0 - Global Finding Aids
1 - Incarceration Documents
1.1 - Camps and Ghettos
1.1.0 - General Information
1.1.1 - Amersfoort Police Transit Camp
1.1.2 - Auschwitz Concentration and Extermination Camp
1.1.3 - Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp
1.1.4 - Breendonk Transit Camp
1.1.5 - Buchenwald Concentration Camp
1.1.6 - Dachau Concentration Camp
1.1.7 - Esterwegen Concentration Camp
1.1.8 - Flossenbürg Concentration Camp
1.1.9 - Camps in France
1.1.10 - Labor Reformatory Camp Großbeeren
1.1.11 - Groß-Rosen Concentration Camp
1.1.12 - Herzogenbusch-Vught Concentration Camp
1.1.13 - Hinzert Special SS Camp
1.1.14 - Camps in Italy and Albania
1.1.15 - Camps in Yugoslavia
1.1.16 - Kislau Concentration Camp
1.1.17 - Klooga / Vaivara Concentration Camp
1.1.18 - Ghetto Kauen (Kaunas / Kowno)
1.1.19 - Krakau-Plaszow Concentration Camp
1.1.20 - Lichtenburg Concentration Camp
1.1.21 - Labor reformatory camp Liebenau (Internment Camp Liebenau)
1.1.22 - Litzmannstadt (Lodz) Ghetto and "Polen-Jugendverwahrlager" /Detention Camp for Polish Juveniles
1.1.23 - Lublin (Majdanek) Concentration Camp
1.1.24 - Mecheln (Malines) SS Deportation Camp
1.1.25 - Mauritius Detainment Camp
1.1.26 - Mauthausen Concentration Camp - General Information on Mauthausen Concentration Camp - List Material Mauthausen
Registry of prisoner numbers 1 - 139157 of the CC Mauthausen
Prisoners' arrival numbers 1 - 6 843 (postwar compilation)
Arrivals in CC Mauthausen - 4.8.1944 - 7.1.1945
Prisoners' arrival numbers Women (postwar compilation) 1 - 3077
Prisoner transfers and releases of prisoners of the Concentration Camp Mauthausen A - Z (postwar compilation) 1938 - 1945
Reports detailing changes made in KL Mauthausen 21.10.1942 - 16.3.1944
Arrival and departure register for CC Mauthausen 18.08.1938 - 08.06.1940
CC Mauthausen reports detailing changes, 17.02.1944 - 04.05.1945
Report detailing changes in CC Mauthausen (postwar compilation) 31.07.1944 - 29.12.1944
Reports detailing changes in CC Mauthausen (postwar compilation) 02.01.1945 - 08.03.1945
Arrival list of prisoners from CC Natzweiler to CC Mauthausen on 31.07.1944
Telegrams, individual reports and relevant correspondence concerning transfers and releases of prisoners - 1939/40
Transport lists: departures to CC Buchenwald, Dachau and Flossenbürg 1940 - 1943
Transportlists and lists of arrivals of prisoners from CC Buchenwald to CC Mauthausen, 22.05.1941 - 17.06.1944
Transport lists: departures to CC Buchenwald 1942 - 1944
Envelopes of protective custody files of prisoners of CC Mauthausen, 1939 - 1943
Prisoner personnel files of prisoners of CC Mauthausen
List of escaped and deceased inmates on 3 transports from Melk to the SS labour camp Solvay-Kalksteinbergwerke, 14.04.1945, 17.04.1945, 20.04.1945
List of prisoners "BV" and "SV" (professional criminals "Berufsverbrecher" and prisoners in protective custody "Schutzhäftlinge") of CC Mauthausen 1938 - 1944
List of prisoners in preventive custody in CC Mauthausen
Surgery book of CC Mauthausen 08.01.1940 - 12.2.1945
Lists and telegrams from released German prisoners of CC Mauthausen
Concentration Camp Mauthausen Death Books, 07.01.1939 - 29.04.1945
07.01.1939 - 31.12.1940
01.01.1941 - 31.12.1941
01.01.1942 - 01.08.1942
01.08.1942 - 31.12.1942
01.01.1943 - 31.12.1943
02.01.1944 - 04.07.1944
04.07.1944 - 02.11.1944
02.11.1944 - 31.12.1944
01.01.1945 - 12.02.1945
12.02.1945 - 12.03.1945
8.03.1945 - 19.03.1945
18.03.1945 - 04.04.1945
04.04.1945 - 21.04.1945
21.04.1945 - 29.04.1945
CC Mauthausen death book - prisoners of war, 1941 - 1945
