buchenwald: French, A - Z
Register of survivors in CC Buchenwald, German, A - Z
Register of survivors in CC Buchenwald, Hungarian, A - Z
Register of survivors in CC Buchenwald, Italian, A - Z
Register of survivors in CC Buchenwald, Polish, A - Z
Register of survivors in CC Buchenwald, Russian, A - Z
Register of survivors in CC Buchenwald: Dutch and Yugoslavian
Register of survivors in CC Buchenwald: Albanian, American, Andorrian, Argentinian, Bulgarian, Canadian, Chilean, Chinese, Egyptian, English, Greek, Hondurian, Irish, Iraqi, Latvian, Lithuanian, Mexican, Portuguese, Palestinian Jews, Persian, Uruguayan, Spanish, Turkish
Lists of liberated persons and released prisoners of various nationalities
Lists of liberated persons and released prisoners (arranged by nationality): Austrian, Belgian, English, Czechoslovakian, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Luxembourgeois, Mexican, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Stateless, Swiss, Yugoslavian
Lists of liberated and released prisoners, female Hungarian Jews and prisoners of various nationalities
Index cards about Buchenwald prisoners, A - K
Various lists of survivors in Buchenwald, former prisoners of various nationalities and Jewish prisoners (men and women) I
Various lists of survivors in Buchenwald, former prisoners of various nationalities and Jewish prisoners (men and women) II
Lists of deceased from US camp infirmary in Buchenwald (former prisoners deceased after the liberation), 16.04.1945 - 30.08.1945
Reports detailing changes, transports, transfers, "Blockälteste", requests for prisoner by the "Political Department"
Lists of assets of prisoners who were transported to other camps and Lists of liberated and released prisoners
Soviet Prisoners of War I: Arrivals, departures, reports detailing changes and miscellaneous documentation
Soviet Prisoners of War II: hygienic and medical orders, medical records, death reports, documents of personal effects
Man-power report of CC Buchenwald, 05.01.1938 - 04.07.1942 (Statistical compilation)
Logs of CC Buchenwald (arrivals and departures) I - V, 16.08.1940 - 17.10.1944
Medical documentation, punishments, transports
Skilled workers, transports, dental treatment
Various lists of blocks and other, sometimes fragmentary lists
Labor statistics: Preparation of transports of prisoners, transports, employment, punishment; casualties of Allied bombing raids
Reports about deaths of Soviet prisoners of war, 20.10.1941 - 07.08.1942
Examinations of prisoners regarding their ability to be transported and to work, respectively, April - August 1944 and January 1945
Transport lists: Prisoner transports to other concentration camps and to branch camps of CC Buchenwald, 1943 - 1944
Transports and return transports of prisoners between branch camp Mittelbau-Dora and CC Buchenwald incl. other branch camps
Lists of Jewish survivors liberated from Buchenwald, A - Z
List of (political) Belgian Jewish survivors at Buchenwald, A - W, 28.05.1945
List of Jews liberated from Buchenwald , A - Z, without date
Lists of Polish Jewish survivors at Buchenwald, A - Z, 14.05.1945
Lists no.1 - 4 of Jewish survivors who were liberated from Buchenwald Concentration Camp, Weimar, Germany by the US Army, A - St, May 1945.
