0 - Global Finding Aids
1 - Incarceration Documents
2 - Registration of Foreigners and German Persecutees by Public Institutions, Social Securities and Companies (1939 - 1947)
2.1 - Implementation of Allied Forces’ Orders on Listing all Foreigners and German Persecutees, and Related Documents
2.1.1 - American Zone of Occupation in Germany - Lists of all persons of United Nations and other foreigners, German Jews and stateless persons; American Zone; Bavaria, Hesse (1)
Documentation from Bavaria
Documentation from Hesse
Documents from the rural district Alsfeld
Documents from the rural district Bergstraße
Documents from the rural district Biedenkopf
Documents from the rural district Büdingen
Documents from the rural district Darmstadt
Documents from the rural district Darmstadt (SK)
Documents from the rural district Dieburg
Documents from the rural district Dillkreis
Documents from the rural district Erbach/Odenwald
Documents from the rural district Eschwege
Documents from the rural district Frankenberg/Eder
Documents from the rural district Frankfurt/Main
Documents from the rural district Frankfurt/main (SK)
Documents from the rural district Friedberg
Documents from the rural district Fritzlar-Homberg
Documents from the rural district Fulda
Documents from the rural district Fulda (SK)
Documents from the rural district Gelnhausen
Documents from the rural district Giessen
Documents from the rural district Giessen (SK)
Documents from the rural district Groß-Gerau
Documents from the rural district Hanau
Documents from the rural district Hanau (SK)
Documents from the rural district Hersfeld
Documents from the rural district Hofgeismar
Documents from the rural district Hünfeld
Documents from the rural district Kassel
Documents from the rural district Kassel (SK)
Documents from the rural district Lauterbach
Documents from the rural district Limburg/Lahn
Documents from the rural district Main-Taunuskreis
Documents from the rural district Marburg/Lahn
Documents from the rural district Marburg/lahn (SK)
Documents from the rural district Melsungen
Documents from the rural district Oberlahnkreis
Documents from the rural district Obertaunuskreis
Documents from the rural district Offenbach
Documents from the rural district Offenbach (SK)
Documents from the rural district Rheingaukreis
Documents from the rural district Rotenburg an der Fulda
Documents from the rural district Schlüchtern
Documents from the rural district Untertaunuskreis
Documents from the rural district Usingen
Documents from the rural district Waldeck
Documents from the rural district Wetzlar
Documents from the rural district Wiesbaden (SK)
Documents from the rural district Witzenhausen
Documents from the rural district Wolfhagen
Documents from the rural district Ziegenhain
Lists of all persons of United Nations and other foreigners, German Jews and stateless persons
Lists about foreign citizens who, during and after the war, were officially registered in Darmstadt 1939 - 1949
Name lists concerning foreigners, who were registered in the city Ebern, 1939 -1945
1 list in triplicate giving the names of 27 Jews who worked in a Labour Unit in Möhren from 27.07.43 to 20.04.45 and were transported to Wülzburg-Weissenburg ...
2 lists in triplicate concerning 66 a/m nationals who were evacuated to the East in 1943/44 as was told by the Gestapo and their papers of identity were handed over to the Police-Department Munich. It ...
1 list in triplicate concerning Jews who were deported to Itzbika, Theresienstadt and Dachau. Where it is presamed that they died except 2 of them. [...] known to be living in Switzerland. The burial place of 2 persons is known ...
Lists in triplicate concerning a/m nationals who lived in Regensburg during the war time.
2 lists in tripl. concerning a/m persons whose names appear in the Grundbuch and various other documents kept in Amtsgericht Hammelburg ...
List in triplicate concerning a/m persons whose names appear in the Registratur of Amtsgericht Aschaffenburg
Lists concerning a/m persons of whom original identity cards are kept in Landratsamt Ochsenfurt and different other documents of the Amtsgericht Ochsenfurt ...
1 list in triplicate concerning a/m nationals whose names appear in the records of the city-police Nördlingen and various other offices. ...
Reports concerning properties and belongings of a/m persons and the Jewish Cultural Committee of Brückenau Stadt
17 lists in tripl. concerning properties and belongings of a/m persons in Regensburg
2 reports concerning properties of German Jews located in Geroda. Vague details are given.
7 reports concerning properties of a/m persons in Unsleben
1 report in tripl. concerning properties of Bernsheimer Ernst Karl in München
4 reports concerning properties of a/m persons in Untererthal
3 reports concerning properties of a/m persons in Völkersleier
1 report in tripl. concerning properties of BLANK JETTE in Euerbach
5 reports in triplicate concerning belongings and properties of the a/m nationals in Gochheim
3 lists (one in duplo. & one in triplo) and covering letter concerning Jews of on r/m nationalities who were living in the o/m localities during 1941/42. Some of them were deported to Riga or to the eastern territories. ... - Lists of all persons of United Nations and other foreigners, German Jews and stateless persons; American Zone; Bavaria, Wurttemberg-Baden, Bremen (2) - Lists of all persons of United Nations and other foreigners, German Jews and stateless persons; American Zone; Bavaria, Hesse (Children)
2.1.2 - British Zone of Occupation in Germany
2.1.3 - French Zone of Occupation in Germany
2.1.4 - Soviet Zone of Occupation in Germany
2.1.5 - Berlin, all Sectors
2.1.6 - Austria, all Zones of Occupation
2.1.7 - Other Countries
2.1.8 - Various and unknown Zones
2.2 - Documents on the Registration of Foreigners and the Employment of Forced Laborers, 1939 - 1945
2.3 - Post-war Evaluations of Various Organizations
3 - Registrations and Files of Displaced Persons, Children and Missing Persons
4 - Special NSDAP organizations and actions
5 - Death Marches, identification of unkown dead and Nazi trials
6 - Records of the ITS and its predecessors
7 - Archival records of microforms (new material / document acquisition)
8 - Collections of private persons and small archives