0 - Global Finding Aids
1 - Incarceration Documents
1.1 - Camps and Ghettos
1.1.0 - General Information
1.1.1 - Amersfoort Police Transit Camp
1.1.2 - Auschwitz Concentration and Extermination Camp
1.1.3 - Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp
1.1.4 - Breendonk Transit Camp
1.1.5 - Buchenwald Concentration Camp
1.1.6 - Dachau Concentration Camp
1.1.7 - Esterwegen Concentration Camp
1.1.8 - Flossenbürg Concentration Camp
1.1.9 - Camps in France
1.1.10 - Labor Reformatory Camp Großbeeren
1.1.11 - Groß-Rosen Concentration Camp
1.1.12 - Herzogenbusch-Vught Concentration Camp
1.1.13 - Hinzert Special SS Camp
1.1.14 - Camps in Italy and Albania
1.1.15 - Camps in Yugoslavia
1.1.16 - Kislau Concentration Camp
1.1.17 - Klooga / Vaivara Concentration Camp
1.1.18 - Ghetto Kauen (Kaunas / Kowno)
1.1.19 - Krakau-Plaszow Concentration Camp
1.1.20 - Lichtenburg Concentration Camp
1.1.21 - Labor reformatory camp Liebenau (Internment Camp Liebenau)
1.1.22 - Litzmannstadt (Lodz) Ghetto and "Polen-Jugendverwahrlager" /Detention Camp for Polish Juveniles
1.1.23 - Lublin (Majdanek) Concentration Camp
1.1.24 - Mecheln (Malines) SS Deportation Camp
1.1.25 - Mauritius Detainment Camp
1.1.26 - Mauthausen Concentration Camp
1.1.27 - Concentration Camp Mittelbau (Dora)
1.1.28 - Moringen Concentration Camp and "Jugendschutzlager"/ Protective Custody Camp for Juveniles
1.1.29 - Natzweiler (Struthof) Concentration Camp
1.1.30 - Neuengamme Concentration Camp
1.1.31 - Niederhagen (Wewelsburg) Concentration Camp
1.1.32 - Camps in Norway
1.1.33 - Oranienburg Concentration Camp
1.1.34 - Papenburg Penitentiary Camp/ Emslandlager
1.1.35 - Ravensbrück Concentration Camp
1.1.36 - Riga (Kaiserwald) Concentration Camp and Riga Ghetto
1.1.37 - Sachsenburg Concentration Camp
1.1.38 - Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp
1.1.39 - Sandbostel Absorption Camp
1.1.40 - Schirmeck-Vorbruck Concentration Camp
1.1.41 - Stutthof Concentration Camp - General Information on Stutthof Concentration Camp - List Material Stutthof - Individual Documents Stutthof
Personal Files - Stutthof Concentration Camp
Files with names from AANDAL
Files with names from ADLER
Files with names from AMSTERDAMSKY
Files with names from ARONOWITS
Files with names from BAGDONAWITSCHIUS
Files with names from BARANOWA
Files with names from BAUER
Files with names from BENEDEK
Files with names from BERKOWITZ
Files with names from BIERANS
Files with names from BLECHER
Files with names from BOD
Files with names from BORKAU
Files with names from BRAUN
Files with names from BROZOWSKI
Files with names from BUGAN
Files with names from BUXBAUM
Files with names from CHEJKER
Files with names from CHWASZCZEWSKI
Files with names from CWIKLA
Files with names from CZYBULSKA
Files with names from DAWIDOWICZ
Files with names from DIAMANT
Files with names from DOMANYI
Files with names from DRUCK
Files with names from DYMOWICZ
Files with names from EINHORN
Files with names from EPSTEIN
Files with names from FARKAS
Files with names from FIJAS
Files with names from FLECHTER
Files with names from FRANKL
Files with names from FRIEDMANN
Files with names from FÜLÖP
Files with names from GANZ
Files with names from GELLER
Files with names from GINSBERG
Files with names from GLÜCKMANN
Files with names from GOLDRING
Files with names from GORDON
Files with names from GRAIKSTIS
Files with names from GROSS
Files with names from GRUNDMANN
Files with names from GUNTZBERGER
Files with names from HAIM
Files with names from HEIMANN
Files with names from HERZ
Files with names from HOJAKA
Files with names from ICKOVITS
Files with names from IWANOW
Files with names from JAKOB
Files with names from JANKELEWITZ
Files with names from JASTRZEBSKI
Files with names from JISAILSCHENKO
Files with names from JURYK
Files with names from KAHN
Files with names from KAMINSKI
Files with names from KARASA
Files with names from KASPERZEWSKI
Files with names from KAUFMANN
Files with names from KESZTENBAUM
Files with names from KIWA
Files with names from KLEIN
Files with names from KMIECIK
Files with names from KOLESNIK
Files with names from KOPEC
Files with names from KOSIAK
Files with names from KOWALEWSKI
Files with names from KRASCHINSKI
Files with names from KRISKANS
Files with names from KUBACKI
Files with names from KUPERBERG
Files with names from LABECKI
Files with names from LARINCEW
Personal file of LARINCEW, EUGENIJ, born on 18-Jun-1918, born in BURIN, KR. SUMMY
Personal file of LARINSCH, ALMA, born on 6-Jan-1911
Personal file of LARIONIENIE, KASIMIRA, born on 9-Mar-1914, born in PODBRODZIE
Personal file of LARIONIENIE, KASIMIRA, born on 9-Mar-1914, born in PODBRODZIE
Personal file of LARIONOW, BORIS, born on 17-Jun-1923, born in Orel
Personal file of LARIONOW, JANIS, born on 25-Jul-1926, born in Riga
Personal file of LARIONOW, NIKOLAJ, born on 25-Feb-1924, born in DMITROWKA, KR. ENAMONKA, PR. KIROWOGRAD
Personal file of LARIONOWA, HILDA, born on 25-May-1897, born in LIEKSA, FINLAND
Personal file of LARIONOWA, HILDA, born on 25-May-1897, born in LIEKSA
Personal file of LARISCH, GERTRUD, born on 7-Jun-1922, born in SOHRAU, O/SCHL.
Personal file of LARSEN, CHARLES, born on 15-Aug-1892
Personal file of LARSEN, GEORG, born on 23-Mar-1908, born in Kopenhagen
Personal file of LARSEN, HANS, born on 27-Dec-1909
Personal file of LARSEN, HELGE, born on 16-Apr-1909
Personal file of LARSEN, HENRIK, born on 16-Aug-1902
Personal file of LARSEN, HENRIK, born on 18-Feb-1906, born in BODIN, NORWEGEN
Personal file of LARSEN, LAURITS, born on 31-Dec-1907, born in Uggerlose
Personal file of LARSEN, RUDOLF, born on 1-Dec-1898, born in RACHLE, DAENEMARK
Personal file of LARSKI, KARL, born on 30-Jun-1891, born in JAGELNICA
Personal file of LARSSEN, HENRIK, born on 18-Feb-1906, born in BODIM
Personal file of LARTSCHENKO, WASSILI, born on 1-Feb-1916, born in Stalino
Personal file of LARWA, FELIKS, born on 18-May-1908, born in Warschau
Personal file of LARWE, IZIK, born on 12-Mar-1924, born in SCHAULEN
Personal file of LARWE, SIFRA, born in the year 1924, born in Schaulen, Lit.
