0 - Global Finding Aids
1 - Incarceration Documents
1.1 - Camps and Ghettos
1.1.0 - General Information
1.1.1 - Amersfoort Police Transit Camp
1.1.2 - Auschwitz Concentration and Extermination Camp
1.1.3 - Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp
1.1.4 - Breendonk Transit Camp
1.1.5 - Buchenwald Concentration Camp
1.1.6 - Dachau Concentration Camp
1.1.7 - Esterwegen Concentration Camp
1.1.8 - Flossenbürg Concentration Camp
1.1.9 - Camps in France
1.1.10 - Labor Reformatory Camp Großbeeren
1.1.11 - Groß-Rosen Concentration Camp
1.1.12 - Herzogenbusch-Vught Concentration Camp
1.1.13 - Hinzert Special SS Camp
1.1.14 - Camps in Italy and Albania
1.1.15 - Camps in Yugoslavia
1.1.16 - Kislau Concentration Camp
1.1.17 - Klooga / Vaivara Concentration Camp
1.1.18 - Ghetto Kauen (Kaunas / Kowno)
1.1.19 - Krakau-Plaszow Concentration Camp
1.1.20 - Lichtenburg Concentration Camp
1.1.21 - Labor reformatory camp Liebenau (Internment Camp Liebenau)
1.1.22 - Litzmannstadt (Lodz) Ghetto and "Polen-Jugendverwahrlager" /Detention Camp for Polish Juveniles
1.1.23 - Lublin (Majdanek) Concentration Camp
1.1.24 - Mecheln (Malines) SS Deportation Camp
1.1.25 - Mauritius Detainment Camp
1.1.26 - Mauthausen Concentration Camp
1.1.27 - Concentration Camp Mittelbau (Dora)
1.1.28 - Moringen Concentration Camp and "Jugendschutzlager"/ Protective Custody Camp for Juveniles
1.1.29 - Natzweiler (Struthof) Concentration Camp - General Information on Natzweiler Concentration Camp - List Material Natzweiler - Individual Documents Natzweiler
Personal Files - Natzweiler (Struthof) Concentration Camp
Files without names and with names from A
Files with names from ASTAPOW
Files with names from BATREL
Files with names from BIELAWA
Files with names from BORDOWSKI
Files with names from BRUYNINCKX
Files with names from CHACHLOWSKI
Files with names from CORBEEL
Files with names from DELMAS
Files with names from DUBININ
Files with names from FATUR
Files with names from FRITSCH
Files with names from GERZELJ
Files with names from GRANDGEORGE
Personal file of GRANDGEORGE, ROBERT, born on 22-Dec-1925, born in Nancy
Personal file of GRANDGERARD, AUGUSTE, born on 31-Mar-1885, born in NEVELLE- VOSAY
Personal file of GRANDILLET, ALPHONSE, born on 28-Apr-1898, born in Dijon
Personal file of GRANDJEAN, HENRI, born on 19-Apr-1906, born in Paris
Personal file of GRANDJEAN, JOSEF, born on 11-Mar-1874, born in GESLINGEN
Personal file of GRANDJEAT, CHARLES, born on 5-Dec-1897, born in CONTEMINE
Personal file of GRANDPERRIER, JEAN, born on 6-Jan-1922, born in Dijon
Personal file of GRANG, MICHEL, born on 28-Apr-1924, born in MECHELEN
Personal file of GRANGE, LOUIS, born on 12-Mar-1900
Personal file of GRANGE LA, RAYMOND, born on 27-Oct-1923, born in MECHELEN
Personal file of GRANGIER, ANDRE, born on 7-Oct-1922, born in PONT DE ROIDE
Personal file of GRANITS, OTTO, born on 20-Mar-1896, born in Wien
Personal file of GRANJADUNOW, DMITRI, born on 11-Nov-1922, born in Briansk
Personal file of GRANOWICZ, JAN, born on 17-Feb-1917, born in BRZEZNICA
Personal file of GRÄPER, HEINRICH, born on 23-Sep-1916, born in Hamburg
Personal file of GRASLAK, STANISLAW, born on 11-Oct-1899
Personal file of GRASMAIJER, OTTO, born on 6-May-1925, born in ENSCHEDE
Personal file of GRASS, ALOIS, born on 17-Jan-1921, born in ERSTEIN/ ELSASS
Personal file of GRASSEAU, ANDRE, born on 29-Mar-1921, born in Poitiers
Personal file of GRÄSSER, PETER, born on 7-Dec-1904, born in KEUCHINGEN
Personal file of GRASSET, HENRI, born on 30-Sep-1900, born in BAR LE DUC
Personal file of GRASSINI, RISOLUTO, born on 8-May-1908, born in CHIUSDINO
Personal file of GRASZKIEWICZ, ANTONI, born on 12-Apr-1904, born in Janowiec
Personal file of GRAT, FRANZ, born on 9-Aug-1916
Personal file of GRATET, ROLAND, born on 9-Sep-1925, born in Orleans
Personal file of GRATZ, MICHEL, born on 25-Jan-1917, born in MONTINGEN / BERG
Personal file of GRATZL, LEOPOLD, born on 24-Apr-1899, born in AMSTETTEN
Personal file of GRAULI, HEINRICH, born on 28-Jul-1916, born in Adelshofen
Personal file of GRAVDAHL, ERIK, born on 18-Nov-1910, born in BERGEN
Personal file of GRAVELIUS, HANS, born on 24-Apr-1913, born in Mainz
Personal file of GRAWDAHL, ERIK, born on 18-Nov-1910
Personal file of GRAZ, ARNOLD, born on 19-Apr-1893, born in Genf
Personal file of GRAZEWSKI, RYSZARD, born on 18-Nov-1928, born in Warschau
Personal file of GRCAR, JOSEF, born on 9-Dec-1924, born in TRBOVLJE
Personal file of GREAR, JOSEF, born on 9-Dec-1924
Personal file of GREBE, HEINZ, born on 18-Jul-1904, born in Elberfeld
Personal file of GREBENJUK, ALEXANDER, born on 9-Jul-1926, born in ISJUM
Personal file of GRECKO, MICHAEL, born on 22-Jan-1923
Personal file of GREDER, MICHAEL, born on 29-Apr-1902, born in MIETESHEIM
Personal file of GREEN, WILLI, born on 26-Sep-1902, born in FLENSBURG
