0 - Global Finding Aids
1 - Incarceration Documents
1.1 - Camps and Ghettos
1.1.0 - General Information
1.1.1 - Amersfoort Police Transit Camp
1.1.2 - Auschwitz Concentration and Extermination Camp
1.1.3 - Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp
1.1.4 - Breendonk Transit Camp
1.1.5 - Buchenwald Concentration Camp
1.1.6 - Dachau Concentration Camp
1.1.7 - Esterwegen Concentration Camp
1.1.8 - Flossenbürg Concentration Camp
1.1.9 - Camps in France
1.1.10 - Labor Reformatory Camp Großbeeren
1.1.11 - Groß-Rosen Concentration Camp
1.1.12 - Herzogenbusch-Vught Concentration Camp
1.1.13 - Hinzert Special SS Camp
1.1.14 - Camps in Italy and Albania
1.1.15 - Camps in Yugoslavia
1.1.16 - Kislau Concentration Camp
1.1.17 - Klooga / Vaivara Concentration Camp
1.1.18 - Ghetto Kauen (Kaunas / Kowno)
1.1.19 - Krakau-Plaszow Concentration Camp
1.1.20 - Lichtenburg Concentration Camp
1.1.21 - Labor reformatory camp Liebenau (Internment Camp Liebenau)
1.1.22 - Litzmannstadt (Lodz) Ghetto and "Polen-Jugendverwahrlager" /Detention Camp for Polish Juveniles
1.1.23 - Lublin (Majdanek) Concentration Camp
1.1.24 - Mecheln (Malines) SS Deportation Camp
1.1.25 - Mauritius Detainment Camp
1.1.26 - Mauthausen Concentration Camp - General Information on Mauthausen Concentration Camp - List Material Mauthausen - Individual Documents Regarding Male Detainees Mauthausen
KL Mauthausen-file cards - office cards (men and women) - prisoner personnel cards (men and women) - office cards (women) - ...
KL Mauthausen-file cards - office cards (men and women) - prisoner personnel cards (men and women) - block file (men) - @???
KL Mauthausen-file cards - block file (men)
KL Mauthausen-file cards - file of the dead and registrations (men)
KL Mauthausen - individual documents: questionnaires for prisoners of KL-Mauthausen (Mil. G O v. Qust.)(Poln. Lg. Kom.), Bittgesuche (men)
"Death entries"
1) Clothing repository cards of KL Mauthausen - 2) Labor assignment cards of KL Mauthausen/ - detachment St. Lambrecht (no date)
Individual document: Interrogations, penal orders and evaluation of a prisoner of KL Mauthausen 15.6.1940 - 30.3.1942 (Name: FREIWALD)
Individual documents - Postal excerpts about reception of money and letters of a prisoner in KL Mauthausen - 1939 - 1941
File cards of persons, men and women with French, Belgian and Dutch citizenship from KL Mauthausen, who arrived in Switzerland in the time period from 23. - 27.4.1945
Written correspondence from the German Red Cross - concerning investigation of prisoners with predominantly Yugoslav citizenship, interned in KL Mauthausen - 1941 - 1945
Extract from the General Register of the District Court of Wangen in the Allgäu regarding Hruza, Johann, deceased 1940 in Mauthausen Concentration Camp.
Individual documents of prisoners of KL Mauthausen 1941 - 1942
Autopsy certificates concerning deaths in the time period from 14.7.38 - 30.11.39
1) Copy of a (through postal censorship) textually incomplete letter from a prisoner - - 2) Death notice dated 1.10.1944 to the - ...
Prisoner's social insurance renouncement statement dated 6.4.1941 as well as an excerpt from a penal register
Death records (court records of death cases of prisoners in KL Mauthausen on 5.11.1940 - 28.11.1941 & 16.10.1942 - 28.10.1943). Listed nationalities: Poles, Russians (1 Person)
"Official doctor certificates" about deaths of prisoners of KL Mauthausen (majority died in the cell building), 4.4.1945 - 27.4.1945
Death reports of prisoners of KL Mauthausen/ detachment Ebensee, 6.12.1943; 12.1.1944 - 1.11.1944
Work permits of prisoners of KL Mauthausen, 2.2.1943 - 16.2.1945
Death reports and confirmations of prisoner transfers of KL Mauthausen/ detachment St. Valentin, 6.10.1944 - 18.4.1945
"Official doctor certificates" about death cases of prisoners of KL Mauthausen (majority died in the cell building), dates of deaths: 24.4.1945 - 27.4.1945
Correspondence concerning a prisoner of KL Mauthausen/detachment Gusen, 22.2.1944 & 4.3.1944
1) Prisoner personnel cards, - confinement starting 1933 - 2) Financial administration information, - listed dates: 17.4.1939 - 18.4.1945 - 3) Number cards, - listed dates: 17.2.1940 - 28.4.1945
Prisoner registration cards concerning prisoners of KL Mauthausen 25.6.1938 - 20.2.1945
Prisoner cards concerning prisoners, who died in KL Mauthausen / detachment Ebensee. Death dates: 20.2.1944 - 4.5.1945
Death report of the prisoner of war work camp Mauthausen-Gusen. Death date: 25.6.1942
Death case reports of KL Mauthausen. Death dates: 17.1.1942 - 21.3.1945
Death case reports of KL Mauthausen. Death dates: 01.06.40 - 19.04.45
Death reports of KL Mauthausen. Death dates: 27.7.1940 - 5.5.1943
Mauthausen - Questionnaires and death files - 38905 envelopes, 45106 original documents
Telex of Concentration Camp Mauthausen
Excerpt from a file of District Court Wielun pertaining to a detainee of Concentration Camp Mauthausen
Telex pertaining to a deceased prisoner of Concentration Camp Mauthausen
Personal Files (male) - Concentration Camp Mauthausen
Files without names and with names from A
Files with names from ADAMSKI
Files with names from ALBENDIN NAVARRO
Personal file of ALBENDIN NAVARRO, RAFAEL, born on 15-Aug-1902
Personal file of ALBENDIN NAVARRO, SANTIAGO, born on 18-Jul-1905
Personal file of ALBER, ADOLF, born on 21-Feb-1899