Personal file of LARYS, JOSEF, born on 9-Mar-1900, born in LEZAJK, KR. LANCUT
Personal file of LAS, JOSEF, born on 21-Jan-1905, born in KRASCHWITZE
Personal file of LAS, STANISLAW, born on 26-Feb-1908, born in SUROWE, KR. MIELEC
Personal file of LASA, LEO, born on 7-Apr-1909, born in KOLIN, KR. WIRSITZ
Personal file of LASA, LEO, born on 7-Jun-1923, born in NAKEL, KR. WIRSITZ
Personal file of LASALLE, JEAN, born on 24-Jan-1918, born in Corte
Personal file of LASAR, ROSA, born on 8-Apr-1910, born in MIRK, UNGARN
Personal file of LASARENKO, IVAN, born on 23-Sep-1924, born in WILKUSC, KR. SCHITOMIR
Personal file of LASARENKO, WASSILIJ, born on 20-Apr-1924, born in Orilka
Personal file of LASAREW, FIODOR, born on 11-Dec-1921, born in POSINEN, KR. LETTL.
Personal file of LASAREW, JOSEPS, born on 10-May-1924, born in SCHKAULE
Personal file of LASARJEW, DIMITRI, born on 15-May-1912
Personal file of LASAROWITZ, ABRAHAM
Personal file of LASAROWITZ, FRIEDA
Personal file of LASAROWITZ, SARA, born on 27-Jan-1920, born in SZEKLENCZE, UNGARN
Personal file of LASBERG, ELMAR, born on 27-Feb-1907
Personal file of LASCHAS, BRONIUS, born on 10-Jun-1922, born in KREBSIU, KR. SKAPUSCHKI
Personal file of LASCHEIT, EMIL, born on 11-May-1899, born in WILHELMSANDER, KR. LABIAU
Personal file of LASCHEIT, WERNER, born on 12-May-1924, born in Essen-Bredeney
Personal file of LASCHER, GITTA, born in the year 1916, born in Pultusk
Personal file of LASCHER, HIRSCH
Personal file of LASCHIN, ALEXEJ, born on 17-Mar-1912, born in Gorki
Personal file of LASCHINSKI, JOSEF, born on 15-Mar-1903, born in Chrapon
Personal file of LASCHINSKI, JOSEF, born on 15-Mar-1904, born in Chrapon
Personal file of LASCHINSKI, JOSEF, born on 15-Mar-1904, born in Chrapon
Personal file of LASCHKEWITSCH, ANTON, born on 23-Jan-1907, born in Schabinka
Personal file of LASCHKOW, IWAN, born on 1-Nov-1924
Personal file of LASCHKOWSKI, GRIGORI, born on 2-Dec-1905, born in WIELIKOJE-SJELO, KR. WILEJKA
Personal file of LASCHMANN, LEOPOLD, born on 28-Jun-1879, born in Danzig
Personal file of LASCHTSCHENKO, ALEXANDER, born on 17-Sep-1914, born in JERMAKOUW, KREIS ROSTOW
Personal file of LASCHTSCHENKO, WASSILI, born in the year 1903, born in Odinok
Personal file of LASCHUK, DYMITR, born on 26-Oct-1898, born in TSCHERTIBOKI, RUSSLAND
Personal file of LASCHUK, MIKOLA, born on 14-Jan-1913, born in WISCHUNKIE, KREIS BIELSK
Personal file of LASCHUK, PETRO, born on 10-Jul-1924, born in BILKUTZKI, KR. ZYTOMIR
Personal file of LASDAN, BEINESCH, born in the year 1899, born in SARADSIN
Personal file of LASDINS, IGNATS, born on 20-Jun-1918
Personal file of LASDINSCH, JANAS, born on 9-Dec-1890
Personal file of LASDON, BLIUMA, born in the year 1915, born in VENDZIAGOLA
Personal file of LASEK, EDWARD, born on 15-Feb-1900
Personal file of LASEK, JOSEF, born on 3-Mar-1911, born in Slawkow
Personal file of LASER, ABRAM, born on 7-Aug-1909, born in Riga
Personal file of LASER, ADOLF, born on 21-Sep-1918, born in Hamburg
Personal file of LASETZKI, JULIANNA, born on 6-Mar-1905, born in KLONOWITZ, KRS. KONITZ
Personal file of LASEWICZ, ANTONI, born on 13-Sep-1920, born in BAKALARZEWO, KR. SUWALKI
Personal file of LASIEWICZ, JAN, born on 15-Sep-1911, born in GLINIANY
Personal file of LASINS, JANIS, born on 28-Jul-1907
Personal file of LASINSKI, JOSEF, born on 15-Mar-1903, born in CHRAPON, KRS. RIPPIN
Personal file of LASIS, MARTINS, born on 16-Dec-1904, born in MADLIENA, KR. RIGA
Personal file of LASK, JOSEF, born on 5-Jul-1928, born in Dobronierz
Personal file of LASK, PAUL, born on 22-Jan-1902, born in Bärengrund
Personal file of LASKA, FRANZ, born on 8-Dec-1909, born in SAGOSCH, KR. PRZEWORZK
Personal file of LASKA, WACLAW, born on 15-Jun-1912, born in Rotergrund
Personal file of LASKE, RUDI, born on 3-Jun-1913, born in KOENIGSBERG
Personal file of LASKER, ESTER, born on 2-Jan-1924, born in Litzmannstadt
Personal file of LASKER, HENJA, born on 1-Nov-1915, born in Litzmannstadt
Personal file of LASKER, MANIA, born on 15-Oct-1904, born in Litzmannstadt
Personal file of LASKER, MIRA, born on 15-Dec-1925, born in Litzmannstadt
Personal file of LASKER, NACHA, born on 26-Sep-1889, born in Litzmannstadt
Personal file of LASKER, NACHA, born on 26-Sep-1889, born in Litzmannstadt
Personal file of LASKER, SCHIFRA, born on 31-Dec-1914, born in Litzmannstadt
Personal file of LASKI, HENRYK, born on 22-Dec-1911, born in Lesslau
Personal file of LASKI, TADEUS, born on 15-Nov-1924, born in SUCHODOL
Personal file of LASKIER, ESTER, born on 2-Jan-1924
Personal file of LASKIER, MANIA, born on 15-Oct-1904
Personal file of LASKIER, MIRA, born on 15-Dec-1925
Personal file of LASKIEWICZ, CZESLAUS, born on 28-May-1917
Personal file of LASKIEWICZ, JOHANN, born on 28-Aug-1915
Personal file of LASKIEWICZ, WOJCIECH, born on 18-Apr-1912
Personal file of LASKIN, DEBORA, born on 12-May-1885, born in Kauen
Personal file of LASKIN, DEBORA, born on 12-May-1885, born in Kauen
Personal file of LASKIN, ROZA, born in the year 1928, born in Kauen
Personal file of LASKIND, BEILE, born in the year 1913, born in VILIAMPOLE
Personal file of LASKO, HELENE, born on 12-Nov-1920, born in SENDZIWUJA
Personal file of LASKO, STEFAN, born on 15-Jun-1916, born in ZALESIE, KR. WENGROW
Personal file of LASKOW, CHONE, born in the year 1929, born in Wilno
Personal file of LASKOW, FEODOR, born on 20-Sep-1889, born in USWIDENSKA
Personal file of LASKOWSKA, ADELA, born on 18-Feb-1904, born in Litzmannstadt
Personal file of LASKOWSKA, ADELA, born on 18-Feb-1904, born in Litzmannstadt
Personal file of LASKOWSKI, BERNHARD, born on 25-Sep-1915
Personal file of LASKOWSKI, BOLESLAW, born on 23-Apr-1903
Personal file of LASKOWSKI, CZESLAW, born on 20-Aug-1920
Personal file of LASKOWSKI, JOHANN, born on 21-May-1882, born in ALTJAHN, KRS. PR. STARGARD
Personal file of LASKOWSKI, JOHANN, born on 9-Jul-1894, born in LUBICHOW, KRS. PR. STARGARD
Personal file of LASKOWSKI, JOHANN, born on 24-Mar-1896, born in ADL. LINDENAU, PR. STARG.