Personal file of GREGOCZYK, JOHANN, born on 12-Jun-1923, born in Zychlin
Personal file of GREGOIRE, ALFRED, born on 2-Jun-1889, born in COMMENTRY
Personal file of GREGORAK, TADEUSZ, born on 18-Oct-1914
Personal file of GREGORCZYK, JOHANN, born on 12-Jun-1923
Personal file of GREGORETTI, LUIGI, born on 13-Jun-1907, born in SESANA
Personal file of GREGORI, GIUSEPPE, born on 21-Jan-1910, born in ALBONA
Personal file of GREGORI, PETRO, born in the year 1923, born in Kiew
Personal file of GREGORIA, ALOIS, born on 14-Jul-1913
Personal file of GREGORIC, JOZE, born on 20-Feb-1899, born in RAKEK
Personal file of GREGORIN, ALDO, born on 19-Sep-1921, born in RONCHI
Personal file of GREGORIN, ALOIS, born on 14-Jul-1913, born in BREZJE
Personal file of GREGOROWITSCH, GIOVANNI, born on 9-Jun-1912, born in CESTELLIER - DI - VISINADA
Personal file of GREGOWICZ, ANDREAS, born on 30-Nov-1897, born in GUZLIN
Personal file of GREHIER, JEAN, born on 16-Feb-1907, born in Paris
Personal file of GREIBROCK, GUNSTEIN, born on 26-Nov-1884
Personal file of GREIBROK, GUNSTEIN, born on 26-Nov-1884, born in BYGLAND
Personal file of GREINER, EDUARD, born on 28-Jun-1886, born in DATTINGEN
Personal file of GREISS, RUWEN, born on 5-Oct-1904, born in SMORGEN
Personal file of GREKO, MICHAIL, born on 22-Jan-1923, born in BABANKO
Personal file of GREKOW, IWAN, born on 30-Mar-1914, born in GOLODAEWKA
Personal file of GREKOWICZ, ANDREAS, born on 30-Nov-1897
Personal file of GRELA, MICHAEL, born on 27-Sep-1922, born in KRAWCZYNEK
Personal file of GRELAUD, FERNAND, born on 26-Jan-1913, born in CHERENE
Personal file of GRELECKI, ZYGMUNT, born on 13-Jul-1908
Personal file of GRELKA, BRUNO, born on 29-Sep-1896, born in TALDORF
Personal file of GREMER, SZYJA, born on 17-Jul-1920, born in Klimontow
Personal file of GRENET, CAMILLE, born on 27-Oct-1895, born in LAROCHE - FOUCAULD
Personal file of GRENIER, ACHILLE, born on 22-Jan-1894, born in Denain
Personal file of GRENKAMP, JAN, born on 1-Jul-1896, born in Gorlice
Personal file of GRENKO, AUGUST, born on 9-May-1912, born in KRASICA
Personal file of GRESCHEK, RICHARD, born on 28-Nov-1907
Personal file of GRESCHKO, NIKOLAJ, born on 18-Apr-1908, born in Romanow
Personal file of GRESCHNER, EMERICH, born on 29-Oct-1914, born in CACH
Personal file of GRESCHOK, RICHARD, born on 28-Nov-1907, born in BRINITZE
Personal file of GRESKO, JOSEF, born on 14-Aug-1913, born in KARWIN
Personal file of GRESZIAK, ALBERT, born on 8-Apr-1902
Personal file of GREVEL, ADRIANUS, born on 1-Jan-1906, born in Rotterdam
Personal file of GREWENIG, MATHIAS, born on 27-Oct-1890, born in ROSPORT
Personal file of GREZENKO, ANDRE, born on 26-Sep-1926, born in DORF KOZELNE
Personal file of GRIAZNOW, THEODOR, born on 21-Jan-1923
Personal file of GRIBANOW, NIKOLAJ, born on 18-Jan-1923, born in DAHANROCH
Personal file of GRIBINIUK, IWAN, born on 12-Jul-1923
Personal file of GRIBISCHI, EMILIO, born on 21-Oct-1928
Personal file of GRIBOW, MICHAIL, born on 8-Nov-1920, born in KULASCHENZI
Personal file of GRICZAN, TADEUSZ, born on 25-Sep-1923, born in KUREJWA
Personal file of GRIDASOW, IWAN, born on 12-Nov-1923, born in SIRAHOS- SAPOROSCHE
Personal file of GRIFFON, GEORGES, born on 30-Jul-1902, born in CHAUX- NEUVE
Personal file of GRIFFOND, ACHILLE, born on 10-Feb-1922, born in CHAPELLE D' BOIS
Personal file of GRIFFORD, ACHILLE, born on 10-Feb-1922
Personal file of GRIGA, DEMETER
Personal file of GRIGOREW, ALEXANDER, born on 10-Jun-1911, born in PODKLANJE
Personal file of GRIGOREW, NIKOLAJ, born on 21-Dec-1914, born in SOJENO
Personal file of GRIGOREZ, PETER, born on 19-Sep-1918, born in Bondary
Personal file of GRIGORIN, ALOIS, born on 14-Jul-1913
Personal file of GRIGORISCHIN, NIKOLAJ, born in the year 1918, born in Slobodka
Personal file of GRIGORJEW, ALEXANDER, born on 10-Jun-1911
Personal file of GRIGORJEW, ALEXANDER, born on 11-Aug-1914, born in NOWOGROD
Personal file of GRIGORJEW, ANATOLI, born on 25-Apr-1923, born in WAJAYE
Personal file of GRIGORJEW, OLEG, born on 13-May-1922, born in Wolodarsk
Personal file of GRIGORTSCHUK, ALEXANDER, born on 6-Jun-1915, born in KIPTSCHENZI
Personal file of GRIGORTSCHUK, TARAS, born on 15-Apr-1922
Personal file of GRILLET, RAYMOND, born on 15-Dec-1897, born in Lyon
Personal file of GRILLOT, ROBERT, born on 2-Jun-1905, born in SEMUR
Personal file of GRIM, STEFAN, born on 5-Jun-1914, born in Sosnowitz
Personal file of GRIMMEL, GEORG, born on 1-Feb-1893, born in FRANKFURT/ M
Personal file of GRIN, JACOB, born on 27-Jun-1899
Personal file of GRINBLATT, MICHAL, born on 3-Apr-1917, born in Tschernigow
Personal file of GRINBLATT, WULF, born on 4-Jun-1922, born in Windau
Personal file of GRINDE, HANS, born on 23-Nov-1919, born in ENBAKK
Personal file of GRINDRUD, ALF, born on 2-Jul-1904, born in KÖNGSBERG
Personal file of GRINER, CHAIM, born on 2-Jul-1906, born in Wilna
Personal file of GRIPA, DEMTER, born on 15-Oct-1893