Personal file of ALBER, GEORG, born on 11-Nov-1893
Personal file of ALBER, OTTO, born on 19-May-1897
Personal file of ALBER, WLODZIMIERZ, born on 9-Oct-1913
Personal file of ALBERCIOK, VIKTOR, born on 25-Feb-1892
Personal file of ALBERGATI, CAMILLO, born on 16-Jul-1923
Personal file of ALBERICH MARISTANY, LUIS, born on 27-Mar-1913
Personal file of ALBERO MUNIESA, ANTONIO, born on 29-Sep-1900
Personal file of ALBERO PUERTAS, ENRIQUE, born on 8-Aug-1908
Personal file of ALBERO PUJO, MARIANO, born on 17-Apr-1901
Personal file of ALBERONI, BATTISTA, born on 10-Apr-1890
Personal file of ALBERT, ISIDOR, born on 13-Aug-1898
Personal file of ALBERT, WALTER, born on 28-Mar-1897
Personal file of ALBERT FALCO, JOSE, born on 19-Mar-1908
Personal file of ALBERTALLI, GENESIO, born on 20-Jan-1908
Personal file of ALBERTAZZI, CELESTE, born on 31-Oct-1924
Personal file of ALBERTI, ALESSANDRO, born on 19-Feb-1926
Personal file of ALBERTI, ALLFREDO, born on 26-Jul-1925
Personal file of ALBERTI, ERWIN, born on 20-May-1891
Personal file of ALBERTI, ETTORE, born on 15-Dec-1916
Personal file of ALBERTI, FERDINANDO, born on 23-May-1923
Personal file of ALBERTI, LUIGI, born on 29-Jun-1924
Personal file of ALBERTINI, ANTONIO, born on 2-Jul-1907
Personal file of ALBERTINI, FRANCESCO, born on 30-Dec-1906
Personal file of ALBERTO PUERTA, ENRIQUE, born on 8-Aug-1908
Personal file of ALBERTOWICZ, KAZIMIERZ, born on 3-Mar-1895
Personal file of ALBERTZ, HANS, born on 21-Dec-1911
Personal file of ALBEXGATI, CAMILLO, born on 16-Jul-1923
Personal file of ALBICOCCO, VINCENZO, born on 30-Mar-1920
Personal file of ALBIGHS, HUBERT
Personal file of ALBINIENTI, FILIPPE, born on 29-May-1923
Personal file of ALBINOWSKI, MARIAN, born on 22-Jul-1917
Personal file of ALBINOWSKI, SILVESTER, born on 3-Jan-1921
Personal file of ALBINSKI, STANISLAW, born on 16-Apr-1923
Personal file of ALBIR GRANERO, JOSE, born on 17-Jan-1892
Personal file of ALBIRT, LEJB, born on 1-Jun-1915
Personal file of ALBISETTI, EZIO, born on 21-Feb-1907
Personal file of ALBITE MIRANDA, SILVESTRE, born on 5-Sep-1912
Personal file of ALBIZTUR MAZQUIRIAN, VALERIANO, born on 14-Apr-1905
Personal file of ALBL, RUDOLF, born on 21-Jan-1905
Personal file of ALBLAS, AART, born on 20-Sep-1918
Personal file of ALBO CAMUS, LUIS, born on 18-Jul-1902
Personal file of ALBOROW, GEORGIJ, born on 20-Sep-1907
Personal file of ALBRECHCINSKI, NOSEK, born on 1-Feb-1925
Personal file of ALBRECHT, ADOLF, born on 8-Dec-1900
Personal file of ALBRECHT, EDWARD, born on 13-Oct-1911
Personal file of ALBRECHT, FRANTISEK, born on 21-Mar-1900
Personal file of ALBRECHT, HEINRICH, born on 7-Aug-1887
Personal file of ALBRECHT, HELMUT, born on 20-Jan-1909
Personal file of ALBRECHT, KARL, born on 9-Dec-1910
Personal file of ALBRECHT, LOUIS, born on 4-Jun-1920
Personal file of ALBRECHT, MICHAL, born on 8-Jun-1913
Personal file of ALBRECHT, RICHARD
Personal file of ALBRECHT, ROLF, born on 17-Feb-1914
Personal file of ALBREGHS, HUBERT, born on 29-Feb-1904
Personal file of ALBUCHEZ LOPEZ, VICENTE, born on 15-Mar-1906
Personal file of ALBY, BERNAD, born on 10-Mar-1904
Personal file of ALCADEF, MOSE, born on 3-Jan-1912
Personal file of ALCAIDE, BORROMEO, born on 7-Jul-1903
Personal file of ALCAINE TORRES, CARLOS, born on 4-Nov-1899
Personal file of ALCALA FRANANAS, PABLO, born on 11-Aug-1920
Personal file of ALCALA GOMEZ, BERNABE, born on 7-May-1914
Personal file of ALCALDE GONZALES, JULIAN, born on 11-Jul-1901
Personal file of ALCALDE JIMENEZ, EMILIO, born on 23-Apr-1917
Personal file of ALCALDE MARTIN, FRANCISCO, born on 11-May-1917
Personal file of ALCANA, ISACO, born on 20-Jan-1911
Personal file of ALCANITZ CASTILLO, FELIX, born on 27-Apr-1913
Personal file of ALCANTARA EXPOSITO, LUIS, born on 21-Jun-1909
Personal file of ALCARAZ, JOSE
Personal file of ALCARAZ GONZALEZ, FRANCISCO, born on 4-Feb-1900
Personal file of ALCARAZ PERSONAL, JOSE, born on 8-Mar-1914
Personal file of ALCARAZ TUDELA, CARLOS, born on 5-Jan-1906
Personal file of ALCAREZ, VINCENT, born on 4-Mar-1922
Personal file of ALCAREZ PUJANTE, FRANCISCO, born on 12-Dec-1905
Personal file of ALCAZAR, VICO
Personal file of ALCAZAR BERMUDEZ, MANUEL, born on 10-Oct-1918
Personal file of ALCAZAR GOMEZ, MANUEL, born on 7-Aug-1907
Personal file of ALCAZAR MISTOY, RAMON, born on 6-Sep-1911
Personal file of ALCAZAR ROLDAN, JOSE, born on 21-Sep-1903
Personal file of ALCAZAR SANCHEZ, BERNABE, born on 23-Jan-1910
Personal file of ALCHADEW, SADOK, born in the year 1922
Personal file of ALCHANATY, DARIO, born on 15-Sep-1908
Personal file of ALCOBERRO SOLE, JOSE, born on 27-Jul-1907
Personal file of ALCOJOR CARAHAJAL, VICTOR, born on 27-Feb-1911
Personal file of ALCOLEA GARCIA, JOSE, born on 18-Mar-1915
Personal file of ALCON FERNANDEZ, EMILIANO, born on 5-Jan-1911
Personal file of ALCOTTE, LUIGI, born on 15-Feb-1924
Personal file of ALCOUFFE, RENE, born on 18-Apr-1919
Personal file of ALCOUFFE, RENE, born on 18-Apr-1919
Personal file of ALCOUFFER, RENE, born on 4-Nov-1922
Personal file of ALCUBIERRE PANZANO, MIGUEL, born on 18-Nov-1873
Personal file of ALCUSON GARCIA, NARCISO, born on 29-Oct-1902
Personal file of ALDA BOLANOS, ROMAN, born on 9-Aug-1897
Personal file of ALDA GARCIA, JOAQUIN, born on 26-Jul-1909
Personal file of ALDEAN JARABA, LAMBERT, born on 19-Jun-1905
Personal file of ALDEGHI, ANGELLO, born on 13-Oct-1909