Gusen detachment death book - 01.06.1940 - 27.04.1945
Registry of prisoners who died in work camp Quarz (CC Mauthausen) 1944 - 1945
Registry of deceased and released prisoners ("Arbeitsscheue") of CC Mauthausen, 1939 - 1944
Death book: Civil registry Mauthausen
Name registries of the Mauthausen II civil registry death book 1941, 1943
Numerical death list for KL Mauthausen and its detachments, Nr. 1 - 514169
Alphabetical death list for CC Mauthausen and its detachments , A - Z, Book I, II and III (postwar compilation)
Lists of dead prisoners of CC Mauthausen
List of CC Mauthausen prisoners who died in Wels hospital
Alphabetical death list for KL Mauthausen and its - detachments Gusen and Quarz (postwar compilation) - A - Z Book I and II
List of deceased prisoners of CC Mauthausen and Gusen in the "Erholungslager", 06.06.1944 - 29.12.1944
Death reports from the "Erholungsheim" Hartheim, 11.04.1944 - 08.01.1945
CC Mauthausen death list (only numbers) - August 1944 - February 1945
Death reports from various detachments to the main camp CC Mauthausen
CC Mauthausen death book - 19.06.1942 - 15.01.1944
Death lists from detachment "Zement" (Ebensee), 1943-1945
Death lists, strength reports and transport lists of the detachment "Zement" (Ebensee) of CC Mauthausen, post-war compilation, 1943 - 1945
Death reports from various labour camps of CC Mauthausen, 1944 - 1945
Correspondence regarding deaths of prisoners of CC Mauthausen between various courts and the Mauthausen Local Court, 1940-1945
Single death reports from CC Mauthausen, March 1945
Lists of executions and other "unnatural" deaths in CC Mauthausen, 18.08.1938 - 25.09.1944
Lists of executions and other "unnatural" deaths, October 1942 - April 1945
List of 22 exhumed German prisoners of CC Mauthausen
Lists of executions of CC Mauthausen prisoners, 1940-1944
Lists of deceased prisoners of CC Mauthausen, 1941-1945 and April 1945
Lists of deceased prisoners and DPs of CC Mauthausen (postwar compilation)
Lists of cremations of deceased prisoners of CC Mauthausen in crematorium Steyr - 05.09.1938 - 03.05.1940
Lists and correspondence concerning the cremation of deceased prisoners of CC Mauthausen in the crematorium Streyr and Gusen, 1941 - 1944
Release documents from the crematorium Gusen 7.9.1941 - 30.9.1944
Lists of victims by nationality
Various death lists from CC Mauthausen (postwar compilation)
Transport lists and various death lists of CC Mauthausen (post-war compilations)
Death lists of the sub camp Ebensee by nationality (postwar compilation)
Lists of liberated prisoners of CC Mauthausen, by nationality - (postwar compilation)
Lists of liberated survivors of CC Mauthausen, sorted by barracks - (postwar compilation)
Liberation lists for detachment Ebensee, CC Mauthausen - (postwar compilation)
Liberation lists for CC Mauthausen and the detachment Ebensee - (postwar compilation)
Lists of liberated prisoners of CC Mauthausen who have been registered in various DP-Camps (postwar compilation)
Lists of liberated prisoners of CC Mauthausen - (Military Government of Germany Concentration Camp Processing Docket) (postwar compilation)
Lists of liberated prisoners of CC Mauthausen, camp Ebensee (Military Government of Germany Concentration Camp Processing Docket) (postwar compilation)
Lists of liberated prisoners of CC Mauthausen, camp Gusen and Ebensee (Military Government of Germany Concentration Camp Processing Docket) (postwar compilation)
Lists of liberated prisoners of CC Mauthausen and detachment Gusen by various nationalities - (postwar compilation)
Lists of liberated prisoners of CC Mauthausen repatriated to Czechoslovakia (postwar compilation)