Personal file of GRISCHENKO, WLADIMIR, born on 20-Feb-1922
Personal file of GRISCHTSCHENKO, IWAN, born on 3-Jun-1921, born in TAGANGROG
Personal file of GRISCHTSCHENKO, MAXIM, born on 25-Dec-1908, born in POKROWSKOJA
Personal file of GRISCHUK, ALEXANDER, born on 13-Jun-1921, born in LIBISCHENZI
Personal file of GRISEY, MARCEL, born on 25-Feb-1914, born in PLANCHAIS- BAS
Personal file of GRISEZ, MARCEL, born on 25-Feb-1914
Personal file of GRITJSCHA, MARTIS, born on 13-Feb-1899
Personal file of GRITSCHANYJ, NIKOLAI, born on 20-Dec-1924, born in BELOLUSK
Personal file of GRITSCHUK, FEDOR, born on 10-Feb-1912, born in SUSLAWZI
Personal file of GROB, FRIEDRICH, born on 29-Nov-1900, born in DURLACH
Personal file of GROBELNY, ANTON, born on 27-Dec-1898, born in KRUCZKOW
Personal file of GROCHOLSKI, BRONISLAV, born on 14-Oct-1927
Personal file of GROCHOWSKI, ADAM, born on 27-Nov-1892, born in FULKOW
Personal file of GROCHULSKI, KASIMIR, born on 27-Mar-1921, born in SROCK
Personal file of GROCKI, BRONISLAUS, born on 26-Aug-1910, born in GOLODAJEVKA
Personal file of GRODEK, LEO, born on 27-Jan-1894, born in TOPOLINA
Personal file of GRODZIENSKI, ALEKSANDER, born on 3-Dec-1915, born in Wilna
Personal file of GRODZINSKI, CHAIM, born in the year 1905, born in Wilna
Personal file of GROEMANDIJK, PIETER, born on 21-Nov-1921
Personal file of GROENENDIJK, PIETER, born on 21-Nov-1921, born in Rotterdam
Personal file of GROENWOET, MARCEL, born on 7-Aug-1909, born in CHARLEVOI
Personal file of GROF, JANOS, born on 28-Aug-1911
Personal file of GROKE, AUGUST, born on 4-May-1889, born in WERSCHNITZA
Personal file of GROLAND, AUGUSTE, born on 5-Jan-1901
Personal file of GROLAUD, AUGUSTE, born on 5-Jan-1901, born in LAROCHE
Personal file of GROLLMUS, OSKAR, born on 10-Oct-1898, born in GEORGENTHAL
Personal file of GROM, OTTO, born on 4-Feb-1901, born in EBERSBACH
Personal file of GROMAKOW, PAVEK, born on 8-May-1923, born in NOWOCHARKOWSK
Personal file of GROMEK, JOSEF, born on 23-Mar-1904, born in Lancut
Personal file of GRÖNINGER, LUDWIG, born on 12-Aug-1905, born in HINSINGEN
Personal file of GRONOW, VIKTOR, born on 18-Jul-1925
Personal file of GRÖNSTÖL, KNUT, born on 23-Nov-1892, born in KRINNHERAD
Personal file of GROOME, THOMAS, born on 18-Jul-1918, born in NONTSAIT
Personal file of GROOT DE, BAREND, born on 2-Nov-1922, born in Rotterdam
Personal file of GROOT DE, FEDDE, born on 6-Mar-1920, born in LEEUWERDEN
Personal file of GROOT DE, GERARDUS, born on 28-May-1920, born in Amsterdam
Personal file of GROS, BERNARD, born on 10-Oct-1926, born in LARDY
Personal file of GROS, LUZIAN, born on 4-Jun-1907, born in FENTSCH
Personal file of GROSA, PAUL, born in the year 1925, born in VELIKARUSLJIVKA
Personal file of GROSAR, LUCA, born on 30-Sep-1896, born in CHIAPOKANO
Personal file of GROSCEWICZ, EUGEN, born on 13-Jan-1888, born in Warschau
Personal file of GROSJEAN, PAUL, born on 22-Sep-1897, born in LANDRESSE
Personal file of GROSMAIRE, RAYMOND, born on 1-Mar-1908, born in Besancon
Personal file of GROSMAN, WULF, born on 10-Nov-1898, born in Kauen
Personal file of GROSMANN, HAFTULE, born on 3-Jul-1907, born in Kolki
Personal file of GROSS, FERDINAND, born on 11-Feb-1908, born in Wien
Personal file of GROSS, HEINRICH, born on 25-Dec-1914, born in Bremen
Personal file of GROSS, JOSEF
Personal file of GROSS, JOSEF, born on 25-Dec-1914
Personal file of GROSS, PAL, born on 27-Jul-1926
Personal file of GROSSBARD, BENTAMIN, born on 12-Oct-1903, born in Kauen
Personal file of GROSSE, JOHANN, born on 21-Mar-1925, born in BENSDORF
Personal file of GROSSE, KARL, born on 29-Dec-1917, born in Lützelburg
Personal file of GROSSE, WILLY, born on 29-Aug-1903, born in STRÖBECK
Personal file of GROSSGART, PETER, born on 2-Nov-1919, born in Ahrweiler
Personal file of GROSSHANS, KARL, born on 15-Jan-1881, born in ALTENSTEIG
Personal file of GROSSKOPF, ALFRED, born on 15-Mar-1920
Personal file of GROSSKOPF, HUGO, born on 25-Mar-1907
Personal file of GROSSMANN, ALFRED, born on 17-Nov-1879, born in KOBURG
Personal file of GROSSMANN, HANS, born on 2-Mar-1912, born in Berlin
Personal file of GROSSMANN, JOHANN, born on 3-Dec-1896, born in LIMBACH
Personal file of GROSSNICKEL, EMIL, born on 16-Dec-1884, born in WILLWALD
Personal file of GROSSPETER, HANNS, born on 5-Jan-1916, born in GROSSKÖNIGDORF
Personal file of GROSZ, FRANZ, born on 2-Dec-1903
Personal file of GROSZ, SOLTAN, born on 5-Jan-1897
Personal file of GROSZEWICZ, EUGEN, born on 13-Jan-1888
Personal file of GROTEK, JOHANN, born on 5-Jul-1891, born in GOLIANY
Personal file of GROTHE, ALFRED, born on 12-Jul-1873, born in BRANDERBURG
Personal file of GROTHGE, WERNER, born on 8-Jul-1899, born in Berlin
Personal file of GRUBISCHI, EMILIO, born on 21-Oct-1928, born in GALLIGNANNO
Personal file of GRUDA, ANDREAS, born on 19-Dec-1914, born in WOLKA- W.