Personal file of ALDOMA VILLABRIGA, MIGUEL, born on 26-Mar-1901
Personal file of ALDRICH TEIXIDOR, IWAN, born on 21-May-1898
Personal file of ALDRUBE PONUBAL, JOAQUIN, born on 26-Jan-1911
Personal file of ALEBAJAW, SAFJULA, born in the year 1915
Personal file of ALECHIN, STEPAN, born on 8-Jan-1912
Personal file of ALEDO MARTINEZ, FRANCISCO, born on 21-Jan-1908
Personal file of ALEGBER, ISAJEW, born on 27-Jun-1914
Personal file of ALEGIC, IBRO, born in the year 1924
Personal file of ALEGRE BELENGUER, DOMINGO, born on 27-Feb-1910
Personal file of ALEGRE BELMONTE, LAURIAN, born on 14-Jul-1900
Personal file of ALEGRE SOLDEVILLA, TOMAS, born on 28-Jul-1916
Personal file of ALEGRET MAINE, LUIS, born on 10-Oct-1915
Personal file of ALEGRET MANE, DAMIAN, born on 2-Jul-1907
Personal file of ALEGRET RODA, VIKTOR, born on 28-Jan-1910
Personal file of ALEGRIA MATEO, ANGEL, born on 3-Oct-1918
Personal file of ALEIXENDRI CURTI, DAMIAN, born on 22-May-1919
Personal file of ALEIXENDRI CURTO, JOAQUIN, born on 8-Dec-1901
Personal file of ALEJANDRES GONZALEZ, JOSE, born on 26-Nov-1890
Personal file of ALEJANDRO ORTELLS, MIGUEL, born on 19-Sep-1919
Personal file of ALEJNIKOW, DIMITRIJ, born on 15-Aug-1914
Personal file of ALEJNIKOW, STEPAN, born on 12-Aug-1908
Personal file of ALEJNIKOW, STEPAN, born on 5-Dec-1923
Personal file of ALEJSKI, CZESLAUS, born on 19-Jul-1901
Personal file of ALEJSKI, LUDWIG, born on 27-Jul-1921
Personal file of ALEJSKI, WALERIAN, born on 18-Jan-1915
Personal file of ALEKAIADIS, KONSTANTINOS, born on 20-Mar-1919
Personal file of ALEKBEROW, WELI, born in the year 1914
Personal file of ALEKIC, REMZO, born on 6-Jun-1922
Personal file of ALEKNA, POWILAS, born on 3-Jun-1909
Personal file of ALEKSANDER, EUGENIJ, born on 26-Nov-1913
Personal file of ALEKSANDER, HENIEK, born on 19-Mar-1927
Personal file of ALEKSANDRENKO, MICHAIL, born on 2-Nov-1923
Personal file of ALEKSANDROVIC, BOZIDAR, born on 24-Dec-1893
Personal file of ALEKSANDROVICZ, MICHAEL, born on 29-Sep-1885
Personal file of ALEKSANDROW, ALEKSANDER, born on 2-Jun-1918
Personal file of ALEKSANDROW, BORIS, born on 15-May-1923
Personal file of ALEKSANDROW, GRIGORIJ, born on 23-Jul-1921
Personal file of ALEKSANDROW, NIKOLAI, born on 16-May-1922
Personal file of ALEKSANDROW, NIKOLAJ, born on 1-Feb-1924
Personal file of ALEKSANDROW, NIKOLAJ, born on 26-May-1926
Personal file of ALEKSANDROW, STEPAN, born on 22-Nov-1894
Personal file of ALEKSANDROW, WASILIJ, born on 28-Jan-1910
Personal file of ALEKSANDROW, WIKTOR, born on 30-Jan-1917
Personal file of ALEKSANDROW, WLADIMIR, born on 25-Dec-1918
Personal file of ALEKSANDROWICZ, AREK, born on 18-Nov-1906
Personal file of ALEKSANDROWICZ, JAN, born on 5-Nov-1921
Personal file of ALEKSANDROWICZ, JERZY, born on 27-Jun-1925
Personal file of ALEKSANDROWICZ, JOHANN, born on 27-Jan-1901
Personal file of ALEKSANDROWICZ, JOSEF, born on 14-Apr-1906
Personal file of ALEKSANDROWICZ, JOSEF, born on 9-Feb-1925
Personal file of ALEKSANDROWICZ, JOSEF, born on 9-Feb-1925
Personal file of ALEKSANDROWICZ, KAZIMIERZ, born on 14-Sep-1904
Personal file of ALEKSANDROWICZ, MICHAEL, born on 29-Sep-1885
Personal file of ALEKSANDROWICZ, RYSZARD, born on 12-Jan-1924
Personal file of ALEKSANDROWICZ, WIESLAW, born on 1-Apr-1910
Personal file of ALEKSANDROWICZ, WLADYSLAW, born on 19-Feb-1905
Personal file of ALEKSANDROWICZ, ZYGMUNT, born on 23-Mar-1923
Personal file of ALEKSANDRZAK, JAN
Personal file of ALEKSANDRZAK, JAN, born on 16-Feb-1913
Personal file of ALEKSANDRZAK, STEFAN, born on 9-Aug-1914
Personal file of ALEKSANIN, JEGOR, born on 25-Mar-1916
Personal file of ALEKSANOW, WASILIJ, born on 25-Jul-1905
Personal file of ALEKSEJENKO, WASILIJ, born on 10-Jan-1924
Personal file of ALEKSEJEW, ALEKSANDER, born on 18-Jun-1920
Personal file of ALEKSEJEW, ALEXANDER, born on 10-Sep-1921
Personal file of ALEKSEJEW, BERNHARD, born on 2-Nov-1922
Personal file of ALEKSEJEW, KONSTANTIN, born on 20-May-1924
Personal file of ALEKSEJEW, LEW, born on 3-Apr-1928
Personal file of ALEKSEJEW, NIKOLAJ, born on 26-Jan-1919
Personal file of ALEKSEJEW, PIOTR, born on 15-Feb-1911
Personal file of ALEKSEJEW, PIOTR, born on 5-Feb-1922
Personal file of ALEKSEJOW, MICHAIL, born on 27-Aug-1916
Personal file of ALEKSIADIS, KONSTANTINOS, born on 20-Mar-1919
Personal file of ALEKSIC, BOGOSAW, born on 23-Jan-1921
Personal file of ALEKSIC, JOVAN, born on 7-Jan-1923
Personal file of ALEKSIC, LJUBINKO, born on 0-Jul-1905
Personal file of ALEKSIEJENKO, LEONID, born on 7-Jan-1919
Personal file of ALEKSIEJEW, ALEKSANDER, born on 30-Aug-1910
Personal file of ALEKSIEJEW, ANDREJ, born on 15-Sep-1915
Personal file of ALEKSIEJEW, BORIS, born on 20-Oct-1926
Personal file of ALEKSIEJEW, GEORGIJ, born on 30-Dec-1922
Personal file of ALEKSIEJEW, IWAN, born in the year 1911
Personal file of ALEKSIEJEW, IWAN, born on 17-Aug-1913
Personal file of ALEKSIEJEW, JEGOR, born on 14-Apr-1913
Personal file of ALEKSIEJEW, JEGOR, born on 14-Apr-1913
Personal file of ALEKSIEJEW, MAXIM, born on 15-Sep-1912
Personal file of ALEKSIEJEW, STEPAN, born on 17-Jan-1916
Personal file of ALEKSIEJEW, WASILIJ, born on 22-Jul-1913
Personal file of ALEKSIEJEW, WASSILIJ, born on 28-Dec-1911
Personal file of ALEKSIEWICZ, BOLESLAW, born on 31-Jan-1898
Personal file of ALEKSIEWICZ, JAROSLAW, born on 3-Jun-1899
Personal file of ALEKSIM, PAWEL, born on 6-Aug-1925