List No. 5 Jewish survivors in Buchenwald, A - G, 28.05.1945
1st, 2nd and 3rd List of Jews who were liberated in Buchenwald, 01.05.1945, 12.05.1945 and 24.05.1945
Lists of Jewish survivors liberated from Camp Buchenwald, A - W and B - W, 11.06.1945 and 09.06.1945
List of Jews liberated in Buchenwald, B - O, 01.06.1945
List of Jewish survivors liberated from Camp Buchenwald, B - W, 08.06.1945 (and copy,10.06.1945)
List of Jews liberated from Camp Buchenwald, A - Z, 12.06.1945
Lists of Jewish survivors liberated at Buchenwald Concentration Camp, C - G, H - J and K - S, 04.06.1945, 06.06.1945 and 07.06.1945
List of Jewish survivors who were liberated from Buchenwald Concentration Camp, N - S, 08.06.1945
Morning Reports and lists of patients of the 20th Field Hospital and the 45th Evacuation Hospital, 01.04.1945 - 31.05.1945
Register of letters by and to prisoners of CC Buchenwald and lists of deceased
Transport lists, Clergymen, Prominent Prisoners, Dutchmen, Examination lists, Deceased
Block relocations of Concentration Camp Buchenwald, 21.10.1942 - 23.12.1943
List of former prisoners from Buchenwald who were in the American tuberculosis hospital in Blankenhain, 04.06.1945
Lists of prisoners of the Concentration Camp Gross-Rosen / Work Camp Gassen, who died after the deportation to Leipzig / "Erla-Werke"
Transport list, dated 27.03.1944 (Transport from branch camp Dora to CC Bergen-Belsen)
Lists of punishments of prisoners, prisoner labor , political convicts, executions
Personal effects, block and infirmary ward lists, Jews, who were shot during transport
Deported French women who were seen in a factory in Abteroda near Eisenach in January 1945
Number book of CC Buchenwald I - XIX
Accounting books of the prisoners' money management in CC Buchenwald I
Roll call book of the prisoners of Block 6
Accounting books of the prisoners' money management in CC Buchenwald II
Accounting books of the prisoners' money management in CC Buchenwald III
Accounting books of the prisoners' money management in CC Buchenwald IV
Notebooks about prisoners of CC Buchenwald whose personal effects, money and valuables were sent to various concentration camps or to their home address
Accounting books of the prisoners' money management for the branch camps of CC Buchenwald
Journal of the branch camp Halle of CC Buchenwald
Alphabetical register of urns at CC Buchenwald, cases of death, 04.01.1941 - 24.02.1945
Note book of the "Kommandiertenschreiber" in CC Buchenwald, Max Mayr, 1944 - 1945
List of names of Dutch hostages at CC Buchenwald who were transported to Herzogenbusch on 15./16.11.1941; related correspondence
Cremation registry of deceased prisoners of CC Buchenwald / 3rd SS-Baubrigade Cologne-Fair, Death dates: 04.11.1942 - 06.10.1944
Excerpts from the death register of the civil registry Cologne-Deutz concerning deceased prisoners of KL Buchenwald / 3rd SS-Baubrigiade Cologne
List of names of deceased prisoners of CC Buchenwald whose deaths were registered by the civil registry Weimar II, Parts 1 - 3, dates of death: 01.09.1939 - 25.12.1944
Lists of names of foreigners, for the most part prisoners of CC Buchenwald, who died in Quedlinburg, dates of death: 11.04.1940 - 18.06.1945
Lists of the transports from the Concentration Camp Buchenwald and branch camp Lützkendorf to Concentration Camp Mittelbau, 03.01.1945 and 17.01.1945
List of names of the deceased prisoners of Concentration Camp Buchenwald who are buried in the cemetery of Pössneck / Thuringia, without date
List of names of former prisoners of CC Buchenwald who died in Gardelegen and who were buried in the cemetery of honor there, dates of death: 13.04.1945, 02.05.1945
Lists of imprisoned Belgian females who were transported from Concentration Camp Buchenwald to Concentration Camp Ravensbrück and from Concentration Camp Ravensbrück to Concentration Camp Buchenwald, 1944
Correspondence concerning deceased Belgian, Dutch, French, Italian and Polish prisoners of Concentration Camp Buchenwald / branch camp Halberstadt - Zwieberge (Langenstein), 1946 - 1950
Copies of certificates for prisoners who, finally, had to work for the IV. SS-construction brigade, 12.04.1945 and 14.08.1945
List of Italian and French prisoners of CC Buchenwald / branch camp Bad Gandersheim who died on the death march in the vicinity of Clausthal - Zellerfeld on 05./06.04.1945
Index of prisoner numbers of CC Buchenwald I - LXXVIII, prisoner numbers 1 - 17960, 18001 - 117 000, 117 761 - 130 900, and 131 001 - 139 540, postwar compilation
Internment books of CC Buchenwald, interment dates: 15.07.1937 - 21.05.1938, 21.05.1938 - 10.11.1938