Personal file of GRUDZIEN, JAN, born on 18-Mar-1910, born in Slowiki
Personal file of GRUDZIEN, JOSEF, born on 13-Oct-1904, born in Slowiki
Personal file of GRUDZIEN, STANISLAW, born on 22-Feb-1908, born in Slowiki
Personal file of GRUDZINSKI, JOSEF, born on 18-Nov-1896, born in RYBKI
Personal file of GRUDZINSKI, WILHELM, born on 25-Jan-1911, born in HAGEN- HASPE
Personal file of GRUIC, THOMA, born on 5-Aug-1909, born in SRBOBRAM
Personal file of GRUIC, TICHOMIR, born on 5-Aug-1920, born in SMEDOWAR
Personal file of GRÜN, STEFAN, born on 11-Aug-1916, born in ODENBACH
Personal file of GRÜNBERG, BERNHARD, born on 11-Jan-1911
Personal file of GRÜNBERG, RICHARD, born on 2-Feb-1912, born in Paris
Personal file of GRÜNENWALD, EMIL, born on 12-Mar-1911
Personal file of GRÜNER, ERICH, born on 20-Nov-1912, born in OBERBOBRITZSCH
Personal file of GRÜNER, ZELIG, born on 14-Nov-1914
Personal file of GRÜNEWALD, EMIL, born on 12-Mar-1911, born in SAARGEMÜND
Personal file of GRÜNFELDER, MARCEL, born on 23-Jul-1923
Personal file of GRÜNFELDER, MARCEL, born on 23-Jul-1923, born in Stahlheim
Personal file of GRÜNIG, JOHANN, born on 8-Apr-1911, born in DÜDELINGEN
Personal file of GRÜNSCHTEIN, SCHOLEM, born on 15-Mar-1914, born in Warschau
Personal file of GRUPP, SALOMON, born on 23-Jun-1902, born in OSCHMIANER
Personal file of GRUSCHKA, AUGUST, born on 10-Jul-1899, born in TROCKENBERG
Personal file of GRÜSNIK, MITROFAN, born on 24-Dec-1925, born in WIPOLZOWO
Personal file of GRUSZCZYNSKI, ANDREAS, born on 14-Aug-1925, born in Warschau
Personal file of GRUSZKA, BRUNO, born on 6-Mar-1911, born in Berlin
Personal file of GRUTING VAN, ANTON, born on 3-Sep-1897, born in Utrecht
Personal file of GRÜTSCHKOW, BORIS, born on 9-Oct-1925
Personal file of GRYCZYN, IWAN, born in the year 1921
Personal file of GRYKOW, IWAN, born on 13-Mar-1914
Personal file of GRYKUN, PAWLO, born on 22-Jan-1927, born in WELIKA DYMERKA
Personal file of GRYNBAUM, SZMUL, born on 18-Oct-1920, born in Bialobrzegi
Personal file of GRYNBERG, ELIASZ, born on 25-Jul-1913, born in Przytyk
Personal file of GRYNEGEL, ZYGMUNT, born on 25-Dec-1905
Personal file of GRYSMANN, FERDINAND, born on 30-Aug-1904, born in Ungvar
Personal file of GRYSZCZYNSKI, JAN, born on 28-Jun-1893, born in BIALYN
Personal file of GRYSZINSKI, VIKTOR
Personal file of GRYSZYASKI, JAN, born on 26-Jun-1893
Personal file of GRYSZYN, IWAN, born in the year 1921
Personal file of GRYWNAK, IWAN, born on 24-Dec-1923, born in CHROPOTOWA
Personal file of GRYZLEWICZ, CYRYL, born on 7-Jul-1907, born in Warschau
Personal file of GRZEBIEN, STANISLAW, born on 26-Jul-1888
Personal file of GRZECHOWIAK, STEFAN, born on 14-Dec-1919, born in GOSTIN
Personal file of GRZEGARZEWSKI, STANISLAW, born on 2-May-1911
Personal file of GRZEGORCZYK, WACLAW, born on 28-Aug-1919
Personal file of GRZEGORZAK, ALEXANDER, born on 17-Oct-1915
Personal file of GRZEGORZAK, JAN, born on 25-Jan-1914
Personal file of GRZEJDA, FRANZ, born on 7-Feb-1891, born in SAMGUZSZ
Personal file of GRZELAK, JOHANN, born on 27-Jan-1926, born in Zalesie
Personal file of GRZELAK, STANISLAW, born on 1-Sep-1922, born in Budki
Personal file of GRZELAK, VINZENZ, born on 12-Apr-1912, born in Swierczyn
Personal file of GRZELAK, WLADYSLAW, born on 27-Feb-1915
Personal file of GRZELECKI, MICHAL, born on 29-Nov-1890
Personal file of GRZESAEZYK, ZYGMONT, born on 12-Oct-1910
Personal file of GRZESCH, JAN, born on 15-May-1921, born in Krakau
Personal file of GRZESIAK, ALBERT, born on 8-Apr-1902, born in WELFINGEN
Personal file of GRZESIAK, MICHAEL, born on 19-Sep-1913, born in GAWLO
Personal file of GRZESKOWIAK, JOSEF, born on 24-Dec-1922, born in MARIESFELDE
Personal file of GRZESKOWIAK, KASIMIR, born on 13-Nov-1912, born in Wiescherhofen
Personal file of GRZESLAK, STANISLAW, born on 11-Oct-1899
Personal file of GRZESZCZAK, JOSEF, born on 29-Mar-1911, born in Litzmannstadt
Personal file of GRZESZCZYK, SIEGMUND, born on 12-Oct-1910, born in Warschau
Personal file of GRZESZEK, TOMASZ, born on 25-Dec-1908, born in Stara Wies
Personal file of GRZEYDA, FRANZ, born on 7-Feb-1891
Personal file of GRZINCIC, EMIL, born on 16-Apr-1916, born in KAMNIK
Personal file of GRZSIAK, MICHAEL, born on 19-Sep-1913
Personal file of GRZYB, STEFAN, born on 20-Jan-1892, born in RZECZYCA
Personal file of GRZYB, WLADISLAW, born on 15-Apr-1917
Personal file of GRZYBOWSKI, TOMASZ, born on 15-Sep-1909
Personal file of GRZYMALA, TADEUSZ, born on 10-Jun-1922, born in Zalesie
Personal file of GRZYMKOWSKI, TADEUSZ, born on 9-Nov-1912
Personal file of GRZYWACZ, CZESLAW, born on 6-Apr-1924
Personal file of GRZYWACZ, JOSEF, born on 16-Mar-1894
Personal file of GSCHWIND, ANDRE, born on 2-Nov-1921, born in ALTKIRCH
Personal file of GSCHWIND, PETER, born on 16-Dec-1883, born in BROICH
Personal file of GUAITA, ANTONIO, born on 25-Jun-1921, born in Mailand