Personal file of ALEKSIOM, WLADISLAUS, born on 1-Nov-1924
Personal file of ALEKSJEW, WASSILJ, born on 28-Dec-1910
Personal file of ALEMANY FIGUERAS, PABLO, born on 7-Jul-1915
Personal file of ALEMANY PEIRET, ROSENDO, born on 6-Jan-1920
Personal file of ALEMBIK, MOSZEK, born on 1-Feb-1904
Personal file of ALEMBIK, RACHMIL, born on 10-Jan-1914
Personal file of ALENITSCHEW, WALENTIN, born on 15-Feb-1921
Personal file of ALENITSCHEW, WASILIJ, born on 1-Jan-1926
Personal file of ALENS, JANIS, born on 28-May-1906
Personal file of ALENTORN TARRAGO, CARLOS, born on 8-Jun-1906
Personal file of ALEOTTI, LUIGI, born on 15-Feb-1924
Personal file of ALERANY SARROCA, LUIS, born on 15-Jan-1919
Personal file of ALES, ANDREJ, born on 3-Apr-1923
Personal file of ALESANDRO, ANGIO, born on 10-Jul-1926
Personal file of ALESCHENKO, ALEXANDER, born on 27-Sep-1919
Personal file of ALESCHIN, AFONI, born on 22-Dec-1928
Personal file of ALESCHIN, FEDOR, born on 20-Sep-1926
Personal file of ALESCHIN, NIKOLAJ, born on 23-Feb-1925
Personal file of ALESCHKO, MICHAIL, born on 15-Nov-1913
Personal file of ALESCHKOWSKIJ, ILJA, born on 28-Jun-1906
Personal file of ALESEVIC, MEHMED
Personal file of ALESSANDRELLI, DARIO, born on 11-Jan-1910
Personal file of ALESSANDRI, ILDEGARDO, born on 19-Oct-1919
Personal file of ALESSANDRO D, DOMENICO, born on 29-Aug-1917
Personal file of ALESSIO D, GINO, born on 24-May-1914
Personal file of ALESZKO, MICHAIL, born on 15-Nov-1913
Personal file of ALETRINO, LOUIS, born on 10-Apr-1892
Personal file of ALEVIZAKIC, GEORGIOS, born on 0-Feb-1920
Personal file of ALEVIZAKIS, GEORGIOS, born on 0-Feb-1920
Personal file of ALEW, WLADIMIR, born on 1-Nov-1925
Personal file of ALEXA, AUGUST, born on 28-Aug-1922
Personal file of ALEXANDER, ARTHUR, born on 10-Jan-1907
Personal file of ALEXANDER, ERNST, born on 24-Dec-1910
Personal file of ALEXANDER, EUGENIJ, born on 26-Nov-1913
Personal file of ALEXANDER, HERMANN, born on 25-Jan-1925
Personal file of ALEXANDER, MARCEL, born on 24-Aug-1901
Personal file of ALEXANDER, NIKOLAJ
Personal file of ALEXANDER, RENE, born on 16-Jun-1913
Personal file of ALEXANDRAKIS, WASILIOS, born on 8-Sep-1917
Personal file of ALEXANDRE, ROBERT, born on 26-Apr-1899
Personal file of ALEXANDRIS, MILTIADIS, born on 6-Jan-1902
Personal file of ALEXANDROVIC, TIJESAV, born on 7-Jun-1923
Personal file of ALEXANDROW,
Personal file of ALEXANDROW, ALEXANDER, born on 25-Dec-1911
Personal file of ALEXANDROW, BORIS, born on 12-Jun-1923
Personal file of ALEXANDROW, BORIS, born on 18-Oct-1924
Personal file of ALEXANDROW, BORIS, born on 4-May-1928
Personal file of ALEXANDROW, GRIGORIJ, born on 2-Jul-1915
Personal file of ALEXANDROW, GRIGORIJ, born on 23-Feb-1921
Personal file of ALEXANDROW, HERMANN, born on 11-Sep-1923
Personal file of ALEXANDROW, IWAN, born on 20-Apr-1905
Personal file of ALEXANDROW, IWAN, born on 6-May-1923
Personal file of ALEXANDROW, IWAN, born on 6-Nov-1923
Personal file of ALEXANDROW, JEWGENIJ, born on 22-Sep-1923
Personal file of ALEXANDROW, JEWGENIJ, born on 10-Oct-1926
Personal file of ALEXANDROW, NIKOLAJ, born on 4-Feb-1891
Personal file of ALEXANDROW, NIKOLAJ, born on 3-Feb-1917
Personal file of ALEXANDROW, NIKOLAJ, born on 12-Mar-1919
Personal file of ALEXANDROW, NIKOLAJ, born on 16-May-1922
Personal file of ALEXANDROW, NIKOLAJ, born on 1-Feb-1924
Personal file of ALEXANDROW, NIKOLAJ, born on 19-Dec-1925
Personal file of ALEXANDROW, PETR, born on 1-Feb-1914
Personal file of ALEXANDROW, PETRO, born on 24-Mar-1926
Personal file of ALEXANDROW, PIOTR, born on 7-Jan-1915
Personal file of ALEXANDROW, SEMEN, born on 31-Jan-1903
Personal file of ALEXANDROW, SEMJON, born on 11-Sep-1918
Personal file of ALEXANDROW, SERGIEJ, born on 0-Apr-1903
Personal file of ALEXANDROWICZ, BRONISLAUS, born on 18-Sep-1914
Personal file of ALEXANDROWICZ, THADDÄUS, born on 14-May-1924
Personal file of ALEXANDROWICZ, WLADYSLAW, born on 10-Apr-1916
Personal file of ALEXANDROWITSCH, ALEXANDER, born in the year 1901
Personal file of ALEXANDROWITSCH, TADEUS, born on 14-May-1924
Personal file of ALEXANJAN, JEGISCH, born on 15-Jan-1905
Personal file of ALEXANJAN, MEKERTIIREK, born in the year 1924
Personal file of ALEXANOW, WASILIJ, born on 25-Jul-1905
Personal file of ALEXEEW, SERGEJ, born on 31-Dec-1920
Personal file of ALEXEJ, , born on 8-Aug-1913
Personal file of ALEXEJENKO, GRIGORIJ, born on 3-Jan-1900
Personal file of ALEXEJENKO, IWAN, born on 28-Oct-1903
Personal file of ALEXEJENKO, IWAN, born on 21-Sep-1913
Personal file of ALEXEJENKO, IWAN, born in the year 1921
Personal file of ALEXEJENKO, MICHAIL, born on 10-Dec-1922
Personal file of ALEXEJENKO, NIKOLAJ, born on 30-Jan-1919
Personal file of ALEXEJENKO, WASIL, born on 9-Jan-1923
Personal file of ALEXEJENKO, WLADIMIR, born on 21-Jul-1925
Personal file of ALEXEJEW, ALEXANDR, born on 10-Sep-1921
Personal file of ALEXEJEW, ALEXEJ, born on 29-Nov-1898
Personal file of ALEXEJEW, ALEXEJ, born on 10-Mar-1922
Personal file of ALEXEJEW, ANDREJ, born on 24-Aug-1918
Personal file of ALEXEJEW, GEORG, born on 30-Dec-1922
Personal file of ALEXEJEW, GEORGIJ, born on 5-May-1914
Personal file of ALEXEJEW, GEORGIJ, born on 25-Jun-1914
Personal file of ALEXEJEW, ILJA, born on 2-Aug-1913
Personal file of ALEXEJEW, MICHAIL, born in the year 1924
Personal file of ALEXEJEW, NIKOLAJ, born on 27-Apr-1902
Personal file of ALEXEJEW, NIKOLAJ, born on 24-Feb-1918