Personal file of LASKOWSKI, JULIUS, born on 8-Apr-1913, born in MARIENFELDE, KR. OSTERODE
Personal file of LASKOWSKI, LEO, born on 30-May-1918
Personal file of LASKOWSKI, LEOPOLD, born on 15-Nov-1920
Personal file of LASKOWSKI, MARIAN, born on 1-Apr-1917, born in KAPUTY, B. WARSCHAU
Personal file of LASKOWSKI, PIOTR, born on 0-Jun-1908, born in NOTSCHITSCHNO, KRS. RIPPIN
Personal file of LASKOWSKI, STANISLAW, born on 31-Oct-1903
Personal file of LASKOWSKI, STANISLAW, born on 10-Apr-1910, born in ZOLCZEWO SZLACHECKIE
Personal file of LASKOWSKI, STANISLAWA, born on 14-Feb-1919
Personal file of LASKOWSKI, TADEUS, born on 5-Feb-1928, born in ZYDOWSKIE-KUCHARY
Personal file of LASKOWSKI, VIKTOR, born on 17-Nov-1926, born in Graudenz
Personal file of LASKOWSKI, WLADISLAW, born on 6-Mar-1905, born in OBORZISKA, KRS. PRASNITZ
Personal file of LASMAN, GOLDA
Personal file of LASMAN, MAIER, born on 11-May-1904, born in SGIESCH, BEI LITZMANNSTADT
Personal file of LASMANIS, FRICIS, born on 28-Nov-1921
Personal file of LASMANIS, JAN, born in the year 1860, born in Wirbel
Personal file of LASMANN, LOTTE, born on 28-Apr-1906, born in Litzmannstadt
Personal file of LASMANN, LOTTE, born on 28-Apr-1906, born in Litzmannstadt
Personal file of LASMANN, LUSER, born on 1-Mar-1894, born in Litzmannstadt
Personal file of LASMANN, RIWKA, born on 15-Jul-1898, born in Litzmannstadt
Personal file of LASMANN, RIWKA, born on 15-Jul-1898, born in Litzmannstadt
Personal file of LASNA, FRANZ, born on 12-Feb-1917, born in MARIENBURG
Personal file of LASNIK, DORA, born on 7-Dec-1927, born in Kowno
Personal file of LASNON, GEORGES, born on 8-Aug-1907, born in ROUEN, FRANKREICH
Personal file of LASON, MARIE, born on 26-Dec-1896, born in CHELM, KRS. RADOM
Personal file of LASOTA, ANIELA, born on 19-Jan-1896, born in MIEDZNA
Personal file of LASOTA, ANIELA, born on 19-Jan-1896, born in MIEDZNA
Personal file of LASOTA, JAN, born on 29-Apr-1908, born in LESZCZKOWO
Personal file of LASOTA, KONSTANTI, born on 15-May-1888, born in CHACZKOWCY
Personal file of LASOWSKI, SALOMON, born on 28-Sep-1918, born in KALUGA
Personal file of LASOWSKI, STANISLAUS, born on 9-Feb-1913, born in ZAWIEPRZYCA, KR. LUBLIN
Personal file of LASS, ALMA, born on 31-Jan-1903, born in HAAJUMAA
Personal file of LASS, AMBROSIUS, born on 4-Apr-1904, born in SEEDORF
Personal file of LÄSSIG, SIEGFRIED, born on 27-Feb-1915
Personal file of LASSMANN, BRUCHA, born on 13-Dec-1925, born in Litzmannstadt
Personal file of LASSMANN, GENIA, born on 6-Dec-1916, born in Litzmannstadt
Personal file of LASTOWSKI, KASIMIR, born on 1-Oct-1905, born in KAMIONKA, KR. WILNA
Personal file of LASU, VOLDEMAR, born on 8-Aug-1894, born in PÄRNUMAA
Personal file of LASUZKIN, ANDREJ, born on 22-Jun-1915, born in HALEN, KR. ORLOW
Personal file of LASZCUK, THEODOR, born in Worontschin
Personal file of LASZCZEWSKI, WLADYSLAW, born on 12-Nov-1923
Personal file of LASZEWSKI, BOGDAN, born on 23-Nov-1924, born in GR. KLINCZ, BERENT
Personal file of LASZKIEWICZ, IRENE, born on 25-May-1920
Personal file of LASZKIEWICZ, MARIA, born on 2-Feb-1926, born in LEIPE
Personal file of LASZKIEWICZ, WACLAW, born on 4-Dec-1910, born in KRZYWONOGA-MALA
Personal file of LASZKOWSKI, ALEXANDER, born on 24-Mar-1910, born in SUDAUEN
Personal file of LASZKOWSKI, JOHANN, born on 9-Jul-1894
Personal file of LASZLO, AGNES, born on 20-May-1927, born in Salgotarjan, Ungarn
Personal file of LASZLO, EDITH, born on 10-Dec-1903, born in TISZAPOLGAR, UNG.
Personal file of LASZLO, EDITH, born on 10-Dec-1903, born in TISZAPOLGAR / UNG.
Personal file of LASZLO, EDITH, born on 13-May-1924, born in KOMOROM, UNG.
Personal file of LASZLO, ERZSEBET, born on 6-May-1904, born in Marosvasarhely
Personal file of LASZLO, ERZSEBET, born on 6-May-1904, born in MAROSVASALHELY, UNGARN
Personal file of LASZLO, ETTA, born on 29-Oct-1899, born in Iglo
Personal file of LASZLO, KAROLIN, born on 4-Sep-1894, born in Budapest, Ungarn
Personal file of LASZLO, KATALIN, born on 5-Mar-1926, born in MEGYESFALVA, UNGARN
Personal file of LASZLO, KLARA, born on 13-Aug-1909, born in Budapest
Personal file of LASZLO, KLARA, born on 13-Aug-1909, born in Budapest
Personal file of LASZUK, KATHARINA, born in the year 1924
Personal file of LATACKI, ANTON, born on 31-Jul-1927
Personal file of LATEK, STANISLAW
Personal file of LATIPOW, BORIS, born on 28-Nov-1918, born in Kalan
Personal file of LATIPOW, NIKOLAI, born on 10-Apr-1921, born in Kasan
Personal file of LATKA, WALENTY, born on 1-Feb-1904
Personal file of LATKIN, IVAN, born on 22-May-1876, born in BOLSCHAKURISKA
Personal file of LATKINA, TATJANA, born on 23-Jan-1916, born in BOLSCHE KULISKA, ESTLAND
Personal file of LATKOVSKIS, DONATS, born on 7-Sep-1912, born in WARAKLANI
Personal file of LATKOWSKI, JOSEF, born on 10-Mar-1914
Personal file of LATOS, FLORIAN, born on 19-Apr-1911, born in WUDZYN, KRS. BROMBERG
Personal file of LATOS, WITOLD, born on 29-Jul-1917, born in LUTSCHMIN, KRS. BROMBERG
Personal file of LATOSINSKA, MARIA, born on 2-Sep-1924, born in Lodz
Personal file of LATOSINSKI, BOLESLAW, born on 20-Jul-1909
Personal file of LATOSINSKI, BRONISLAW, born on 29-Sep-1921, born in Kattowitz
Personal file of LATOSZEWSKA, IRENA, born on 14-Oct-1927, born in DECHY, FRANK.