Personal file of GUALAZZI, MARIO, born on 5-Jun-1919
Personal file of GUALLAZZI, MARIO, born on 5-Jun-1919, born in IESI
Personal file of GUBA, NIKOLAI, born on 1-Oct-1926, born in DEKANKA
Personal file of GUBAI, DEMJAN, born on 2-Nov-1914, born in POLEWI- GRINEWZI
Personal file of GUBANOW, FJODOR, born on 28-Jun-1906, born in ARCHANGELSKOJE
Personal file of GUBE, LOSZLO, born on 6-Jan-1896
Personal file of GUDEFIN, PIERRE, born on 5-Oct-1905, born in FRANCHEVILLE / BAS
Personal file of GUDEN, PIERRE, born on 22-Jun-1913, born in NEUVILLEYRS
Personal file of GUDOOINE, LOUIS, born on 16-Feb-1917
Personal file of GUDZIENIETZKI, SZYMON, born on 5-Jan-1914, born in ZUPRUN
Personal file of GUEDART, FRANCOIS, born on 7-Jan-1917, born in PLAIUTEL
Personal file of GUEGUAM, JEAN, born on 1-Jul-1911
Personal file of GUEGUEN, JEAN, born on 1-Jul-1911, born in TELGRUE / MER
Personal file of GUELEN, MAURICE, born on 4-Jun-1929, born in Rüssingen
Personal file of GUELEUX, MAURICE, born on 21-May-1907, born in VITRY
Personal file of GUENA, GABRIEL, born on 28-Jun-1891, born in ROSCOF
Personal file of GUENARD, ROBERT, born on 20-Jun-1901, born in Amiens
Personal file of GUENEGOU, GILBERT, born on 12-Apr-1926, born in Angers
Personal file of GUENEGUES, LOUIS, born on 10-Feb-1920, born in Brest
Personal file of GUENEHEC, PIERRE, born on 20-Feb-1923, born in QUISTENIC
Personal file of GUENON, VICTOR, born on 20-Jul-1899, born in ESNANDES
Personal file of GUENZI, CIPRIANO, born on 26-Sep-1914, born in CASTELLETO
Personal file of GUENZI, PIETRO, born on 14-Sep-1910, born in CASTELLETTO
Personal file of GUERET, ALBERT, born on 18-Apr-1907, born in SORBIER
Personal file of GUERIN, ANDRE, born on 8-Mar-1923, born in Nancy
Personal file of GUERIN, EMILE, born on 18-May-1881, born in DANNEMOIS
Personal file of GUERIN, FRANCOIS, born on 25-Jun-1926, born in LOUVIGNE- DU- DESERT
Personal file of GUERIN, GEORGES, born on 9-Jun-1922, born in VAUXNARD
Personal file of GUERIN, GILBERT, born on 19-Jul-1914, born in ROSSLINGEN
Personal file of GUERIN, JEAN, born on 16-Mar-1878, born in TRADES
Personal file of GUERINEAU, ANDRE, born on 22-Apr-1909, born in TERNANT
Personal file of GUERINEAU, GEORGES, born on 6-Jun-1899, born in Rochefort
Personal file of GUERINEAU, REMY, born on 23-Jun-1902, born in TERNANT
Personal file of GUERREY, MAURICE, born on 24-Feb-1921, born in SORMERY
Personal file of GUERRY, MARCEL, born on 18-Apr-1910, born in GRANDVILLE
Personal file of GUEUSQUIN, ANDRE, born on 15-Jan-1927, born in CLERMONT
Personal file of GUGLIEMETTI, JULES, born on 11-Feb-1922, born in LE RUSSEY
Personal file of GUGLJA, WLADIMIR, born on 8-Jul-1918, born in Kiew
Personal file of GUICHARD, GEORGES, born on 2-Jun-1912, born in Paris
Personal file of GUICHARD, MARCEL, born on 18-Sep-1918, born in GREZY / AIX
Personal file of GUICHARD, RENE, born on 4-Aug-1925, born in NANDY
Personal file of GUICHET, NARCISSE, born on 8-Jun-1909, born in Lyon
Personal file of GUIDE, GUY, born on 28-Jul-1925, born in Reims
Personal file of GUIDEMANN, ARTHUR, born on 13-Feb-1886, born in Mülhausen
Personal file of GUIDI, ARTHURO, born on 13-Aug-1912, born in MASSA COZILE
Personal file of GUIDI, PRIMO, born on 11-Jan-1894
Personal file of GUIDIO, ARTHURO, born on 13-Aug-1912
Personal file of GUIDO, PRIMO, born on 11-Jan-1894, born in BAGUI ROSETTO
Personal file of GUIDRE, MARCEL, born on 21-Oct-1905
Personal file of GUIER, STEFAN, born on 8-Feb-1901, born in AACHEN
Personal file of GUIGNARD, GILBERT, born on 13-Apr-1922, born in VESOUL
Personal file of GUIGNON, LOUIS, born on 4-Feb-1909, born in CHAPELLE S. LOIRE
Personal file of GUILAUS, LEON, born on 3-Sep-1903
Personal file of GUILBAUT, EUGENE, born on 18-Oct-1908, born in CEAN
Personal file of GUILCHET, EDUARD
Personal file of GUILLARD, CLAUDE, born on 8-Dec-1905, born in FAREINS
Personal file of GUILLARD, RENE, born on 3-Aug-1900
Personal file of GUILLAS, EMIL, born on 3-Feb-1925
Personal file of GUILLAUME, ADRIAN, born on 28-Feb-1918, born in MERVILLER
Personal file of GUILLAUME, FELIX, born on 31-Oct-1912, born in CLERMONT
Personal file of GUILLEBON, JEAN, born on 25-Oct-1925, born in Cognac
Personal file of GUILLEM, RENE, born on 26-Jun-1907, born in CHEVREMONT
Personal file of GUILLEMAIN, ARTHUR, born on 14-Feb-1924, born in ST. DENIS
Personal file of GUILLET, FELIX, born on 23-Mar-1899, born in BLAIN
Personal file of GUILLET, FERNAND, born on 16-Apr-1914, born in ARINTHOD
Personal file of GUILLEUX, LEON, born on 3-Sep-1903, born in ST. LAURENT DU MORTIER
Personal file of GUILLIER, CHARLES, born on 27-Sep-1913, born in FERDRUP
Personal file of GUILLO, ROBERT, born on 17-Mar-1923, born in Reims
Personal file of GUILLOT, ALBERT, born on 27-Feb-1915, born in Dijon
Personal file of GUILLOT, EMILE, born on 16-May-1873, born in VAL- SUZON
