0 - Global Finding Aids
1 - Incarceration Documents
2 - Registration of Foreigners and German Persecutees by Public Institutions, Social Securities and Companies (1939 - 1947)
3 - Registrations and Files of Displaced Persons, Children and Missing Persons
4 - Special NSDAP organizations and actions
5 - Death Marches, identification of unkown dead and Nazi trials
6 - Records of the ITS and its predecessors
7 - Archival records of microforms (new material / document acquisition)
7.1 - Microfilms
7.2 - Document acquisition in the former Soviet Union
7.3 - Document acquisition in Sweden
7.4 - Document acquisition in former Yugoslavia
7.5 - Document acquisition in Germany
7.5.1 - Heidelberg, Stadtarchiv
7.5.2 - Ludwigsburg, Staatsarchiv
7.5.3 - Magdeburg, Landeshauptarchiv
7.5.4 - Leipzig, Archiv der Israelitische Religionsgemeinde
75400067 - Finding aid
754001 - Heimankaufsverträge JKV Leipzig
754002 - Deportations from Leipzig and cities of the District Office Central Germany
Deportations from Leipzig (via Berlin) to Theresienstadt and to CC Auschwitz on 1943/02/10; 1943/02/17
Deportation from Magdeburg and surrounding cities via Dessau (Potsdam and Berlin) to the Warsaw Ghetto, 1942/04/14
Deportation from Weimar (via Leipzig and Chemnitz) to the ghetto Bełżyce (1st partial transport), 1942/05/10
Deportation (from Weimar) via Leipzig (and Chemnitz) to Bełżyce (2nd partial transport), 1942/05/10
Deportation (from Weimar via Leipzig) and Chemnitz to the ghetto Bełżyce (3rd partial transport), 1942/05/10
Deportation from Halle (start in Kassel) to Majdanek and Sobibor, 1942/06/01
Deportation from Schmalkalden (starting in Kassel) to Majdanek and Sobibor, 1942/06/01
Deportation from Magdeburg (via Leipzig and Chemnitz) to CC Auschwitz, 1942/07/11
Deportation (from Leipzig) via Chemnitz to CC Auschwitz, 1942/07/13
Deportation from Leipzig (via Chemnitz - Dresden - Sudetenland) to CC Auschwitz, 1942/07/13
Deportation from Dresden to Theresienstadt (Transport V/4), 1942/08/11
Deportation (from Kassel) via Chemnitz to Theresienstadt (Transport XV/1), 1942/09/07
Deportation (from Erfurt) via Leipzig to Theresienstadt (Transport XVI/1), 1942/09/19
Deportation from Dresden to CC Auschwitz on 1943/03/03
Deportation from Leipzig to Theresienstadt (Transport XVI/2), 1943/06/18
Correspondence concerning the death of the Hirschmann couple from Arnstadt before their deportation to Theresienstadt (April 1943)
Deportation from Leipzig to Theresienstadt (Transport XVI/4), 1944/01/13
Deportation (from Frankfurt/Main) via Leipzig to Theresienstadt (Transport XII/10), 1945/02/14
754009 - Immigration questionnaires
754001L - Gliederung
754002L - Akten und Druckschriften aus dem 19. Jahrhundert
754003L - Schriftgut 1900-1945
754004L - Schriftgut 1945-1990
754005L - Korrespondenz A-Z
754006L - Schriftwechsel URO
754007L - Gemeinde Grundstücke
754008L - Friedhöfe
754009L - Mitgliederangelegenheiten
754010L - NS-Prozesse
754011L - Finanzen
754012L - VdN u. Wiedergutmachung
754013L - Schriftwechsel Jüdische Gemeinden
754014L - Jüd. Leben, Kultur und Geschichte seit 1990
754015L - Verschiedenes
754016L - Pressesammlung
754017L - Schriftgut von Archiven und Privatpersonen als Fotokopien zur Bestandsergänzung
754018L - Schriftgut fremder Provenienz
754003 - Mitgliederkartei
754004 - Gestapo index card Leipzig (fragments)
754005 - Betreuungskarten
754006 - Postwar Index Card
754007 - Emigration Index card
754008 - Death notices
7540185 - 500
7540186 - 501
7540187 - 502
7540188 - 503
7540189 - 504
7540190 - 505
7540191 - 506
7540192 - 507
7540193 - 508 2A
7540194 - 509
7540195 - 510
7540196 - 511
7540197 - 512
7540198 - 513 2A
7540199 - 514 2A
7540200 - 515
7540201 - 516 2B
7540202 - 517
7540203 - 518
7540204 - 519 2B
7540205 - 530 2B
7540206 - 531
7540207 - 532 2B
7540208 - 533 2C
7540209 - 534 2C
7540210 - 535 2C
7540211 - 536 2C
7540212 - 537 2C
7540213 - 538 2C
7540214 - 539 2C
7540215 - 540 2C
7540216 - 541 2C
7540217 - 542 2C
7540218 - 543 2E
75402119 - 544
7540220 - 545 2C
7540221 - 546 2C
7540222 - 2_37
7540223 - 2_38
7.5.5 - Plettenberg, Stadtarchiv
7.5.6 - Hamburg, Bundeseisenbahnvermögen
7.5.7 - German Federal Archives
7.5.8 - Bomlitz, Gemeinde
7.5.9 - Landshut, Staatsarchiv
7.5.10 - Kiel, Landeshauptstadt, Archiv der Meldebehörde
7.5.11 - Schwerin, Landeshauptarchiv
7.5.12 - Kahla, Förderverein Mahn- und Gedenkstätte Walpersberg e.V.
7.5.13 - LHA Sachsen-Anhalt
7.5.14 - Brandenburg, Kreisarchiv Potsdam Mittelmark
7.5.15 - Marienberg, Kreisarchiv
7.5.16 - Oldenburg, Niedersächsisches Staatsarchiv
7.5.17 - Wensin-Garbek, Amt
7.5.18 - Bremen, State archive
7.5.19 - Sächsisches Staatsarchiv
7.5.20 - Berlin, State archive
7.5.21 - Apolda, Municipal Archives
7.5.22 - Stadt archiv bornheim
7.5.23 - IKG Nuremberg
7.5.24 - Stadtarchiv Nürnberg
7.5.25 - Brilon, Stadtarchiv
7.5.26 - Berlin, Deutsches Historisches Museum
7.5.27 - German National Library
7.5.28 - new archival unit
7.5.29 - Evangelisches Krankenhaus Hubertus Berlin
7.5.30 - Nordelbische Ev.-Luth. Kirche Ladelund
7.6 - Document acquisition in the US
7.7 - Document acquisition in Belgium
7.8 - Document acquisition in Poland
7.9 - Document acquisition in Hungary
7.10 - Dokumentenerwerb in England
7.11 - Document acquisition in Austria
7.12 - Document acquisition - International organisations
7.15 - Document acquisition in Romania
7.16 - Document acquisition in Estonia
7.13 - Document acquisition in the Czech Republic
7.14 - Document acquisition in Israel
8 - Collections of private persons and small archives