Lists of patients in the 131. US Evacuation Hospital Mauthausen (postwar compilation)
Lists of patients in the 130. US Evacuation Hospital Moosburg and Mauthausen (postwar compilation)
Lists of deceased after liberation May 1945 to June 1945 - correspondence (new arrival) 1956
Red Cross correspondence on the Whereabouts of Spanish prisoners at CC Mauthausen, UNRRA list of deceased Italian prisoners at CC Mauthausen
Red Cross correspondence on Spanish prisoners in CC Mauthausen
Red Cross correspondence concerning Spanish and Serbian prisoners of CC Mauthausen
Correspondence and reports of the Allies on CC Mauthausen in May 1945, lists of subcamps, lists of surviving and deceased prisoners of CC Mauthausen
List of persons who died after liberation in the hospitals of Wels and Linz
Arrival books to the CC Mauthausen sick bay, Block 6, 13.06.1944-09.05.1945
Death book of CC Mauthausen, infirmary, Jewish Hospital Block 6, 1945
Lists concerning dead prisoners of CC Mauthausen, issued in September 1965
Medical reports and records of deaths in Block 6 (Jewish hospital camp) of CC Mauthausen and diary pf the prisoner physician of Block 6 Dr. Zoltan Klar
Name lists of the deceased in Gusen/Quarz detachment Obtained London. 18.7.1947 (Hungary)
List of deceased prisoners in CC Mauthausen and detachments period 1944-1945
List of the deceased prisoners of CC Mauthausen
List of prisoners of CC Mauthausen, detachment Gusen, presumably in early April 1945
Lists of arrivals to the concentration camp Mauthausen, 01.02.1945-27.02.1945
Report of strength in the camp Gusen and lists of transfers of prisoners from various work camps to the main camp Mauthausen 30.4.1945 - 2.5.1945
Operations book of the infimary of the sub camp Ebensee, CC Mauthausen, 18.05.1944 - 04.05.1945
List of Hungarian Jews who were murdered in Wels/Austria; - List of KZ prisoners buried in Goisern/Austria, Polish nationality; - ...
Lists of Spanish prisoners in CC Mauthausen
Reports detailing changes made in KL Mauthausen
Reports detailing changes made in KL Mauthausen - detachment Gusen, 1.12.1942-30.9.1944
Various detachment lists and prisoners' lists (no date); Russian prisoners of war who were interned in KL Mauthausen; statistical lists, memos, and so on. (no names)
Arrival lists: arrivals of KL Dachau - 17.8.1944+14.9.1944 and corresponding correspondence
Arrivals of KL Dachau 14.,16.,28.9.1944, - 26.11.+14.12.1944, - Arrivals of KL Gross-Rosen 31.10.1944, - Arrivals of KL Flossenburg 4.12.1944 - and corresponding correspondence
Liberation lists: various lists of surviving prisoners of KL Mauthausen: Greeks, Italians, Spanish, Yugoslavs, Hungarians, and various nationalities; - ...
Component index of prisoners (probably survivors of Mauthausen) - postwar compilation
Infirmary book Ebensee 28.12.1944-17.4.1945
Those who died after the liberation in the hospital Ebensee, 17.5.-15.8.1945 - postwar compilation
Deceased prisoners of KL Mauthausen, 13.10.1944-5.5.1945
Hospital Mauthausen "departures book" (deaths), 5.5.-18.5.1945, (postwar compilation)
Mauthausen sick camp (deceased), 22.3.-4.5.1945
Name index to register A, civil registry office Mauthausen Marbach (deaths 1938-1940)
List of deceased Dutch prisoners of KL Mauthausen; 1944-1945 list of surviving Dutch prisoners of KL Mauthausen; death list, Hospital Mauthausen 28.4.-18.5.1945; postwar compilations
Prisoner examinations for conscription, 9.2.1940-20.8.1941
Registration of prisoners for conscription - a) Register of those prisoners who have had a service record; - ...