Personal file of GUILLOT, EUGENE, born on 8-Jan-1911, born in IVRECY
Personal file of GUILLOTEAU, JACQUES, born on 31-May-1921, born in BREUL- MAGNIE
Personal file of GUIRAUD, RENE, born on 5-Oct-1917, born in CHIKAGO
Personal file of GUITTARD, RENE, born on 3-Apr-1895, born in Paris
Personal file of GUKER, HAJWEL, born on 22-Jun-1923, born in Wilna
Personal file of GULA, HEINRICH, born on 13-Feb-1912, born in Tschenstochau
Personal file of GULA, PAWEL
Personal file of GULAJEW, WASSILIJ, born on 17-Aug-1921, born in Smolensk
Personal file of GULBRANDSEN, ERLING, born on 18-Jul-1895, born in OSLO
Personal file of GULIDOW, JOSEF, born on 13-Aug-1913
Personal file of GULISZ, PIOTR, born on 16-Sep-1920, born in BESCZYA
Personal file of GULITCZ, PIOTR, born on 16-Sep-1920
Personal file of GULO, PIETRO, born on 4-Feb-1921, born in BROOKLYN
Personal file of GUMAN, FRANZ, born on 25-Mar-1924
Personal file of GUMENIJ, TEOFAN, born on 24-Oct-1922
Personal file of GUMINSKIJ, WASSILI, born on 2-Feb-1926, born in TSCHERKESSK
Personal file of GUMMITZ, SCHEWACH, born on 1-Sep-1905, born in JWI
Personal file of GUMOLIBSCH, WLADISLAW, born on 1-Oct-1901
Personal file of GUMOLITSCH, WLADISLAW, born on 1-Oct-1901
Personal file of GUMOWSKI, WENZEL, born on 8-Apr-1917, born in OSTROW . MAL
Personal file of GUMULARZ, KASIMIERZ, born on 29-Jul-1909, born in JADAWNIKI- GORNE
Personal file of GUMULSKI, VLADISLAUS, born on 1-Mar-1923, born in CHRUSZCZOBROD
Personal file of GUNDERSEN, ALFRED, born on 28-Feb-1919, born in SORTLAND
Personal file of GUNIA, STANISLAUS, born on 11-Jan-1924
Personal file of GÜNNER, KARL, born on 10-Jun-1881, born in OFFENBURG
Personal file of GUNSCH DE, LOUIS, born on 28-Jun-1912
Personal file of GÜNTHER, GERHARD, born on 4-Feb-1901, born in SAARGEMÜND
Personal file of GÜNTHER, HORST, born on 10-Nov-1914, born in Dresden
Personal file of GÜNTHER, JOHANN, born on 29-Apr-1893, born in Kitzingen
Personal file of GURCZYK, JOSEF, born on 18-Aug-1911
Personal file of GURECKI, KASIMIR, born on 22-Nov-1922
Personal file of GUREWICZ, ISRAEL, born on 10-Apr-1912, born in Wilna
Personal file of GURGUL, ZBIGNIEW, born on 18-Dec-1924, born in WLADIMIR
Personal file of GURKA, MARIAN, born on 4-Jun-1924, born in KSAWEROW
Personal file of GURMANN, FRANZ, born on 23-May-1910
Personal file of GURR, PAUL, born on 19-Apr-1895, born in STASSFURT
Personal file of GURSKI, GEORG, born on 10-Oct-1920, born in Warschau
Personal file of GURTAT, MARJAN, born on 10-Dec-1918, born in Staszow
Personal file of GURTSCHENKO, WASSILIJ, born on 21-Sep-1919, born in WISOKAJA
Personal file of GURWICZ, CHAIM, born on 5-Nov-1910, born in Wilna
Personal file of GURWICZ, DAVID, born on 25-Apr-1909, born in Wilna
Personal file of GURWICZ, LEISER, born on 25-May-1921, born in Wilna
Personal file of GURWICZ, LIPA, born on 20-Feb-1907, born in Wilna
Personal file of GURWITSCH, JAKOB, born on 15-Nov-1906, born in Wilna
Personal file of GURWITSCH, ZORUCH, born on 5-Jul-1926, born in Wilna
Personal file of GURWITZ, LIPA, born on 20-Feb-1907
Personal file of GURWITZ, SCHMEREL, born on 8-Oct-1900, born in Wilna
Personal file of GURYN, EUGENIUS, born on 14-Jun-1922, born in Zapole
Personal file of GUSCHANSKI, SCHAJA, born on 23-Jan-1910, born in Wilna
Personal file of GUSEJIN, ALISA, born on 5-May-1922, born in Baku
Personal file of GUSEW, IWAN, born on 22-Dec-1913, born in MOLOTOWO
Personal file of GUSEW, MOISEW, born on 14-Sep-1914, born in NOWO SAPOROSCHE
Personal file of GUSEW, TICHON, born on 11-Aug-1909
Personal file of GUSINA, ANNA, born in SCHUTOWOW
Personal file of GUSJKOFF, MICHAEL, born on 9-Nov-1916, born in SUBOWA
Personal file of GUSONI, CELESTINO, born on 6-Mar-1913
Personal file of GUSOWSKI, WALDEMAR, born on 18-Jun-1900
Personal file of GÜSSE, EUGEN, born on 12-Apr-1914, born in GR. MÖVERN
Personal file of GUSTAVSEN, JOSEF, born on 4-Jan-1910, born in OSLO
Personal file of GUSTAWOW, PAWEL, born on 4-Jun-1923, born in Leningrad
Personal file of GUT, THADDÄUS, born on 2-Feb-1915, born in Wisniewo
Personal file of GUTBIER, EMIL, born on 11-Apr-1920, born in Neustadt
Personal file of GUTE, LASZLO, born on 6-Jan-1896
Personal file of GUTFRIED, LUDWIG, born on 5-Mar-1899, born in WEITERSWEILER
Personal file of GUTKOWSKI, FRANZ, born on 18-May-1924, born in MERICOUR- GRAND
Personal file of GUTMAN, ABRAM, born on 10-Sep-1914, born in Radom
Personal file of GUTMAN, RACHMIL, born on 5-Mar-1891, born in Radom
Personal file of GUTMANN, ABRAM, born on 10-Jul-1902, born in Radom
Personal file of GUTMANN, FRANZ, born on 23-May-1910, born in Wien
Personal file of GUTMANN, MAJER, born on 4-Apr-1901, born in PRZYTK
Personal file of GUTMANN, RACHMIL, born on 5-Mar-1891
Personal file of GUTSCHENREITER, STEFAN, born on 29-May-1905, born in ILLERRINDEN
Personal file of GUTTENBERGER, RUDOLF, born on 16-Dec-1921, born in DÖRTZBACH