Personal file of ALEXEJEW, NIKOLAJ, born on 21-Jul-1925
Personal file of ALEXEJEW, NIKOLAJ, born on 3-Jan-1927
Personal file of ALEXEJEW, PAWEL, born in the year 1916
Personal file of ALEXEJEW, PJOTR, born on 26-Nov-1924
Personal file of ALEXEJEW, SERGEJ, born on 31-Dec-1920
Personal file of ALEXEJEW, SERGIEJ, born on 17-Jun-1929
Personal file of ALEXEJEW, WASILIJ, born on 28-Dec-1916
Personal file of ALEXEJEW, WASSILJ, born on 28-Dec-1910
Personal file of ALEXEJTSCHINKOW, MICHAIL, born on 20-Sep-1912
Personal file of ALEXIC, RADOMIR, born on 16-Sep-1908
Personal file of ALEXIEJEW, SERGIEJ, born on 17-Jun-1929
Personal file of ALEXIEJEW, SERGIEJ, born on 17-Jun-1929
Personal file of ALEXIJENKO, IWAN, born on 3-Apr-1927
Personal file of ALEXIJEW, GEORGIJ, born on 25-Jun-1914
Personal file of ALEXIN, PAWEL, born on 6-Aug-1925
Personal file of ALEXIN, WLADISLAW, born on 1-Nov-1924
Personal file of ALEXOPOULOS, KONSTANTIN, born on 11-Oct-1903
Personal file of ALEZUSZCZYK, MARCELI, born on 2-Jun-1920
Personal file of ALFANASJEW, GERMAN, born on 25-Sep-1918
Personal file of ALFANO, ANDREA, born on 24-Aug-1921
Personal file of ALFARO ZAIDIN, JOAQUIN, born on 3-Jan-1911
Personal file of ALFER, MACIEJ, born on 27-Jul-1910
Personal file of ALFEROW, IWAN, born on 27-Aug-1904
Personal file of ALFEROW, IWAN, born on 5-May-1919
Personal file of ALFEROW, WASILIJ, born on 29-Jul-1919
Personal file of ALFIERI, FULVIO, born on 9-Aug-1927
Personal file of ALFIOROW, SEMION, born on 5-Jan-1920
Personal file of ALFIROVIC, GLIECHA, born on 15-Dec-1912
Personal file of ALFIROVIC, GLISA, born on 15-Dec-1912
Personal file of ALFIROW, GRIGORIJ, born on 14-Nov-1923
Personal file of ALFJOROW, WIKTOR, born on 26-May-1919
Personal file of ALFONSI, MARIO, born on 30-Mar-1910
Personal file of ALFONSO MONZO, IWAN, born on 16-Feb-1904
Personal file of ALFONSO ORTELLA, MANUEL, born on 20-Sep-1918
Personal file of ALFONSO SOTO, JOSE, born on 10-Oct-1918
Personal file of ALFS, ERICH, born on 18-Dec-1905
Personal file of ALFUSO, PASQUALE, born on 22-Jan-1911
Personal file of ALGABA BARANJO, EMILIO, born on 17-Apr-1907
Personal file of ALGARRA DA MORENO, JUAN, born on 6-Jan-1898
Personal file of ALGARRA DE SAZ, AMADOR, born on 6-Dec-1917
Personal file of ALGAVA, MAURICE, born on 20-Aug-1922
Personal file of ALHADEFF, ALBERTO, born on 12-Sep-1927
Personal file of ALHADEFF, ISACCO, born on 12-Mar-1924
Personal file of ALHADEFF, NARCISO, born on 4-Mar-1927
Personal file of ALHADEFF, NER, born on 27-Oct-1921
Personal file of ALHADEFF, SAUL, born on 0-Apr-1920
Personal file of ALHADEW, ALESANDRO, born on 19-Apr-1919
Personal file of ALI, AAHIN, born in the year 1901
Personal file of ALI, PASCHA, born on 20-Aug-1919
Personal file of ALIAGA CANOVAS, FRANCISCO, born on 18-Nov-1916
Personal file of ALIAGA FLOR, JOSE, born on 19-Mar-1902
Personal file of ALIAU BRU, JUAN, born on 14-Apr-1919
Personal file of ALIAU TORDIU, JUAN, born on 12-Apr-1919
Personal file of ALIAU VILANOVA, JUAN, born on 5-Nov-1890
Personal file of ALIBOZEK, ADALBERT, born on 18-Oct-1899
Personal file of ALIEKBEROW, NEBIULLA, born on 15-May-1919
Personal file of ALIEW, GASAN, born on 10-May-1914
Personal file of ALIEW, IBRAGEM, born in the year 1920
Personal file of ALIEW, MAKSIM, born in the year 1917
Personal file of ALIFANOW, EWGENIJ, born on 18-Oct-1925
Personal file of ALIJEW, ACHMED, born in the year 1923
Personal file of ALIJEW, BABA, born on 5-Apr-1905
Personal file of ALIJEW, ISA, born on 24-Jan-1918
Personal file of ALIJEW, ISRAFIL, born on 14-Apr-1905
Personal file of ALIJEW, KASBEK, born on 17-Jan-1921
Personal file of ALIJEW, MAMED, born on 5-Nov-1916
Personal file of ALIKADIC, NIJAZ, born on 3-Sep-1910
Personal file of ALIMOVIC, ALIM, born on 7-Dec-1921
Personal file of ALIMOW, ANDREJ, born on 3-Aug-1913
Personal file of ALIMOW, REFAT, born on 26-Apr-1926
Personal file of ALIMOW, WLADIMIR, born on 1-Oct-1922
Personal file of ALIMPIC, BOGDAN, born on 9-Feb-1913
Personal file of ALIMPIC, SAVA, born on 11-Feb-1884
Personal file of ALIMPIC, VOJA, born on 15-Feb-1901
Personal file of ALIMPIJEVITZ, DIMITRIJE, born on 27-Jun-1878
Personal file of ALIN, ALEKSANDR, born on 22-Nov-1924
Personal file of ALINI, PALMIRO, born on 22-Nov-1896
Personal file of ALINOW, WLADIMIR, born on 1-Oct-1922
Personal file of ALIPOW, NIKOLAJ, born on 7-Nov-1921
Personal file of ALIPOW, NIKOLAJ, born on 27-Dec-1922
Personal file of ALISADE, SCHAFI, born on 15-May-1920
Personal file of ALISCH, WALTER, born on 9-Dec-1895
Personal file of ALISEJENKO, WLADIMIR, born on 28-Feb-1913
Personal file of ALIX, JEAN, born on 28-Apr-1920
Personal file of ALJABJEW, JAKOW, born on 5-Oct-1908
Personal file of ALJAROW, BACHRI, born on 27-Jun-1910
Personal file of ALJINOVIC, TOMA, born on 1-Dec-1923
Personal file of ALJOSCHIN, FJODOR, born on 20-Sep-1926
Personal file of ALJOSCHIN, MICHAIL, born on 7-Nov-1919
Personal file of ALKADEFF, MOSE, born on 7-Apr-1926
Personal file of ALKEMA, PETRO, born on 29-Jun-1901
Personal file of ALKICHEN, ICEK, born on 10-Jan-1910
Personal file of ALKIN, WASILIJ, born on 11-Feb-1922
Personal file of ALLAERT, MAURICE, born on 2-Mar-1928
Personal file of ALLAIN, HENRI, born on 28-Aug-1922
Personal file of ALLAIS, RENATO, born on 24-Sep-1923
Personal file of ALLALOUF, MARIO, born on 25-Dec-1923