Personal file of LATOSZEWSKA, ZOFIA, born on 22-Oct-1921, born in GLADBECK
Personal file of LATSWILSKY, MIRA, born on 16-Mar-1904, born in GRIWA
Personal file of LATSWILSKY, MIRA, born on 16-Mar-1914, born in GRIWA, LETTLAND
Personal file of LATTER, HEINZ, born on 7-Jul-1929, born in KOENIGSBERG
Personal file of LATTER, JAKOB, born on 27-Aug-1918, born in Libau
Personal file of LATUSINSKI, HELENE, born on 14-Oct-1924, born in DOBRZEJEWICE, KREIS LEIPE
Personal file of LATUSZEWSKI, HELENE, born on 13-May-1920, born in HOCH-STUBLAU, KREIS PR. STARGARD
Personal file of LATZ, HERMIN, born on 16-Dec-1888, born in ALISTALY
Personal file of LAU, ALFONSAS, born on 1-May-1927
Personal file of LAUBER, ILONA, born on 11-Sep-1922
Personal file of LAUBERSTEIN, CHANA, born on 5-Jul-1925, born in Litzmannstadt
Personal file of LAUBERSZTAJN, MASZA, born on 6-Oct-1916, born in Przytyk, Polen
Personal file of LAUBERSZTEIN, MINA, born on 18-Oct-1921, born in Litzmannstadt
Personal file of LAUBERSZTEIN, ZESLA, born on 5-May-1916, born in Litzmannstadt
Personal file of LAUBINGER, WILHELM, born on 25-Jun-1914, born in Berlin
Personal file of LAUCHHEIMER, HANS, born on 23-Sep-1921, born in Nuernberg
Personal file of LAUCINS, DAVIS, born on 25-Jan-1912
Personal file of LAUDA, ILSE
Personal file of LAUDA, ILSE, born on 21-Sep-1905, born in Prag
Personal file of LAUDA, WLADISLAUS, born on 5-Jul-1920, born in RICHLAU, KREIS SCHWETZ
Personal file of LAUDAMS, AUGUSTS, born on 3-Feb-1917
Personal file of LAUDAU, WOLF
Personal file of LAUDAU, WOLFF
Personal file of LAUDAU, ZSENYA
Personal file of LAUDIEN, GUSTAV, born on 16-Jun-1892, born in GROSS ALLGAWISCHKEN
Personal file of LAUER, ETHEL, born on 24-Mar-1907, born in KRENAU, OB. SCHLESIEN
Personal file of LAUER, HARRI, born on 24-Feb-1928, born in Leipzig
Personal file of LAUER, JOSEF, born on 28-Aug-1900, born in SUCAWA, RUMANINA
Personal file of LAUER, MERY, born on 5-Apr-1926, born in Leipzig
Personal file of LAUFER, AGNES, born on 9-Jul-1926, born in LEVA, UNGARN
Personal file of LAUFER, EVA, born on 17-Jun-1926, born in Budapest
Personal file of LÄUFER, HENRY, born on 1-Jan-1909, born in Bromberg
Personal file of LAUFER, IGNAZ
Personal file of LAUFER, ILONA, born on 18-Sep-1915, born in SAMOGY-SZOB
Personal file of LAUFER, JUDIT, born on 14-Jun-1924, born in Bustyahaza
Personal file of LAUFER, JULIA
Personal file of LAUFER, KATO, born on 10-Dec-1918, born in OSD, UNGARN
Personal file of LAUFER, LENKE, born on 8-Mar-1912, born in Varpalota Veszprem
Personal file of LAUFER, LENKE, born on 8-Mar-1912, born in VARPALOTA
Personal file of LAUFER, LUCY, born on 4-Dec-1928, born in Schl. Ostrau
Personal file of LAUFER, MARGARETE, born on 1-Apr-1909, born in LEVA, UNGARN
Personal file of LAUFER, MINNA, born in the year 1896, born in GLOGOW, GALIZIEN
Personal file of LAUFER, OLGA, born on 29-Dec-1905, born in Budapest
Personal file of LAUFER, OLGA, born on 29-Dec-1905, born in Budapest
Personal file of LAUFER, OSKAR
Personal file of LAUFER, OSKAR
Personal file of LAUFER, ROSA, born on 15-Nov-1923, born in BUSTYAHAZA, UNG.
Personal file of LAUFER, SUSANNA, born on 17-Dec-1912, born in Litzmannstadt
Personal file of LAUGALIS, MIKELIS, born on 5-Jan-1912
Personal file of LAUGLO, SVERRE, born on 18-Feb-1908
Personal file of LAUGMANN, CHAJA, born in the year 1924, born in Kauen
Personal file of LAUL, SELMA, born on 20-Sep-1918, born in MIIGI
Personal file of LAUMANIS, ADAMS, born on 6-Feb-1900, born in CIRAWA, LETTL.
Personal file of LAUMANN, JOACHIM, born on 21-Feb-1913, born in KOENIGSBERG
Personal file of LAUNAY, HENRI, born on 11-Nov-1920, born in MEZIERES SUR BILLON
Personal file of LAUNER, ANNA, born on 28-Dec-1923, born in FELSOVISO, UNG.