Personal file of GUTTMANN, LEON, born on 16-Mar-1915, born in PLUNGE
Personal file of GUTULLIC, JEAN, born on 8-Jan-1902, born in PONT ARCNNES
Personal file of GUTY, MACIEJ, born on 22-Jul-1893
Personal file of GUYKENS, CHR., born on 1-Oct-1917, born in Den Haag
Personal file of GUYON, LEON, born on 21-Aug-1906
Personal file of GUYON, ROBERT, born on 23-May-1920, born in Dijon
Personal file of GUYOT, ANDRE, born on 24-Oct-1891, born in BELFORT
Personal file of GUYOT, JEAN, born on 13-Aug-1926, born in Besancon
Personal file of GUYOT, MICHEL, born on 28-Apr-1925, born in Lyon
Personal file of GUYOT, PAUL, born on 28-Jan-1895
Personal file of GUZ, WOLODYMO, born on 15-Mar-1925, born in WIERCHICA
Personal file of GUZEK, FRANCISZEK, born on 20-Sep-1905
Personal file of GUZEK, JAN, born on 18-Dec-1918, born in Janikow
Personal file of GUZEK, JOSEF, born on 17-Jun-1923
Personal file of GUZEK, PETER, born on 29-Jun-1910, born in Lowicz
Personal file of GUZERA, PETER, born on 26-Jun-1913, born in BRONKOWICE
Personal file of GUZIAK, JAN, born on 19-Jun-1905
Personal file of GUZOWSKI, FRANZ, born on 22-Oct-1907
Personal file of GUZZULI, KARL, born on 28-Mar-1887
Personal file of GWARA, MICHAEL, born on 2-Aug-1903
Personal file of GWARDZIAK, ANTON, born on 19-Jul-1907
Personal file of GWARDZJAK, ANTON, born on 19-Jul-1907
Personal file of GWARTZ, HENDRIKUS, born on 14-Mar-1918
Personal file of GWIADZOWSKI, LEON, born on 18-Jan-1921
Personal file of GWIADZOWSKI, ROMAN, born on 8-Jun-1912
Personal file of GWIAZDA, JAN, born on 4-Sep-1918
Personal file of GWIAZDA, KAROL, born on 20-Oct-1900, born in Warschau
Personal file of GWIAZDOWSKI, LEON, born on 18-Jan-1921, born in BRIESEN
Personal file of GWIAZDOWSKI, ROMAN, born on 8-Jun-1912, born in GOLUBE
Personal file of GWORY, WLADISLAUS
Personal file of GYENES, ANDRAS, born on 7-Oct-1919, born in Budapest
Personal file of GYIDIK, JANOS, born on 27-Dec-1907
Personal file of GYPHTICHRISTOS, XENOS, born on 20-Oct-1917, born in KALAMATA
Personal file of GYULA, RAFAEL, born on 20-Oct-1895
Personal file of GYUSKA, JANOS, born on 22-Jan-1911, born in CZEPEL
Personal file of GZABECKI, MICHAEL, born on 24-Nov-1890
Personal file of HAAG, ALFONS, born on 19-Jul-1908, born in SAARGEMÜND
Personal file of HAAGSMA, CATHARINUS, born on 17-Aug-1907, born in LEMMER
Personal file of HAAK, HENDRIK, born on 16-Mar-1924, born in ZAANDAM
Personal file of HAAKENSEN, ROLF, born on 3-Jul-1920, born in OSLO
Personal file of HAALAND, MICHAEL, born on 26-Dec-1913, born in Stavanger
Personal file of HAAN DE, JOH., born on 18-Jul-1903, born in Rotterdam
Personal file of HAARICH, KAROL, born on 11-Sep-1923, born in Warschau
Personal file of HAAS, HANS, born on 6-Dec-1884, born in FRANKFURT / MAIN
Personal file of HAAS, HEINRICH, born on 27-Mar-1884, born in FORHEIM / A.K.
Personal file of HAAS, KARL, born on 27-Aug-1910, born in HERMANNSTADT / SIEBB.
Personal file of HAAS, MATHIAS, born on 13-Aug-1913, born in HOTTWEILER / SAARGEMÜND
Personal file of HAAS, PETER, born on 5-Mar-1915, born in MOERSDORF
Personal file of HAAS, ROBERT, born on 4-Mar-1913, born in Stahlheim
Personal file of HAAS DE, ALBERT, born on 7-Feb-1905, born in Den Haag
Personal file of HAAVALDSEN, HARALD, born on 24-Jul-1920, born in SORTLAND
Personal file of HABAR, PIERRE, born on 9-Mar-1913, born in TERUGNIER
Personal file of HABBEMA, DIRK, born on 16-Feb-1880, born in FORT DE KOCK
Personal file of HABER, PIERRE, born on 9-Mar-1913
Personal file of HABERER, HERMANN, born on 25-Feb-1915, born in ALPIRSBACH
Personal file of HABERSKI, EUGENIUS, born on 25-Apr-1912
Personal file of HABIAN, JOHANN, born on 24-Dec-1911
Personal file of HABICH, PAUL, born on 9-Dec-1907
Personal file of HABINET, ALEXEJ, born on 10-Nov-1923
Personal file of HABIS, MAURICE, born on 23-Jun-1923, born in SAARGEMÜND
Personal file of HABORCZUK, WASIL, born on 27-Dec-1918
Personal file of HABSCH, , born on 20-Jan-1920, born in RIEDSELTS
Personal file of HABUS, ANTON, born on 5-Jun-1909, born in DONI- KRALOVEC
Personal file of HACK, HEINRICH, born on 31-Dec-1895, born in KATHARINENDOR / ÖSTR. / CZERNOWITZ
Personal file of HACKER, HERMANN, born on 21-Nov-1914, born in HARBURG- WILHELMSBURG
Personal file of HACUS, LADISLAUS, born on 26-Jun-1894, born in Krakau
Personal file of HACZELA, WLODZIMIERZ, born on 7-Apr-1924, born in ZMIGROD- NOWY
Personal file of HADGI, METAR, born in the year 1914, born in Algier
Personal file of HADJIMI, CAHARD, born in the year 1908, born in CORNEILLE / CONSTANTINE
Personal file of HADRY, JAN, born on 30-Apr-1893
Personal file of HADRYS, JAN, born on 30-Apr-1893
Personal file of HAEGEL,
Personal file of HAER, GERRIT, born on 4-May-1918, born in ENSCHEDE
Personal file of HAETTY, AUGUST, born on 29-May-1904, born in KOLMAR / ELSASS
Personal file of HÄFELE, JULIUS, born on 9-Nov-1883, born in MÜLHAUSEN / ELS.
