0 - Global Finding Aids
1 - Incarceration Documents
1.1 - Camps and Ghettos
1.1.0 - General Information
1.1.1 - Amersfoort Police Transit Camp
1.1.2 - Auschwitz Concentration and Extermination Camp
1.1.3 - Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp
1.1.4 - Breendonk Transit Camp
1.1.5 - Buchenwald Concentration Camp
1.1.6 - Dachau Concentration Camp - General Information on Dachau Concentration Camp - List Material Dachau - Individual Documents Dachau - Number Index Dachau - Hollerith preparatory cards Dachau - Office Cards Dachau - "Messerschmitt" Card File Dachau - Malaria Card File Dachau - References to Hospital Files Dachau - International Information Office Dachau index for photographs - Dachau collection of the Central Historical Commission of the Liberated Jews in the US Zone
Product and price list of the Waffen SS, 1943
Transport book
Personal Items inventory
Personal Items lists
Inventory sheets
Laundry, clothing and equipment lists
Revenue and expense book of SS
Polish Jewish Refugee Fund, Geneva
Requests to SS garment factories and warehouses
Receival notes for goods
Registration forms of items
Registration forms of items
Reports from prisoners to the leader of the Division III Concentration Camp Dachau
Inventory of inmate index
List of Polish priests
Lists of Polish prisoners
Transport lists to the concentration camps
Cashier's statements on the receival of the amounts with name lists, bank receipts and other confirmations
Cash statements on the issuing of amounts with name lists, bank receipts and other confirmations
Waivers of social security matters and various insurance documents.
Name index cards
Sal-San, Bar-Far, Ber-Bru, Far-Gün, Fro-Fun, Gab-Hel
San-Wol, Zal-Zuc, Wei-Wie, Schw-See
Zas-Zen, Zal-Zaj, Wol, Zen-Zin, Hol-Sal, Abr-Bar, Kes-Saj
Abi-Fei, Ban-Gir, Bri-Jol, Gir-Lur
Fel-Fer, Cze-Erl, Dom-Dre, Tsch-Wei, mixed
Mixed names
Mixed names
Gea-Goe, Fuc-Fur, Gac-Gdu, Fro-Foi
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Pub - Ru
Dol-Fil, Vee-Zun
Tsc-Tur, Wac-Wag
Tch-Twa, Wad-Zor
Chn-Dol, Val-Vat
Ps-Sch, mixed names
Su-Sta, Kap-Kyr, mixed names
Mixed names
Kra-Koh, Ber-Hos, mixed names
Various personal photographs found in CC Dachau
Various personal photographs found in CC Dachau
Various photographs of military personell of various nations found in CC Dachau
Social insurance documents with name lists: Sachsenhausen, Wewelsburg, s-Hertogenbosch (Holland)
Lists about clothing of internees in Dachau
Personal documents of Hauptsturmführer Paul Reis: correspondence, certificates, invoices
1.1.7 - Esterwegen Concentration Camp
1.1.8 - Flossenbürg Concentration Camp
1.1.9 - Camps in France
1.1.10 - Labor Reformatory Camp Großbeeren
1.1.11 - Groß-Rosen Concentration Camp
1.1.12 - Herzogenbusch-Vught Concentration Camp
1.1.13 - Hinzert Special SS Camp
1.1.14 - Camps in Italy and Albania
1.1.15 - Camps in Yugoslavia
1.1.16 - Kislau Concentration Camp
1.1.17 - Klooga / Vaivara Concentration Camp
1.1.18 - Ghetto Kauen (Kaunas / Kowno)
1.1.19 - Krakau-Plaszow Concentration Camp
1.1.20 - Lichtenburg Concentration Camp
1.1.21 - Labor reformatory camp Liebenau (Internment Camp Liebenau)
1.1.22 - Litzmannstadt (Lodz) Ghetto and "Polen-Jugendverwahrlager" /Detention Camp for Polish Juveniles
1.1.23 - Lublin (Majdanek) Concentration Camp
1.1.24 - Mecheln (Malines) SS Deportation Camp
1.1.25 - Mauritius Detainment Camp
1.1.26 - Mauthausen Concentration Camp
1.1.27 - Concentration Camp Mittelbau (Dora)
1.1.28 - Moringen Concentration Camp and "Jugendschutzlager"/ Protective Custody Camp for Juveniles
1.1.29 - Natzweiler (Struthof) Concentration Camp
1.1.30 - Neuengamme Concentration Camp
1.1.31 - Niederhagen (Wewelsburg) Concentration Camp
1.1.32 - Camps in Norway
1.1.33 - Oranienburg Concentration Camp
1.1.34 - Papenburg Penitentiary Camp/ Emslandlager
1.1.35 - Ravensbrück Concentration Camp
1.1.36 - Riga (Kaiserwald) Concentration Camp and Riga Ghetto
1.1.37 - Sachsenburg Concentration Camp
1.1.38 - Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp
1.1.39 - Sandbostel Absorption Camp
1.1.40 - Schirmeck-Vorbruck Concentration Camp
1.1.41 - Stutthof Concentration Camp
1.1.42 - Theresienstadt Ghetto
1.1.43 - Treblinka Labour Camp
1.1.44 - Warsaw Ghetto and Concentration Camp
1.1.45 - Welzheim Concentration Camp (Protective Custody Camp)
1.1.46 - Westerbork Assembly and Transit Camp
1.1.47 - Various Camps
1.1.48 - Concentration Camp Bad Sulza
1.1.49 - Concentration Camp Colditz
1.1.50 - Schutzhaftlager Hohnstein
1.1.51 - Concentration Camp Sonnenburg
1.1.52 - Concentration Camp Columbia-Haus Concentration Camp
1.1.53 - Concentration Camp Eutin
1.1.54 - Concentration Camp Heinersdorf
1.1.55 - Concentration Camp Heuberg
1.1.56 - Concentration Camp Kemna
1.1.57 - Concentration Camp Kuhlen
1.1.58 - Concentration Camp Osthofen
1.1.59 - Concentration Camp Roßlau
1.1.60 - Concentration Camps Wittmoor, Fuhlsbüttel and Neuengamme
1.1.61 - Juvenile Detention and Reform Camp Lebrechtsdorf
1.2 - Miscellaneous
2 - Registration of Foreigners and German Persecutees by Public Institutions, Social Securities and Companies (1939 - 1947)
3 - Registrations and Files of Displaced Persons, Children and Missing Persons
4 - Special NSDAP organizations and actions
5 - Death Marches, identification of unkown dead and Nazi trials
6 - Records of the ITS and its predecessors
7 - Archival records of microforms (new material / document acquisition)
8 - Collections of private persons and small archives