0 - Global Finding Aids
1 - Incarceration Documents
2 - Registration of Foreigners and German Persecutees by Public Institutions, Social Securities and Companies (1939 - 1947)
3 - Registrations and Files of Displaced Persons, Children and Missing Persons
3.1 - Evidence of Abode and Emigration
3.1.1 - Registration and Care of DPs inside and outside of Camps
3.1.2 - Treatment of DPs in hospitals
3.1.3 - Emigrations - AJDC Paris Emigration Card File - Passenger lists and further compilations on emigrated persons
Registrations and emigration predominantly from Germany
Period 1946 - 1952 (chiefly IRO support)
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen: transport by ship (MARINE FLASHER, MARINE PERCH); transit countries and final destinations: USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen: transport by ship (MARINE FLASHER, MARINE PERCH); transit countries and final destinations: USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen: transport by ship (MARINE FLASHER); transit countries and final destinations: USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen: transport by ship (MARINE PERCH); transit countries and final destinations: USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen: transport by ship (MARINE MARLIN, MARINE PERCH); transit countries and final destinations: USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen: transport by ship (ERNIE PYLE, MARINE MARLIN); transit countries and final destinations: USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen: transport by ship (ERNIE PYLE, MARINE MARLIN); transit countries and final destinations: USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen: transport by ship (ERNIE PYLE); transit countries and final destinations: USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen: transport by ship (MARINE MARLIN); transit countries and final destinations: USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen: transport by ship (ERNIE PYLE, MARINE PERCH); transit countries and final destinations: USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen: transport by ship (MARINE MARLIN); transit countries and final destinations: USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen: transport by ship (MARINE FLASHER); transit countries and final destinations: USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen: transport by ship (ERNIE PYLE); transit countries and final destinations: USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen: transport by ship (MARINE PERCH); transit countries and final destinations: USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen: transport by ship (MARINE MARLIN); transit countries and final destinations: USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen: transport by ship (ERNIE PYLE, MARINE MARLIN); transit countries and final destinations: USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen: transport by ship (ERNIE PYLE, MARINE MARLIN); transit countries and final destinations: USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Amberg: transport by train, airplane; transit countries and final destinations: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Chile, France, French Africa, French protectora ...
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Ludwigsburg, Stuttgart: transport by ship (USS GENERAL HEINTZELMANN); transit countries and final destinations: Belgium, Brazil, Germany, France, Canada, Swed ...
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen: transport by ship (MARINE FLASHER, MARINE MARLIN); transit countries and final destinations: USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen: transport by ship (ERNIE PYLE); transit countries and final destinations: USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen: transport by ship (ERNIE PYLE, MARINE FLASHER); transit countries and final destinations: USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Ludwigsburg, Stuttgart: transit countries and final destinations: Belgium, Germany, France, Canada, Netherlands, Sweden, UK
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen: transport by ship (MARINE FLASHER, MARINE TIGER); transit countries and final destinations: USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Ludwigsburg, Stuttgart: transit countries and final destinations: Belgium, Germany, France, Netherlands, Sweden, UK, USA, Venezuela
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen: transport by ship (ERNIE PYLE); transit countries and final destinations: USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen: transport by ship (MARINE FLASHER); transit countries and final destinations: USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Stuttgart: transit countries and final destinations: Belgium, Germany, France, Netherlands, Sweden, UK
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen: transport by ship (MARINE TIGER); transit countries and final destinations: USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Amberg: transport by airplane; transit countries and final destinations: UK, Venezuela
Emigrations in 1948
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Stuttgart: transport by train; transit countries and final destinations: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Denmark, Germany, France, Guat ...
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Ludwigsburg, Stuttgart: transit countries and final destinations: Belgium, Germany, France, Canada, Colombia, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA, Venez ...
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Ludwigsburg: transport by airplane, ship (SVALBARD); transit countries and final destinations: Australia, Belgium, Chile, Germany, France, Italy, Canada, Moro ...