Personal file of HÄFFNER, OSKAR, born on 6-Sep-1897, born in WALDROHRBACH
Personal file of HAFFNER, PETER
Personal file of HAFNER, BERNARD, born on 20-Aug-1896, born in KAPEL
Personal file of HAFTARCZYK, MORDKA, born on 20-Mar-1917, born in Radom
Personal file of HÄGELE, ALBERT, born on 14-Aug-1906, born in BAD CAUSTDAT
Personal file of HAGEMANN, WILHELM, born on 20-Apr-1883, born in HOHENLIMBURG
Personal file of HAGEN, BIRGER, born on 18-Jun-1895, born in OSLO
Personal file of HAGEN, BJÖRN, born on 7-Aug-1916, born in Stavanger
Personal file of HAGEN, KAARE, born on 13-Oct-1916, born in HADSEL
Personal file of HAGEN, NIKOLAUS, born on 26-Jan-1916, born in BUTTGÖTTCHEN
Personal file of HAGENBURGER, JULIAN, born on 10-Apr-1920, born in VÖLKINGEN
Personal file of HAGENLOCH, KONRAD, born on 6-Oct-1900, born in SAURTSCHI
Personal file of HAGLI, EGIL, born on 15-Dec-1920, born in KRISTIANSAND
Personal file of HAHN, JOHANNES, born on 1-Feb-1917, born in Planitz
Personal file of HAHN, LUDWIG, born on 2-Feb-1882, born in LUBELN
Personal file of HAHN, OTTO, born on 12-Feb-1901, born in Hamburg
Personal file of HAHN, PETER, born on 11-Sep-1887, born in LUBELN
Personal file of HAHN, WILLI, born on 25-Aug-1893, born in TANNEBERG / LEIPZIG
Personal file of HAIM, JAKOB
Personal file of HAIM, JAKOB, born on 14-Sep-1890, born in STÜHLINGEN
Personal file of HAIN, ARTUR, born on 20-Aug-1905, born in Marburg
Personal file of HAISSAT, GEORGES, born on 15-Aug-1904
Personal file of HAISSAT, PIERRE, born on 8-Dec-1912, born in MOYEN
Personal file of HAIZEK, MARTIN, born on 10-Nov-1905, born in SUCZEWA
Files with names from HAJDUCZEK
Files with names from HOFFMANN
Files with names from JADLOWSKIJ
Files with names from JUKOWIC
Files with names from KECHAIAS
Files with names from KOLESNIKOW
Files with names from KOZLOWSKI
Files with names from KURLBAUM
Files with names from LE CORRE
Files with names from LISJENKO
Files with names from MALECKI
Files with names from MAURON
Files with names from MIRALLES
Files with names from MUSSO
Files with names from OBROSLAK
Files with names from PARISE
Files with names from PICARD
Files with names from PORCZYNSKI
Files with names from RASKASENAK
Files with names from ROMANOWITSCH
Files with names from SALEWSKI
Files with names from SCHKELJ
Files with names from SEMJONOW
Files with names from SNAMENSKIJ
Files with names from STEINMAYER
Files with names from SZATAN
Files with names from THONI
Files with names from TULEJ
Files with names from VOLTERRA
Files with names from WIEDERHOLD
Files with names from ZAGAR
Certificate of approval for additional food dated 14.4.1942
Personnel file, compiled on 26.10.1943
Death and body certificates of prisoners of KL Natzweiler, who died in the period from 13.4.1944 - 20.3.1945 in the detachments Neckarelz and Neckargerach, listed nationalities: Albanian (1 person), B ...
Various individual files of: infirmary cards, sick reports, prisoners' interrogation forms & prisoner's personnel files 15.6.1943 - 10.2.1944. Listed nationalities: French, Norwegian, Polish
Property register of KL Natzweiler, entry dates: 14.4.1943 - 20.11.1943 - Listed nationalities: Poles
Personal possession registers concerning prisoners of KL Natzweiler 13.4.1943 & 27.7.1943
Death reports of a prisoner of KL Natzweiler/ detachment Leonberg. Death date: 14.2.1945
Natzweiler: Questionnaires, mail control cards, infirmary cards, sick pages, death files, property registers - 17,759 envelopes 55.041 original documents
Telex of Concentration Camp Natzweiler - Number Index Natzweiler - Hollerith preparatory worksheet cards Natzweiler
1.1.30 - Neuengamme Concentration Camp
1.1.31 - Niederhagen (Wewelsburg) Concentration Camp
1.1.32 - Camps in Norway
1.1.33 - Oranienburg Concentration Camp
1.1.34 - Papenburg Penitentiary Camp/ Emslandlager
1.1.35 - Ravensbrück Concentration Camp
1.1.36 - Riga (Kaiserwald) Concentration Camp and Riga Ghetto
1.1.37 - Sachsenburg Concentration Camp
1.1.38 - Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp
1.1.39 - Sandbostel Absorption Camp
1.1.40 - Schirmeck-Vorbruck Concentration Camp
1.1.41 - Stutthof Concentration Camp
1.1.42 - Theresienstadt Ghetto
1.1.43 - Treblinka Labour Camp
1.1.44 - Warsaw Ghetto and Concentration Camp
1.1.45 - Welzheim Concentration Camp (Protective Custody Camp)
1.1.46 - Westerbork Assembly and Transit Camp
1.1.47 - Various Camps
1.1.48 - Concentration Camp Bad Sulza
1.1.49 - Concentration Camp Colditz
1.1.50 - Schutzhaftlager Hohnstein
1.1.51 - Concentration Camp Sonnenburg
1.1.52 - Concentration Camp Columbia-Haus Concentration Camp
1.1.53 - Concentration Camp Eutin
1.1.54 - Concentration Camp Heinersdorf
1.1.55 - Concentration Camp Heuberg
1.1.56 - Concentration Camp Kemna
1.1.57 - Concentration Camp Kuhlen
1.1.58 - Concentration Camp Osthofen
1.1.59 - Concentration Camp Roßlau
1.1.60 - Concentration Camps Wittmoor, Fuhlsbüttel and Neuengamme
1.1.61 - Juvenile Detention and Reform Camp Lebrechtsdorf
1.2 - Miscellaneous
2 - Registration of Foreigners and German Persecutees by Public Institutions, Social Securities and Companies (1939 - 1947)
3 - Registrations and Files of Displaced Persons, Children and Missing Persons
4 - Special NSDAP organizations and actions
5 - Death Marches, identification of unkown dead and Nazi trials
6 - Records of the ITS and its predecessors
7 - Archival records of microforms (new material / document acquisition)
8 - Collections of private persons and small archives