Personal file of LAUQUIER, ROBERT, born on 23-Jul-1920, born in ST. PAUL DE BLAY
Personal file of LAURECKIS, ALFONSAS, born on 1-May-1927, born in MASCHUTSCHEJ
Personal file of LAURENT, LOUIS, born on 25-Jul-1899, born in SENONNES, DEPT. VOSGES
Personal file of LAURI, KARL, born on 4-Jun-1917
Personal file of LAURYN, WACLAW, born on 1-Jan-1924, born in SUDAUEN
Personal file of LAUTOS, HELEN, born on 25-Mar-1909, born in Kecskemet
Personal file of LAUTOS, HELEN, born on 25-Mar-1909, born in KERSKEMET
Personal file of LAUTOS, ILONA, born on 24-Aug-1913, born in SZONKOTOR
Personal file of LAUTOS, TWANDAR
Personal file of LAUVA, VALDEMARS, born on 25-Mar-1893
Personal file of LAUXNER, HANNA, born on 28-Dec-1923, born in FELSOVISO, UNGARN
Personal file of LAUZAT, MARTIN, born on 16-Jun-1872
Personal file of LAVRANOWITZ, BENZE, born on 27-Nov-1915, born in SCHAULEN
Personal file of LAWECKI, JERCY, born on 2-Nov-1907
Personal file of LAWECKI, MARIAN, born on 23-Jul-1911
Personal file of LAWENDOWSKI, JADWIGA, born on 7-Sep-1905, born in Warschau
Personal file of LAWISIN, WLADIMIR, born on 1-May-1923
Personal file of LAWNICZAK, TEOFIL, born on 19-Jan-1923, born in KRAPIEWO, KR. BROMBERG
Personal file of LAWRANOWITSCH, ABE, born in the year 1913, born in SCHAULEN
Personal file of LAWREK, MAXIM, born on 17-Mar-1911
Personal file of LAWRENIUK, IWAN, born on 25-Jul-1913
Personal file of LAWRENIUK, JAN, born on 25-Jun-1913, born in PLUTYSE
Personal file of LAWRENJUK, IWAN, born on 29-Nov-1921, born in KOSCHENKO, KR. KIEW
Personal file of LAWRENOW, IWAN, born on 24-Feb-1925, born in SCHIPOWA
Personal file of LAWRENTIJ, OLJUCHA, born on 10-Aug-1894
Personal file of LAWRENTJEW, ARKADIJ, born on 2-Aug-1923, born in POLTUCZIE
Personal file of LAWRESIN, NIKOLAI, born on 14-Jan-1916, born in PETSERI
Personal file of LAWRIK, IWAN, born in the year 1919, born in MOCHOWATY, KRS. SUMSK
Personal file of LAWRINENKO, GRIGORIJ, born on 12-May-1916, born in SCHEROKOJE, KR. DNIEPROPETROWSK
Personal file of LAWRINOW, WASSILIJ, born on 30-Jan-1924, born in KOKOLSK, KRS. MIGILOW
Personal file of LAWROW, STEPAN, born on 22-Jan-1918, born in BOROWITSCHI, KR. WELGIJA, PROV. LENINGRAD
Personal file of LAWROWA, OLGA, born on 24-Jun-1922
Personal file of LAWRYK, MAXIM, born on 17-Mar-1911, born in CHUTOR DIBROWA, KR. SUMMY
Personal file of LAWRYNIENKO, STEFAN, born on 30-Dec-1916
Personal file of LAWRZEL, EDUARD, born on 18-Jun-1913, born in Warschau
Personal file of LAWSCHOW, JOSEF, born in the year 1920, born in Krasnodar
Personal file of LAWSKA, RIWA, born on 28-Nov-1917, born in Wilna
Personal file of LAX, BERTA, born on 3-May-1915, born in MOISSIN, UNGARN
Personal file of LAX, FANI, born on 7-Jul-1915, born in Egerhart
Personal file of LAX, FRIDA, born on 28-May-1924, born in OCKERMOSE
Personal file of LAX, FRIEDA, born on 26-Apr-1922, born in OCKERMOSE
Personal file of LAX, GERTA, born on 1-Jan-1907, born in Prag
Personal file of LAX, HELENE, born on 9-Feb-1919, born in OCKERMOSE
Personal file of LAX, ISAK, born on 20-Sep-1900, born in BILKE, UNGARN
Personal file of LAX, JOLAN, born on 27-Oct-1922, born in MICHALKA
Personal file of LAX, MARGIT, born on 8-Aug-1916, born in OCKERMOSE
Personal file of LAX, MEYER
Personal file of LAX, RACHEL
Personal file of LAX, ROSZI, born on 20-Jun-1921, born in OCKERMOSE
Personal file of LAX, SZERA, born on 1-Jun-1920, born in Szatmarnemety
Personal file of LAX, SZIDONIE, born on 31-Jan-1924, born in SZAMOSHVASSO
Personal file of LAZAR, ANNA, born on 15-Sep-1913, born in KISKUNMOJSO, UNG.
Personal file of LAZAR, ANNA, born in the year 1920, born in Schaulen, Lit.
Personal file of LAZAR, ARON, born on 10-Apr-1915, born in SCHAULEN
Personal file of LAZAR, CILLY
Personal file of LAZAR, EDITH, born on 23-Apr-1921, born in Des
Personal file of LAZAR, ERZSEBET, born on 15-Aug-1918, born in Nagyvarad, Ung.
Personal file of LAZAR, ESTI, born on 14-Sep-1926, born in Szatmarnemeti
Personal file of LAZAR, EVA, born on 10-Sep-1920, born in MAGYARLEPOS, UNGARN
Personal file of LAZAR, EVA, born on 21-Feb-1923, born in KIRISKIOJENO, UNGARN
Personal file of LAZAR, IRMA, born on 1-May-1914, born in FRESESOPOR
Personal file of LAZAR, JOSEPH
Personal file of LAZAR, LENKE
Personal file of LAZAR, MARGIT, born on 3-Jan-1916, born in Nagyvarad, Ung.
Personal file of LAZAR, MARGIT, born on 27-Feb-1921, born in KOROSKIEJLNO, UNG.
Personal file of LAZAR, MARTON
Personal file of LAZAR, OREL
Personal file of LAZAR, PEPI
Personal file of LAZAR, PIROSKA, born on 24-Mar-1926, born in NAGYSZOLOS, UNGARN
Personal file of LAZAR, ROSZI, born on 15-Sep-1912, born in KISKUMNYSO, UNG.
Personal file of LAZAR, ROZA, born on 25-Dec-1904, born in Szatmarnemeti, Ungarn
Personal file of LAZAR, SIMON
Personal file of LAZAR, SZERENA, born on 7-Jun-1929, born in Kisilva
Personal file of LAZAR, WOLF, born in the year 1914, born in SCHAULEN
Personal file of LAZARCZYK, ANTONI, born on 25-May-1903
Personal file of LAZARCZYK, JAN, born on 18-Jun-1911, born in CIECIORY, KRS. SCHARFENWISE
Personal file of LAZAREWS, NIKOLAJS, born in the year 1906, born in PASIENA
Personal file of LAZAROVICS, EFRAIM
Personal file of LAZAROVICS, FANY, born on 4-Dec-1922, born in KEZIPAKSA, KR. MARMAROS, UNGARN
Personal file of LAZAROVICS, FEIGE, born on 6-Jun-1922, born in Szeklence
Personal file of LAZAROVICS, HANA
Personal file of LAZAROVICS, MARGIT, born on 19-Nov-1924, born in DESZETALVA
Personal file of LAZAROVICS, ROSA, born on 12-Oct-1919, born in KEZIPAKSA, KR. MARMAROS, UNGARN
Personal file of LAZAROVICS, SARI, born on 21-Dec-1918, born in UNGARN
Personal file of LAZAROVICS, SARI, born on 21-Dec-1918
Personal file of LAZAROVICS, SZURI, born on 17-Nov-1923, born in SZEKLENCE, KR. MARAMAROS
Personal file of LAZAROVITS, ILONA, born on 20-Sep-1922, born in Kolozsvar
Personal file of LAZAROVITS, REGINA, born on 24-Oct-1926, born in PISZALONKA, UNG.