1) August 1941 list of prisoners drafted into the army (years of birth 1900 - 1923) from KL Mauthausen - ...
1) Correspondence from headquarters with various criminal police and Stapo - a) About the removal of prisoner kapos for KL Auschwitz; - ...
Prisoners of war work camp Mauthausen - Gusen I. part of the reports from headquarters to - a) the inspector of the concentration camp in - ...
Prisoners of war camp Mauthausen Gusen II. part of the reports from headquarters to the SS Economic and Administrative Main Office in - ...
Prisoners of war work camp Mauthausen- - Gusen III. part of the reports from headquarters to the SS Economic and Administrative Main Office in Oranienburg about the deaths of Russian prisoners of war ( ...
Prisoners of war work camp Mauthausen Gusen - 1) Reports in list form from the camp headquarters to: - ...
Prisoners of war work camp Mauthausen Gusen - 2) Reports in list form about the executions of Russian prisoners of war
Prisoners of war work camp Mauthausen- - Gusen I. part of correspondence of headquarters with a) the Inspector of the concentration camp in Oranienburg - ...
Prisoners of war work camp Mauthausen- - Gusen II. part of correspondence from headquarters with the - ...
Prisoners of war work camp Mauthausen-Gusen - political division- - 1) Holding reports of Russian prisoners of war to headquarters of KL Mauthausen 31.3.1942 - 31.3.1945
KL Natzweiler arrival list dated 31.07.1944 - reports detailing changes made (departures)
Transport lists of invalid prisoners to - KL Dachau 14.8.1941 - 4.2.1942
List of 47 English, Dutch and American pilots who were shot in KL Mauthausen on 6. & 7.9.1944 (postwar compilation)
Protocol about the shooting of 47 English and Dutch officers on the 06. and 07.09.1944
KZ Cemetery Ebensee - (postwar compilation)
Pseudo-medical Experiments
Correspondence about Spanish prisoners and lists about former prisoners
Name list to the register "A" of the local court Mauthausen (register of deceased who died as prisoners in KL Mauthausen) Book I + II A - Z conducted from 1940 - 1945
Records of the former prisoner IVKOVIC about prisoners of KL Mauthausen/ detachment Linz III
1) Name list of prisoners, who were left behind in the prisoners' infirmary on 2.4.45 during the evacuation of the SS work camp acid works Vienna XI due to their inability to march - ...
Death book of KL Mauthausen/detachment Gusen
Name registers (1 book) of "protective custody prisoners" of KL Mauthausen: - a) Transfers 16.5.39 - 19.9.41 - b) Releases 16.5.39 - 16.9.41 - c) Deceased 17.7.39 - 25.9.41
Name registers (1 book) of "protective custody prisoners" of KL Mauthausen: - a) Transfers 10.10.41 - 9.6.44 - b) Releases 26.9.41 - 20.4.44 - c) Deceased 26.9.41 - 18.6.42
Arrival lists of KL Mauthausen dated 21.9.44 (Arrivals on the 20.9.44 from KL Gross-Rosen)
Arrival list of KL Mauthausen - a) dated 23.6.1944 - b) dated 3.3.1945 / from KL Gross-Rosen
Name registers of deceased prisoners of Italian citizenship of KL Mauthausen/ - a) external camp detachment Gusen - b) external camp detachment Melk - 1941 - 1945 (postwar compilation)
Death list with names of prisoners of Belgian citizenship who died in KL Mauthausen - 1942, 1944 - 1945 (postwar compilations)
Arrival lists of KL Mauthausen dated 8.5.1944, 12.5.1944, 23.6.1944, 11.7.1944, 4.11.1944, 5.3.1944 (accumulative transport, partly from KL Gross-Rosen)
3 death books of KL Mauthausen/Gusen
Register of prisoner numbers that were ascertained through the exhumation of KZ dead from the so-called Marbacher mass grave. - ...