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Ludwigsburg: transit countries and final destinations: Germany, UK
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Hannover-Buchholz: transit countries and final destinations: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, India, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Amberg: transit countries and final destinations: America, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Israel, Canada, Morocco, Netherlands, UK, Venezuela
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen: transport by train, airplane; transit countries and final destinations: Australia, Italy, Canada, UK
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Neuenbürg, Niederlahnstein: transit countries and final destinations: Brazil, Germany
Emigrations in 1949
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Stuttgart: transport by train, airplane, ship (ARISTOTELES, CAMPANA, CYRENIA, FLORIDA, LEME, LUCIANO MANARA, MUREL, STUTTGART, SURRIENTO, VESPUCCI); transit c ...
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen: transport by airplane (BRITISH EUROPEAN AIRWAYS, FLIGHT 169/3, FLIGHT NO. 4, S.A.S. 21, S.A.S. 23, S.A.S. 29, S.A.S. 32, S.A.S. 35, S.A.S. 44 , S.A.S. ...
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Augsburg: transport by airplane, ship (CYRENIA, PHILLIPA, USO DI MARE); transit countries and final destinations: Argentina, Ethiopia, Australia, Belgium, Bra ...
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Wentorf: transit countries and final destinations: Germany, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Wentorf: transit countries and final destinations: Germany, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Münster/Westfalen: transit countries and final destinations: Belgium, Germany, France
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Wentorf: transit countries and final destinations: Germany, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Ansbach, Ansbach-Strueth: transport by airplane, ship (LUCIANO MANARA, VESPUCCI); transit countries and final destinations: Argentina, Ethiopia, Australia, Br ...
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Wentorf: transit countries and final destinations: Germany, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Wentorf: transit countries and final destinations: Germany, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Wentorf: transit countries and final destinations: Germany, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Wentorf: transit countries and final destinations: Germany, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Wentorf: transit countries and final destinations: Germany, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Wentorf: transit countries and final destinations: Germany, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Wentorf: transit countries and final destinations: Germany, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at München: transport by airplane (IRO CONY NR. 45, IRO CONY NR. 47, IRO CONY NR. 48, IRO CONY NR. 49, KLM KL 254, KLM KL 637, KLM NR. KL 266, KLM NR. KL 631); t ...
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Frankfurt am Main: transport by airplane (S.A.S.), ship (CHAMPOLLION, CYRENIA, DOUTOUBA, MARCO POLO, SURRIENTO, USS GENERAL GREELEY, USS GENERAL STURGIS, ZUID ...
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Wentorf: transit countries and final destinations: Germany, USA (contains also names of persons not having left)
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Wentorf: transit countries and final destinations: Germany, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Augsburg: transport by ship (VESPUCCI); transit countries and final destinations: Argentina, Australia, France, Italy, Canada, Colombia, Norway, Pakistan, Swe ...
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Wentorf: transit countries and final destinations: Germany, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Wentorf: transit countries and final destinations: Germany, USA (contains also names of persons not having left)
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Wentorf: transit countries and final destinations: Germany, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Wentorf: transit countries and final destinations: Germany, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Hannover-Buchholz: transport by airplane, ship (ARISTOTELES, USA LINES, USS GENERAL HEINTZELMANN); transit countries and final destinations: Brazil, Colombia, ...
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Rastatt: transport by airplane; transit countries and final destinations: Argentina, Belgium, Chile, Germany, Italy, Canada, New Caledonia, Pakistan, South Af ...
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Wentorf: transit countries and final destinations: Germany, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Frankfurt am Main: transport by ship (ARISTOTELES, AYRON VENDRES, CARLTON SOV, CHANTILLY, FLORIDA, LUCIANO MANARA, TOSCANA, USS GENERAL HAAN, USS GENERAL HEIN ...
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Wentorf: transit countries and final destinations: Germany, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Göttingen, Wentorf: transit countries and final destinations: Germany, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Seedorf: transport by ship (DUNDALK BAY, USS GENERAL LANGFIT); transit countries and final destinations: Australia, Italy
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Wentorf: transit countries and final destinations: Germany, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Wentorf: transport by airplane; transit countries and final destinations: Germany, USA
Emigrations in 1950
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Rastatt: transport by ship (ANNA C, CROIX, LUGANO, SCYTHIA); transit countries and final destinations: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Germany, France, ...