Personal file of ALLALOUF, PEPO, born on 25-May-1926
Personal file of ALLAMAN, RAFAIL, born on 11-Dec-1901
Personal file of ALLAMANNO, JEAN, born on 3-Sep-1924
Personal file of ALLARD, ERNEST, born on 21-Jul-1922
Personal file of ALLARD, GUSTAVE, born on 29-Mar-1912
Personal file of ALLARD, RENE, born on 2-Mar-1902
Personal file of ALLEGRE, ANDRE, born on 16-Oct-1925
Personal file of ALLEGRETTO, RINO, born on 20-Nov-1923
Personal file of ALLEGRO, BRUNO, born on 20-Aug-1923
Personal file of ALLEIN, JOHANN, born on 26-Nov-1884
Personal file of ALLEMANDI, PIETRO, born on 5-Nov-1886
Personal file of ALLENSTEIN, DAWID, born on 1-Jun-1928
Personal file of ALLENSTEIN, IZAAK, born on 16-Dec-1897
Personal file of ALLERDING, HEINZ, born on 10-Jun-1915
Personal file of ALLESARTSCHIK, ANDREJ, born in the year 1891
Personal file of ALLIAND, UGO, born on 1-Apr-1924
Personal file of ALLIATA, VINCENT, born on 26-Jul-1925
Personal file of ALLIOT, DANIEL, born on 11-Jun-1919
Personal file of ALLODOLI, ENZO, born on 30-Jun-1916
Personal file of ALLOUCH, FREDY, born on 4-Aug-1892
Personal file of ALLOZA GASCON, BERNARDO, born on 16-Jun-1900
Personal file of ALLOZA LERIN, JOSE, born on 31-May-1907
Personal file of ALLUE ARNAL, VALENTIN, born on 15-Dec-1915
Personal file of ALLUE LOPEZ, MARTIN, born on 15-Dec-1917
Personal file of ALLUEVA MILLAN, JOSE, born on 7-Mar-1917
Personal file of ALMAGRO DE RUZ, JOSE, born on 13-Sep-1917
Personal file of ALMAMATOW, STEPHAN, born on 3-Nov-1920
Personal file of ALMAN, NATAN, born on 1-Jan-1890
Personal file of ALMARZA RUIZ, PABLO, born on 3-Jun-1919
Personal file of ALMASOW, PJOTR, born on 15-Mar-1918
Personal file of ALMATAJEW, SALIM, born on 25-Nov-1919
Personal file of ALMAZAN GARCIA, JUAN, born on 5-May-1898
Personal file of ALMEIDA MARTINEZ, LIBRADO, born on 1-Nov-1908
Personal file of ALMELECH, GIACOBBE, born on 21-Mar-1914
Personal file of ALMENAR VIVES, MIGUEL, born on 6-Nov-1916
Personal file of ALMONDE, ANDREA, born on 3-Nov-1898
Personal file of ALMOSNINO, MARIO, born on 2-Apr-1920
Personal file of ALMOZARA SANCHEZ, JOSE, born on 13-Oct-1911
Personal file of ALMUHAMETOW, FASCHIH, born in the year 1916
Personal file of ALMUS, ANTON, born on 21-Feb-1920
Personal file of ALNADEFF, MOR, born on 27-Oct-1921
Personal file of ALOISI, ARMANDO, born on 12-Dec-1923
Personal file of ALOKAEJEW, MICHAIL, born in the year 1924
Personal file of ALOM PRATS, FRANCISCO, born on 10-Feb-1909
Personal file of ALONSO, CIRILIO, born on 22-Jul-1899
Personal file of ALONSO, JOSE, born on 3-Oct-1914
Personal file of ALONSO, VIKTOR, born on 19-Dec-1919
Personal file of ALONSO BRUGUI, CARLOS, born on 4-Nov-1898
Personal file of ALONSO CASAS, ALDON, born on 30-Jul-1902
Personal file of ALONSO FERNANDEZ, MACARIO, born on 14-Jan-1905
Personal file of ALONSO GONZALES, JUAN, born on 8-Aug-1902
Personal file of ALONSO GONZALEZ, NICOLAS, born on 10-Aug-1913
Personal file of ALONSO HERRANZ, JULIAN, born on 12-Feb-1909
Personal file of ALONSO LOSADA, ANDRES, born on 24-Jan-1908
Personal file of ALONSO MILLAN, TIMOTEO, born on 19-Dec-1900
Personal file of ALONSO MORCILLO, JUAN, born on 10-May-1915
Personal file of ALONSO PACHECO, FRANCISCO, born on 23-Feb-1906
Personal file of ALONSO RODRIGUEZ, BENJAMIN, born on 28-Aug-1912
Personal file of ALOPEKTOR, MOSCEK
Personal file of ALOS ESCARTIN, PABLO, born on 13-Jan-1910
Personal file of ALOS GARCIA, SEBASTIAN, born on 8-Mar-1906
Personal file of ALOS VIDALLER, JOAQUIN, born on 6-Jun-1915
Personal file of ALOS VILLADER, JOAQUIN, born on 6-Jun-1915
Personal file of ALOSCHETSCHKIN, ILJA, born on 24-Aug-1917
Personal file of ALOY MONTBLANC, BENITO, born on 3-Jan-1910
Personal file of ALOZY, JEAN, born on 5-Sep-1907
Personal file of ALPA, ADRIANO, born on 30-Sep-1925
Personal file of ALPANDA, ROBERT, born on 1-Jan-1909
Personal file of ALPATOW, ALEXANDER, born on 19-Mar-1921
Personal file of ALPERMANN, CHAIM, born on 18-Feb-1919
Personal file of ALPERN, JEAN, born on 9-Dec-1923
Personal file of ALPERT, CHIL, born on 27-Feb-1915
Personal file of ALPHAND, ROGER, born on 3-Feb-1900
Personal file of ALQUEZAR CLEMA, DOMINGO, born on 19-Dec-1902
Personal file of ALSCHER, JOSEF, born on 5-Jun-1894
Personal file of ALSCHER, OTTO, born on 18-Jan-1871
Personal file of ALSEDA SANAN, RAMON, born on 16-Feb-1906
Personal file of ALSET, ELIE, born on 5-Apr-1905
Personal file of ALSINA AMOROS, JOSE, born on 17-May-1909
Personal file of ALSJNIKOW, STEPAN, born on 12-Aug-1908
Personal file of ALSPEKTOR, MOSCEK, born on 2-Jan-1899
Personal file of ALSUFEW, WASILIJ, born on 27-Dec-1918
Personal file of ALT, KAREL, born on 2-Jan-1925
Personal file of ALT, LEO, born on 12-Aug-1916
Personal file of ALT, MIHALY, born on 5-Jul-1921
Personal file of ALT, ROBERT, born on 23-Aug-1921
Personal file of ALTADELL MORESO, RAMON, born on 10-Aug-1910
Personal file of ALTADONNA, CARMELO, born on 7-Apr-1924
Personal file of ALTAJEW, DIMITRJ, born on 18-Oct-1920
Personal file of ALTAMANN, KARL, born on 16-Nov-1906
Personal file of ALTARRIBA BOSORUS, CELESTINO, born on 14-Mar-1898
Personal file of ALTAVILLA, GOFFREDO, born on 12-Oct-1898
Personal file of ALTBACH, IGNATZ, born on 18-Apr-1922
Personal file of ALTBACH, KAROL, born on 21-Jan-1927
Personal file of ALTBAUER, ISAK, born on 11-Dec-1905
Personal file of ALTEN, GEORG, born on 6-Aug-1923
Personal file of ALTENFELD, JOHANN, born on 17-Sep-1904