Index record of prisoners who were identified during the exhumation of dead KZ prisoners from the mass graves of Gunskirchen (names and dates identified by the archive of the museum Mauthausen)
1) Arrival lists of KL Mauthausen b) Prisoner list dated 28.2.1940 (population list of Dachau prisoners) arrival lists for the time period from 08.08.1938 - 22.04.1945
1) Transport list of KL Mauthausen departures to KL Neuengamme 22.3.1945 - 2) Reports detailing changes made in KL Mauthausen 26.10.1943; 7.6.1944 - 30.3.1945
1) Reports detailing changes made in KL Mauthausen 2.4.1945 - 28.4.1945 - 2) Name list of female prisoners of KL Mauthausen/ laundry detachment dated 24.4.1945 - ...
Arrival lists of KL Mauthausen/detachment - Gusen dated 8.4.1945, 13./15.4.1945, 17.4.1945, 20.4.1945, 28.4.1945
Lists of repatriates from Mauthausen, women and men with French, Belgian and Dutch citizenship, who arrived in Geneva (Cornarin) with the transport on 3.5.1945 (postwar compilation)
Name list of Polish citizens who died in the time period from September 1941 - February 1942 in KL Mauthausen / detachment Gusen
Report from the Gendarmerie post Rainbach - in Mühlkreis, Upper Austria, dated 28. January 1945 about discovery of KZ corpses on the railroad track Freistadt-Oberhaid
Arrival lists of KL Mauthausen - 17.9.1941 and 11.10.1941 - 24.5.1942 - 29.12.1942
arrival lists of KL Mauthausen, reports detailing changes made, Name register of prisoners who are not suitable for the work camp Wiener Neudorf and who are designated for exchange 1, Death reports of the external camp detachments Quarz, Leibnitz and Solvay and Fragment of a prisoner list of KL Mauthausen
Name list of deceased Spanish prisoners of KL Mauthausen/ detachment Gusen 1942 and Name list of deceased Spanish prisoners of KL Mauthausen, transferred to Gusen, later to Hartheim and went missing ...
Copies from the "Dokumentationsarchiv des Österreichischen Widerstandes" Vienna
Prisoner list (with deaths, releases and transfers, Prisoner lists a), register of mason trainees, work detachment of § 175 prisoners and Reports detailing changes made
Arrival lists - a) from 9.5.1940 - 5.12.1941 - b) from 26.2.1945 - 23.4.1945
Register of deceased Mauthausen prisoners, who rest in the urn collective grave at the honorary cemetery in Steyr/Upper Austria - 23.2.1940 - 11.5.1945
List of former prisoners of Yugoslav nationality from KL Mauthausen and external camp detachment who were in the camp on 5.5.1945
Arrest book from 05 June 1940 - 1942 -- These 12 pages were taken from lever-arch folder 526 Buchenwald (see Reference code 2470000).