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Wentorf: transport by airplane; transit countries and final destinations: Germany, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Brüssel, Den Haag, München, Neapel, Paris: transport by airplane (KLM FLUG NR. 653, ROYAL DUTCH AIRLINES), ship (ARCADES, BLACK CONDOR, BLOEMFONTEIN, CLAUDE B ...
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Ludwigsburg: transit countries and final destinations: Germany, Canada, New Zealand, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at London, Lübeck, Lübeck-Blankensee: transport by train, airplane (AIR FRANCE AF 487, AIR FRANCE AF 007); transit countries and final destinations: Denmark, Ger ...
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Wentorf: transport by airplane; transit countries and final destinations: Germany, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Düsseldorf, Göttingen, Wentorf: transit countries and final destinations: Germany, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Frankfurt am Main: transport by ship (CLAUDE BERNARD, DJENNE, FLORIDA, GERUSALEMME, KERGUELEN, MIRE, MISR, STERLING CASTLE, USO DI MARE); transit countries an ...
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Augsburg: transport by ship (CLAUDE BERNARD, DJENNE, FLORIDA, USO DI MARE); transit countries and final destinations: Australia, Brazil, French protectorate o ...
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Wentorf: transit countries and final destinations: Germany, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Wentorf: transit countries and final destinations: Germany, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Germersheim: transit countries and final destinations: Guyana
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen-Grohn: transport by ship (AUS/186 FAIR SEA, FAIR SEA); transit countries and final destinations: Australia
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Wentorf: transit countries and final destinations: Germany, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen-Grohn: transport by ship (GOYA, USS GENERAL STEWART); transit countries and final destinations: Canada, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Düsseldorf, Wentorf: transit countries and final destinations: USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Ludwigsburg: transport by airplane; transit countries and final destinations: Germany, Canada, USA
Emigrations in 1951
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen-Grohn: transport by ship (USS GENERAL BLATCHFORD); transit countries and final destinations: USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen-Grohn: transport by ship (USS GENERAL TAYLOR); transit countries and final destinations: USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Wentorf: transport by airplane, ship (HOMELAND); transit countries and final destinations: Germany, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at München: transport by airplane (FLYING TIGER LINE INC., IRO FLIGHT FLYT #116), ship (HOMELAND); transit countries and final destinations: Australia, Belgium, ...
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Ludwigsburg: transport by airplane, ship (QUEEN ELIZABETH, QUEEN MARY); transit countries and final destinations: Germany, France, Canada, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Bremen: transport by airplane (AIR FRANCE AF 487, AIR FRANCE AF 005, AIR FRANCE AF 489, AIR FRANCE AF 005 , BEA, KLM, FLUG 129, FLUG 132, FLUG 134, FLUG 135, ...
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Wentorf: transport by ship (HAVOERN, ILE DE FRANCE); transit countries and final destinations: Germany, France, Netherlands, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at München: transport by train, airplane (FLYING TIGER LINE IRO FLIGHT "FLYT # 131", KLM 1916), ship (ILE DE FRANCE); transit countries and final destinations: A ...
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at Wentorf: transport by ship (HOMELAND, ITALIA); transit countries and final destinations: Germany, USA
Correspondence and nominal roles, done at München: transport by train, airplane (FLYING TIGER LINE IRO FLIGHT "FLYT # 133"), ship (ILE DE FRANCE, QUEEN ELIZABETH, QUEEN MARY); transit countries and fi ...
Emigrations in 1952
Period 1952 - 1971 (ICEM support)
Registrations and emigration predominantly from Austria
Registrations and emigration predominantly from other European countries
Registrations and emigration predominantly from African countries
Registrations and emigration predominantly from Asian countries
3.2 - Relief Programs of Various Organizations
3.3 - Child Tracing Branch/Tracing service
4 - Special NSDAP organizations and actions
5 - Death Marches, identification of unkown dead and Nazi trials
6 - Records of the ITS and its predecessors
7 - Archival records of microforms (new material / document acquisition)
8 - Collections of private persons and small archives