Personal file of ALTER, EUGENIUSZ, born on 27-Oct-1928
Personal file of ALTER, FREDERIK, born on 30-Oct-1895
Personal file of ALTER, GEORG, born on 6-Mar-1923
Personal file of ALTER, GEZA, born on 1-Apr-1924
Personal file of ALTER, HERMAN, born on 22-Jan-1928
Personal file of ALTER, JENAS, born on 10-Apr-1923
Personal file of ALTER, JOZSEF, born on 1-Jan-1924
Personal file of ALTER, MIKLOS, born on 18-Apr-1922
Personal file of ALTER, MOSZEK, born on 1-Feb-1915
Personal file of ALTER, SALAMON, born on 1-Jul-1896
Personal file of ALTERMANN, CALET, born on 12-Nov-1923
Personal file of ALTERMANN, JOSEK, born on 12-May-1918
Personal file of ALTERTHUM, HANS, born on 24-Aug-1924
Personal file of ALTERWEIN, CHAIM, born on 6-Jun-1913
Personal file of ALTES FAVA, PEDRO, born on 11-Mar-1911
Personal file of ALTESA ORO, RAMON, born on 8-Jan-1911
Personal file of ALTHERTHUM, HANS, born on 24-Aug-1924
Files with names from ALTINI
Files with names from ANDRZEJCZAK
Files with names from APSITIS
Files with names from ASKOVIC
Files with names from BABISCH
Files with names from BAKIEWICZ
Files with names from BANKOWSKI
Files with names from BARREGAN CRIADO
Files with names from BATREL
Files with names from BEIGEL
Files with names from BENKNER
Files with names from BERKOWITS
Files with names from BEVERNAGE
Files with names from BIESIACKI
Files with names from BLACHOWICZ
Files with names from BLUMENFELD
Files with names from BOHDAN
Files with names from BONDARENKO
Files with names from BORODIN
Files with names from BOUNEVELD
Files with names from BREINER
Files with names from BRÜCKENSTEIN
Files with names from BUDANOW
Files with names from BURGOS MARTINEZ
Files with names from CADER
Files with names from CAREGNATO
Files with names from CEBULA
Files with names from CHAMPION
Files with names from CHMIEL
Files with names from CHUDAK
Files with names from CISAR
Files with names from CORBIN
Files with names from CUKOR
Files with names from CZERWINSKI
Files with names from DANIEK
Files with names from DE RESMINI
Files with names from DEMSCHAR
Files with names from DIAZ MOLINA
Files with names from DLOUHY
Files with names from DOMBSKI
Files with names from DREHLICH
Files with names from DUBREUIL
Files with names from DUSZYNSKI
Files with names from ECHEVARRIA SERRANO
Files with names from EMERALI
Files with names from FABA CLARET
Files with names from FASTYN
Files with names from FERDINUS
Files with names from FILA
Files with names from FISTER
Files with names from FORT SEGNE
Files with names from FREUD
Files with names from FROLOW
Files with names from GACZYNSKI
Files with names from GALVEZ GALVEZ
Files with names from GARELYJ
Files with names from GAZZANO
Files with names from GERPEGIAN
Files with names from GIRO
Files with names from GLUSCHKIEWITSCH
Files with names from GOLDRING
Files with names from GONSIOR
Files with names from GORODOWSKI
Files with names from GRADECKI
Files with names from GRIMM
Files with names from GROSZ
Files with names from GRUSIECKI
Files with names from GUJA
Files with names from GWARDIAK
Files with names from HANAN
Files with names from HEDRICH
Files with names from HERNANDEZ SOTO
Files with names from HIRSCH
Files with names from HOLOWKO
Files with names from HRAB
Files with names from IGNATOW
Files with names from ISTLER
Files with names from IWOLGIN
Files with names from JAKOB
Files with names from JANECZEK
Files with names from JARIOD SANZ
Files with names from JAWORSKI
Files with names from JERMOLAJEW
Files with names from JOSZEF
Files with names from JURETZKO
Files with names from KAHAN
Files with names from KAMASINSKI
Files with names from KAPUSTIN
Files with names from KARSENTY
Files with names from KATZ
Files with names from KEPCZYNSKI
Files with names from KIRILOW
Files with names from KLEIN
Files with names from KLIMENKO
Files with names from KNEZEVIC
Files with names from KOHN
Files with names from KOLOZIEJSKI
Files with names from KONOWALOW
Files with names from KORN
Files with names from KOSECKI
Files with names from KOSUDARSKI
Files with names from KOWALENKO
Files with names from KOZDON
Files with names from KRASITZKIJ
Files with names from KREINDL
Files with names from KROWIAK
Files with names from KSIAZEK
Files with names from KUGLER
Files with names from KUNT
Files with names from KUSEK
Files with names from KWARTALOW
Files with names from LAJAL
Files with names from LAPINSKI
Files with names from LAWRENOW
Files with names from LEFKOVICS
Files with names from LEONTJEW
Files with names from LEWANDOWSKI
Files with names from LIENHARDT
Files with names from LISTOPAD
Files with names from LOKIEC
Files with names from LOUSSOUARN
Files with names from LUKES
Files with names from MACHURA
Files with names from MAJDIC
Files with names from MALASZ
Files with names from MAMASHOL
Files with names from MARCELI PELLICER
Files with names from MARKIN
Files with names from MARTINEZ COMES
Files with names from MASLER
Files with names from MATWEEW
Files with names from MECZNER
Files with names from MENDELSOHN
Files with names from MIASKA
Files with names from MIELCZARSKI
Files with names from MILCZAREK
Files with names from MIRALLES RODES
Files with names from MLADENOVIC
Files with names from MONIN
Files with names from MOROSOW
Files with names from MROCZEK
Files with names from MURACKI
Files with names from NAGORNYI