"Dienstbuch": admissions and discharges in the prisoner's infirmary ward of Concentration Camp Buchenwald I - VII, 01.11.1937 - 08.12.1943
Reports for punishment of prisoners of Concentration Camp Buchenwald, 02.10.1937 - 29.02.1944, 01.03.1944 - 25.07.1944
Interrogation records of CC Buchenwald concerning accidents, 23.11.1938 - 30.09.1942, and criminal offenses 07.05.1940 - 02.02.1945
Surgery reports (books) of Concentration Camp Buchenwald 04.03.1938 - 16.07.1942
Arrivals of prisoners in CC Buchenwald, 24.07.1937 - 20.04.1938 and reports of the camp doctor of CC Buchenwald, 14.07.1941 - 11.03.1945
Orders concerning releases and transports of prisoners from CC Buchenwald, 02.01.1939 - 28.04.1939
Lists of names and arrest reports by the Gestapo (Secret State Police), Leipzig, concerning Jews, who were arrested on 10.11.1938 and arrived at Concentration Camp Buchenwald on 12.11.1938
Lists of personal effects of prisoners who were transported to Concentration Camp Buchenwald from penitentiaries in Remscheid-Lüttringhausen and Untermassfeld, 06.01.1943 - 10.05.1943
Lists of personal effects of prisoners (A - Z), who were transported from Waldheim penitentiary to Concentration Camp Buchenwald, 27.06.1940 - 07.02.1944
Receipts by Concentration Camp Buchenwald for personal effects of prisoners who were transported from Werl penitentiary, 19.1.1943, and lists of luggage of prisoners who were transported from Buchenwald to various concentration camps, 02.10.1939 - 24.03.1943
Death book of Concentration Camp Buchenwald I - V, 13.06.1938 - 18.01.1945
Death book for Russian Prisoners Of War in CC Buchenwald, 05.09.1942 - 09.03.1945
List of deceased of Concentration Camp Buchenwald, 03.10.1943 - 08.04.1945
Excerpts from death books of CC Buchenwald / branch camp Ohrdruf and sub-camp Crawinkel, 21.01.1945 - 25.03.1945
Indices of personal effects of deceased prisoners of Concentration Camp Buchenwald I - II, 01.02.1940 - 11.05.1943
Internment lists, "Fluchtpunktträger", punishments and arrests in Concentration Camp Buchenwald, 18.08.1937 - 02.01.1945
Lists of names about transports, special controls, easings of detention conditions, labor statistics and block lists of Concentration Camp Buchenwald
Various name lists of Concentration Camp Buchenwald, 24.04.1941 - 1945, and of various branch camps of Buchenwald - 22.11.1941 - 05.04.1945
Receipts for clothes for prisoners who were transported from Concentration Camp Dachau to Concentration Camp Buchenwald, 21.12.1944 - 09.02.1945
Accounting book of prisoners' money management for transported or deceased prisoners
Lists of names of prisoners deceased in branch camp Langensalza
Report of the local police in Langensalza about deceased prisoners of branch camp Langensalza
List of graves of Jews who deceased in branch camp Tröglitz and were buried in Gera
Lists of names of former detainees of branch camp Halberstadt-Zwieberge
List of deceased Polish prisoners of branch camp Halberstadt, who were cremated and buried in Quedlinburg
List of liberated Jews from Buchenwald 1.6.1945 (various nationalities + 1 copy)
List of Jewish survivors who were liberated from KZ Buchenwald 4.6.1945 (various nationalities + 1 copy)
List of Jewish survivors liberated from Buchenwald camp 9.6.1945 (various nationalities)
List of Jewish survivors liberated from Buchenwald camp 10.6.1945 (various nationalities) & 1 copy
List of Jewish survivors liberated from Buchenwald camp 11.6.1945 (various nationalities)
List of Jewish survivors liberated from Buchenwald camp 12.6.1945 various nationalities
List of Jewish women who were deported to Auschwitz - from there to camp Allendorf where they were liberated by the US Army (List received in London 29.5.1945) ...
Name list of Jewish persons who died in KZ Buchenwald and Westerbork and are buried in Dutch cemeteries September 1946 no nationality ...
Compilation of names of prisoners who arrived in the camp Mühlhausen/ Thuringia (women) 30.10.1944 (Hungary and Poland)
List of deceased prisoners (Hungary) of KZ Buchenwald period December 1944 - May 1945 numbers 1 - 789
List of deceased prisoners (Hungarian) of KZ Buchenwald period December 1944 - May 1945 numbers 1358-1902 Hungary
Reports detailing changes in occupany in Block 39 of Concentration Camp Buchenwald, July 1943 - July 1944
3 lists attached various correspondence concerning o/m nationals who were detained by the Gestapo at Frankfurt a/M during 1938/39.
List - slipcut out from 'Libres', a french newspaper giving names of survivors who were kept in branch camp Abterode near Eisenach in January 1945
Lists concerning survivors of Buchenwald of the a/m nationalities who were still in Buchenwald during May-August 1945.