Register book of KL Mauthausen/detachment Graz (in numerical order for prisoners), dates of transfers and deaths: 28.2.1944 - 5.5.1945
Name registrys of former prisoners of KL Mauthausen
Name list of former prisoners of KL Mauthausen/detachment Ebensee, who stayed in the Poles-camp in Ebensee after the war. Date not mentioned. (presumably June 1945)
Various documents concerning the detachment Ebensee
Various documents of the detachment Ebensee - death lists
Death reports & transfer certifications of prisoners of KL Mauthausen/detachment St. Valentin, 24.1.1945 - 17.4.1945 (129 prisoner numbers)
Death book of KL Mauthausen/detachment Schlier(Redl-Lipf), 16.11.1943 - 12.3.1945
Names list of Mauthausen concentration camp prisoners who died and notice of deaths of the Mauthausen concentration camp to the Wehrbezirkskommando Linz/Danube: deaths of prisoners of German nationality
Name lists and block reports of prisoners who were imprinsoned as Gypsies
Name directory of surviving prisoners in KL Mauthausen/detachment Ebensee on 6.5.1945 postwar-transcript
Arrivals and departures lists (change lists) of KL Mauthausen 1944
Name list of the prisoners of the detachment Steyr-Münichholz
Cemetery list of the town Langenstein, administrative district Perg, concerning former prisoners of KL Mauthausen, who died after liberation. Compilation date: 6.10.1950
Lists from the Greek Red Cross
Name and death lists
Penalty and arrest book of the concentration camp Mauthausen and name list of prisoners who were in camp Loibl-Pass
List of Greek who died at CC Mauthausen, including a verification of the investigating Allied Officer dated 1945-07-20
Written correspondence from the German Red Cross - concerning investigation of prisoners with predominantly Yugoslav citizenship, interned in Mauthausen Concentration Camp - 3.11.1944 - 3.2.1945
Cover letter and lists of 15 Jehovah's Witnesses who arrived at Schloß Mittersill/Salzburg from concentration camp Ravensbrück
Internees in Mauthausen liberated by the Americans (Hungary)
Prisoners of war work camp Mauthausen-Gusen - political division and Wehrmacht correspondence concerning the expulsion from the Wehrmacht of former HIWIS
Arbeitskopien des Listenmaterials Mauthausen - Individual Documents Regarding Male Detainees Mauthausen - Individual Documents Regarding Female Detainees Mauthausen - Number Index Mauthausen - Hollerith preparatory worksheet cards Mauthausen - War Crime Investigations Mauthausen - Häftlings-Personal-Karten Mauthausen
1.1.27 - Concentration Camp Mittelbau (Dora)
1.1.28 - Moringen Concentration Camp and "Jugendschutzlager"/ Protective Custody Camp for Juveniles
1.1.29 - Natzweiler (Struthof) Concentration Camp
1.1.30 - Neuengamme Concentration Camp
1.1.31 - Niederhagen (Wewelsburg) Concentration Camp
1.1.32 - Camps in Norway
1.1.33 - Oranienburg Concentration Camp
1.1.34 - Papenburg Penitentiary Camp/ Emslandlager
1.1.35 - Ravensbrück Concentration Camp
1.1.36 - Riga (Kaiserwald) Concentration Camp and Riga Ghetto
1.1.37 - Sachsenburg Concentration Camp
1.1.38 - Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp
1.1.39 - Sandbostel Absorption Camp
1.1.40 - Schirmeck-Vorbruck Concentration Camp
1.1.41 - Stutthof Concentration Camp
1.1.42 - Theresienstadt Ghetto
1.1.43 - Treblinka Labour Camp
1.1.44 - Warsaw Ghetto and Concentration Camp
1.1.45 - Welzheim Concentration Camp (Protective Custody Camp)
1.1.46 - Westerbork Assembly and Transit Camp
1.1.47 - Various Camps
1.1.48 - Concentration Camp Bad Sulza
1.1.49 - Concentration Camp Colditz
1.1.50 - Schutzhaftlager Hohnstein
1.1.51 - Concentration Camp Sonnenburg
1.1.52 - Concentration Camp Columbia-Haus Concentration Camp
1.1.53 - Concentration Camp Eutin
1.1.54 - Concentration Camp Heinersdorf
1.1.55 - Concentration Camp Heuberg
1.1.56 - Concentration Camp Kemna
1.1.57 - Concentration Camp Kuhlen
1.1.58 - Concentration Camp Osthofen
1.1.59 - Concentration Camp Roßlau
1.1.60 - Concentration Camps Wittmoor, Fuhlsbüttel and Neuengamme
1.1.61 - Juvenile Detention and Reform Camp Lebrechtsdorf
1.2 - Miscellaneous
2 - Registration of Foreigners and German Persecutees by Public Institutions, Social Securities and Companies (1939 - 1947)
3 - Registrations and Files of Displaced Persons, Children and Missing Persons
4 - Special NSDAP organizations and actions
5 - Death Marches, identification of unkown dead and Nazi trials
6 - Records of the ITS and its predecessors
7 - Archival records of microforms (new material / document acquisition)
8 - Collections of private persons and small archives