Personal file of LAZAROW, ARKADY, born on 14-Aug-1908, born in PASINSKOJ
Personal file of LAZAROW, PETER, born on 5-May-1918, born in Christischtsche
Personal file of LAZAROWSKI, KAZIMIERZ, born on 21-Mar-1923
Personal file of LAZARSKI, FRANZ, born on 26-Jan-1920
Personal file of LAZARSKI, HENRYK, born on 16-Apr-1920, born in Sokolka
Personal file of LAZARSKI, KASIMIR, born on 2-Mar-1923, born in STARA-KAMIENA, KRS. SOKOLKA
Personal file of LAZARSKI, STANISLAWA, born on 10-Nov-1902, born in ORLE, KRS. GRAUDENZ
Personal file of LAZARUK, ZACHARYJ, born on 5-Sep-1894, born in SUKOWSZCZYZNA, KRS. BIELSK-PODL.
Personal file of LAZARUS, JOSEF, born on 6-Apr-1923, born in Berlin
Personal file of LAZCINS, JANIS, born on 28-Jul-1907
Personal file of LAZDENIEKS, LIZA, born on 27-Jul-1888
Personal file of LAZDINS, KARLIS, born on 22-Mar-1914, born in CELSON, KR. WENDEN
Personal file of LAZDUSANS, JASEPS, born on 23-Nov-1915
Personal file of LAZER, IZRAIL, born on 3-Mar-1925, born in SCHAULEN
Personal file of LAZER, LEIB, born on 15-Mar-1898, born in SCHAULEN
Personal file of LAZER, MARIASCHA, born in the year 1902, born in Kauen
Personal file of LAZER, MARIASCHA, born in the year 1902, born in Kauen
Personal file of LAZERSON, ABRAM, born on 26-Aug-1917, born in Leningrad
Personal file of LAZERSON, REGINA, born on 17-Sep-1884, born in Plonsk
Personal file of LAZERSON, REGINA, born on 17-Sep-1884, born in Plonsk
Personal file of LAZERSON, WLADAS
Personal file of LAZICKI, WLADISLAW, born on 5-Feb-1908, born in BRZOZOWO-NOWE, KRS. PRASNITZ
Personal file of LAZINKIEWICZ, SIGISMUND, born on 4-Jul-1918
Personal file of LAZINS, MARTINS, born on 16-Dec-1904
Personal file of LAZMANN, FRIDA, born on 16-Nov-1913, born in UZPALIAI
Personal file of LAZMANN, FRIDA, born on 16-Nov-1913, born in UZPALIAI
Personal file of LAZNOVSKA, JUDYTA, born on 27-Oct-1924, born in UJAZD, POL.
Personal file of LAZNOVSKA, PESA
Personal file of LAZNOVSKA, PESA
Personal file of LAZNOVSKA, PESA, born on 15-Oct-1904, born in Petrikau
Personal file of LAZNOVSKA, PESA, born on 15-Oct-1904, born in Petrikau
Personal file of LAZNOVSKA, RIFKA, born on 8-Dec-1922, born in BURZENIN, POL.
Personal file of LAZNOWSKA, JUDYTA, born on 27-Oct-1924, born in Ujazd
Personal file of LAZOWIN, AWSEJ, born on 16-Oct-1906, born in Riga
Personal file of LAZOWSKI, STANISLAUS, born on 17-Apr-1922, born in MROCZKOWICE, KRS. RAWA
Personal file of LAZOWSKI, WLADYSLAW, born on 29-Jan-1906, born in Warschau
Personal file of LAZUK, PIOTR, born on 20-Jun-1924, born in BAGNY, KRS. SOKOLKA
Personal file of LEB, ANNA, born on 24-May-1912, born in Kolozsva
Personal file of LEB, ANNA, born on 24-May-1912, born in Kolozsva
Personal file of LEB, BERTA, born on 28-Aug-1902
Personal file of LEB, EDIT, born on 19-Jul-1925, born in KECSED, UNG.
Personal file of LEB, ELISABETH, born on 10-Jun-1924, born in TOLDAS, UNG.
Personal file of LEB, EVA, born on 7-Mar-1928, born in Bukarest, Rum.
Personal file of LEB, FRANZ
Personal file of LEB, ILONA, born on 27-Mar-1905, born in Des
Personal file of LEB, ILONA, born on 27-Mar-1905, born in DES, KR. SZOLNOR
Personal file of LEB, KLARA, born on 18-Feb-1906, born in SALOPLAZA, UNGARN
Personal file of LEB, KLARA, born on 4-May-1927, born in BAUFFYLUNYAD
Personal file of LEB, MARGIT, born on 12-Jul-1925, born in Kolozsvar
Personal file of LEB, MIHALY
Personal file of LEB, PEPPI
Personal file of LEB, REGINA, born on 3-Apr-1919, born in FURTH INBAYER, DEUTSCHL.
Personal file of LEB, ROSA
Personal file of LEB, ROSALIA, born on 4-Jan-1918, born in PARAID, UNG.
Personal file of LEB, SAMUEL
Personal file of LEB, SZERENA, born on 22-Feb-1908, born in BONCIDA, UNGARN
Personal file of LEBEDEV, TERENTJ, born on 28-Oct-1892, born in Rositten
Personal file of LEBEDEW, ANDREJ, born on 15-May-1892, born in STANOSCHNIKI
Personal file of LEBEDEW, ANDREJ, born on 6-Jan-1919, born in NOWGOROD, BEZ. LENINGRAD
Personal file of LEBEDEW, IWAN, born on 9-Aug-1909, born in KATTSCHOWA
Personal file of LEBEDEW, MICHIL, born on 15-Nov-1918, born in DOLISCHICY
Personal file of LEBEDEW, NIKOLAI, born on 11-Dec-1890, born in NOWAJA BEREZA
Personal file of LEBEDEWS, MICHAEL, born on 14-Oct-1925
Personal file of LEBEDIEW, IWAN, born on 1-Apr-1926, born in MIEMKI
Personal file of LEBEDIEWA, ANNA
Personal file of LEBEDIEWICZ, ADAM, born in the year 1888, born in Bersty
Personal file of LEBEDINSKI, EMIL, born on 21-Aug-1912, born in KAMNIANE
Personal file of LEBEDINSKI, MICHAEL, born on 1-Jan-1922, born in BIRIKOWO, KR. WOROSCHILOWGRAD
Personal file of LEBEDJEWS, ALEKSANDRS, born on 22-Aug-1883, born in WALKA, LETTL.
Personal file of LEBEDOWA, ANNA, born on 9-Aug-1925, born in PAWLOWITSCHE, KR. MOGILEW
Personal file of LEBENDIGER, MIRA, born on 20-Feb-1916, born in KELEM, RASSEIN
Personal file of LEBENDIGER, MIRA, born on 20-Feb-1916, born in KELEM, RASSEIN
Personal file of LEBENSOHN, CHAIM, born on 1-Sep-1890, born in SCHAULEN
Personal file of LEBENSTEIN, ALEXANDER, born on 4-Nov-1926, born in HALTERN, WEST.
Personal file of LEBENSTEIN, BERTA, born on 14-Apr-1900, born in Lembeck
Personal file of LEBENSTEIN, ERNST, born on 11-Feb-1928, born in EPE, B. MUENSTER, WESTF.