Arbeitskopien - Individual Documents male Buchenwald - Individual Documents female Buchenwald - Number Index Buchenwald - Hollerith preparatory worksheet cards Buchenwald - Name-Number cards Buchenwald (Man) - Name-Number cards Buchenwald (Woman) - Assignment cards for prisoners Buchenwald - Registers of prisoner numbers Buchenwald (women), prisoner numbers 1 - 68720 and 30001 - 72525
1.1.6 - Dachau Concentration Camp
1.1.7 - Esterwegen Concentration Camp
1.1.8 - Flossenbürg Concentration Camp
1.1.9 - Camps in France
1.1.10 - Labor Reformatory Camp Großbeeren
1.1.11 - Groß-Rosen Concentration Camp
1.1.12 - Herzogenbusch-Vught Concentration Camp
1.1.13 - Hinzert Special SS Camp
1.1.14 - Camps in Italy and Albania
1.1.15 - Camps in Yugoslavia
1.1.16 - Kislau Concentration Camp
1.1.17 - Klooga / Vaivara Concentration Camp
1.1.18 - Ghetto Kauen (Kaunas / Kowno)
1.1.19 - Krakau-Plaszow Concentration Camp
1.1.20 - Lichtenburg Concentration Camp
1.1.21 - Labor reformatory camp Liebenau (Internment Camp Liebenau)
1.1.22 - Litzmannstadt (Lodz) Ghetto and "Polen-Jugendverwahrlager" /Detention Camp for Polish Juveniles
1.1.23 - Lublin (Majdanek) Concentration Camp
1.1.24 - Mecheln (Malines) SS Deportation Camp
1.1.25 - Mauritius Detainment Camp
1.1.26 - Mauthausen Concentration Camp
1.1.27 - Concentration Camp Mittelbau (Dora)
1.1.28 - Moringen Concentration Camp and "Jugendschutzlager"/ Protective Custody Camp for Juveniles
1.1.29 - Natzweiler (Struthof) Concentration Camp
1.1.30 - Neuengamme Concentration Camp
1.1.31 - Niederhagen (Wewelsburg) Concentration Camp
1.1.32 - Camps in Norway
1.1.33 - Oranienburg Concentration Camp
1.1.34 - Papenburg Penitentiary Camp/ Emslandlager
1.1.35 - Ravensbrück Concentration Camp
1.1.36 - Riga (Kaiserwald) Concentration Camp and Riga Ghetto
1.1.37 - Sachsenburg Concentration Camp
1.1.38 - Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp
1.1.39 - Sandbostel Absorption Camp
1.1.40 - Schirmeck-Vorbruck Concentration Camp
1.1.41 - Stutthof Concentration Camp
1.1.42 - Theresienstadt Ghetto
1.1.43 - Treblinka Labour Camp
1.1.44 - Warsaw Ghetto and Concentration Camp
1.1.45 - Welzheim Concentration Camp (Protective Custody Camp)
1.1.46 - Westerbork Assembly and Transit Camp
1.1.47 - Various Camps
1.1.48 - Concentration Camp Bad Sulza
1.1.49 - Concentration Camp Colditz
1.1.50 - Schutzhaftlager Hohnstein
1.1.51 - Concentration Camp Sonnenburg
1.1.52 - Concentration Camp Columbia-Haus Concentration Camp
1.1.53 - Concentration Camp Eutin
1.1.54 - Concentration Camp Heinersdorf
1.1.55 - Concentration Camp Heuberg
1.1.56 - Concentration Camp Kemna
1.1.57 - Concentration Camp Kuhlen
1.1.58 - Concentration Camp Osthofen
1.1.59 - Concentration Camp Roßlau
1.1.60 - Concentration Camps Wittmoor, Fuhlsbüttel and Neuengamme
1.1.61 - Juvenile Detention and Reform Camp Lebrechtsdorf
1.2 - Miscellaneous
2 - Registration of Foreigners and German Persecutees by Public Institutions, Social Securities and Companies (1939 - 1947)
3 - Registrations and Files of Displaced Persons, Children and Missing Persons
4 - Special NSDAP organizations and actions
5 - Death Marches, identification of unkown dead and Nazi trials
6 - Records of the ITS and its predecessors
7 - Archival records of microforms (new material / document acquisition)
8 - Collections of private persons and small archives