Files with names from NAWROCKI
Files with names from NEUMANN
Files with names from NIKITIUK
Files with names from NOTES
Files with names from NOWIKOW
Files with names from OELFEN VON
Files with names from OLIVIE
Files with names from ORLOW
Files with names from OSTROWSKI
Files with names from PAESANI
Files with names from PANKALLA
Files with names from PARSCHIN
Files with names from PAVLOVIC
Files with names from PEINADO CRUZ
Files with names from PERIC
Files with names from PETRINTSCHEK
Files with names from PICARDI
Files with names from PILA
Files with names from PISKOWIE
Files with names from PLOTKA
Files with names from POKROPINSKI
Files with names from PONAMORENKO
Files with names from POSKANNOJ
Files with names from PRETKIEL
Files with names from PRZECHADZKI
Files with names from PUSANOW
Files with names from RADASZKIEWICZ
Files with names from RAKOWITZ
Files with names from REBER
Files with names from REMBERSKI
Files with names from RIEBER
Files with names from ROCHOSCHNIKOW
Files with names from ROMANENKO
Files with names from ROSENBERG
Files with names from ROT
Files with names from ROZKIEWICZ
Files with names from RUIZ RIBARRIO
Files with names from RYPEL
Files with names from SAFONOW
Files with names from SALOMANOWICZ
Files with names from SANGINJEW
Files with names from SAUGERON
Files with names from SCHAKALOW
Files with names from SCHERECHORA
Files with names from SCHKROBIT
Files with names from SCHOFFER
Files with names from SCHÜCK
Files with names from SCHWARTZ
Files with names from SEGNI DI
Files with names from SENOR
Files with names from SHERSTIUK
Files with names from SIERKOW
Files with names from SIMOVIC
Files with names from SKATSCHKO
Files with names from SKWORTZOW
Files with names from SMIETANA
Files with names from SOCHACKI
Files with names from SOMIK
Files with names from SPEISER
Files with names from STACHOWSKI
Files with names from STASIAK
Files with names from STEINER
Files with names from STEVANOVIC
Files with names from STRELTZOW
Files with names from SUCHANOW
Files with names from SUWINSKI
Files with names from SZABO
Files with names from SZERBA
Files with names from SZTWIERTNIA
Files with names from TABIDSE
Files with names from TAUB
Files with names from TESSEREAU
Files with names from TITORTSCHUK
Files with names from TOMCZAK
Files with names from TRAUB
Files with names from TRYGIER
Files with names from TSCHIKMAROW
Files with names from TURKIN
Files with names from ULINOWER
Files with names from VAGGE
Files with names from VELKAVRCH
Files with names from VINOLAS GISPERT
Files with names from WACHSMANN
Files with names from WALLER
Files with names from WASILJEW
Files with names from WEINBERGER
Files with names from WEISZ
Files with names from WEREMJEJEW
Files with names from WIENER
Files with names from WINOGRADOW
Files with names from WITUSIK
Files with names from WOJENOW
Files with names from WOLODKIN
Files with names from WROBEL
Files with names from ZABIEGALA
Files with names from ZALEWSKI
Files with names from ZDUNEK
Files with names from ZIELONKA
Files with names from ZOLNA
Files with names from ZYLKA - Individual Documents Regarding Female Detainees Mauthausen - Number Index Mauthausen - Hollerith preparatory worksheet cards Mauthausen - War Crime Investigations Mauthausen - Häftlings-Personal-Karten Mauthausen
1.1.27 - Concentration Camp Mittelbau (Dora)
1.1.28 - Moringen Concentration Camp and "Jugendschutzlager"/ Protective Custody Camp for Juveniles
1.1.29 - Natzweiler (Struthof) Concentration Camp
1.1.30 - Neuengamme Concentration Camp
1.1.31 - Niederhagen (Wewelsburg) Concentration Camp
1.1.32 - Camps in Norway
1.1.33 - Oranienburg Concentration Camp
1.1.34 - Papenburg Penitentiary Camp/ Emslandlager
1.1.35 - Ravensbrück Concentration Camp
1.1.36 - Riga (Kaiserwald) Concentration Camp and Riga Ghetto
1.1.37 - Sachsenburg Concentration Camp
1.1.38 - Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp
1.1.39 - Sandbostel Absorption Camp
1.1.40 - Schirmeck-Vorbruck Concentration Camp
1.1.41 - Stutthof Concentration Camp
1.1.42 - Theresienstadt Ghetto
1.1.43 - Treblinka Labour Camp
1.1.44 - Warsaw Ghetto and Concentration Camp
1.1.45 - Welzheim Concentration Camp (Protective Custody Camp)
1.1.46 - Westerbork Assembly and Transit Camp
1.1.47 - Various Camps
1.1.48 - Concentration Camp Bad Sulza
1.1.49 - Concentration Camp Colditz
1.1.50 - Schutzhaftlager Hohnstein
1.1.51 - Concentration Camp Sonnenburg
1.1.52 - Concentration Camp Columbia-Haus Concentration Camp
1.1.53 - Concentration Camp Eutin
1.1.54 - Concentration Camp Heinersdorf
1.1.55 - Concentration Camp Heuberg
1.1.56 - Concentration Camp Kemna
1.1.57 - Concentration Camp Kuhlen
1.1.58 - Concentration Camp Osthofen
1.1.59 - Concentration Camp Roßlau
1.1.60 - Concentration Camps Wittmoor, Fuhlsbüttel and Neuengamme
1.1.61 - Juvenile Detention and Reform Camp Lebrechtsdorf
1.2 - Miscellaneous
2 - Registration of Foreigners and German Persecutees by Public Institutions, Social Securities and Companies (1939 - 1947)
3 - Registrations and Files of Displaced Persons, Children and Missing Persons
4 - Special NSDAP organizations and actions
5 - Death Marches, identification of unkown dead and Nazi trials
6 - Records of the ITS and its predecessors
7 - Archival records of microforms (new material / document acquisition)
8 - Collections of private persons and small archives