Personal file of LEBENSTEIN, HENNY, born on 7-Jun-1922, born in EPE, WESTFALEN
Personal file of LEBENSTEIN, MALLY, born on 31-Dec-1920, born in EPE, WESTFALEN
Personal file of LEBENSTEIN, SELMA, born on 4-Apr-1906, born in Lembeck
Personal file of LEBENZOHN, LUCIA, born on 26-Aug-1922, born in Litzmannstadt
Personal file of LEBER, BRUCHA, born on 28-Jun-1906, born in KRAKAU, POLEN
Personal file of LEBER, GUTA, born on 23-Feb-1912, born in Tarnow, Polen
Personal file of LEBEWOHL, ALFRED, born on 18-Feb-1910, born in TEWA
Personal file of LEBI, ETEL, born on 6-May-1926, born in Szatmarnemeti
Personal file of LEBI, EVA, born on 18-May-1905, born in Halmi
Personal file of LEBI, IDA, born on 22-Nov-1914, born in Tisosolko
Personal file of LEBI, MAGDOLNA, born on 1-Feb-1921, born in KIROLYHOSA UGOCSA, UNG.
Personal file of LEBI, MARGIT, born on 25-Jun-1921, born in Nagyszöllos, Ungarn
Personal file of LEBI, MOZES
Personal file of LEBI, PAULA
Personal file of LEBI, ROSI, born on 16-Jun-1924, born in Satmarnemeti
Personal file of LEBIECZINSKI, WALERIAN, born on 21-Dec-1902, born in STARI-KONSTANTINOW
Personal file of LEBIEDIEW, GERASIM, born on 5-Oct-1901, born in MIEDNIEWKA
Personal file of LEBIEDINSKIJ, SEMEN, born on 24-Nov-1924, born in KAMINA, KR. SUMY
Personal file of LEBIEDZIEWICZ, HOROMIN, born in the year 1905, born in SKARBY, KR. GRODNO
Personal file of LEBIEDZINSKI, ADAM, born on 28-Sep-1897, born in Rogowo
Personal file of LEBIEDZINSKI, ALEXANDER, born on 2-Feb-1905, born in STRASZEWO, KRS. BIALYSTOK
Personal file of LEBIEDZINSKI, HENRYK, born on 4-Oct-1918, born in SWIONTNIKI, KRS. LESLAU
Personal file of LEBIEDZINSKI, WALERIAN, born on 21-Dec-1902
Personal file of LEBIODA, JOHANN, born on 6-Dec-1919
Personal file of LEBIT, GRIGORI, born on 6-Sep-1916, born in MARYNSKAJA, KR. KRASNODAR
Personal file of LEBITSCH, ANDREJ, born on 12-May-1924, born in Grun
Personal file of LEBIUSCH, SCHIFRA, born on 1-Jul-1915, born in Zagaren
Personal file of LEBJUSCH, MEIER
Personal file of LEBJUSCH, SCHIFRA, born on 1-Jul-1915, born in Zagaren
Personal file of LEBKOWSKI, LUCJAN, born on 24-Jan-1920
Personal file of LEBKOWSKI, WALERIAN, born on 11-Apr-1903
Personal file of LEBOVICS, ABRAHAM, born on 24-Oct-1913, born in Sztropko
Personal file of LEBOVICS, FANI
Personal file of LEBOVICS, FANI
Personal file of LEBOVICS, GIZELLA, born on 17-Feb-1924, born in Nagytarna
Personal file of LEBOVICS, HENRIETTE, born on 20-Jun-1899, born in Kisvarda
Personal file of LEBOVICS, HERMAN
Personal file of LEBOVICS, HERMANN
Personal file of LEBOVICS, JANKA, born on 16-Sep-1911, born in SZARBEGY
Personal file of LEBOVICS, JUDIT, born on 14-Dec-1916, born in NYINNEGYES
Personal file of LEBOVICS, JUDIT, born on 14-Dec-1916, born in NYINNEGYES, UNG.
Personal file of LEBOVICS, MAGDA, born on 9-Oct-1920, born in Körmend
Personal file of LEBOVICS, SZEREN
Personal file of LEBOVICS, SZEREN, born on 5-Nov-1916, born in SZEREDNYE, UNG.
Personal file of LEBOVICS, TIBOR, born on 30-Jun-1926, born in PRESBURG, SLOVAKEI
Personal file of LEBOVICZ, BERTA
Personal file of LEBOVICZ, EMANUEL, born on 4-Jun-1927, born in Tecso
Personal file of LEBOVICZ, ETEL, born on 10-Aug-1910, born in Szeklence
Personal file of LEBOVICZ, HERMANN
Personal file of LEBOVITS, AGNES, born on 14-Jul-1925, born in Nagyvarad, Ungarn
Personal file of LEBOVITS, ALICE, born on 31-Oct-1922, born in SZTMARNEMETTI
Personal file of LEBOVITS, BERTA, born on 12-Apr-1926, born in HALASMEZO, UNGARN
Personal file of LEBOVITS, BLANKA, born on 15-Apr-1912, born in Hidalmas
Personal file of LEBOVITS, BLANKA, born on 21-Jan-1921, born in Nagyvarad
Personal file of LEBOVITS, DAVID
Personal file of LEBOVITS, DORA
Personal file of LEBOVITS, DORA, born on 16-Sep-1928, born in Bustyahaza
Personal file of LEBOVITS, EDIT, born on 19-Aug-1926, born in SZARAZBEREH, UNG.
Personal file of LEBOVITS, ETEL, born on 9-Jun-1925, born in Magyarkomjad
Personal file of LEBOVITS, ETTA, born on 30-Nov-1917, born in Miskolc, Ung.
Personal file of LEBOVITS, EVA, born on 26-Mar-1923, born in Nagyvarad
Personal file of LEBOVITS, GIZI
Personal file of LEBOVITS, HELEN
Personal file of LEBOVITS, HELEN
Personal file of LEBOVITS, HELEN
Personal file of LEBOVITS, HELEN, born on 1-Feb-1927, born in Munkacs, Ungarn
Personal file of LEBOVITS, IBOLYA, born on 31-Jul-1921, born in MOCS, RUM.
Personal file of LEBOVITS, IBOLYA, born on 7-Jun-1923, born in SZARAZBEREK, KR. SZATMAR, UNGARN
Personal file of LEBOVITS, IREN, born on 3-Sep-1920, born in Magyarkomjad
Personal file of LEBOVITS, ISAK
Personal file of LEBOVITS, IZREAL
Personal file of LEBOVITS, IZSAK
Personal file of LEBOVITS, IZSAK
Personal file of LEBOVITS, JOLAN, born on 27-Apr-1923, born in IRHOK
Personal file of LEBOVITS, LENKE, born on 28-May-1914, born in BRIP
Personal file of LEBOVITS, LENKE, born on 28-May-1914, born in BRIP
Personal file of LEBOVITS, LENKE, born on 30-Jul-1918, born in Szarvas, Ung.
Personal file of LEBOVITS, LENKE, born on 30-Jul-1918, born in Szarvas
Personal file of LEBOVITS, LENKE, born on 8-Sep-1926, born in Beregrakos
Personal file of LEBOVITS, LENKE, born on 31-Mar-1929, born in Beregrakos
Personal file of LEBOVITS, LILLY, born on 31-Jul-1922, born in ALSOLCALOCSA MARAMAROS
Personal file of LEBOVITS, LILLY, born on 13-Sep-1926, born in BUSTYAHAZA, UNG.
Personal file of LEBOVITS, MALVIN, born on 11-Apr-1911, born in SZEKLENCE, UNGARN
Personal file of LEBOVITS, MARGIT, born on 26-Feb-1918, born in Cegled
Personal file of LEBOVITS, MARGIT, born on 1-Jan-1921, born in NAGYBERESNA, UNG.
Personal file of LEBOVITS, MARGIT, born on 15-Apr-1921, born in ALSOKALOCSA MARAMAROS
Personal file of LEBOVITS, MARGIT, born on 5-Jul-1927, born in NAGYATKONYAT, UNGARN
Personal file of LEBOVITS, MOR
Personal file of LEBOVITS, OLGA, born on 19-Sep-1925, born in SZARAZBEREK SZATMAR, UNG.
Personal file of LEBOVITS, REGINA, born on 2-Feb-1922, born in HAVASMOZO, MARAMAROS, UNGARN
Personal file of LEBOVITS, REZSI, born on 6-May-1925, born in Szeklence
Personal file of LEBOVITS, ROSA
Personal file of LEBOVITS, ROSALIA
Personal file of LEBOVITS, ROZA
Personal file of LEBOVITS, ROZSI, born on 4-Apr-1920, born in KOZEPAPSA, UNGARN
Personal file of LEBOVITS, SAMM
Personal file of LEBOVITS, SAROLTA, born on 17-Aug-1918, born in SZEREDUZC, UNG.
Personal file of LEBOVITS, SAROLTA, born on 3-Feb-1926, born in TEPLICSCHONAU, UNGARN
Files with names from LEBOVITS
Files with names from LENGYEL
Files with names from LEWANDOWSKI
Files with names from LIBERMAN
Files with names from LIPOWKA
Files with names from LORENZ
Files with names from LUNIEWSKI
Files with names from MAJEWSKI
Files with names from MANASEWITSCH
Files with names from MARKOWICS
Files with names from MATISZEWSKI
Files with names from MELAMED
Files with names from MEYER
Files with names from MILCHSTEIN
Files with names from MISZEWSKI
Files with names from MOSKALUK
Files with names from MUSOLF
Files with names from NELKE
Files with names from NIEWIADOMSKI
Files with names from NOWIKOW
Files with names from OLSZEWSKI
Files with names from OSTER
Files with names from PAPA
Files with names from PAWLUCZ
Files with names from PETROW
Files with names from PILANS
Files with names from PLICHTA
Files with names from POLLAK
Files with names from POZNANSKI
Files with names from PUBANZ
Files with names from RADO
Files with names from RAVINSKI
Files with names from REJEWSKI
Files with names from RITTER
Files with names from ROSEN
Files with names from ROSENTHAL
Files with names from ROZENBAUM
Files with names from RUKSZCZ
Files with names from SABLUDOWSKI
Files with names from SALOMON
Files with names from SASS
Files with names from SCHAPOWALOW
Files with names from SCHIPER
Files with names from SCHNIPKE
Files with names from SCHULZ
Files with names from SCHWARZ
Files with names from SELONKE
Files with names from SIERHEJOWA
Files with names from SINNK
Files with names from SLESIN
Files with names from SOBOLEWSKI
Files with names from SPÄTER
Files with names from STANDARSKI
Files with names from STELMASZUK
Files with names from STRAUS
Files with names from SUMEN
Files with names from SZABO
Files with names from SZIGETI
Files with names from SZYMANOWICZ
Files with names from TAUBES
Files with names from TISS
Files with names from TROFIMOW
Files with names from TWARCZYNSKI
Files with names from V. D. WYK
Files with names from VOLPERT
Files with names from WARCICKI
Files with names from WEIJSMANN
Files with names from WEISSKOHL
Files with names from WENDROWSKI
Files with names from WIERZENKOWA
Files with names from WISNIEWSKI
Files with names from WOJNO
Files with names from WOSK
Files with names from ZAJONCZKOWSKI
Files with names from ZDONEK
Files with names from ZILBERGLAS
Files with names from ZURNER
Prisoner registration cards, money cards, death reports and personal effects cards of CC Stutthof, 1940 - 1945
Transport documents for prisoners as well as confirmations for the arrival of prisoners
Certificates by physicians and police physicians for prisoner transports; detention decisions and protective custody orders
Medical records and correspondence of CC Stutthof with various institutions
Correspondence of CC Stutthof with various administrations; various reports
Personnel files and various single documents like prisoner questionnaires, death certificates and personal documents of prisoners from CC Stutthof
Death certificates, correspondence about the belongings of deceased prisoners, money administration cards, record sheets for personnel files as well as various correspondence and individual documents about prisoners of CC Stutthof
Prisoner personnel forms of CC Stutthof, arrival dates: 14.05.1942 - 21.01.1945
Personnel files and various individual documents such as prisoner personnel forms, death certificates and personal documents of prisoners of CC Stutthof, 15.01.1936 - 21.01.1945
Entries in the book of deceased of the civil registry in Stutthof, dates of deaths: 12.01.1940 - 02.09.1942
List of personal effects from CC Stutthof, arrival dates: 02.02.1942 - 13.11.1942
Prisoner personnel card of a prisoner of CC Stutthof, arrival: 14.07.1944
Letters of a former prisoner of CC Stutthof, without dates
Prisoner questionnaires - A - Z
Telex of Concentration Camp Stutthof
Death reports on two prisoners of CC Stutthof - Number Index Stutthof - Hollerith preparatory worksheet cards Stutthof - Documentation from the Archive of the Stutthof Museum
1.1.42 - Theresienstadt Ghetto
1.1.43 - Treblinka Labour Camp
1.1.44 - Warsaw Ghetto and Concentration Camp
1.1.45 - Welzheim Concentration Camp (Protective Custody Camp)
1.1.46 - Westerbork Assembly and Transit Camp
1.1.47 - Various Camps
1.1.48 - Concentration Camp Bad Sulza
1.1.49 - Concentration Camp Colditz
1.1.50 - Schutzhaftlager Hohnstein
1.1.51 - Concentration Camp Sonnenburg
1.1.52 - Concentration Camp Columbia-Haus Concentration Camp
1.1.53 - Concentration Camp Eutin
1.1.54 - Concentration Camp Heinersdorf
1.1.55 - Concentration Camp Heuberg
1.1.56 - Concentration Camp Kemna
1.1.57 - Concentration Camp Kuhlen
1.1.58 - Concentration Camp Osthofen
1.1.59 - Concentration Camp Roßlau
1.1.60 - Concentration Camps Wittmoor, Fuhlsbüttel and Neuengamme
1.1.61 - Juvenile Detention and Reform Camp Lebrechtsdorf
1.2 - Miscellaneous
2 - Registration of Foreigners and German Persecutees by Public Institutions, Social Securities and Companies (1939 - 1947)
3 - Registrations and Files of Displaced Persons, Children and Missing Persons
4 - Special NSDAP organizations and actions
5 - Death Marches, identification of unkown dead and Nazi trials
6 - Records of the ITS and its predecessors
7 - Archival records of microforms (new material / document acquisition)
8 - Collections of private persons and small archives